We have two ministers that have spent time in communist Russia and who are unabashed Stalinists (and yes, I mean Stalinist and not communist). At least two, maybe more.
Think: I'm sure there is something Putin would like Greece to do. If Greece had done it, Putin would have given them something in return, instead of nothing, like now.
@Cerberus He doesn't have much to give and he doesn't want to anger the EU over this. He even released a communique today stating that "after the request of the Greek government, we had a meeting". As in, look, I don't really want this either but they asked!
@tchrist: I heard from a chileano colleague, a former workmate, after writing him in Spanish. He starts his response with: "Que bien saber de ti, y que estas estudiando español." I infer that Que bien saber de ti must be equivalent to our "Good to hear from you."