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async I/O is nice
events sounds like callback hell though
Yes, it's the callback hell thing.
Already had a data listener. Now I need to add a direct I/O listener.
POS = Point of Sale. MSR = Magnetic Stripe Reader.
POS = Piece of Crap. MSR = My Seminal Romance
Both sticky messes.
The vendors provide only secret Windows 32-bit drivers hidden in DLLs. You have to run them in a VM.
And you can't really debug them.
I’m using a JPOS layer, but I’m not convinced that whoever first wrote all these even knew Java.
You can develop and even build the jars on Linux or BSD/Macs, but of course you need the VM to run them. Bah.
Full of magic numbers. Even though there is a class with all the constants symbolically named. Which they don't load. And the vendor docs are like reading schematics from 1950s Japan.
So you see a magic number and have to look it up in something that looks like it's the result of Google Translate.
This is the closest I can find, and honestly, ActiveX and Javascript doesn't help me at all:
Q: Binding to OPOS MSR DataEvent with JavaScript?

Plan BI have implemented an MSR OPOS ActiveX control for use in an IE-based web application. I have tested the device and it works; however, I'm trying to port the VBScript code found here to JavaScript for easier maintainability. I'm having trouble binding to the DataEvent with JavaScript though -- ...

But anyway, I have the data events down. Trying to get the direct i/o events going now. Which are separate listeners. If Java makes me use a separate thread, I'm going to shoot it.
And you notice how that poor person has received no answer to their question lo these many years now.
@tchrist tried a reactive style?
The async/await in C# is also nice:
var html = await webClient.DownloadStringAsync();
@JohanLarsson I’d rather just read from an event queue, but that isn't how this works.
Okay, it could be worse:
Q: (ARM ASSEMBLY) MSR CPSR_C, #0x13 doesn't work

ronyI'm writing bare metal code (no OS), for an ARM Cortex A9 processor. I need to read a register which is only accessible on supervisor mode (the multiprocessor affinity register, MPIDR). When I'm in user mode and try to execute the following instruction (to enter supervisor mode) step by step wi...

Wrong MSR. :)
this guy knows how to talk
dunno what an MSR is
Magnetic Stripe Reader.
do you write js?
This is much more like my problem-space:
Q: Unpack ISO8583 version 93 using jpos

janHi I am using JPOS for packing and unpacking ISO8583 version 1993 financial messages. My sample message is like "1200ð0 € (1699999900000000003110000000000000000000323221152172201308202147072013082020006504465323221152172FKL0033U 40UNI CHANDANNAGAR WEST BENGAL INDINR04130000...

@JohanLarsson I don't think I would go so far as to say that.
I did two years of Java without every once thinking about the web or signed jarfiles or javascript.
Or certs.
Java != js
or !==== as the js guys would put it
Yes, but to get the Java data to your application, you end up needing Javascript.
This is not the problem.
It is . . . complicated.
I'll figure it out. I just hate working with unreliable hardware.
posted on February 26, 2015 by sgdi

Try sifting the flour till it’s thin The man said to me with a grin I sifted the flour For nearly an hour Before I just had to give in

        internal enum Vertical

        internal enum Horizontal
I don't like both having Mid, which one would make sense to be Center?
@tchrist Why are you conflating ActiveX and JavaScript?
Never in my life have I heard the following...
"Unless you secretly planned for selling more replacements because of bended iPhones, if that is the case: chapeaux!)"
It is obvious the meaning: hats off to you, mad props, cheers, well played.
The question is (preliminary to a regular ELU question) is... who uses this?
It is obviously an English writer. But: (@KitZ.Fox) is this a French-Canadian thing? is it a totally French thing and this guy is being hoity toity (@crl) ? or what?
maybe you mean @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, rather than Kit
@Robusto obviously you've never heard of AJAX+S, ActiveJAvaX and Script.
@RegDwigнt And I hope I may never.
Sadly you just did.
I have shattered your hopes just like that.
That was a dick move.
You can call me Putin, but you must not call me Cheney.
One day I may visit the Land of No Stupid Framework Bullshit.
In other news, I cannot parse the room description. Why is @tchrist conflatinv guitarras and precios?
@RegDwigнt It's an in-joke.
@Robusto the land is a lie, and it also won't have 72 virgins or cake.
And it was my change, not his. Though he was the inspiration for it.
@RegDwigнt I'll settle for worldly women and pie.
That's a strange framework you're describing.
Sounds appealing, though, don't it?
Sounds upheavaling, yes.
@RegDwigнt What has his aunt playing the guitar to do with the price of tea in China.
I am very confident it was seven.
The former idiom in Spanish is equal to the latter one in English.
Who did you just call an idiom, you moroccan?
A: How many adjectives can be chained without sounding weird?

RobustoThe answer is seven. Seven adjectives.

Bad writers plagiarize. Geniuses steal.
bad plagiarists write
I've just thought of another answer: "any number of adjectives as long as one of them is not weird".
Bad geniuses playwrite
@Robusto that I know. My problem is with the double verb. Hace tiene.
As I said, I no parse, no I no understand. Si?
No comprendo la mixing de lenguas.
I won't take nitrogen oxide for an answer.
I might take it for breakfast, but that's it.
@MattE.Эллен Kit has some family french canadian influence, I think. But yes, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 might be familar with it too if it is borrowed into general canadian
@Mitch (and his mum is French Canadian IIRC)
@MattE.Эллен Oh. chapeaux!
Certainly you mean private Canadian, not general.
backman: a rich man who was afraid of backs as a child, but after his parents were killed in a botched crime, he created the vigilante persona of Backman, using the terror of the back to instill fear into criminals.
Hence the song, Back for Good.
whoa dude, back up!
@RegDwigнt lol
Also "chapeau!" could mean "good for you".
Also, cheap-o could mean the same.
So could chappy.
Eat your own dogfood.
As in, "You got 3 out of 6 numbers on the lottery? Good for you!" ... bourricot.
Would you like to visit me at my chapeau in the Alps?
Van Burricot.
@RegDwigнt mmm... snacktime
*château ?
@crl *joke
@Robusto You have a chapeau in the Alps? Good for you!
@Robusto do you even know what happens then, Larry?
chat eau de toilette
Feb 18 '11 at 20:19, by RegDwight
@Robusto Never mind blancmange, I remember being criticized for pronouncing eau incorrectly! I was like "o", and he was like "no-no-no, not o, o!"
we've got our own scent
Feb 18 '11 at 20:19, by RegDwight
That went on for hours.
@RegDwigнt Oh
@RegDwigнt That was my homework.
Uh sir, I just want to say, uh, that I am both, on a personal level, really enormous fans.
@Mitch "chapeaux!" is like "bravo", "well done" if that's what you're asking
In France?
Laissez composer.
Yep, "Chapeaux! tu as deviné tout seul"
Et bien dans le reste de la Francophonie !
@crl It seems to have jumped the ocean. Or at least in one small instance
@Mitch There are a few others borrowed expressions like that
Par exemple...?
Chateau migraine.
Sorry, I mean chapeau.
Erreur de noob.
There's a female character in this game I'm currently playing, whose name is Igraine. And I was hoping her first name begins with M.
No, you. You Graine.
My graine.
Hugh Rain.
Safe as mouses and right as grain.
You Graine is now part of Russia
That was them joke.
Which is why it's I Grane now and no longer U.
@Mitch Crimea River.
Crimea and no Punishment.
Queen of Denial
@Mitch "a la", "touche", ...
Queen of Sedge and Bee.
Touche pas a la migraine.
like a la mode is common, but 'touche'? as in 'touchay'
@RegDwigнt Touche pas la cartouche
@crl LOL, such fools. It'd be so much easier to list all the English words that are not from French.
Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit.
21 mins ago, by Robusto
A: How many adjectives can be chained without sounding weird?

RobustoThe answer is seven. Seven adjectives.

Q: My quagmire about tenses

EmilHe wanted to tell his feeling over the incident. Why is it the word TELL is in present tense; when the word WANTED is in the past?

So I'm gonna hafta learn git at my new company. Is it a steep learning curve over subversion and mercurial?
I have exactly five commands written down on my whiteboard.
гит клон
гит эдд
гит коммит
гит пуш
гит пулл
No really, for some reason them's written down in Russian.
Anyway, these have sufficed for the last five years.
Mercurial I've never used, only SVN and CVS.
How about merging? Easier, harder, or about the same?
Which allegedly are a whole different concept than Git, but yada yada yeah whatever in the practice it's the same thing.
@Robusto it's easy
@Robusto about the same for my needs, but then again I rarely ever merge at all.
@RegDwigнt I understand all those except "edd" . . .
Oh, duh.
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
po-russki, mat
Fork it, use it, break it, fix it,
Comm it, push it, pull - request it,
Fetch it, branch it, patch it, fake it,
Merge it, git: it, never - https: it.

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Build it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Clone it, crack it, crop it, comp it,
Drag and drop it, gzlib - gzip it.

Protect it, pub it, grep it, drop it,
view it, code it, bug - just doc it,
Scrape it, scroll it, refresh and click it,
Copy it, paste it, rm - and erase it.

Name it, watch it, follow it, star it,
Gist it, encode it, salt - md5 shit,
Jaja, ich weiß was "jaja" heißt.
"Jaja" heißt "leck mich am Arsch".
@Robusto In my experience Hg is easier than git is easier than SVN. meging is fine so long as you have a diff tool
My concern is that people can write custom commands in git, which may propagate to the user base? True?
Now you're asking things.
No seriously, you can use simple commands like git add, git commit, git push, git pull
I've no idea.
@RegDwigнt Am I?
@Robusto I've not had experience with that
@Robusto I don't know?
@RegDwigнt You don't know?
I don't know, okay?
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Comport yourself as befits a speaker of English (no tags)
@MattE.Эллен whoa dude... you find git is easier than SVN?
@Mitch of course
I have made numerous mistakes in SVN and they have had tragic consequences. lives were lost. I had to get used to merging in git, but otherwise it's fine
@MattE.Эллен What's to get used to?
@Robusto oh, well with tortoisehg the merge tool had a gui. commandline merging was new for me, and I had to find a tool to help out when there was a conflict
@Mitch Um. I have never heard it used thus, not even ironically.
since I have emacs, I used its tool
I may have to get emacs back under me fingers.
When I read it in my head, it sounds like the pretentious symphony director I used to know.
But yeah, Mr.Shiny would know better than I would.
Also, I'll ask my bro.
If I remember.
I used meld on Ubuntu for git merges
I mag's Emacs net.
Is an ejaculation a sack overflow? Discuss.
You have just answered your own question, but you spelled discuses wrong.
So now Firefox wants to be your social-network venue?
Q: "You just won the lottery? Chapeau!"

Mitch "You just won the lottery? Chapeau!" This is the first time I have seen such usage in English. Literally 'Chapeau' means 'hat', but the intention (that I get from the internet) is something like 'My hat is off to you' or 'Hats off!' or 'Congratulations!' or 'Mad props!' or 'Good for you' o...

@MattE.Эллен You're mad! Git/mercurial have a superset of features of SVN, so you need to master SVN before thinking of using the other 2. So by definition, the other two are harder to use having a longer learning curve. They may be better but that's not easier. I forgive your transgression given that you use emacs.
@Mitch: Shameless rep-houndery!
@Robusto You think? I'm expecting a net voting of 0.
Also, you just insulted my dog.
I hate your dog.
@Robusto Kitten-lover!
I hate your dog
He growled at me
I'd like to put him
In a tree
something something goat
something somethety something in a boat
And I mean it to sting.
Love me, love my doggerel.
Takes forever to load here. Must be OVER 9000 bytes.
I just won a chapeau lottery. Plzz help.
Only if you are a Nigerian prince.
I am a Nigerian prince of Persia.
You're not even the prince formerly known as Nigerian.
@RegDwigнt Here's a hat.
And there's @Reg in his new hat.
Make this horrible bullshit picture bullshit go away.
Hey, you were the one who wanted a hat.
This picture makes you wonder why humanity exists.
Why would that person be born, do this thing, and still live?
I already wonder that.
@Robusto In Armenia, nobody cares if you're Nigerian.
I don't know any Armenians, so I don't care.
You know that Kardashian thing.
So the correct sentence reads, "I do know any Armenians, so I don't care".
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
You are Sean Penn in his worst rôle?
I always suspected that.
Kim Kar de chiens.
Hey, you're the one with the hat.
You keep saying things and they keep being wrong.
I would visit a doctor about that.
So what Google does with the money they earn selling your personal data is teaching computers to play other computers.
Digital pimp.
@RegDwigнt Who won?
> The applicability of reinforcement learning agents has previously been limited to domains in which useful features can be handcrafted, or to domains with fully observed, low-dimensional state spaces. Here we use recent advances in training deep neural networks to develop a novel artificial agent that can learn successful policies directly from high-dimensional sensory inputs using end-to-end reinforcement learning. We tested this agent on the challenging domain of classic Atari 2600 games.
TL;DR: bullshit bullshit bullshit ROFLMAOWUT
Hi @KitZ.Fox.
Everthing is so quiet.
Hi @ABeautifulMind.
Staff meeting today.
I'm hoping I can stay awake for it.
When I was in the army, I had difficulty staying awake every day.
You know, if you really can't stay awake, just sleep.
I was thinking of what else I might say to you, but I think I have said all the essential things in that email already.
How are you feeling? Tired of thinking about how you feel?
@Mitch having used all three, I can safely say I have no idea what SVN is doing and no idea how to use it in my workflow. the other two slot in nicely.
@KitZ.Fox I am feeling not too good today. You know, I think I am finally making sense of what has been happening after I quit. The thing now is to have the willpower to turn the situation around. It's going to be really hard, but I will try to achieve those miracles. This will require great willpower, and also some luck.

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