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Guys, aren't you tired of people using "Alice and Bob" for their example people?
Now when I here someone saying "Alice and Bob" I immediately think he/she is going to start talking something really boring that indirectly tries to tell you something else.
@klysium What is it about grammar that interests you?
If you're afraid of writing because you'll think you'll make mistakes, don't be. Just write anyway. Write, write, write. That's how you get better.
Reading a book on grammar won't necessarily improve your writing.
If you're a native speaker, you should already have a pretty good grammar of your native dialect internalized
How's it slithering?
> During World War I more than 5,000 Allied ships were sunk by U-boats.
@Cerberus I found a lizard!
@klysium Don't worry too much about grammar, nowadays we intentionally make grammar mistakes to look up-to-date. Call up a KFC restaurant in hood and listen closely to English of speaker.
@EnglishMaster I see you've mastered the English language
Well done!
I'm so good in English
Thanks to my amasing talent in English, I was able to guess popular quotes from 50 Shades of Grey without reading the book or watching to movie
And I used them on girls before the author even saved her draft on her PC.
@snailboat Cute! Where?
Pretty funny thing happened last night
I met a girl at work and she wanted to hangout with me after work, so I accepted it. We were eating some stuffs and she said she wants to introduce to me to some pretty girls because she knows a lot of them. Then she showed me a phucking goblin so I immediately rejected it, and she said she has another one but she doesn't want to tell me right now. So we moved to a different place and she said "the second girl is me"
I was staying with her meaninglessly to hear that until 11:50 pm
I could went to a gym and worked out
What's is the grammatical term to describe a pattern that a noun is followed by a that or where or when?
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice is a 1969 comedy-drama film directed by Paul Mazursky. It stars Natalie Wood, Robert Culp, Elliott Gould, and Dyan Cannon. The screenplay was written by Paul Mazursky and Larry Tucker, who also produced the film. The original music score was composed by Quincy Jones, and featured Jackie DeShannon performing Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "What the World Needs Now Is Love" and Sarah Vaughan performing "I know that my Redeemer liveth" from Part III of Handel's Messiah. The cinematography for the film was by Charles Lang. The film received four Academy Award nominations,...
@EnglishMaster What is your native language?
@Robusto Korean
I was checking out some "sexting" examples
87. I have a JOB opportunity for you. Interested?
What does that mean?
Means someone is offering you something obscene.
Would it be still offensive and offering something disgusting if it was texted to you like "I have a job opportunity for you. Interested? _ Deputy manager of Human resources at Global Corporation"
Bring extra toothpaste.
i have a question related to slang word
nvm :)
ask a question mate
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in body: The meaning of "You can not go out and hang out with your friends." by vincentlin on english.stackexchange.com
Sometimes I feell like I'm getting a TMI dump:
A: Does 'twink' imply a specific sexuality?

columbineI've referred to my straight significant other as a twink, but the situation may be atypical. I am gender queer. I am chromosomally female but identify as male and lived a large portion of my life as ftm trans. I still have a vagina. So you could say that I'm a gay ftm dating a twink, or you coul...

@Robusto this (added an answer since the fontsize hack was not mentioned in the others)
7 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Meaning and origin of British/Australian slang word 'tut' by Rick Henderson on english.stackexchange.com
Hello, I'm having trouble with translation of a word. What do you call the third tooth, the one that is longer? Fang doesn't sound right to me, and I've never heard of "canine" used in the context of a tooth. Is "canine" widely understood?
And is it actually right?
I'll give some context, I guess.
"I'm thinking that this image isn't right... This character's right half of the face(/mouth?) does not have a longer [?]"
@JohanLarsson Why would I flame that?
@Mateon1 Dentists call that a cuspid.
But "canine tooth" is widely used outside of dentistry.
@Mateon1 Yes, canine is fine.
Alright, thank you guys :)
tooth #6 "cuspid (canine/eye tooth)"
@Robusto Not sure it is possible to write much uglier hack.
@Mateon1 cuspid is what dentists and clinicians use, canine is what regular people use, eye tooth is what older people might use (or a previous generation). So 'canine' is probably the best here.
@JohanLarsson All CSS hacks are ugly. Almost by definition.
Who designed CSS? Was it originally just a method to pull out styles into a separate file and then messy evolution included bastardized inheritance features?
@Mitch I dunno. But I wouldn't call it a bastardized inheritance feature.
CSS is actually quite an elegant solution. It's just that we try to think of it in the context of traditional programming and that fails to grok how expressive it is.
Once you grok the cascade, all things are possible.
yeah css def has elements of nice
nice composability
css >> js imo
extremely stringtype though
Well, you just haven't grokked js then. ^_^
and illegal state the default in all situations
width: 100%;
no that does not do anything cos 1, 2, 3
The thing about CSS is that if you understand it and build simple stylesheets from the ground up using best practices, it's wonderful. But if you come to a stylesheet you don't understand and start messing around, which is the case in most organizations, it can very quickly become unmanageable.
why is it called responsive? responsive to device?
I think nonblocking
@JohanLarsson Responsive in the CSS context means able to adapt depending on what the device and viewport dimensions are.
In other words, the same markup can appear appropriately for a phone as for a desktop system (etc.), just using different CSS in @media queries.
I wrote media queries yesterday, they are nice
Gonna grind in manual mode for a while. Then rewrite it using frameworks.
And keep the js to an absolute minimum :)
It's good to go manual so you can understand from the ground up.
@JohanLarsson For rendering you really shouldn't use JS. If you have to write JS to handle rendering during resize events, for example, you're doing it wrong.
We should pair up this weekend imo
Pair up?
Agile. Developing software working closely with client...
pair program some css
I'll be happy to look at what you have and offer advice.
Is ^^ correct with .
Don't remember what that heading style is called. Inline? <em>
Which heading style?
the bold Agile
not anbove but inline with the paragraph
trying to come up with some content
Oh, yeah.
You should try not to use semantic elements like <b>, <i>, <em>, etc.
Those hearken back to the days of tag soup and the <FONT> tag. Uggh!
ty ty
The idea is to separate markup from style.
But be aware that certain frameworks, like Bootstrap, use semantic class names (like "hidden" and so forth) that are convenient, but fly in the face of this separation. It is not clear to me whether the violation is worth the risk.
@Robusto what to do instead?
I'll spam it and nag for review/flaming
@Mitch <span class="my-class">Foo</span> gets .my-class { font-weight: bold}. That way you can just change a stylesheet and unbold my-class. Or do other things to it. But if you ever want to unbold a <b>Foo</b> you have to override the semantic value of the tag, and that is just crazy.
<em> has SEO meaning no?
maybe <h2> is cleaner
@JohanLarsson It means the same as <b>
is b bold?
@JohanLarsson Note that <h2> and the rest are also semantic tags.
@JohanLarsson yes.
what deos :after mean?
is it like a goto label?
It means you are placing content after a tag.
This is used for many things, but mostly people use it for clearing divs that contain floated elements and creating little doodads like arrows and such to be appended to an element. For example, a voice balloon is created using the :after pseudo-element.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PERFECT INFINITIVE MEANING by Marcel on english.stackexchange.com
dunno what float is yet
@JohanLarsson It removes an element from the normal rendering flow and makes it go left or right within its container. It's like text-align for block-level elements, but has a number of problems associated with it.
@Robusto ok. separation of concerns. name an object and then act on that name elsewhere. and if you want you could call 'my-class' instead 'bold-class' and if you decide later that 'bold' means not changing the font weight but instead increasing the font size, you can do that. Is that what you're saying?
@Mitch Yes. But the point is, you don't have to change the markup.
HTML5 introduces a different kind of semantic markup, one that is associated not with styles but organizational structures. Which is better, IMO.
css selectors are really nice
@Robusto OK. I se the benefit of planning ahead and giving similar things the same class name and also separate styling from layout from content... but...
... but sometimes you just want to do something simply in one place and there truly is a an inherent connection between content (I guess sentences or paragraphs or somewhat atomic info sources) and layout (this paragraph really should come before that one). So I'm trying to figure out why people say what you say (very intelligent and principled sounding) but by thinking quickly it just seems like a lot of overhead when I'm trying to get the (small) job done now.
Oooh computer talk.
erection oooh?
Speak for yourself.
@Mitch Well, all you're saying is that the rules of physics break down at the subatomic level. If you're only doing one page with one thing bolded it doesn't make any difference how you do it. In the real world, however . . .
@Mitch Also, if you're in software, you know the pitfalls of "just seems like a lot of overhead when I'm trying to get the (small) job done now." People who don't need it right, but need it right now propagate a certain kind of code that doesn't scale well in any dimension, especially time. A year down the road you won't care that you got something or other done to meet a deadline, only that your current deadline seems impossible because of some shit you or someone else wrote back then.
I'm sick to death of dealing with code that people hacked together to meet a fucking deadline. A pox on't!
@Robusto Yes, I was realizing as I was saying things that it sounded very juvenile.
@Robusto Even if there is no deadline to blame I think 97% of all code written is crap.
Sometimes it sure seems that way.
97% of the times yes
My code is clean and pretty like a daffodil!
Sending key presses to stuff is cleaner than clean, right?
Especially if you have to block input and stuff or it won't work reliably.
Of course I only use this because there is no way to interact directly with Firefox.
Or no way to interact directly with Windows without using obscure code like DLL calls.
Obscure = unknown to me.
@Cerberus It's ok, but it would be better if there were ways to access the API of the application. You may have latency issues that cause keypresses not to register, etc.
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 hour ago, by Jerry Coffin
@Xeo Much like the Apple Computer motto ("That's ours--we stole it first!")
512 GB or 1TB ssd?
@Robusto That was ironic.
I tried to find a bit of code that would shock you.
It is terrible, but there is no other way.
That I know of.
what is it doing?
sending clix to firefox but what is the task?
@JohanLarsson it looks like it moves the viewport to the top of the page, then pastes text into the url bar and submits it.
Still curious about why he automated it
Maybe a webspider?
@JohanLarsson Because that's what hellhounds do. They automate shit.
@JohanLarsson probably so he can highlight text and auto-generate a google query with a gesture
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm not moving anything.
@JohanLarsson I have added a Verbatim button to Google. Don't mind the placement; it can easily be moved.
It works perfectly.
And it is only displayed on Google.
my computer is broken, if I touch a tab in chrome it breaks
not even bsod but same kind of failure
not looking forward to installing & configuring
Oh, no!!
What happened?
What OS?
Do you have a clone/image available?
yes have image
@Cerberus not sure, been playing with device emulation & installed the brackets editor lately. Dunno if related.
Hmm weird.
I am glad at least you have an imagine.
But not an image with all your programmes installed?
Have you Googled it, with that specific tab?
Perhaps there is a solution.
I wish you good luck!
@Cerberus what does {control up} do?
@Cerberus ty
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 maybe it sends a control key click?
@JohanLarsson that's what it looks like to me, and in FF CTRL-up scrolls up to the top, i.e. moves the viewport
Q: Does using the word "ergo" come across as pompous in a work-related email?

MikeI'm writing to someone senior to me at my organization. I gave a long-winded complaint about my experience with someone, but I must continue to work with that employee. I wanted to say "[the other employee] and I will still be needing to continue our project. Ergo, please don't convey my complain...

> Does using "ergo" sound douchey?
Do The Right Thing™.
I would not ergo

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