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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

What, no takers but Trig for the coquetry question? :)
Which one?
A: What word means a male temptress?

TRiG-ess is, in fact, a feminine suffix. The male or neuter form (English tends to conflate the two) would be tempter. As a note, the title The Tempter, with capital letters, is given to the Devil. A person who tempts in a sexual fashion might be called a seducer (seductress if female).

1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt Forest Whitaker. A truly superb actor who should have had more roles.
@tchrist Lovely. Mean-tone intonation?
BTW, note the excellent use of the tierce de Picardie.
I am unfortunately watching a Portuguese telenovela.
Somehow, you don't see how bad it is when it's in a strange tongue.
With English (badly translated) subtitles, luckily.
The language is still horribly incomprehensible.
I get a few words of every sentence. The rest is gibberish.
@Cerberus I just had a phenomenal Owl&The Pussycat experience, both times two.
@Robusto Perhaps. Since it’s just voices, it doesn’t have to ever be out of tune.
@Robusto I sang that hundreds of times in my high school madrigal group, which did some touring.
It’s in a nice easy range for the tenor.
@Rob I just deleted about 30 is it correct questions.
So I am thinking this is the tip of the iceberg, and that there are millions of deleted ones.
The cool thing is I get all my votes back. :)
Actually, I think I got 35 or 36.
1 hour later…
Spam or insanity, you decide:
Q: How to translate our site

GaryWe sell engagement rings in our company website http://www.diamondf.co.il/טבעות-אירוסין-זהב-לבן We want to start working in the US market as well. Do you think translating the same site to English will enough or should we build a new one?

@tchrist What's that?
By the way, d'you happen to know a word like "footch" in Portuguese or Spanish?
Two owls, one faint, one silent, out back of the house today.
Both great.
They said it to a man like "shoo, go away".
Oh, actual owls. I like owls.
Fellow creatures of the night.
And the kitties on the hunt. And vice versa.
They're not large enough to hunt for kitties?
It may have been a barred or great grey, but the it was probably a great horned, which is an American eagle-owl.
It was so huge.
But grey grey grey.
No they hunt the same rodents that the kitties hunt.
I asked about this word because in Dutch we have the word foetsji (not sure how it is spelled), which means "gone".
That is good to know.
They see the invisible vole pee trails due to tetrachromacy. Then again, not much foveola activity.
But they are great enough to kill a kitty, not not enough to carry one off.
@Cerberus Nothing comes to mind. Spanish huir < fugir; I don’t know what happened to Portuguese in that word.
huida is flight, fugue
Oh, ok.
Fugir in . . . fugir.
But it’s stressed so you should not have heard a /u/.
The 3pl is fogem.
Ok, so yeah.
Yes, I was thinking of fugio, and I have heard this verb, it started with f-.
So, you don’t switch stem vowel in tu imperatives like you normally do.
So my first thought was that the Dutch word might have come from Spanish or Portuguese. Not Spanish, then, apparently.
And it is a weird u->o stem changer.
So that makes the tu-imperative just foge.
The -e will be silent.
It may be a noun, it may be an adjective, I don't know.
The noun is fuga, so wrong consonant.
The Dutch word is informal, so it might be Yiddish.
Foge would have more of an Italian open o vowel.
Maybe some derived noun or adjective.
You might hear it as fohj
Except not closed o. Open o.
I definitely heard some kind of affricate.
Closer to the CLOTH vowel.
Could be dialect, of course.
Yes, it would have been the sound of pleasure.
Mmm possible, but it sounded more velar.
It might have affricated under stress.
You do know the Portuguese were for fuck, right?
Like sh or ch.
What is it?
I barely know any Portuguese.
The Brazilans would affricate it.
Sounds vaguely familiar.
It affricates in Brazilian.
To penetrate?
From Latin futuere, present active infinitive of futuō.
(Brazil) IPA(key): /foˈdex/, [fuˈdeɾ], [fuˈde], [fuˈdeh], [fuˈdex], [fuˈdeʁ]
(Portugal) IPA(key): /fuˈdɛɾ/, [fuˈðeɾ]
That’s just the infinitive.
But this was in Lisbon, not Brazin.
It didn't really sound like that.
Oh, it is almost 7 already.
I must to bed.
Tu-imperative is fode, você is foda with stem switch. No e at the end.
e too.
Thank you for your time!
Sleep well.
Will have more owl ventures tomorrow.
Hoot at them for me.
That’s what they say.
The Lisboetas I know say fódete in pretty much the way you’d think.
I never got that chummy with the Brazilians to know that part of their world.
But they would say fooji with sometimes no -i.
10 hours later…
@KitZ.Fox Are you here?
Ah never mind, I think I solved. :P
Like magic she is.
@Alenanno Yes.
@KitZ.Fox I was wondering whether to migrate a question to EL&U, but it looked quite basic, so I opted for ELL instead. :)
Hi Matt
Whohoo, a murder of mods.
Or was that a hammer of mods?
an abuse of mods?
Heh, abuse is not bad
Q: What is the collective noun for a group of moderators?

goldPseudoLet us imagine, for a moment, a system wherein there are numerous individual rooms for socializing and chatting. Rather than being handled on a room-based basis, however, moderation is somehow distributed over the community such that every user with moderator abilities is somehow expected to be ...

I see @KitZ.Fox answered that wayward SWR :D
of the answers, I like posse
@MattE.Эллен Yeah, that's us!
reminds me of the wild west
Fastest hammer in the west?
"lets go lynch us some spam!"
@terdon exactly :D
@MattE.Эллен And then we can sit back and whittle some.
whittling comments is a fine pasttime
Wow! so many mods here :-)
ha! I thought that was going to be a song :D
@MattE.Эллен Nah, just the greatest comedian who ever blessed the planks.
In my, admittedly not so humble as all that, opinion. IMANSHAATO
You're an asshat? I can't read that acronym/initialism/whatever that is.
Oh. The prior phrase.
I see, I see.
@KitZ.Fox It does look like asshat, true.
@KitZ.Fox Yup
I parsed it as "I'm an ess haat o."
@KitZ.Fox Which you could have translated as I'm an eschaton but no, you went for the put down.
That would be ess kaat o.
no k in there.
Could have been ess shadow, but then not enough esses.
Well, at least you didn't read shat
Not with an en in front.
I, man, shat. O.
@KitZ.Fox That actually makes sense. Of sorts.
I just saw a Skype ad for "watching your dog". How would that work? Teach your dog to answer the call? Leave it streaming all day on your phone with the very expensive data plan?
@KitZ.Fox Probably the latter.
Hello everyone, ^.^
Quick question that I don't think it's very interesting to add to the site:
"did you find" or "did you found" or "do you found" - like in "Did you found the answer for this old question?"
Hi. It should be: "Did you find the answer for this old question?"
We use first form of verb with did like find. Not found.
@arrowfar thanks =)
Arrowfar is our expert, you can trust him when he is certain!
Hehe. Hi Cerbs
I am just lurking here. I like to lurk in chat :)
I used to give answers on the main site. I have lost the habit now I guess.
DO we have any regulars who're German?
Or is @cerb the closest thing?
Native German?
Or speaks German so well, they might as well be German?
Living in Germany. Native or not.
@terdon Reg has lived in Germany for a long while.
Yes, we do.
Ah, cool.
What do you need?
I'm wondering about the popularity of a TV show that has taken a couple of really quite funny stabs at the Greek finance minister.
Ah, I see.
Reg might know.
Although I'm not sure whether he watches television.
I heard Varoufakis is plagued by some real-life programme about his luxurious life?
@Cerberus Ugh. The idiot went and did a life style photo shoot for Paris Match
The latest was a video of him giving the finger to Germany that went viral. He claimed it was doctored, nobody believed it and the German TV show in question (who had indeed doctored it) came out and admitted it today.
They couldn't believe nobody in the German media had thought to ask them before running with it.
@terdon Hah, and when was this?
@terdon Who are "they"?
Oh the TV show.
And, by running with it, you mean taking it seriously and reporting about it.
That is indeed stupid.
But, if it seemed real to a random person watching that show, then the show is at fault.
@tchrist They also have this word translated as "because" that rather sounds like "because". I suspect there is a coisa in it... something like per coisa?
@Cerberus Well, I'd seen the video before the bruhaha started and I thought it real. It was very well done.
It was then picked up by German tabloids who had a field day.
@Cerberus is your German up to telling me whether this page is claiming that the video is real?
@terdon I read novels.
So probably yes...
Yes, I didn't think it would be beyond you. I just wanted a polite way to ask :)
Haha sure.
@terdon They claim the video is real...unless they're joking.
They are saying Böhmermann's explanation of how he had doctored in the finger was fake, and that the finger was actually real.
Very confusing.
Bild is of course far from a trustworthy source.
@Cerberus Well, I have learned to take Bild with a metric crapton of salt.
They claimed that ZDF would announce this afternoon that there had been no doctoring and that the finger was actually real.
ZDF itself is a serious television channel, or so I believe. But have ZDF in fact announced what Bild said they would?
@terdon If it is doctored, which I am prepared to believe, it is not apparent.
The Frankfurter Algemeine seems to think the finger was real and B.'s "explanation" was satire.
@Cerberus Not that I know of. ZDF may be serious but the show in question is satirical. The first video I pasted seems quite convincing. At the very least, they demonstrated that they can fake it.
@Cerberus They don't offer any evidence whatsoever to back that claim.
@terdon The show is satyrical, but a serious press statement from ZDF we would have to believe.
@terdon Yeah, they're vague.
@Cerberus As far as I know, there hasn't been one. Just that video from the show itself.
Bild claimed ZDF would issue a statement this afternoon, but they didn't?
It is also not like Varoufakis to deny something he's done. He's said and done far worse, I doubt he would attempt to claim it to be fake unless it were true.
@Cerberus Dunno. Not in that loop unfortunately.
What loop?
@terdon I read he had said that he "didn't remember doing that".
What do the math people have with Jasper? He's getting flagged again.
So maybe he did not deny it categorically.
I saw it.
No idea.
@Cerberus No, he was quite categorical about it. "I have never given the finger, ever"
But I think the math room is pretty flag happy.
@terdon Oh, okay.
Flag happy . Poetic
Either they're intolerant or sticklers
I've kept all my fingers
Halo tends to say things from the ELU chat perspective, but we're mostly kidding. I don't think people are so not-earnest there
@Cerberus That seems weird. Per is PT por said like FR not ES. Because is spelled like Spanish so porque sometimes with a stress, but the first half is /pur/ because unstressed o is /u/ (if you're lucky enough to hear it in the first place :). An extended "by what thing" might be possible but I'm dubious. Plus how could you mishear /u/ as /e/?
There are probably six or seven words there between those two bits which you never even noticed. :)
@terdon Considering his paucity of flags here (which are hard to count due to his serial account mania) you really do wonder. He can be nice to the point of making it seem like a fault, super solicitous. Not very flaggy, really.
"Said more like French pour" I of couse meant.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus And yes, they did. Sorry to bug you with this again, just wanted to set the record straight. The ZDF channel has officially claimed (according to the Greek sources I read) that the farce was their claiming to have doctored the video. The video itself was real. I fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Casting 66 votes in a day is no mean feat. :)
Well, maybe it’s mean.
@tchrist Only if they're downvotes.
@terdon It’s difficult to get to 66 with only upvotes. :)
In fact, it’s hard to get over 40.
@tchrist That's mean!
True though.
@terdon Heh. Only a mod would figure it out.
Or people who spend too much time here.
I especially sought out those with "gramma" or "correct" or "right" in their titles. :)
And duly added those to the wall of shame.
Figuring that ones on the shame wall might attract annihilation votes.
Well, not really.
But you know what I mean.
WTF is wrong with people!?
Don’t they understand the difference between use–mention?
On the one hand, we are sagely advised that anything that anyone takes any offence to whatsoever is ipso facto offensive — at least to that one person if to no one else. But then there are chat flags, which, well, are almost always just plain silly.
@terdon All I can say is that the Roomba went on a Blitzkrieg last night. :)
@tchrist Oh, are you how they implement Roomba?
Brings to mind this classic xkcd:
Ten thousand questions a week on SO alone fall to the Roomba scythe — without mercy, without repeal, without a peep.
Actually, there is possibility of repeal, but in practice this never happens.
It’s not like they’re locked the way the 6-evil-flag ones are.
Or removed from the database entirely like <CENSORED>.
@terdon Just please don’t cite the Oatmeal.
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