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What have you got against sudden spasms?
They destroy etymological ties instead of slowing stretching them.
Don't change mah words! They're MINES!
@Cerberus But don't forget to allow for the evolution of the named thing as well as the word. Like, "phone". What is a phone? My phone is a clock, a music player, a photo taker, a text communication device, a game machine, oh yeah, and it makes calls.
I don't know the evolution of discos. But I'd hazard that they changed as much as their label did, or more.
One day "phones" will cease to be anything at all like what was traditionally a phone. But we'll still use the word.
@MrShinyandNew Just as always, jumping in with little context: No, you don't have a phone that is all of those things, you have a device that, among other things, is also a phone.
@MrDisappointment Long time no see!
And howdy, guys, by the way. :)
@Cerberus Aren't they rather fragile and dangerous then?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sure. But, as long as it is a gradual, natural process, I'm absolutely fine with it! It's just when some silly person in an office decides to change a word haphazardly that I object.
@MrDisappointment You could say that. But we'll probably be using the word phone to designate this device for some time...
@MrDisappointment Heya!
@aediaλ Who? The words? Yes, sometimes they are!
@Jasper Ay! And @aedia, how's things?
For example, the "euro" was made up in an office. We missed a great opportunity of preserving etymology there.
@Cerberus And I sadly can't dismiss that.
Q: What is a "shaved-ice" company?

PacerierI know what a "shaved ice" is, but how does it relate to the term "shaved-ice" company? (Word taken from here.)

@MrDisappointment You'd rather use a different word?
@Cerberus See, you can't help it. They're just an etymological timebomb.
^ er, what's the close reason for "nothing to explain here"
@aedia I noticed you used @ in your answer. Just wanted to point out that it does not serve any pinging purpose.
@MrDisappointment That device is called a phone. There are other devices like it which are not called phones, because they are not phone-sized.
@aediaλ Then I will protect the people from them with mine own body!
@JSBᾶngs gen ref
@JSBᾶngs NARQ?
@Cerberus One step in a different direction... remove the freakin' phone functionality and say pass me my device.
@MrDisappointment Just call it your "handy" or "hand machine"
Like the Germans, or Chinese, do.
@MrDisappointment Remove the phone functionality... are you proposing that Apple roll this out in a silent update?
I'm not sure what size has to do with anything. In the sense we are talking, re phones, that is.
@MrDisappointment If it's phone sized it's a phone. If it's larger, it's a tablet or something.
@Jasper I know. I just... I just don't have any better way to simply point out that I want to give a bit of credit to another answerer. It seems like the @ makes that clearer. Or something.
@aediaλ i do the same thing
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I beg that you define the size of a phone.
@aediaλ Ya, I felt I had to point that out since I am the self-appointed @ educator of SE.
@MrDisappointment Similar to the sizes of the things in the past that were phones, but are no longer made, because the new phones are phones + more
So, Samsung Galaxy S2 = phone, Galaxy Tab = tablet, even if they're almost identical otherwise.
See, the word tablet is very apt.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Um, from memory phones used to be huuuuuge, then they got smaller, now they're getting bigger again. Plus, I have e-book readers the size of a 'large phone', is it a phone?
@Jasper I like to post a new answer if I feel that I have so much to add that it would be rude to edit it into someone else's, but if I initially wanted to make it an edit or that kind of thing, I want to mention the person. But I do appreciate your @ -ducation.
If you can make up a very good word, why choose a very bad word, as it is so often done?
it's a quirk of the current technology that it probably needs 3G to be considered a "phone". so Ipod Touch is not a phone even if it's just Iphone - 3G
I'd say the ability to communicate by voice with other telephones makes a device a phone?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't have 3G yet I've got a phone
@GraceNote Are you sure?
I even have an e-book reader with 3G! Is it a phone? Is it a... ah, forget it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 This thing is ancient, so, yes
@MrDisappointment It might be a phone!
@GraceNote Ah, you have one of those things the dictionary lists as obs.
If someone tries to tell me this isn't a phone, well, I'd probably smack them with it.
@GraceNote I have an ancient phone too!
I believe the proper term for the advanced form has been "smartphone" for a while.
@GraceNote No, don't spoil your phone. Use your hands instead.
@Jasper It can take the hit
Just for the record, I despise phones, can't stand them; not much disgusts me as much as an incessantly ringing frakkin' phone.
@GraceNote That's just a bridge word. phone, smartphone, dumbphone, etc, eventually there will only BE smartphones.
@MrDisappointment Mine is always on vibrate.
@MrDisappointment Phones are for communication, period.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Not all phones are mobile phones
And I don't pick it up when I'm not in the mood or with people.
@GraceNote for now, yes.
@Jasper Necessary communication. But they're used like damn messengers.
It seems like it would be very impractical to make a shift so that the only platform in existence is the mobile phone.
@Cerberus I just don't carry mine when not required.
landlines are a dead technology though. They will be supplanted by IP phones, which are functionally identical to the IP phone tech on the mobiles, and we will converge to a new phone network where some phones are not portable, because they are built-in to desktop computers and TVs, and some are portable, but they will be the same technology on the same network (internet)
@Cerberus Yeah, and then when I don't have it on my person I forget to turn the ringer on, and miss my family calling me, and my mom asks why I don't answer my email or my phone for a few hours... I wish it would just know to ring when it's more than a few feet away from me. Maybe I can be implanted with a chip for that.
Anyway a word can have more than one meaning. so "phone" is that device in my pocket, but also a thing that calls other phones. So you can turn an ipod touch into a phone if you install the right software and have a wifi connection to the internet.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wait, what?? I thought IP was already going the way of the wind. I've been waiting for something like this...
@aediaλ You could probably get an app that checks for when it's lying flat on a table and turns on the ringer
@MrDisappointment But you never know when you might need it...
@MrDisappointment That thing has no screen, how can you play games on it? or send texts?
Bonus question: why hasn't anyone made a bluetooth "headset" that looks like a starfleet pin?
4 mins ago, by Jasper
@MrDisappointment Phones are for communication, period.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. The only problem is that we will lose both telephone and internet access if the network malfunctions, while now we have a back-up system.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Valid inquiry
@Cerberus meh, if the phone network malfunctions lots of people lose internet.
It sounds like something ThinkGeek should already have.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm, that's a good idea. Maybe there's one that's more customizable than that, like with hours or something. (Said device tends to live lying flat part of the workday if I need to charge it, and I don't want it ringing then either.)
@aediaλ I know that problem... but I don't care about being unreachable for a few hours. I don't need to be all the time. I won't hear my phone at night either.
Also, since the wires of that legacy system aren't going to be dug up any time soon, I don't see these phones disappearing from the household this decade. Goodness, they even make regular repairs and upgrades to said lines here in the UK.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I suppose so... but the internet appears to malfunction more often; or is that illusion?
@Cerberus probably real, the phone network is super reliable, usually. But that's a historical anomaly. The internet is the future, it's where ALL the innovation is happening. When was the last time a new feature came to a landline? call-waiting? Cell phones: MMS? since then it's all internet, all the time.
@Cerberus I don't care so much either but I shouldn't have taught my mom how to use the internet. Now she seems to have the illusion that she can always reach me ;)
gotta run, lunch time.
@aediaλ I used to have a program on my phone that would turn various functions on and off, like G3, volume, vibration, etc. etc. based on any criterion I liked, like plugging in headphones, timers, etc. But the most useful function was that I would have my phone turn silent whenever an appointment in my calendar activated, and the ringer would turn on again afterwards.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, isn't reliability something worth preserving? Unless it costs way too much...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Bai!
@aediaλ Ouch. Better kick her off your Facebook!
@Cerberus Nah, I joke, but it's only for family that I even really bother staying on those things.
Things like Facebook?
Yeah and Google+.
I'm not sure how useful that's going to be.
I find Facebook a convenient way of contacting people whose phone numbers I don't have, and it is cool if I want to find someone old I lost contact with.
Is that a social-network thingy too?
You haven't tried it?
It's like Facebook meets your google profile, and gets new words like "Circles", so you can more easily choose who to share each post with.
I'm not much into Facebook either. I'm sure more of the same would make me happy...
But then Facebook adopted that idea right after G+ launched anyway.
Google profile? Is that the thing that sometimes pops up when I log into Gmail?
Oh, and Google+ requires your real name or they reserve the right to terminate your account.
Isn't it the same with Facebook?
I have no clue.
@Cerberus Here's an example of a Google+ profile: Violet Blue
Oh, I suddenly remember reading that Google+ demands a photocopy of your passport or something.
Violet Blue has written about the whole name thing; she's a well-known writer who still almost got deleted on account of having a fake sounding name.
@Cerberus I think they were suggesting that as an option for verifying oneself. So I'm not sure I'm liking Google so much after this.
Haha stupid.
I do think Facebook had a real name policy but they are incredibly tolerant of pseudonyms from what I see; either they relaxed the policy or they don't actually enforce it.
@aediaλ Comparatively, Google+ is exceptionally intolerant of pseudonyms
@GraceNote I've read that and it makes me mad. I feel like I need to get started moving at least a little of my stuff away from Google but I just haven't had the time. I want to, y'know, have at least one email account on my own provider (the one I pay for), that kinda thing, but I am such a procrastinator...
I once kissed frog that was magical
For reasons that were cosmological
It said it would dress
Just like a princess
Alas changes were not phisiological
Can I iterate?
I once kissed a frog: 'twere magical
The reason, it was cosmological
'E said 'e would dress
Just like a princess
Alas! The changes were not physiological
Hmm I'm still not sure about the rhythm in the first line
I guess it depends on how you read it
physiological doesn't quite fit
too many syllables
(in mine)
I once found a grimy old lamp
I rubbed till it gave me a cramp
Then what did appear
A little old dear
Who walked away, shouting, "you tramp!"
While mowing the lawn in the spring
I thought such a wonderful thing
It's nearly the summer
So all of the stunners
Will be out wearing barely a thing
Miranda - a vile old hag
Was assiduously bumming a fag
They said said with reproach
"You can have this old roach.
Now get lost, I am starting to gag."
Don't we have a limerick contest site?
ah, yes, but the limericks have to be about language, and I've entered twice already :D
It's OK - I'll start writing them elsewhere!
Nah, you don't have to.
I just figured that if you're going to channel that energy, you may as well submit it (if it were applicable, at least)
@MattЭллен I haven't yet but that's 'cause I keep thinking of non-language ones.
@aediaλ It's tricky, ain't it? Trying to tray on topic
@GraceNote I probably should though - I'm having some sort of limerick haemorrhage in my brain.
language is like a dalmatian
sometimes snippy like a crustacean
it's spotted with age
you've crinkled the page!
perhaps I just need a vacation
@MattЭллен It's contagious, whatever it is.
I blame Lauren.
Luckily dinner is keeping me occupied
@MattЭллен Until you start mixing bellicophagery (or whatever we renamed that) with limericks.
@GraceNote oh, great, thanks ;)
@aediaλ I am immunized!
the pasta that I started eating
was having a strange sort of meeting
My stomach below
Was starting to grow
My food would not take this beating
The mushrooms and veg that then followed
Were refusing out right to be swallowed
I tried forcing them through
But they would not go
The pasta was not being mellowed
My sandwich was a hybrid unholy
Of evil smoked ham and baloney
In mustard 'twas doused
Then as quiet as a mouse
In my maw 'twas devour'ed quite slowly
Si les pâtes aujourd'hui sont si bonnes qu'on dit,
Je ne vois pas pourquoi l'estomac se raidit !
"File has changed. Save? (Yes/No/Cancel)" ... no
If the pasta for sure was a real pleasure
The chocolate cake was a cursed treasure
I had to come up with a plan
What was I? Mouse or a man?
I should not be beaten
This food must be eaten
For this rebellion I would not stand
The turkey and cheese and the slaw
When met by the force of my jaw
They hadn't a chance
Then they splattered my pants!
I'd not seen this fatal bread flaw
I decided that I would eat slowly
My speed had been my true folly
The morale of the food
Would be done for good
In the end my meal was quit jolly
But my plan to conquer, so great
It was not to be spoiled by fate!
To the rescue, the fork
I looked like a dork
Next time, support squad: a plate
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I love how you got "maw" in there and the food is so clearly on the side of evil
@MattЭллен This one's a little frightening, I imagine you eating the pasta like one of those play-doh machines where it just blurps it out
@aediaλ I had a day like that once - I tried to eat too fast and the food just came straight back up. Try not to have nightmares!
@aediaλ I enjoyed yours. I imagined your food like freedom fighters getting the upper hand, only to be crushed later by your oppressive regime!
Look what you guys did while I was gone.
I think we could make an entire website, or book, or maybe a musical, about bellicophageric limericks.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, but let's not
Belicophagic. I think we need to drop the -er-
@Fx Hush, you party pooper
I need a 6 or 7-letter common noun.
@Kitḫ we try our best :)
@Kitḫ fridge
@MattЭллен Ick! That's never happened to me. I only puke for really good reasons, like being allergic to things, or being sick, or drinking too many rainbows.
Bakery. I like it. That will do, thanks.
you're welcome :)
@Fx Which of those is common?
@Kitḫ charpoy, for one
@Kitḫ heck, which are nouns?
@Fx Oh, yes, of course. Silly me. :p
@aediaλ I used to get a bit self concious eating, I think, I'm not sure why else I would have to eat so slowly, but I was the slowest eater ever. The puking from eating too quickly only happened once.
I actually quite like charnel.
I don't think my users could manage that though.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 charmer, charnel, charpit, charpoy are all nouns
I haven't yet checked the rest :)
as is charter
which is probably most common there
chassis, too.
@MattЭллен when my wife was a child, her daycare had to give her lunch 45 minutes before the other kids, and they would be finished eating and starting to nap before she was done.
but if you want to go with bakery, let's just decide it's the International Uninnovativeness Day
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, that's what it was like for me, except I didn't get a head start :D
@Fx It's for beta tester initial password formation. It should be the opposite of creative.
@aediaλ did a unicorn poop in your pop machine?
@Kitḫ oh, I disagree. This is your chance to SHINE
Damn it. Now I've been talking so much, I forgot what numbers I used.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's not supposed to be like that?
@Kitḫ 42, how could the numbers not be 42?
@Fx very good point
@aediaλ Maybe? Who knows what weird stuff they sell wherever you are?
what would royal blue Coke taste like?
@MattЭллен It would taste like red coke, only bluer.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh. I see... ?
Actually we have gold coke here, it's "caffeine free".
yeah, we have that, although it's very rare
strangely both Coke and Pepsi colour their caffeine free versions gold.
We have that too.
Whenever I see it in the store I buy all the cases because my wife can't handle caffeine. And once she had a cup of coffee then breast-fed the baby and he was frickin' WIRED. Most amusing diaper-change EVER.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Stores don't stock it often?
France has: red = normal, silver = diet, black = zero, marroon = caf-free, lighter marroon = diet caf-free
@GraceNote No, the only one we can easily find is the diet caffeine free. Which is silver+gold, for those keeping score at home.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Blech. That stuff is like ruined water.
@aediaλ well, since nobody can taste the caffeine in cola, it probably tastes like the regular diet cola. But I want the caffeine and she doesn't want the aspartame. So... we buy diet and caffeine free but not together.
You can feel the caffeine. Or at least, I don't think I can feel caffeine anymore so much as feel that the amount of caffeine in my bloodstream is not up to an acceptable level.
I'd rather drink black coffee than artificial sweetener, but to each his own.
Q: How is X-ray capitalized?

mmrI see in the OED and on wikipedia that 'X-ray' can be both 'x-ray' and 'X-ray'; is there a preferred version for American English?

Everyone help close this?
It's an identical duplicate.
@aediaλ Oh, I drink black coffee too. But sometimes I want a sugary drink and not the accompanying calories. Though I'd never add artifical sweetener to anything that doesn't have it already, and in fact diet cola is pretty much the only place I tolerate it...
Oh, @Cerb, @Matt, @Grace, I finally did get dirt over the weekend and repotted that poor houseplant I was telling you about! And several others, too. (In case not knowing the conclusion was keeping you up at night, now you can sleep soundly.)
That's good news!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I've never managed to get used to the taste of any of them. People tell me sucralose is just like sugar and I think they're deluding themselves. I see the use, but many places sugar can just be avoided rather than replaced, and I prefer that too.
@aediaλ How did you acquire this dirt?
Limerick contest... You guys don't stand a chance against me.
I wanted to buy a bigger pot for one of my plants too but they didn't have any.
That's a shame
But I did take the plants outside and drill better drain holes in the pots before repotting them with the new soil.
@aediaλ I tried sucralose, but it's absolutely not at all anything like sugar.
@SonicTheHedgehog I don't see you spouting crazy limericks.
@Grace Why should I?
@SonicTheHedgehog Probably to back up the aforementioned claim.
@Grace Look, I don't have to be spouting everything to be good at it. Anyhow, I was only sayian.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Still, it's better than aspartame.
@Kitḫ Not to me, I think it tastes about the same. And it's supposedly good in backing, but I couldn't make it work.
But aspartame will give you brain cancer, and sucralose won't.
@SonicTheHedgehog *Saying
@Sim too bad. I meant to say it like that.
@Kitḫ I do so like my Splenda
@Kitḫ I'm betting on a cure for cancer coming out before I get cancer.
@SonicTheHedgehog Sure you did.
@Sim seriously, I did. Why would I get it wrong?
Q: Idiom: People that boast too much

Pantelis SopasakisI am looking for idioms or informal/slang/colloquial expression for some people that make you think that they are able of building a skyscraper, constructing a spaceship, playing the piano better than Mozart or something very fancy that requires remarkable skills, but when it comes to practice th...

@SonicTheHedgehog Because you get all the rest of them wrong unintentionally?
@SonicTheHedgehog Because you misspelled Saiyan?
I see. All you guys are out to intentionaly insult me.
You know, if you don't me, you could have said so.
I think you accidentally a word.
@SonicTheHedgehog I'm not, but you did misspell Saiyan, is all I'm saying.
@SonicTheHedgehog I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just pointing out that sim has good reason to doubt your claim that you mis-spelled a word purposefully.
I'm just sayin'. You know.
@SonicTheHedgehog And I'm not intentionally trying to insult you either. But you do type fast, so I can't be sure what you're misspelling on purpose
I hope this actually does become a discussion:
Q: Has the incorporation of foreign phrases in English stopped?

Scott MitchellI know English contains many words taken directly from another language - chauffeur, for example - but I am interested in foreign phrases. These are phrases you'd see in writing or spoken aloud, such as: C'est la vie Caveat emptor Hasta la vista Have there been any recent foreign language add...

@simchona I am going to downvote practically all those answers!
@z7sgѪ Why?
@simchona Because he asked for an idiom to describe an excessive boaster not the act of boasting excessively.
@z7sgѪ Very true. Does mine still work?
Am I being a pedant? These multiple-answer questions aren't a great fit for this format, I mean it's interesting and on-topic but I think we should be a little strict about what is a suitable answer.
As in, the answer should actually answer the question?
@simchona Hmm probably not! :) I think I'll just wait and see if the OP reacts to my comment first.
That's not being a pedant to me
@simchona Well yeah it should actually answer it.
@z7sgѪ Aren't fit for the format?
@GraceNote There are multiple correct answers. I suppose it's not a problem really. The asker can choose his favourite.
@z7sgѪ That's fine as long as they're all answers. That's why we allow more than one answer to be posted, after all.
Remember, anyone who tries to tell you "A question can't exist unless there is only a single concrete and definitive answer" should probably be hit with a frying pan made of fire.
@GraceNote Not a single one but the scope must be limited. I think my point here is just that most answers have ventured a bit beyond the scope of the question.
Huh. Where'd Sonic go?
Did you know that Unicode includes mahjong tiles? I did not.
@z7sgѪ That makes them either simply incorrect, or otherwise ill answers. Which is rather fine for downvoting the former, after all.
Gender neutral pronouns such as "zie" and "zir" or whathaveyou - do those count as "English"?
@aediaλ It's like common knowledge here in Taiwan.
@brilliant I had no idea so many lovely things were in Unicode. I feel like I've been living under a rock.
Is Unicode still being developed? I mean are things gradually still being added to it or it's a "closed canon" (using biblical terms)?
@GraceNote Uh, it depends. Most of the ones you're thinking of were probably invented for English but not everybody would consider them "good" English.
@aediaλ Would they be considered non-English for the purposes of violating the general Stack Exchange principle of "These are English sites"?
@brilliant I think it's being added to a bit. It's got places for expansion, I think.
@aediaλ Actually, do you know how big is Unicode? I mean, how many places does it have in total?
@GraceNote I don't see why, as long as the person who uses them is willing to explain them as you might do with a loanword or particular technical term.
If it's being used to confuse someone then I see how it would violate that principle.
@GraceNote Jez wants everyone to use thon
I'm not sure he's an authority, though
Don't think Jez is an issue here.
@brilliant I don't know exactly... perhaps the Wikipedia article says?
Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Developed in conjunction with the Universal Character Set standard and published in book form as The Unicode Standard, the latest version of Unicode consists of a repertoire of more than 109,000 characters covering 93 scripts, a set of code charts for visual reference, an encoding methodology and set of standard character encodings, an enumeration of character properties such as upper and lower case, a set of reference data computer f...
@brilliant I was perusing the code charts on the main Unicode site, which has a lot more info about each version of Unicode
@GraceNote I wouldn't say "it's not English". I would say, it's nonstandard English, for many speakers of many varieties of English, and it's reasonable to make edits to change nonstandard language so that it's more easily understood.
@aediaλ Thanks!
We do it all the time, here, for example, even when something someone's written may be perfectly sensible in New York City or Pennsylvania or in Indian English; if enough other speakers are having trouble with it and the utterance itself isn't the question, we'd make some edits.
Very sensible and... there's totally an adjective I want to use that I can't think of.
@GraceNote Uhh... something that means keeping the focus on the important bit and not getting distracted? Non-bikesheddifyingly awesome?
Actually I was thinking more "acting in concern for those who have to read this stuff"
Ah. Charitable towards one's reader? Don't mistake that for real concern. It's half self-interest: I don't like dealing with support calls. I like them to understand things the first time around.
Oh, I know that feeling.
I see its main plane (number 0) goes from 0000 to FFFF, which is 16X16X16X16 = 65536 places.
Its planes 1 through 15 go from 10000 to FFFFF, which is 16X16X16X16X16 = 1048576 places.
Its last plane (number 16) could stretch from 10000 to FFFFFF (as far as I can see, even one forth of it is not occupied yet), which is 16X16X16X16X16X16 = 16777216.
Now summing it all up: 65536 + 1048576 + 16777216 = 17891328, which is more than 17 and a half millions!
Shortly put, that’s damn a lot! :)
@brilliant Huzzah! That's... big.
@aediaλ Considering that all possible Chinese characters (both modern and ancient) don’t exceed the limit of 80 thousand, you could tell Unicode still has a lot of empty places that its developers don’t know what to stuff with :)
We'll have to invent more languages.
With really pretty characters that they'll just feel compelled to add immediately.
@aediaλ :) :) :)
1 hour later…
@aediaλ looks up with red, bloodshot eyes and fatigue-shaken paws, and says in a creaking voice: No, dear, it didn't keep me awake at all, or hardly so. Well done! Did you buy the dirt?
@Cerberus I bought lots of dirt!
pats you on the head and makes you a restorative cup of tea
also a pillow
perhaps you'll need more than one pillow after that ordeal
I didn't know you did modelling for pillows.
Did they paint you white specially for the job?
@aediaλ Oooo cute
@Cerberus Powdered sugar coating.
@sim So have you figured out Cerb's name yet?
@Jasper Nope.
@Jasper It's Κέρβερος, silly. He thinks he can hide with this modern spelling...
@aediaλ Well, I only know he reveals a lot of things when he is drunk, not that I try to trick him.
Hi @waiwai933
@aediaλ Delicious!
@aedia, you missed photo time last night
@Jasper Do I?
@simchona Are you going to do it again?
@Jasper Do you want me to?
@simchona I know... I skimmed the transcript and it was utterly nonsensical
So you were taking advantage of me, eh...
@simchona It's up to you!
@Jasper You're so cute.
@aediaλ A lot of things were removed you see.
I, uh, gathered that.
@Cerberus No, I don't do that kind of thing.
@Cerberus This is a weird comment. Actually, I just meant I try not to trick people, there was no hidden meaning!
Less semantics. More photos!
@aediaλ You first.
Well, I guess you went first.
The avocado is even worse off now. I am a bad plant parent.
@aediaλ I see the unicorn now.
I think @jasper needs a more recent photo
@Jasper I was just blurting out something at random!
@aediaλ Oooh I missed it!
Could you please, please...
@Cerberus I see what your type is
You dogs and your unicorns
@aediaλ Lovely!
@simchona I love all kinds of animals! Unicorns, cats, biebers...
@Cerberus Very deep meaning!
@Cerberus :)
@simchona I'm afraid I have no recent photo of myself to show you now.
It's about a year old but I don't take self-portraits with the plants very often.
In fact I have none at all.
@Jasper Awww :[
@simchona Was that what you meant, one of myself, or sth else?
@Jasper You haven't a camera either?
@Jasper one of you

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