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0.02 cig / 10minutes / are
1 are is 10mx10m it's like one unit of breathable area
@nosmoking lol, try ecigs? :) i just want to say i support you finding balance, and breakthroughs. your shared drawing jsfiddle is cool.
Oh I forgot that beyong the 100km² of Paris, not all are streets, just 20%
@prosodycontext not me I don't smoke, but I wish I could distribute e-cigs to people
@prosodycontext thanks, it's a simple app, with a backend that saves everything
aha, well thats very good of you. i use them, less carbon in the lungs. i try to tell my friends about em.
@prosodycontext definitely
there's 0.1 cig smoked each 10minutes each are in Paris
so 10% chance to get past a smoker when you just leave your building
much wow @nosmoking, its a great p2p drawing pad. if you get it to say changes in github, that kind of thing would be wicked
these things are complex to program
It's just based on websockets
save changes*
changes are saved on MongoDB, but I could use Postgres that accept json format now, with more performance
each drawing you make, each time the mouseup even is raised, it goes there github.com/cauburtin/mongo-cli-java/blob/master/src/main/java/…
nice. i dream of these collaborative creations happening with version control. <3
few people create really just alone
it's a small CMS, look this: jsbin.com/sonuw/latest, if you sign up (openid like here on Stack Exchange), you can see more things that people have shared with you
you need a gmail though
there's not all providers
it worked.
@prosodycontext what is your gmail, mine is cyril.auburtin
I'll share something with you
i figured you get it through openid? :)
@prosodycontext no, it's safe
I can't see, except if I look the logs of my app...
aha too much work ;)
heroku logs, wait a second
I'll delete it
its ok
good work
Now see, log out you won't see it, log in you will see my private message
you can delete it, since I added you in canDelete list
glad you appreciate it
So, it's a minimal Content Mangement System
its fun stuff, and it's useful technology.
it could be, it's just a proof-of-concept for now
keep working. i followed you for if i ever have work that needs some magic like that.
@MattЭллен Boo!
hi @Jasper.
You must be at work now.
that I am
How are you finding modship?
so far, so good. I get to see a different side to SE.
and it's nice, every now and then, to clean up a bit of the site
It's terribly hot here. I am sweating even with the aircon.
The sun shines brightly even at 6 pm.
it's quite nice here. noticeably cooler than July
I have difficulty choosing which books to study next year. Too many good choices available.
if they are equally good, pick them at random
@medica Wow, maybe I should start smoking too, lol.
@medica oh shit! I hate and love you at the same time
It won't expand, but there's a lasy you can gain comfort from!
healthy cigarettes probably, not the brand ones
@nosmoking I got flagged in the math room for saying "I had a great shit".
Just don't hang around her!!!
I was then suspended from chat for 30 min.
:) un petit present.
@medica no, sometimes the smoker can escape well the smoke, smokers even told me the sidestream smoke disgust them
@JasperLoy that's quite a different statement.
@MattЭллен Still, the flagger is lunatic.
@medica I'm going to read a crime novel
Fred Vargas, de son vrai nom Frédérique Audoin-Rouzeau, née le 7 juin 1957 à Paris, est une écrivaine et archéozoologue française. Elle est connue pour ses romans policiers mettant en scène, pour la plupart, le commissaire Adamsberg. Ses livres ont eu beaucoup de succès et ont été adaptés au cinéma. == Biographie == === Années de formation === Fred Vargas est la fille de l'écrivain Philippe Audoin et d'une ingénieure chimiste. Son frère est l'historien Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau et sa sœur jumelle la peintre Jo Vargas. Elle a fait ses études secondaires au lycée Molière à Paris et est titulaire d'un...
not something I would do, but my father, the two pack a day somker from 20 to 83: never stopped a day in his life.
Damn she smokes :( :))
@medica yes you told me, he is dead at 83 so
sounds good! :)
maybe he didn't smoke the same way than the Brazilian does, i.e. more natural cigarette, and less volume
yes, he was in a bowling league, felt unwell, and died at home.
never a sick dayin his life.
To this, I say, great genes!!!
I fall sick about once a year.
@medica however I hope you'll last 100
I am not my father. i think 80 might be my limit. :)
But you, with so much promise: 110!
I hope I live till 70 and my mum to 100, then we can die at the same time.
that's sweet. I'll grant you that.
I got your email.
My children are not giving me grandchildren! That is WRONG!!!
:) I'm boring. sorry.
I don't want any children.
they ruin your life.
then they give you something so much better, you could never have imagined it!
@MattЭллен I will continue to announce my bowel activities in this chat.
@JasperLoy we'd all rather you didn't, I think it's fair to say.
@MattЭллен Oh, OK.
@nosmoking- what is this new knot?
we won't stop you, though
It's OK, I will remember to stop.
But that was the lamest thing I got suspended for ever.
@JasperLoy yes. it's not really worth flagging
it's interesting how people ebb and flow here.
In knot theory, the cinquefoil knot, also known as Solomon's seal knot or the pentafoil knot, is one of two knots with crossing number five, the other being the three-twist knot. It is listed as the 51 knot in the Alexander-Briggs notation, and can also be described as the (5,2)-torus knot. The cinquefoil is the closed version of the double overhand knot. The cinquefoil is a prime knot. Its writhe is 5, and it is invertible but not amphichiral. Its Alexander polynomial is , its Conway polynomial is , and its Jones polynomial is Surprisingly, these are the same as the Alexander, Conway, and Jones...
@medica yes. good metaphor
I must announce again that simchona has been off the site for 3 months now, I think she has given up on ELU.
but my judgement can't be trusted at this hour so I must refrain.
I like your knots @nosmoking
@JasperLoy is that simchona?
@medica Erm, yes, I just said so.
lol, proves my state of mind/sleep deprivation.
I'm gonna read, to continue fixing my brain, brb
@medica It's OK, we are all nuts here.
6 months is the final frontier, no?
No idea.
I think if they don't sign in for 6 months, they are no longer mods. But I am not certain.
Something like that, yes
I can sign in to chat without signing in to any of the subject sites.
@MattЭллен Have you heard from her about what is happening?
@nosmoking I just noticed that you have changed the knot.
@JasperLoy no
well, I'm too goofy to chat, so I bid you all a good day.
@medica Good night.
@medica night
:) same to you all. :)
I read distrowatch.com every Mon evening for the weekly news.
I'm waiting for my new motherboard and CPU to arrive for my home desktop. I hope it's that that's broken.
Hope so. But you might as well have changed everything.
It should be delived by the end of the week
@JasperLoy yeah, I was thinking that
So far, all the computers I have used are free of charge. Either presents or whatever.
I have yet to buy my first computer myself.
When I do, I will stick to Microsoft Windows and Office forever. No more Linux or LibreOffice for me.
The most expensive book I bought cost over 200 USD, so expensive.
Hey peeps. What's "something funny or interesting" I could say in a message to a girl on OKCupid?
@Jez I am sure you can think of a good one yourself.
I don't like to ask for that, but could you my online friends star my project github.com/cauburtin/mongo-cli-java?
@nosmoking I don't have a github account.
@JasperLoy don't worry
If that is what is needed, I rather not create one.
github is not always very mathematical, so it's understandable
I want as few accounts online as possible. Currently, I only have SE, amazon, outlook and some other secret account.
@JasperLoy not really, im useless at just coming up with that sort of thing
@nosmoking I am not even a programmer, that is why.
outlook and not google, bold decision
especially that would be funny or interesting to women
@Jez Say "Hey, you look so beautiful!"
erm no i dont think she'd find that funny or interesting
@nosmoking I used gmail before and deleted the account, now I cannot use the same username, so I switched to outlook.
@JasperLoy you have that deletion disorder like me :)?
^ see
Longevity claims are unsubstantiated cases of asserted human longevity. Those asserting lifespans of 110 years or more are referred to as supercentenarians. Many have either no official verification or are backed only by partial evidence. Cases where longevity has been fully verified, according to modern standards of longevity research, are reflected in an established list of supercentenarians based on the work of such international institutions as the Gerontology Research Group (GRG) and/or the Guinness World Records. This article lists claims of 115 years or more. == Scientific status == Prior...
I'd like to see the uncertaincy measure for their age, like +-5years
they can assess it with their teeth, if they still have some
@nosmoking certainty 100% by counting the rings
@Mitch hehe
they are verified by GRG
> Only two of the 74 verified supercentenarians are men.
I've seen more than one billboard that says 'The first person to live to 150 is alive today'
In China it's frequent
> The process of verifying individuals who reach exceptionally old age relies on difficult to obtain documentation. GRG co-founder L. Stephen Coles told Smithsonian.com in a recent interview that his group requires up to three items of documentation to prove age, which could be a birth certificate or a baptismal record, along with a photo ID from a reliable government agency.
I don't see the point (of the billboards). Are they selling yogurt?
They're selling fear
a different type of culture
@MattЭллен I've bought a whole bunch on bulk. will last me for a year.
@Mitch I see. You were afraid they would run out. good call
Today's Listening | Electro / Hip Hop (Mixsets day 18)
@Jez do you know what things she finds funny or interesting? if not, tell her something you think is interesting (or funny, but interesting is easier).
> More likely, however, dos Santos’ claim is what Robert Young of the Gerontology Research Group calls a “longevity myth.”
I think I won't watch any more drama series. It's not nice to watch some episodes and not watch others.
@GnomeSlice Are you giving out these listenings for the whole month?
Gah. Monday.
Is it National Day in Singapore, @JasperLoy?
My gravatar is too bright. I must change it.
Just got in from vacation. I have a meeting in two minutes. I'm trying to find out if we're actually having it.
in the second meeting room across from the left
He proposed a new time, but it took me a while to find it.
will you get there in time?
Well, I moved it to Wednesday at 10, so I hope so.
How was your holiday?
well that was pleasant (10K+ rep required)
It was lovely. Thanks. I am behind the eight-ball today, but it was worth it.
@MattЭллен You could maybe destroy it too. Probably make you feel better.
@KitFox what does "behind the 8 ball" mean?
@KitFox I believe it would
They have an 8-ball in billiards?
yeah. does it mean something like "in a difficult position"?
Q: Can you run away from your shadow?

hypNow this might be a silly question but it's actually bugging me, this one might be easier to understand if you have kids that watch (or used to watch) Peppa Pig. In one of the episodes, about shadows, the kids try to run away from their shadows, they try to move faster and faster and of course fa...

Because you have to shoot around it.
good :D then I already understand. although at first I was trying to make some sort of magic 8ball analogy
Well, at least you didn’t spring for the other eight-ball interpretation.
I prefer speedball.
Sounds eerily like what John Belushi and River Phoenix might have said.
@tchrist obviously not. if you are moving away from light then you'll be going faster than it, so no shadow will be cast. If you are moving in any other direction other than away then you will cast a normal shadow
@MattЭллен You’ll be going faster than light, you say?
@tchrist that's what the question said, albeit as an example
I'm ignoring the fact that a human can't
because that's already ignored
Well, sure, if you ignore that humans have mass.
Not if they are going fast enough.
@MattЭллен Used my last bit to get the rest.
My SO rep is 47337. Looks kinda leet.
Like a cheetah.
That's Leela.
omg. uber meta pop culture reference!
@MattЭллен It was on 9/8. Debian's birthday is a week later on 16/8, and mine a week later on 23/8.
@JasperLoy on Saturday!
@MattЭллен At least they were consistent.
@JasperLoy I hate it when you do that.
@tchrist It is such a strange coincidence.
Not everything has to mean something.
@Mitch Yes, I never said otherwise, lol.
it means "not everything"
It's weird that the Americans write the month before the day.
it means the opposite of "not nothing"
It's weird to then follow with the year. neither bigendian or little endien. sort of WTF-in-the-middle-ian
Hello @jinawee welcome to this chat.
@JasperLoy I never said that you said that.
@Mitch I also never said that you said that.
Well, I never.
@jinawee I did not expect your location to be Spain, judging from your name.
Ah, I was a random name from World of Warcraft
Are sentences with "I always am", like "I always am tired" incorrect/strange?
@jinawee Strange. More likely "I am always".
@nosmoking Have you tried smoking before?
@JasperLoy long time ago, at school some of my friends tried and made me try to
@nosmoking I thought that would help you lose your fear of smoking.
I thought so, I only read that once.
It is hard to say whether what sounds strange in English is correct or wrong, whatever that means.
@JasperLoy why not, my dad have some old Indian "bedies"
Do people smoke more in hot countries or cold ones? smoking is heating yourself so maybe less likely in hot weathers
but also, with smoking bans inside buildings people need to go out, and if the weather is cold they will be less likely to go out
@nosmoking Haha, temperature cannot stop addiction :)
so it's a tie I think
@Zoe really demn!
@nosmoking Yea, Singapore is a humid country but we have as much smoker to non smoker ratio as any other place I bet, whether hot or cold.
How's Sing-a-pour
@nosmoking Idk. I know how's Israel though. They must be rejoicing.
Israel smokes like France approximately, according to who who.int/tobacco/surveillance/policy/country_profile/en
@Zoe You can't chew gum but you can smoke? Are there laws there about not dropping cigarette butts on the ground?
@nosmoking I don't think there is much of a relation.
@Mitch There are a ton of places that smoking is disallowed and there is a fine for littering, it dont matter if it's a cigarette butt or not. We can chew gum but we cant sell it.
China is a lot hotter than Europe, for example, and people there smoke a lot.
you can smoke only if you have a vacuum cleaner HEPA filter-equipped turned on for sidestream smoke
seems fair as a law
Seems like a lot of trouble
So why bother. There are no laws about eating.
there could be a weight law, people above or below weight levels pay more taxes
@Mitch It's like why bother to jack up prices of cigarettes? Some laws are here just for control. You can't ban a want unless it is so detrimental like drugs.
Price everything according to your weight.
Obese people eat more, so it's already done
Ok, I just sent a very interesting flag atchew guys. Talk to me if you want more like that. :(
@Cerberus I guess population has something to do with that as well as culture.
How do you mean?
@tchrist We have no idea what flag you are talking about.
Then I wasn’t talking to you.
Must be the mods then.
a very classic difference to know
moral obligation, vs other type of "light" obligation
Isn’t that slimy?
@tchrist Maybe he just forgot to do the attribution? Just drop him a comment to tell him then.
I don’t think so, Jasper. It’s plagiarism.
@tchrist OK then. There was a serious case of plagiarism on Math too, one that almost every user knows about.
@Cerberus Population density jacks up chances of smokers demographia.com/db-intlua-area2000.htm
@tchrist I always had a good impression of him though.
@JasperLoy It is such an awful problem on SO that you have simply no idea.
The user who plagiarised on math has now over 150k on math.
Even worse, she accused others of plagiarising her when she was discovered.
diligence from latin diligentia, care
Even worse, she told many lies to cover up the lies she already told.
In the end, it was all discovered.
@JasperLoy No Jasper: through due diligence.
Which is all I will say.
OK then. Must be some secret script then, lol.
Clever monkey.
Who, me?
No, Jasper for saying it must be a script. I was quoting Mitch.
Wow, that movement to trash was so secretive, lol
I know it is the job of mods not to say secrets, but I did not know they destroyed secrets too.
I once penetrated Mitch’s incognito, and he asked how. I refused to divulge my mechanism, to which he wisely remarked Clever Monkey.
@JasperLoy Naturally. Have to keep the trains running on time.
@tchrist You mean only you know his real identity? Or does he have another account.
@JasperLoy I prefer not to say.
brb runs tools on Mitch's account
Something was not as it appears. I caught him at it.
@KitFox heh
But it is not important.
I have two accounts here which I have renamed "please delete me".
One I requested for deletion, but the other I stopped bothering to ask them.
No matter, never mind, catch the runner, match the rhymed.
Hmm, well that was interesting.
I suspect maybe Mitch is Barrie England, lol.
Not at all what I expected.
Turns out he is good friends with my relatives.
@Matt Do you get stuck speaking in metre?
A: "Made a rhyme without effort" in English from Spanish "Hice verso sin esfuerzo"

tchristIf you don’t mind some witless doggerel that may not suit the next inaugural:         I make a rhyme             up all the time         In easy verse                  that’s good and terse.         They take no thought,   these words I’ve wrought;         Though poets curse,      it could be wo...

For 20 minutes I could only generate feet like those.
@KitFox I didn’t know foxes and monkeys got on so well. Or was that weasels? I always forget my nursery rhymes.
Oh, I think Mitch is Hugo, hahaha.
I meant in a literal sense.
How will I ever make it to lunch?
@tchrist not often, but it does happen occasionally
@Zoe So you are saying countries with a higher population density have more smokers as a percentage of the population?
Have you checked? Because I don't think e.g. Europe has that many smokers...
@MattЭллен At least I had two meters running: the quatrain is nested in a couplet. The outer feminine rhymes are all Latin, the inner masculine rhymes are all English. ’Nuff said. :)
Well, ok, so doggerel isn’t Latin, but I challenge you to find another rhyme for it than I did. :)
The couplet is in pentameter with an odd last foot, the quatrain in simpler tetrameter.
@Zoe in the chart, "Cases" stands for what?
@nosmoking No idea, I only wanted population density
@Cerberus Europe are the most smoking continent, thanks to Russia and Eastern countries mostly
Currently there are 8 accounts on ELU that say "please delete me" Can a mod delete them, or do the users need to have emailed the SE staff?
Script will catch them.
Two of the eight are mine, lol.
One of the two I requested the SE staff, but one I did not.
deletion is a symptom, I told you
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Did you hear about the recent Windows-8.1 update that made computers unable to boot? What if that happened when you had to finish some important project? That is the risk of auto-updates, of basically giving a third party immediate control over your computer. I prefer updating once in a while on my own time.
Anyway I can no longer log into them because I have deleted the email I used to sign in to them
@nosmoking But Western Europe is more densely populated, and yet it has fewer smokers.
@Cerberus This is not news to me.
Everyone knows the risk
The problem is that the risk of not updating are also quite severe.
@Cerberus yes western is close to 30%, northern Europe to 20% or less
Russia is 40%
i.e. the risk of a malicious third party having immediate control over your computer.
But to me it is a fundamentally flawed system: giving a third party complete control over your computer.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That risk is not so huge if you're an experienced user.
I have never had that happen to me.
Most people are simply not qualified to administer their own computers. They. Just. Aren't.
Had I let Microsoft and a dozen other parties auto-update my computer, I would have had an unbootable computer at least a handful of times.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Maybe not, but you and I are.
@Cerberus I never had that problem
@nosmoking So that seems to contradict Zoe's hypothesis.
I'm not sure why you're bringing this up again? I already agreed with you that updates should be automatic OR manual, just like what Windows already does.
@Cerberus yep, Russia isn't very dense
@JasperLoy Well, you were using Linux...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK OK.
I've had that problem with virtualbox updates, but not windows/android/ubuntu updates
@Cerberus I mean I never had that with Windows.
@Cerberus I run the updates that MS ships without verifying them and I have never had an unbootable computer in at least 14 years.
It's just every time I see something about an automated update causing problems (like the recent Chrome scandal), I think of you hehe.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ditto.
There have only been a small number of updates shipped by MS that caused BSODs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But maybe some other problems?
And are you on 8.1?
Don't get me started on the problems you'll have if you run the latest Windows version!
@Cerberus No, I'm on 7. But my point is that MS has excellent quality control when it comes to automatic updates. Is it 100% perfect? No. But if there's something MS does right, it's maintain stability.
Microsoft have retracted the latest update because there are some many people with an unbootable computer.
Maybe it interacted badly with their malware.
If they fail once in two years, that's still far too much.
I don’t usually have much success mixing interior rhyme at the halvsies with outer rhyme on 2/4. Even so, I had to “cheat” to rhyme "good and terse" with "could be worse".
@Cerberus If the failure affected every computer once in two years, that'd be too much. Instead it affected some tiny (yet significant) fraction of users.
I wonder if it's allowed to ask a proofreading question here? :-/
one or two sentences only.
@tchrist I thought that was fine when I read it.
@Neeku I think we can help you.
@Neeku edits are for this purpose
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Some people don’t like anything but perfect rhyme. But in a way, it is exact if you count only the stresses, I suppose, which is perhaps better.
Someone has disentangled their ampersand to find out it's been a Communist star all along.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Is it really that tiny?
@RegDwigнt I love that flag with my name, lol.
@Cerberus well, first of all, it's 8.1 users.
Which nampersand?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I.e. those using Microsoft's most recent system.
@tchrist He is probably referring to nosmoking's knot gravatar. He changed it from one to another knot.
@JasperLoy *I love that flag with my name, Loy. FTFY

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