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I have a book of recipes. It's called a NomNomNomicon
@SrJoven Haha nice.
I'm sure it's very nom-nommy.
posted on November 27, 2014 by sgdi

Something or other that rhymes Some number or other of times A bit in the middle That’s easy to fiddle The final thing to end these lines

2 hours later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Do you have any idea why tablets generally have lower profit margins than phones, even for Apple? One would think the market for phones was more saturated and more competitive.
Supply & demand can work in mysterious ways sometimes.
@Cerberus “Poetry you can never translate”. @Robusto will remember.
in Mathematics, 14 mins ago, by skullpatrol
Ah, the good'o days...
4 hours later…
Thanks @tchrist for that Slate site, I just downloaded their app; very informative :-)
3 hours later…
@skullpatrol that dates you now, doesn't it.
Slate is like all the rage every five years or so.
Actually I last forgot about it exactly five years ago.
It is interesting.
It used to be, yes. Good writing, too. Don't know if the same people are still running it, so I'll withhold judgment for the time being.
@tchrist here's an original opinion: both vi and Emacs suck donkey.
That said, I wouldn't know how to start up Emacs, or save anything in it, while after two decades of intense training I did manage to remember some parts of wq!, so I guess that does put me in a camp against my will.
I found the article One huge lift for mankind, very surprising.
Is it about American elevators?
That surprises me!
True, Americans are known for that attitude.
I meant more like BMI. But okay.
Oops, sorry.
that attitude their BMI
Thank you. Now pass me the cheese can.
Yes sir.
Does cheese whiz count as cheese?
I don't know who cheese whiz is. Which means that it's not cheese.
Jun 1 '13 at 13:26, by RegDwighт
user image
@RegDwigнt Reg, I think I've made you an owner....
:O J.R. Is still alive
So is OJ.
I'm applying a new convention [Obsolete("wtf")] ` [Obsolete("WTF")]` ` [Obsolete("WTF!")]`
@RegDwigнt I stopped reading it when they changed their format and went to a .Net back end.
Different priorities for removing cleaning up.
@Robusto was that pretty much five years ago?
Six or seven, anyway.
Their new "responsive" design leaves me kinda cold.
But more than that, the writing just seems to be less and less interesting.
@tchrist: Emacs! Emacs! Emacs!
@JohanLarsson I used to be a "gold star" poster on The Fray, btw, handle of rob_said_that.
@Robusto how do you make that upside-down ш?
@RegDwigнt It's easy. You just turn the keyboard upside down for that character.
Oh right. You mean Ctrl-X Ctrl-Ж.
See, I forgot everything.
Actually one thing I still remember: Emacs is not an editor, just a more complex implementation of Windows ME.
Let's not say things we can't take back.
I remember playing Tetris in both.
I can't remember all the Emacs key combos. I guess that means I have failed in life.
@Robusto anyone who sees Emacs as an editor and not an OS is obviously a closet vi user.
It is definitely that.
Me, I use pine for everything. Or was it elm?
I find myself using nano these days. Brrrr!
What now, that an editor or an OS?
Editor for text files on the Mac (Unix) command line.
> Vi was written for a time when computers were slow enough that you didn’t want anything causing unnecessary delays—like extra keystrokes or graphical niceties.
I do things in Kate. Which has been quickly approaching Emacs levels of unnecessarity, though.
Interesting that Vi and the QWERTY keyboard were born out of the same need for not-speed.
Yeah they left out the part "when computers were slow enough that you could look up the keystroke for 'move cursor one to the left', in an arm-thick book, between two keystrokes"
Emacs 4eva. screw you vi users
Every few years I think, "Will this be the year I get Emacs back under my fingers?" And then I go work in some IDE (currently NetBeans) because of all the extra features.
@RegDwigнt Wort.
@Robusto nah the keyboard thing is an old wife's tale.
It's a good tale, mind you. Which is why it's so unkillable.
@RegDwigнt Which old wife?
The third one from one side.
Hey, does geziert really mean "pretentious" in German?
I was going to say more like decorated, baroque, but that's more like verziert.
Geziert is more like shy, coy.
As a verb, that is. Gosh where you even have this shit from.
I'm guessing maybe this ain't the best dictionary in the world.
Dunno. Seems legit. But I would use verziert in many of those cases.
Or just gekünstelt, as they suggest.
Also, again, more like "overdecorated". Not "pretentious".
Or rather, only pretentious in the specific context of art.
A pretentious person is most certainly not geziert. Nor gekünstelt, for that matter.
A person would be prätentiös.
This is why I'm not a translator.
Often, when you get right down to it, there is no precise translation for the word you want.
Nah, it's not that hard. Just say "Thursday morning" to everything. Works for Google Translate.
And they are worth billions. Billions, dude.
@MattЭллен do you read Slate?
But they peed on my rug. They peed on my fucking rug.
@skullpatrol I read that article
in between editing in emacs
@Robusto no word at all is translatable, from any language into any language. Even the most basic word such as "mother" has all kinds of baggage attached to it.
Some mothers more than others.
@MattЭллен check out One huge lift for mankind.
That book of Gorky's, it's literally called "Mother". One word. "Мать". But good luck translating the title into English. You could fill entire dissertations with how and why it's not possible.
Probably people already have.
If it's literature, there's a dissertation on it.
I would not be surprised. And still I could add one of my own with fresh material.
The Mother is a novel written by Maxim Gorky in 1906 about revolutionary factory workers. The work was translated into many languages, and was made into a number of films. Mother (1926), directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin, screenplay by Nathan Zarkhi Mother (1956), directed by Mark Donskoy Mother (1990), directed by Gleb Panfilov The German playwright Bertolt Brecht and his collaborators based their 1932 play The Mother on this novel. == References... ==
Legions of Ph.D. candidates gotta write about something.
That is one exhaustive wiki article.
I imagine motherfucker would be kinda hard to translate into another language. It wouldn't make any sense.
Maximum Gorky
Legions of Ph.D. candidates gotta write some wiki.
@MattЭллен I appreciate the "fuck-all" photo of his they picked.
@RegDwigнt lol
This "so whachagonnado about my fucken title" tilt of the head is priceless.
@Robusto true for any and all languages I can speak for.
Also and likewise, that's one of the aspects of "мать" that makes it untranslatable. Nobody ever really uses that word. Like, at all. Except in the sentence "fuck your mother with a cactus". Which, in turn, is every second Russian sentence ever produced.
Now go pack that into one word.
I mean, these bozos can't even pack "mother" into one word. It has to be "the mother". Who the heck is "the"? "The" never entered the building.
Wow, your Rushen is good.
I practise in the mirror every morning
Not the sun?
Oh right, I forgot. No sun in that part of the world.
it burns when I try to pick it up
That is because you're not in the EU. If you were, you'd have weather.
And seasons. And climate. OMG the things you'd have.
we have those things, but they just happen on a much shorter timeframe.
And on a much shoer string budget.
we had thick fog this morning, now it's nice sunshine.
probably rain this evening
So seriously, last thing I heard you're actually considering leaving the Union de jure rather than just de facto. What with UKIP munching away at Cameron's breakfast and all.
UKIP won't gain enough control to affect anything.
The point was, Cameron has the control to affect everything, and UKIP affect Cameron.
Anyway, I must say I keep my fingers crossed for the secession, because once you're out you might finally let me in. The visa procedures cannot get more fascist, they have to get relaxed. Right? Right?
bbl, lunch
Good idea.
Same here.
Oh, what's this open tab doing here? Right, I was going to post it at @Rob:
In other news, Tesco now sells yellow dicks in boxes.
@RegDwigнt Especially in article-free Russian.
@RegDwigнt I dunno. There's probably still some slack in there on the fascist side of the ledger.
@RegDwigнt Them Asians is well hung, I guess.
Right. There must be a reason why every other guy's name is Hung.
Not sure what to think of Hung Solo, though. Sounds kinda sad.
He's a jerk-off.
Millenium Fuckton.
That's a lotta millennials.
No worries, they are far, far away.
That's the rumor. But they keep coming back.
No, that's Meat Loaf. Or Céline Dion.
I think it would be funny if the new Star Wars was a critical and financial success. Show George Lucas what happens when he backs the fuck off.
Yes. But. Disney.
Disney is a step up from Lucasfilm.
Q: Is there a word or phrase for someone who strongly disapproves of smoking, drinking and gambling?

CentaurusIt would be used in a sentence like this: "Let's not invite your uncle Peter. He is (a) ......, you know, and he would feel very uncomfortable among our friends. I'm not looking for lists. I'm not looking for phrases that show disapproval of only one of these habits.

btw, wtf?
Wasn't the whole point of Pixar to show them what happens when they back the fuck off?
Didn't we answer that somewhere in a galaxy far far ago?
@RegDwigнt Yes. But then Pixar started making movies like Cars and Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo. And Disney said, "Come to mama." Or fuck your mother with a cactus. Or something.
Also, if you've read anything on imdb or rotten tomatoes in the last ten years or so, every movie is a critical and financial success. Yes, even Gigli. Ask Ebert.
@RegDwigнt He shuffled off this mortal coil a while back.
Not before singing a song or twenty of how JLo and Affleck are better than Shakespeare and Proust.
@RegDwigнt JWho? She's, like, so 20th century. And Affleck is an insurance carrier.
You don't know her because she's still Jenny from the block.
And Affleck will be fighting Boba Fett in Episode 8, in his capacity as the next Superman, after killing the previous Superman in his capacity as the next Batman and absorbing his powers.
I like that they call that "Epic AFLAC breakdancing commercial" . . . as if it could ever compete with the Iliad.
That has Jenny and the killers. So it fits your theory.
@Robusto holy moly, Robin, it's the 21st century and they still couldn't make that goose look more fake.
I look more real when breakdancing.
I just look broken.
You look like the famous kung-fu master Bro Ken?
That's, uh, correct, bro.
But that rect really tied the room together.
He's a good man. And thorough.
Mar 22 '12 at 23:13, by Robusto
You mean coitus?
Don't be infatuous, Jeffrey.
You mean Robert, lol.
No, I mean fatuous.
Another county heard from.
You had one job, Jas. And failed.
Using Assimil German With Ease, supposedly I can be quite fluent in 6 months. There are 100 lessons. 1 lesson per day, 1 hour per day is all it takes.
And then you go to Bavaria and don't understand a word.
LOL. I am thinking maybe I can try to go to Germany this life and not just the next one.
@RegDwigнt Not to mention Austria.
I just need to find a job there, or something like that.
Pro tip: use "lol" a lot in your application. It can't fail.
LOL is a difficult German word.
Lulz is German for LOL.
@Robusto Austria is actually worse, because they speak like one syllable per minute like you're really retarded and need help following, and you still don't understand a single anything.
At least in Bavaria you can pretend it was too fast for you because they don't care, which they don't.
Hence "not to mention" . . .
Sometimes I am very bothered by the problems in my country, because I keep thinking how they cause people suffering. I need some way to find some peace of mind.
@Robusto I never understand apophasen.
Your thick Aussie accent ain't helping.
Aussie or Ossi?
Then I start to think about the problems in other countries, and I get bothered again.
@Robusto seven or eleven?
Last I checked it was Austria, and not Ostricha.
Then I start to think about the possible problems in my future life, and I get bothered again. It never ends.
Except in French, of course.
In French, everyone is a Strauß.
Or both!
Gehirn = geblasen!
@Robusto We have them here too.
@RegDwigнt But it sounds more like a bouquet in French.
@RegDwigнt Der hat aber Stirn!
Sounding like a bouquet is all they have. Smelling like a bouquet is off the table.
@Robusto speaking of foreheads! So they started airing the next Community season here. And I must say I've been suitably impressed so far.
Looks like they really turned the ship around. Fingers crossed.
Seriously? The final season only now getting to Germany?
Well. I could've downloaded it and everything, of course.
But yeah, it's no South Park. The current season is airing now, in English.
BTW, spoiler alert: it's the final season.
And the last season of BB aired just two days later.
How was Thanksgiving in America? I have nothing much to be thankful for.
South Park is taking over as my favorite comedy show. It's always there when you need it.
@Robusto if it keeps being as good as it is, I won't even complain.
They seem to have really rediscovered what originally made the show so good.
@JasperLoy It hasn't even got into full swing yet. So we'll have to wait and see.
Coupled with fresh ideas, that's a great combo.
@RegDwigнt Yeah: Dan Harmon.
"Oops, we fired the guy who created the show."
Yeah I know you told me he was coming back, but I mean. Anyone can come back and still screw up. You don't even have to be Lucas or Jackson for that.
Yeah, but he was why the show was funny in the first place.
So I am really quite pleased he still knows his trade.
But I gotta give him extra props for coming back after others ratfucked his show into an old sock.
I thought it was terminal at that point.
Also, Jonathan Banks actually works.
@RegDwigнt Oh oh oh . . . speaking of that, I have something to report.
Someone told me Friday Night Lights was a good show. So I watched some of it, and it really isn't, but one thing leaped off the screen right at me. There's this character played by the same actor as played Todd on BB.
The Meth Damon Todd?
Okay, seriously, what is his name.
Jesse Plemons
Oh right.
I know that every time I read it in the titles. I forget it every time otherwise.
I forget because his name is Jesse, and it conflicts with Aaron.
So anyways. I thought FNL is like from the 80s or something. I didn't know it was a current show.
Almost the same vintage as BB.
It doesn't help that it sounds just like Saturday Night Live.
It doesn't help that it's basically the director's cut from Varsity Blues.
looks up
Who the f are these people.
Okay that one guy is like from Melrose Place or something. But the rest?
@RegDwigнt They are blue like me.
They are too much baseball like so not me.
#69 couldn't run around the bases.
To me this image is actually a very accurate representation of the sentence "I'd rather watch Melrose Place".
Haven't we already examined the minutest facets of football life, a process which takes about 15 seconds, to death by now?
There are no minute facets! There is no intricacy!
@RegDwigнt bottom right is Dawson from Dawson's creek
@Robusto Any given Sunday.
Right. After Oliver got hold of it there was nothing left to say.
@MattЭллен yeah that's what I'm saying. I'd rather watch Melrose Place than Dawson's Creek, too!
@RegDwigнt centre is the guy who was the cop in Fast and Furious but is now dead
Oh the Walker guy.
Hello @matt! LOL.
And top is Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy!
And not the Texas Ranger Walker guy.
@Robusto okay I'm not looking up that.
The lookup quota for today has been reached.
I seldom watch TV these days.
Jon Voigt.
@JasperLoy hi!
@Robusto WUT
Yep. Academy Award winner Jon Voigt. In the flesh.
OMG what the actual f. That is Jon Voigt.
@MattЭллен I am very tired of life. But I'll stay alive for now.
Father of Angelina Jolie.
@JasperLoy well done
He was so good. And in all the right movies. But then it turned out he's politically-challenged just like Eastwood.
@JasperLoy That is literally the most anyone can do. So hang in there, your situation is not unique.
@Robusto yes yes I know I know don't bring up Heat.
@RegDwigнt Remember him in Heat with Robert DeNiro?
I did say I'm not looking up more new stuff today.
Jim Carrey movies are all not good, lol.
I'll look up DieNiere tomorrow.
> Tomorrow is another day! —Scarlett O'Hara
Another day never dies.
Unlike Scarlett O'Hara.
And PD James.
Ugh. PD James.
Who is PD and what happened to his h.
The thinking woman's mystery novelist.
Oh. That explains the missing h.
Phyllis Dorothy.
Something's missing.
I love my new infixed italics! Thank you SE!
@Robusto Your handtyping looks like that of an eight-year old. You must practice more.
They didn't just fix the markdown. They infixed it.
They engaged Chris Martin?
If you engage him so much why don't you marry him?
That reminds me. I need to getahold've the sheet music for Saint-Saens's Aquarium.
Wouldn't gravel make a better aquarium bed?
It was only last week that I learned that that thing I've been playing by ear forever was his Aquarium, and not some scary-movie music from the eighties.
And guess where I learned it. By driving around in Burnout: Paradise.
Thank you, EA.
Yes. And he borrows from that for his Organ Concerto. And every other thing he did.
I don't have le son, so will have to trust YouTube on that one.
So anyhoos. I started looking around yesterday and I found everything but piano sheets.
As if you could have any carnival without animals. Geez.
Carnivales asadas.
There is a restaurant here called Carnivore.
That's spelled adidas, dude.
Or Assad.
I am actually not sure what you're saying.
But there is none called Herbivore.
In Mexican cuisine, carne asada (literally 'grilled meat' (specifically beef), though any type of dry heat cooking may be used) is made from thin marinated beef steak, usually skirt steak, flank steak or flap steak. It is usually cooked with a certain amount of searing to impart a charred flavor. Carne asada can be served as a main dish or as an ingredient in other dishes (see below). Carne asada is often served with fresh guacamole, grilled onions, black beans or frijoles charros, rice, tortillas and fresh salsa. Carne asada can also be topped with chismol or pico de gallo. The dish is commonly...
Michael Herbig (April 29, 1968 in Munich) is a German film director, actor and author. His nickname Bully became integral part of his stage name as is Michael Bully Herbig as a comedian. == Life and work == His career began in 1992 with regular appearances on radio (more than 800 times), leading onward to appearances on various TV shows. He gained wider fame with his writing/acting/directing role on the comedy show "Bullyparade". The show featured him as the host, his good friend Rick Kavanian, Christian Tramitz and Diana Herold as a dancer and occasional actress in the skits. The show featured...
Sometimes I wonder what conversations between Reg and Robusto would look like if they were drunk. Then I realize they probably are and everything makes more sense.
Actually and in fact of point, whenever I am drunk I tell everyone I am.
@terdon The rest of the world is three drinks behind. Catch up!
@terdon I am always drunk with insanity.
Also I giggle like a little girl while posting. And it shows. Just search the transcript.
That's the only thing that shows, though. I don't meka typos, for example.
If I'm drunk enough I pee like a little girl. Because standing gets difficult.
@RegDwigнt Not funny, lol.
@JasperLoy glad to meet you, and I'm Reg.
Also, "not funny" and "lol" are redundant. Pick one.
Anyway, @terdon, @reg and I are in an association together. A free association. To join, all you have to do is say the first thing that comes into your head. Really! Just give it a try sometime.
@RegDwigнt They can't be redundant! They're contradictory.
@Robusto We interrupt this chat for a two-hour sequence of posts saying "PENIS".
Then they're contradundant.
@Robusto Nevah! I put thought into my utterances. Always. And there's a scary thought.
@terdon A first thought is still a thought.
@RegDwigнt Today I saw a tourist eating a bull penis one table away from me.
@Robusto A fist though is still a though.
You have some broken keys on your keyboard.
@JasperLoy shorter. Rid us of the deco. Just cut to the penis.
@Robusto oh the good times when my M was actually broken. Was it the M? I think it was the M.
@RegDwigнt Presumably, the tourist already did.
The Johnny Depp tourist certainly did.
Worst movie ever. And I've only just watched the Piano.
Though had they put a piano in the Canale, it'd've been a tie.
If the tourist referred to his dinner as a bull's prick, would that make him a tourette's?
Tourette or not Tourette, that's the question.
I don't eat things like pig's liver or pig's intestine, but they are quite popular here. I don't even dare to eat oysters. I tried an oyster once and I spit it out.
Alas, poor fucking asshole Yorick, I knew him well!
Blackadder, blackadder.
@RegDwigнt Don't forget The Lone Ranger.
@terdon You didn't know him well. You knew him, Horatio.
@Robusto Oh I've not seen that one just yet.
@RegDwigнt When? There was a skull scene in the first series but I don't get the reference.
@Robusto Ah, yes, so I did.
@RegDwigнt Spare yourself the price and the time.
@terdon you want a TVTropes link? You want a TVTropes link? Cuz I'll give you a TVTropes link, that's what I'll do.
@Robusto the price would be fixing up my external drive with the PC cuz that's where it's been sitting at for years.
But yeah. I've not heard good things. Ignoring the 8.8/10 on imdb or whatever it's now.
Oh haha 6.5. That's swell.
Quite some tempo to that descent.
@RegDwigнt Ah! Yes, I remember now.
Seriously though, who the hell names their child Armie Hammer? Especially over Armie Knife?
@RegDwigнt Well, my parents named my sister Aliki Chapple. Read it out loud.
Instructions unclear. Read out in Byzanthine Greek.
@terdon BTW, the key to understanding @RegDwigнt is that the inside of his mind looks a lot like an Escher drawing.
No, that's what my outside looks like.
The inside of my mind is shit.
The inside is more like Dali's mannequin rotting in a taxi.
@JasperLoy Then get your head out of your ass.
That is actually quite funny for another interpretation of head.
Jan 14 '13 at 13:51, by RegDwighт
Jasper now has officially misunderstood everything. Congratulations, Jasper!
Not the actual quote I've been searching for, but it wurks. The actual quote follows.
Jun 24 at 12:43, by RegDwigнt
Up until now Jasper was the only person here who could say things like "it's been a shitty day" or "I am full of shit" and not have anyone misunderstand the intended meaning as figurative.
@Robusto You are assuming he is the one who needs a manual.
I think this room is much more liberal than the math room. If we were in the math room, there would have been several flags already the past ten minutes.
Well I clearly don't need a pedal.
A pedestal would be nice tho.
@terdon The organ is such a difficult instrument it requires more than one manual.
@RegDwigнt Get off your ass.
@JasperLoy we are liberal in what we emit and conservative in what we accept.
I assume you don't actually have a high horse.
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