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Anyway, how are you and Mario?
I have been talking to someone on SE recently, but I am not sure if it is a Maria or not yet.
Hey @dam is your place still under military rule?
I have just come back from his house.
Ah, after making a baby? LOL.
I think you need to be cautious about "Mariae" on SE: they are unlikely to be here and available and interested.
Tons of babies.
@Cerberus Yes, thanks. No harm trying though. Nothing to lose, since I have nothing to begin with.
Well, you don't want to come across as weird or invasive, do you?
Nope, but it is OK with this Maria. There is no weird feeling, I am very sure.
I wouldn't be so sure...
@JasperLoy No political matters, please. :-)
Anyway, I feel very good these days. I think I really can recover in a year or so.
@DamkerngT. Oh, that is just a simple question, but never mind. =)
@JasperLoy That sounds really great!
I have lost too many years due to mental illness. If not I might have won the Fields medal by now, lol.
@JasperLoy I just want to be able to hang around here for long. =)
@DamkerngT. OK. I guess we both live in very restrictive countries.
I am now 70 kg, targeting to reach 65 kg by the end of the year. Will do lots of running in Nov and Dec.
Actually, my weight is alright already, I am not really fat or anything.
@JasperLoy Great!!
That's worth a star.
Yeah, 70 is not that much!
A star means that it will indeed come to pass. Great!
@cerberus What kind of things do you hear about my country in your country? Good or bad?
Highly developed economy, great hospitals, good biological and medical research.
OK. My dissatisfaction with this country has a lot to do with my life experiences here.
Draconian punishments for petty misdemeanours, very invasive government surveillance, moderate censorship, semi-democratic, half-modern cultural values.
All seem true, lol.
1 hour later…
You could easily say "Stephano gets Trinculo and Caliban drunk." And good luck with your paper on The Tempest. — Robusto 32 secs ago
Here is a Kickstarter project that has already got 7700% of the money it was aiming at: kickstarter.com/projects/augustgermar/…
A small, plug-and-play TOR router.
You plug it in, connect to it, and all your traffic is now automatically going through TOR.
It is trending towards getting 59,000% of its goal.
Their campaign only started 3 days ago.
yay, all your traffic goes through tor, thus making your internet really really slow.
Does it also forward data for other tor users, thus killing your data cap?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Not that slow.
And you can use it only when you need it, it is pocketable.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Data cap? It has nothing to do with mobile data.
5 hours later…
@Cerberus I don't think Mr. S. & N. was talking about mobile data
@MattЭллен - got a sec?
Hi. :-)
This kid needs a pants-down spanking.
Q: Should you capitalize mom or dad when you say, Susie's mom and dad?

Susannah KrugerHow will I know this? Can someone help me before Friday?

see comments
understood. I will look into it :)
He's been here for 9 hours and is obnoxious, posting a plethora of poor answers, and is resistant to correction.
@medica Hopefuly the comments Andrew and I have left will be enough to curb his unpleasant behaviour. If not, we'll take further action. He's on our radar. His answers seem to be hit and miss, but hopefully the voting will sort that out :D
good approach^
2 hours later…
@medica Sometimes, I feel you worry too much about specific users here, lol.
@JasperLoy and you don't?
@IceBoy Well, yes, I know you know I hate X, LOL.
@JasperLoy I know "hate" is a self-destructive emotion.
10 stars on the wall, miracle.
congrats lol
@JasperLoy - You're right, I probably take things too much to heart. You have to take into account, though, that I'm a professional worrier. The better I am at it (up to a point), the better care I give. :-)
@Jasper do you feel like taking your OCD for a spin?
@JohanLarsson What do you mean?
I could use some help with a thing, it is not finished yet.
I'm generating unit classes and could use a pair of extra eyes to read the names etc.
Haha, well, I am not good at proofreading, because I have not studied Huddleston and Pullum's CGEL yet.
#Warning: tedious stuff :)
@JohanLarsson Hmm better not then, I don't want too much stress now.
ok np :)
but it would be very relaxing :)
what language is this?
google translate thinks Belarusian
but in Egnlish it is meant to mean "DANGER! DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE!"
I could have mistranscribed the cryllic
Q: "cross this line" versus "cross the line"

SoontsThis is written on a railroad platform: Is the English text OK? Or "cross the line" is better? Or both are equally correct?

possibly Montenegrin given where the asker is from
not an option in google translate
I did not know that Rick Santorum opposes porn.
he's generally a jerk. Rick Santorum?
@matt I think I should send you an email about the illegal thing I told you about. It still bothers me a lot.
@MattЭллен Possibly. Just describe it as Cyrillic :-)
@JasperLoy feel free!
@AndrewLeach yeah, probably a good idea :D
ЗАХОДЗІЧЬ transliterated is ZACHODZIČ́ in belarusian, but ZACHODZIČ́ is a Polish word meaning "To go down, to set"
@Cerberus Mobile isn't the only thing that has data caps. I have a 120GB cap on my cable internet. Around here that's considered a high cap. You have to pay more to get larger caps. "Unlimited" might not even be offered.
@medica looking at all his answers and comments as of this moment, he sounds quite reasonable. I'm guessing a lot of untoward language has been edited out or deleted?
Few moments ago I couldn't open any SE chat! I don't know why.
Some glitch I bet.
@matt I have emailed you, LOL.
@JasperLoy nice gravatar of superman!
@Arrowfar Yes. I am Superman, and sometimes I want to save the world.
haha I know.
Ubuntu Mate 14.10 will be out next Thu. I am very excited. It might be the distro I stick to for the rest of my life, LOL.
@MattЭллен НЕБЯСПЕЧНА is 'Danger' (from luck with google translate)
@JasperLoy Euclid 3.16 was out in 300 BC.
Matt are you still on VB6?
@MattЭллен I can't figure out what 'stoi!' is or what 'zachodzich' is.
@Mitch it's all greek to me!
maybe 'stoi' is formal for 'Oi, mate!'
@MattЭллен tries greek
in Polish, GT says STOI! -> STOPPED!
as roman 'stoi' or as cyrillic 'СТОИ!'
@JohanLarsson no. I haven't used vb for years (excluding vba)
but VS 2003 or what it was
@Mitch romani.
@JohanLarsson I thought VB was being phased out?
yeah I think so too
What does MS expect to replace it?
ok I need a word in engrish
Have a type for fractions {Percent, Promille PartsPerMillion} is Fraction a good name?
how about 'calumny'?
would that work?
dunno what it means
I suspect a tarp
me neither but you asked for a word so I gave one.
so is that an enum type?
similar or nah on second thought
@JohanLarsson yeah, fraction is probably OK. I can't think of a better word right now
but you only have three kinds of that enum, the ones you just gave?
It is a type so I can do var percentValue = Fraction.FromPercent(25);
I'm obsession about making the compiler do the work
Don't trust doubles
I'd say to be more accurate it would be FractionFormat. (because your examples are how you display a fraction)
ok, not sure about the Format suffix
feels a bit like smurf naming or what it's called
The namespace is Gu.Units
do you write C# Mitch?
If I have {Percent, Promille PartsPerMillion} what would /1 be called?
Q: Someone who is a combo of a liar, an exaggerater, and have a tendency to construct stories

Mysti SinhaIs there a term for such a person? Background: Someone who is a pathological liar, an overt exaggerator. He would want to have center stage, makes up stories to capture people's interest, and applies his stated qualities in positive as well as negative interactions. Such a person, I believe bo...

@Robusto Enjoying your gold tag are'ya?
It's a necessary evil that I endure. I wouldn't call it enjoyment.
I know the feeling :). I migrated a question to Super User the other day, only to discover that it was a duplicate. Mortified at my lack of forethought, I cast a close vote and lo! I had a gold badge so closed it immediately. Good fun.
I wonder if using the phrase overt exaggerator makes you one by definition.
It is the most hyperbolic construction ever.
It is very interesting that there are parables and parabolas, and hyperboles and hyperbolas.
All trees have boles, but only the largest have hyperboles.
All men have evil, but some are much more evil than others.
True that^
All trees have weevils but some more than others.
All stack exchanges have weasles, but some have more weasles than others
@matt Other than my mum, you are the only person I have told so far about that plan, lol. I will share with some other friends too in the coming months.
I haven't read it yet :D
but thanks for confiding in me
Supposing you were a vagabond, summer is, if at times uncomfortably hot, never hostile to your vitality if you are sufficiently sheltered from the sun's over-passionate light frequently enough, while, on the other hand, you can never escape winter's deathly breath anywhere, every nook and corner suffused with her impartial, dour heartlessness.
@JohanLarsson So to confirm, you have a set with three things {percent, promille, ppm} and you want to add a fourth thing something like '/1' to that set? Do you wnat a name for the set or for the individual item '/1'?
@JohanLarsson java
is that sentence correct?
There is probably a technically correct parsing, but it is very much a garden path from the start. Also, run-on sentence.
i see...so grammaticality is OK..
I was uncertain about the tense.
"Suppose you were a vagabond. Summer is, if at times..." is infinitely more understandable.
It is so convoluted as to be opaque.
but combining the two clauses like in my case is also possible grammatically?
oh...let me check.
tenses of which words? 'were', 'hostile' 'are' 'can' 'suffused'?
supposing, is subjective but after that it is simple present
this pattern
this shift
I suppose. I'm not a writer, but you need to cut up the long sentence and unmix the multiple metaphors ('deathly', 'breath', 'dour' 'heartless')
Fuck Subversion. Another thurrble merge conflict to deal with.
so grammatically ok to you? but stylistically bad?
"Fuck Subversion" is grammatically OK.
what? Robusto, I am talking about my sentence up there
@Robusto It is stylistically bad though.
terdon, what did you think?
@terdon Subversion is bad in many ways, not just stylistically.
@username901345 I agree with Mitch. The sentence may well be grammatically correct but it is pompous, hard to parse and too long. English and long sentences rarely work well together. I also don't like the were at the beginning. I would be inclined to consider it mixing tenses. At the very least, change to supposing you are or change is to summer would be. Ideally, split it into multiple sentences and tone back the metaphors.
i see
thank you. I aspired to Faulknarian prose there.
but utterly failed, i guess
Faulker is pompous and known for run-on sentences, but won the Nobel Prize
@username901345 Obama won the peace prize while being commander in chief of a country involved in two wars of expansion. Kissinger won the peace prize for FFS. I'm not sure a Nobel prize can be taken as indicative anymore :)
That said, there is pomposity and pomposity. As a non native, I would suggest you stick to the basics for a while. It is very hard to do pompous well in a foreign language. Even one you speak well.
i see.
thanks for your insight
you write?
@username901345 Not for fun, no. I write scientific papers.
wow. you are an academic?
people here are all intellectuals!
@terdon Pomposity can be an indicator of non-native-speaker status sometimes.
i see.
"...while, on the other hand,...." this pattern is grammatical?
that will cost you 5 dollars, if that.
does this mean, "that will cost you less than 5 dollars?"
is that the implication?
it means "that will cost you a maximum of five dollars"
there is an implication that it less is likely
thanks you
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 @MattЭллен Oh, right, some countries have caps on immobile Internet.
But surely, when you are using such a TOR router, privacy is more important to you than increased data usage. You would probably not be using it every day.
@Mitch yeah, did not see your ping before now
@Cerberus It's one thing to use a TOR router occaisionally. It's another thing to have a plug-and-play appliance that proxies all your internet. You can't forget to unplug it, or else your data cap will be blown.
So it appears that the Nexus 6 will do away with the discount pricing that the older Nexii had.
also nexus 4 will get the next android update
yeah! and the 2012 N7!
I'm surprised
me too!
good news
I was disappointed in the past by Google's short update lifespan for their devices. 18 months from product launch.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Stop it!!
@MattЭллен They have learned from their mistake with the Galaxy Nexus, presumably.
Took them long enough
maybe they figure that now they're the dominant player in the tablet space, they can give out more free stuff
They made the same mistake with the Nexii S and One
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If you buy a TOR router, you are in the group that really values its privacy. You will be careful or willing to take that (in my opinion, small) risk.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I cannot even read this line, let alone reply to it.
@MattЭллен Hmm how do you mean?
@Cerberus "small" risk of blowing your data cap? It's not a small risk. I almost always reach 90% of the cap.
Then what do you do on it?
I work from home, and I download TV shows.
watch youtube
things like that.
You can always configure the router to exclude Netflix traffix from TOR, if that's what you're using.
@Cerberus well, before they were trying to get the major share and now they have it, so they can expend resources in keeping it by making sure that older devices aren't swapped out for something new, which may or may not be android based
@Cerberus That would help with the speed of Netflix, but not with the router routing other people's traffic through my node.
I have no caps. But I wouldn't know how to get to 120GB!
@MattЭллен Hmm but why couldn't they expend resources before, to keep people on Android who were on an old Galaxy Nexus?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But surely the traffic wouldn't increase that much?
Do you know?
How you are like the Devil, that you love hatred! Is this correct?
@Cerberus their direction was toward getting new users not keeping old ones
to mean you are so like Devil!
now google is established, it's not a hot new thing
@MattЭллен Why not?
coz you love hared
@Cerberus because when yoyu're new you don't need to try to keep people interested
@Cerberus Tor works by routing all the traffic through other tor nodes. That's why it's slow: if it goes through YOUR node, and you have asymmetric UL/DL speeds (most people do) then the max throughput is your upload speed.
@username901345 Mmm I guess it is not wrong. But without an "oh" at the beginning, people will be puzzled by your word order at first.
@MattЭллен Why not? I might have switched to Apple...
O, how you are like the Devil, that you love Hatred!
@Cerberus lol. because newer things are inherently more interesting.
Does this mean, "you are the same as the Devil, coz you love hatred?"
I'm not sure it is stylistically perfect, but it works.
@MattЭллен Umm...
I just want an Apple.
@Cerberus okay I just checked. My average usage is actually 90GB/month. But I don't even have Netflix. I can't afford to let anyone else's traffic flow through my connection.
@Cerberus sure you do. and the pope's a bear!
No more stupid updates from stupid Google, well, then I'll shell out €1000 for an inferior phone that at least has an Apple icon!
@Cerberus you WILL at least get updates then. Apple is the best at putting out OS updates to past generations of phones.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Do you have any information on how much traffic people have who use TOR all the time but are otherwise normal users?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's what I'm saying, I want Apple and nothing else.
@Cerberus no. But based on my understanding of how it works, it could be a lot.
much saffer
never do internt at work
if you do, use VPN
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have never heard of this problem—but then again I don't know anyone who has a traffic cap.
@username901345 Or use a hardware TOR router.
but that is not available on the iPhone
Nothing is available on the Iphone. But you still have to have it.

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