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@MattEllenД Eat, or be eaten
Eat or be eaten, smell or be smelled.
film or be filmed, read or be read, write or be written. Us v. Them. There can be only one!
and that one is Christophe Lambert
Ah, the Quickening.
And Sumerian accents that sound strangely Scottish.
:D I found his Scottish to be strangely, well, anything but
@KitΘδς When you've been around for a long time, you learn how to imitate accents and languages or else you're easily found as an imposter and then chased out of town
is that the right word?
@MattEllenД If you were a girl, I would totally make out with you right now.
@KitΘδς If I were a girl, I'd totally let you
@MattEllenД And you'd like it too.
@KitΘδς Like I wouldn't believe
Now why is my regex not evaluating properly?
you've made it greedy when it shouldn't be?
or the opposite?
Something like Regex.IsMatch("[0-9]{1,9}", "9") is evaluating as True.
it should be
Ha. Which it would because I didn't write it correctly.
But there's another naughty one. Lemme see.
Regex.IsMatch("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$", "{}") is evaluating as True.
So what did I do wrong there?
sorry, the regex part of my brain is slow
are you trying to evaluate email addresses?
Yes, that's what that one is for. But I see I've included the wrong string. It's the comment field that has the problem...
Regex.IsMatch("[-a-z A-Z\!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@_]{0,1000}", "{}")
Or was it? Shite. Let me test again.
well, there is a defacto email address regex (that doesn't account for comments in email address, so isn't compliant with rfc5322) lemme find it...
No, it wasn't the email. That's working.
oh, right, because that's the defacto one
It's the comments field. It shouldn't be allowing curly brackets and it is.
the regex [-a-z A-Z\!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@_]{0,1000} isn't matching {}
are you checking the whole thing, or character by character, bcos if its the whole thing, then it will pass if there's anything else i the comments field
Well, it shouldn't.
@MattEllenД Whole thing. What did I miss?
well if you pass the whole comment field into the regex matcher like Regex.IsMatch("[-a-z A-Z\!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@_]{0,1000}", commentfield)then it will match if your field is like "foo {} bar"
because foo, , and bar are in there
I'm being thick. How do I get it to not do that?
have I got the wrong end of the stick?
@KitΘδς what do you want to match?
in english, explain plz
if you want it to fail when {} are present, just switch it to Regex.IsMatch("[{}]+", "{}")
I think
@JSBᾶngs Alphanumerics, and the symbols in the list. And I see that I have neglected numbers.
@KitΘδς the symbols in your list are \!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@_, yes?
Can't you use VB's InStr function instead? I.e. If InStr(Cmnt1,"{") > 0 Or InStr(Cmnt1,"}") > 0 Then [error handling here]?
better ^^^
@JSBᾶngs squints Yes.
i like martha's suggestion
@Marthaª I could, but I want to have control over what's allowed, not what is not allowed.
your accepted characters are so broad that it might be working against you to match them all
@JSBᾶngs It's simple but it only accounts for the {}
@MrShinyandNew安宇 That's the thing.
@KitΘδς what precisely are you trying to do with this regex?
Or I could just not worry about it.
@KitΘδς Ah, ok. InStr is useful if the list of restricted characters is short.
I mean, what are the chances a teacher would actually be able to successfully inject SQL into my code by accident?
@KitΘδς wait wait wait
btw regex.ismatch takes the input first, pattern second msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sdx2bds0.aspx
if this is to protect against sql injection, then you're doing it wrong
@JSBᾶngs OK, then. How do I do it?
sql injection should be guarded by query parameterization
you will fail to adequately protect yourself otherwise
@JSBᾶngs Oh. Well, yes. I do that.
@KitΘδς then you're done
@KitΘδς that's all you should need then.
additional regex cleanup is a waste of your time
OK then.
checks box
it adds absolutely nothing, takes up code, and gives you headaches
just to be clear, you always, always, make your queries up out of strings you control, such as "select * from users where id = ?" and then use the sql layer to bind the data from the web to that ?, right?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 (i was about to ask the same thing)
and never ever do 'select * from users where id = " + request.getParameter("user_id"); // ok because user_id is an int <- bzzt wrong
No. I always use stored procedures.
And a SQL connection.
@KitΘδς stored procs can be vulnerable to injection too under certain circumstances.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I'm listening.
@KitΘδς well, it depends. And I'm not familiar with your framework so I can't be sure.
I've never been terribly certain, that's why I was checking the comments textbox.
But in JDBC (java) you create stored proc calls the same way as sql calls, only you use a CallableStatement instead of PreparedStatement. So if your proc call was concatted user input you might be injecting code just the same.
I never use dynamic SQL.
the only safe way (in JDBC) is to do Connection.prepareCall("call proc(?,?,?)")/prepareStatement("select * from users where id = ?") then do stmt.bind(1, user_id), stmt.bind(2, etc)
But I've never been certain whether injectable SQL is neutralized by my stored procedures.
I suppose I could try it.
Can you give us an example of a stored proc call you are doing?
it can be a made up example
The SQL or the .Net?
I just want to see how, for example, the username or password is passed in
the sql first
the part where the data from the web is going into the db layer
--Insert the master record
Declare @key int

Insert Into Assessments
(studentGradeFK, assessTypeFK, assessDate, studentFK, enteredBy, enteredOn)
Values(@stuGradePK, 3, @assessDate, @studentPK, @user, GETDATE())


--Insert the detail record
Insert Into asm_SORT
(assessRecordPK, score, comments)
Values(@key, @score, @comments)
Where the @'s are the parameters.
@KitΘδς parameters to a stored proc
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("InsertSORT", sqlConnex)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Get the fixed parameters
Dim txtDate As TextBox = row.FindControl("txtAssessDate")
'Dim lblStudentID As Label = row.FindControl("Medms")
Dim hf1 As HiddenField = row.FindControl("studentKey")
Dim hf2 As HiddenField = row.FindControl("stuGradeKey")
cmd.Parameters.Add("@assessDate", SqlDbType.Date).Value = CDate(txtDate.Text)
cmd.Parameters.Add("@user", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Session(PubConstants.USER_ID)
That's the other side.
Sorry about the mess.
@KitΘδς if that's what you're doing, then you're safe
@JSBᾶngs OK. What's not safe?
there's no need for additional regex validation of values, as the values will all be bound by the sql layer
@KitΘδς string-concat. "select * from students where name=" & student.Name & ";"
@JSBᾶngs Anything that is dangerous with this method?
using a stored proc isn't necessarily safe, as you could do samething like this call StoredProc(" & student.Name & ");"
but as long as you're using named parameters with the Add() method above you should be fine
(@MrShinyandNew please confirm)
@JSBᾶngs Oh. I haven't even seen that before.
It looks crazy bad.
@KitΘδς you'd have to be pretty stupid to do that
Yay! I am not (too much of a) n00b!
@JSBᾶngs Well, I don't know the .net stuff but it looks reasonable to me.
Do I get a head pat?
@KitΘδς good girl. have a treat.
@KitΘδς pats Kit
time to go home, now. cyall
wriggles Thank you!
@JSBᾶngs Oh, no crap! Bye all!
@KitΘδς You have no idea how many programmers simply don't understand sql injection AT ALL.
The very IDEA of it is foreign to them.
We make SQL injection questions a key part of interviews here. And it weeds out a lot of people who claim to have a certain experience level.
bye everyone
Wah. I missed @Kit.
I wanted to show her this:
(That's niece with other grandpa + step-grandma.)
And that's niece being introduced to ocean (in the form of Buzzard's Bay, I believe.)
Oh come on, you can't be serious.
Stupid me. I clicked on chat precisely because I saw @Martha's avatar. Should have added one and one together first.
(Well, not really, just being polite.)
You don't have to.
As I was saying, I must apologize to myself for my own stupidity.
You just need to hurry up and produce some rugrats of your own, and then you won't be so annoyed with baby pictures. ];>
Not being annoyed is the opposite of one of my hobbies, so I don't exactly see a benefit in hurrying.
(In case you can't tell, I'm in an evil mood. Among other things, I taught the niece to meow yesterday. Bwa ha ha ha ha!)
I hope they don't let you embed sound in this chat...
@RegDwightѬſ道 So, what does it take to pursue annoyance on a hobbyist level?
Balls of steel.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You're safe for now; I'd have to, like, get a YouTube account or something.
But I can post more niece+ocean pictures, if you want?
@Martha You were looking for me?
@KitΘδς Scroll up.
See, I take you take that as a yes.
So I'm out.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Aw, I'll be good, I promise!
Feb 23 at 14:35, by RegDwight
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
@Marthaª Sweet! I need to upload some more of my boys.
I'm in the boys room.
@RegDwightѬſ道 If you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it.
@KitΘδς Dammit, you made me snortle my iced tea.
@Marthaª I love the look on her face! Look! Water! Whee!
She apparently took to the water like the proverbial duck.
@Marthaª Looks like it!
That is unbelievably cute.
I really like the picture of her walking with grandpa and grandma. My sister didn't want to take more pictures of "old people's backsides", but considering that grandpa is 83, I think he looks pretty good.
I have a few of my eldest with his various grandparent-ish folk, and I like the way he imitates their stance. Very grown up.
Apropos nothing: has anyone done anything with the ELU blog? I kinda fell off the face of the planet the last couple of weeks, so I'm totally out of the loop.
@Marthaª I know I'm writing an entry, but it's going quite slowly
I think there are two others in the works by other people.
There might be something by the end of next week.
but I'm not promising anything
I should write something, too, but I can't come up with a good (specific) topic.
Lordy, the boss is being annoying. Gotta go! @Kit, post more pictures!
mine's kinda rambly at the moment. I'm hoping it will make sense by the end.
also: bedtime. g'night
@MattEllenД Good night!
@Marthaª I will. I just need a little more time.
@Martha Here are the two boys.
And of course, the best sight in the whole world:
Sleeping baby!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 BTW, thanks for this. I double checked it, and I did have it in my code correctly, just didn't write it correctly here.
sovsem khrenovo mne
Assuming Google Translate is correct, that last message shouldn't be here
@trg787 Поздравляю!
@simchona Google translate is way wrong.
@AnnaLear Ok, thank you
The message would be more accurately translated as "I feel like crap".
I find this sentence interesting: "The thing that you can move up and down if you're a male or a female."
Is it supposed to exclude animals?
Q: What is the upper part of the toilet called?

wisoToday I came into the hotel and I found the toilet broken. After searching on wikipedia I wasn't able to explain it to the reception: "The thing that you can move up and down if you're a male or a female". What's the correct word?

You mean the use of "male" or "female"?
@kiamlaluno It was less ambiguous in context, but out of context it's hilarious.
@KitΘδς Yeah, that is the part I am referring to.
No, that wouldn't exclude animals.
@aediaλ It's hilarious also in the context. Do animals use toilet?
That said, Stack Exchange sites are English-only and other languages are at best discouraged in chat rooms. Please stick to English, @trg787. Thanks!
Sorry to drag you in here, @AnnaLear
I don't think most animals other than humans are known for stereotypical fights about toilet seats being up or down, though.
@simchona No worries. It helps that I'm a native Russian speaker. Very helpful for flag handling in this case. :)
@KitΘδς There is no need to say "if you are male or female." Is there a third category?
I leave you all to your regularly scheduled Englishing now.
Aug 26 at 14:29, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
hey, TIL what TIL is.
TYL that people train their cats to use the toilet?
TIL that @Anna is a native Russian speaker.
Maybe the third category is "angel" as they don't have a sex.
@kiamlaluno I understand what you are saying, but I think the OP means "depending on whether you are a man or a woman."
Angels don't poo!
@Robusto congrats for reaching rep 50000!
@aediaλ That is good, or imagine what would happen. We would not complain anymore about the rain. ;-)
Little known fact: Chaos and I are only 9 days apart in ELU age
@simchona don;t gloat.
Irish twins, eh?
@KitΘδς As we are all men or women, there isn't any need to say that. :-)
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū I'm not. Don't read into it that far
We are into "reading between lines," it seems.
Hey, I Wallow in self pity enough that I only have 400 rep.
@kiamlaluno That's not what I mean. I mean "men put it up, women put it down."
I have always found blank lines, between lines.
@KitΘδς That is not true either, if you think of that. :-)
@kiamlaluno Well, but it's stereotypically true, to the extent that comedians even poke fun at how much people fight about it.
@kiamlaluno Hmm. I guess you're right.
@aediaλ Is that like "Italians, spaghetti, and mandolino"? :-)
(I should say it: I don't play mandolino.)
A thing everybody "knows" don't gotta be true to make it a good target for a guessing game.
@kiamlaluno Wait, you mean you have more than those three things over there?
King James also employed a jester called Archibald Armstrong. During his lifetime Armstrong was given great honours at court. He was eventually thrown out of the King's employment when he over-reached himself and insulted too many influential people.
@kiamlaluno No, scooters.
@trg787 I like the name Archibald Armstrong. Very bold!
@aediaλ Sure thing! We have the colosseum, the arena, some vulcans, the Alps…
The vulcans are for bad children.
The Vulcan salute is a hand gesture consisting of a raised hand, palm forward with the fingers parted between the middle and ring finger, and the thumb extended. Often, the famous line, "Live long and prosper", is said after it. The salute was devised and popularised by Leonard Nimoy, who portrayed the half-Vulcan character Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series in the late 1960s. Overview The Vulcan salute first appeared in 1967 on the Star Trek second season opening episode, "Amok Time". The gesture famously has a reputation for being difficult to make without practice o...
@KitΘδς It must be the modern version: Italians, spaghetti, and scooters.
haha....sorry guys i,m currently withoot keyboard
I mean volcanoes.
@trg787 Your keyboard is spoilt anyway.
@trg What do you mean?
Oh no, another word taken from Italian!
Talking of scooters, I learned that what in Italian we call scooter it's not what in American English is a scooter.
@kiamlaluno I figured that much out but I couldn't help myself.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū Trg mentioned the other day that his real keyboard was broken and he's using an onscreen one. That might still be the case.
insects ... spoiled it... i am writing on-screen keyboard of XP
That is what you get from copying words from different languages: You end up with volcano and vulcanic.
Motorcycle, Vespa, scooter, same difference if they've got Batgirl on 'em.
Batwoman will not go that far.
@aediaλ Looks like you, both purple.
@kiamlaluno I'm sure she can break those bonds and come out of stasis at any moment!
@simchona It's hard to read people here.
She has but to rev the engine!
Somebody should tell Bat(girl|woman).
@Cerberus Boo!
@kiamlaluno De, of course! I knew that...
Here comes Cerby.
@Cerberus DeBatgirl?
Besogno de!
If that is correct.
@Cerberus Ohhh… You are trying speaking Roman.
@kiamlaluno I only like Spiderman, because I like his spectacles.
Bisogno de che?
Ow... I wasn't trying, but thanks!
How do you say it correctly in Italian?
@Cerberus Hi again!
@kiamlaluno You are trying to speak Roman sounds better.
@Cerberus That is Di cosa hai bisogno?, or Hai bisogno di cosa?, or….
Ahh OK. So bisogno, and di. And no che.
@JasperLoy That was my old me; My new me is all about gerunds!
"I am liking eating my supper."
@kiamlaluno I am enjoying my supper sounds better if that is what you mean.
sips tea
@JasperLoy That is too easy to say. Be artistic.
@Cerberus Yep; that is correct.
I could see you speaking Roman.
Aho, bello, te prude er naso?
@kiamlaluno You mean Italian?
@JasperLoy No; what they speak at Rome is Roman.
@kiamlaluno So it is a dialect of Italian?
Romanesco or Romanesque is a regional language or sociolect subsumed within the Italian language spoken in Rome. It is part of the Central Italian dialects and is thus genetically closer to the Tuscan dialect and Standard Italian. There exist a few notable grammatical and idiomatic differences from Standard Italian. Rich in expressions and sayings, Romanesco is used for informal communication by most natives of Rome, often in a mix with Italian. History As shown by several medieval manuscripts, the medieval Roman dialect was more similar to southern dialect, such as those spoken in Na...
@JasperLoy I would say it is not a dialect of Italian.
its an Italian singer ...i dont like slavic music at all..yet i,m a pure Slavic
Strange, they say it's an Italian dialect. Most of what somebody thinks it's an Italian dialect is not an Italian dialect at all. Well, it's Italian because it's spoken in Italy.
@kiamlaluno Dialect is not well-defined. Linguists argue over its definition too.
@JasperLoy All I know is that my second language is not a dialect of Italian. :-)
@kiamlaluno Then what do you consider it as?
@JasperLoy It's a variant of the Eastern Lombard; actually it's said to be the main variant.
Eastern Lombard is a group of related languages, spoken in the eastern side of Lombardy, mainly in the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia and Mantua, in the area around Crema and in a part of Trentino . Its main variants are Bergamasque and Brescian . In Italian-speaking contexts, Eastern Lombard is often generically called a "dialect". This is often incorrectly understood as to mean a dialect of Italian, which actually is not the case, it's not a dialect but a language. Eastern Lombard and Italian are different languages and are only partly mutually intelligible. As per today, Eastern Lo...
Actually, I am not sure if I should say Italian is my first, or second language.
Q: Is there a difference between dependent and dependant?

bitmaskIs there a difference between the words dependent and dependant? Or are they merely different spellings for the same?

@simchona You said done before I could ping you, damn.
@JasperLoy Done.
Remember not to answer on comments.
@kiamlaluno I didn't! I said "read the first answer. It explains the difference and how to use them"
@simchona :-)
@kiamlaluno and it's your answer too
@simchona Is it?
@simchona He didn't say you did, neither did you say he said that.
@kiamlaluno Yup. You cited NOAD.
@simchona His favourite source.
@simchona Then it must be my answer. :-)
@kiamlaluno Your smiley has a hyphen in it, mine doesn't :)
@JasperLoy It's not a hyphen: It's the nose!
The mouth is not perfectly aligned.
@kiamlaluno Good humour emulates kiam in scratching armpit
The user on that dupe question is so nice about having dupe
AND he tried to research
I have to do something about that.
@bitmask: If you can, please check out the question that Jasper linked to. It explains the difference between the words (the first answer has them), so I think it will help you. It also explains how to use the words. – simchona 4 mins ago edit

@simchona: I just did and it perfectly answers the question (I used the search before asking, but the the question didn't show up). I think this question can be closed, then.
@simchona Maybe we should tell him he can vote to close it too.
@kiamlaluno Really?
You can vote to close your own question?
I know you can vote to delete your own
@JasperLoy Hey! He must do his part too.
@kiamlaluno But really I would like to know, can he really do that?
@simchona You can simply delete it if it has no answers, even though it still says vote to delete there.
@JasperLoy See the screenshot.
You can always vote to close your own questions.
@kiamlaluno The user interface is not exactly accurate here as you know. Anyway thanks. He can also delete the question since it has not been answered.
It's closed
@JasperLoy The user interface is accurate; that is a recent screenshot. :-)
Maybe I should include a nose in the smiley too :-)
And how about this as well :-(
Yay, I used two new smileys today!
It definitely looks better with the nose.
@kiamlaluno It looks like it's crying :[
That was supposed to be a tear.
Don't confuse it with a bear.
@simchona You forgot the nose :-[
I declare that all my smileys will have a nose from now!
@JasperLoy That is why the smiley is sad: It doesn't have a nose.
I forgot the "Santa Claus" smiley.
That is not Santa Claus.
Maybe it's that.
@kiamlaluno All too complicated for me!
Once I knew the Stalin smiley too.
SC=Santa Cruz, Santa Claus, Shopping Centre, interesting.
FF=firefox, fumblefingers
@JasperLoy Isn't the first "Vera Cruz"?
JL=John Lennon, me
KLL = Key Low Later.
Santa Cruz (, ) is the county seat and largest city of Santa Cruz County, California in the US. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Santa Cruz had a total population of 59,946. It is located on the northern edge of the Monterey Bay, about 72 mi (115 km) south of San Francisco. The present-day site of Santa
I hope it doesn't mean "Holy Cross."
That is far from the Suffolk County I know.
@sim I saw that you mistranslated trg's message just now?
@MattEllenД Night! I have no camping advice for that guy other than what is said. And also I am more of a walker and not camper.
@chaos So what answer did you get when you prayed that I would keep avatar?
I guess it was "We are closed: Try later."
@kiamlaluno Maybe it's a broken nose. It looks a little bit out of joint.
@kiamlaluno Haha. I will probably keep this one, though I always say that.
@SpareOom It's a tear, when there is wind.
Differently, it would be like this: :…(.
@kiamlaluno Nice.

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