Draconian punishments for petty misdemeanours, very invasive government surveillance, moderate censorship, semi-democratic, half-modern cultural values.
@medica Hopefuly the comments Andrew and I have left will be enough to curb his unpleasant behaviour. If not, we'll take further action. He's on our radar. His answers seem to be hit and miss, but hopefully the voting will sort that out :D
@JasperLoy - You're right, I probably take things too much to heart. You have to take into account, though, that I'm a professional worrier. The better I am at it (up to a point), the better care I give. :-)
@Cerberus Mobile isn't the only thing that has data caps. I have a 120GB cap on my cable internet. Around here that's considered a high cap. You have to pay more to get larger caps. "Unlimited" might not even be offered.
@medica looking at all his answers and comments as of this moment, he sounds quite reasonable. I'm guessing a lot of untoward language has been edited out or deleted?
Few moments ago I couldn't open any SE chat! I don't know why.
Is there a term for such a person?
Someone who is a pathological liar, an overt exaggerator. He would want to have center stage, makes up stories to capture people's interest, and applies his stated qualities in positive as well as negative interactions.
Such a person, I believe bo...
I know the feeling :). I migrated a question to Super User the other day, only to discover that it was a duplicate. Mortified at my lack of forethought, I cast a close vote and lo! I had a gold badge so closed it immediately. Good fun.
I wonder if using the phrase overt exaggerator makes you one by definition.
@matt Other than my mum, you are the only person I have told so far about that plan, lol. I will share with some other friends too in the coming months.
Supposing you were a vagabond, summer is, if at times uncomfortably hot, never hostile to your vitality if you are sufficiently sheltered from the sun's over-passionate light frequently enough, while, on the other hand, you can never escape winter's deathly breath anywhere, every nook and corner suffused with her impartial, dour heartlessness.
@JohanLarsson So to confirm, you have a set with three things {percent, promille, ppm} and you want to add a fourth thing something like '/1' to that set? Do you wnat a name for the set or for the individual item '/1'?
@username901345 I agree with Mitch. The sentence may well be grammatically correct but it is pompous, hard to parse and too long. English and long sentences rarely work well together. I also don't like the were at the beginning. I would be inclined to consider it mixing tenses. At the very least, change to supposing you are or change is to summer would be. Ideally, split it into multiple sentences and tone back the metaphors.
@username901345 Obama won the peace prize while being commander in chief of a country involved in two wars of expansion. Kissinger won the peace prize for FFS. I'm not sure a Nobel prize can be taken as indicative anymore :)
That said, there is pomposity and pomposity. As a non native, I would suggest you stick to the basics for a while. It is very hard to do pompous well in a foreign language. Even one you speak well.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 @MattЭллен Oh, right, some countries have caps on immobile Internet.
But surely, when you are using such a TOR router, privacy is more important to you than increased data usage. You would probably not be using it every day.
@Cerberus It's one thing to use a TOR router occaisionally. It's another thing to have a plug-and-play appliance that proxies all your internet. You can't forget to unplug it, or else your data cap will be blown.
So it appears that the Nexus 6 will do away with the discount pricing that the older Nexii had.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 If you buy a TOR router, you are in the group that really values its privacy. You will be careful or willing to take that (in my opinion, small) risk.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I cannot even read this line, let alone reply to it.
@Cerberus well, before they were trying to get the major share and now they have it, so they can expend resources in keeping it by making sure that older devices aren't swapped out for something new, which may or may not be android based
@Cerberus Tor works by routing all the traffic through other tor nodes. That's why it's slow: if it goes through YOUR node, and you have asymmetric UL/DL speeds (most people do) then the max throughput is your upload speed.
@Cerberus okay I just checked. My average usage is actually 90GB/month. But I don't even have Netflix. I can't afford to let anyone else's traffic flow through my connection.