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trying to figure out why this ios phone doesn't work properly when every other browser I have is working fine on the site I'm working on
but I'm all out of beer
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Apple.
Well, my customers insist on it.
So watcha gonna do
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You know how to fix it...
Through the infernal device down a cliff.
It's my first time spending more than a few seconds using a modern iphone. It's okay, despite its freakishly small screen and dastardly lack of customizability.
Oh, only despite those things.
@Cerberus Sadly, if I do that, my QA tester will still complain that this P1 bug is not fixed.
You could tell him there is nothing you can do and he should upgrade to a modern phone.
I'm afraid that isn't going to really help.
Besides, I already spent I don't know how long fixing bugs that were affecting IE8 and 9. I can hardly neglect mobile safari.
Why does everything have to be modern these days? Like really, just run the old stuff into the ground, by then there will be more old stuff being sold for cheap :-)
yeah I giggle a little at the incongruity of @Cerberus suggesting someone use a modern thing
Mr. Galaxy Nexus, Windows XP, Classical Latin over here
I'm waiting on a release myself.
Well, waiting on SQA to decide whether it's going live tonight.
Sounds fun.
You know it.
I missed something you pung me on recently.
@KitFox you guys release stuff on thursday nights?
@GnomeSlice This doesn't want to load for me right now.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yep.
Also sometimes on Sunday afternoon.
@KitFox Possibly this
Today's music
Weird, that won't go either. Must be my interwebs are all sticky.
The t-storms earlier seem to have muddled everything.
Does youtube work?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Shhhh.
With Windows 7, you can't really do much more than with Windows XP.
@Cerberus Are you going to get the 1+1?
It's different if you upgrade from Iphone to Android.
@Cerberus Yes, I can use all the ram in my computer
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, no, I'm not allowed to waste money on a new phone when my old one still works.
That right there is like, a major improvement
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Meh, I don't really need more RAM that I have on my PC, most of the time.
I used to have to reboot my XP box into Linux just to run a Java memory analysis tool that was 64-bit
The RAM on my phone is a huge source of annoyance, though.
@GnomeSlice It's trying really hard. Might make it.
I got Windows 7 and suddenly the 4GB on my box was actually 4GB, not 3.5, and suddenly I could run the memory tool natively.
That was on the same hardware, even.
The icon in my tray showing how much RAM I am using.
And not to mention that Windows 7 has better support for newer hardware like SSDs
@GnomeSlice sighs 19 seconds and it barfed.
Ugh, why won't my picture load?
Sounded cool though.
19 seconds out of 63:22.
Close enough.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, when I upgrade to an SSD, I will switch to Windows 7. Or 9.
But I don't have an SSD.
@Cerberus So when you say that Windows 7 doesn't really provide any benefits, you're basically wrong. It provides lots.
It can provide benefits.
To some people.
But not to me, not now.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 On my current computer, the benefits would be negligible. Not worth the cost in time and effort.
> Please deploy the new release to production.
Oh snap. Solutions manager just bypassed SQA.
What kinds of solvents does he work with, to make all those solutions?
You know what they say. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
I think he sniffs glue.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I can't argue with you there.
Everything I say is inarguable.
That's not true.
Yes it is.
grumbles, shakes fist
That's what I'm doing to ios right now
grumbles, shakes fist at iPhone
I've been trying to figure out a good way to pun Cerb's "Iphones are gay" and "homophone"
iPhones all sound the same
Did you hear about the new Eye Phone? It's a homophone.
Gay humor?
If you call that humour...
How fare you?
I'm fine.
Any news from the job front?
The job front?
Are you confusing me with tchrist?
I thought you were still thinking about various jobs and stuff.
I took a job back in April. So far it's working out.
That is good. So you are not thinking about leaving it at the moment?
No. I'm going to stick with it for a while. We'll see.
So far they're letting me do interesting stuff in my own way, which is always good.
yay the homophone is fixed.
Did you send it to a camp?
no I changed a span to an a
Or did you just neuter it?
What's the difference?
I have seen both in HTML.
for some reason it refused to acknowledge clicks on the span
Maybe so you don't touch activate stuff?
but there was JS bound to the span specifically to add activation.
It is the only browser that has that issue, afaik, and others encountered the problem as well
Q: bootstrap 3 accordion collapse does not work on iphone

RyanThese "accordion submenus" work in chrome and firefox, but not on an iphone. I have built a site which includes an "offcanvas" navigation menu on smaller screens. The user clicks "the hot dog button", and the navigation menu slides onto the screen from the left... that works great so far. Some...

Hmm stupid IOS.
well, stupid Mobile Safari, anyway
why is it when I use google on my iPhone I have to reopen the page in Safari?
Because you're using an iphone
I love my iPod touch, but I hate Apple.
buncha nerds
And it's launched. Ima head to bed.
Are you trying to insult Apple by calling them "nerds"?
@KitFox Peace.
@KitFox pleasant dreams.
caling someone a "nerd" doesn't pack the same punch as it used to
I mean before the internet age
if that makes any sense
It does.
Sounds like she was railed. — George Pompidou 1 hour ago
does that joke come across clearly?
and is just not funny? or is it unclear what I'm saying?
I was really proud of it…
@GeorgePompidou looooool
I mean, isn't that the obvious comment?
he literally sets it up! "if she took the bus she was bussed" hurr how about for trains?
sorry man, but that guy's daughter got railed.
that's just the way it is.
7 hours later…
This chat is dead.
Hi there!
Is it EL&Us birthday today?
No idea.
Apparently it was yesterday
according to @KitFox
Ah....How old?
4 years? I'm not sure
12 August 19:00:00Z
English Language & Usageenglish.stackexchange.com

Launched Q&A site for linguists, etymologists, and (serious) English language enthusiasts

hmmm...no wonder it's miffed...4 year olds tend to do that
Private beta was 5 August.
@RegDwigнt In the end, I deleted both answers, lol.
@JasperLoy you are a great deletionist. Almost like Houdini.
Anyway. I wasn't around for the private beta, so I've no reason to celebrate.
In four days I shall drink something.
You can still say "happy birthday"...
But today I shall only drink something just because.
@marantou to whom?
Actually, that's a better question than it might seem. Who is still around who was there for the private beta?
Beats me...to KitFox?...I'm new here any which way...
There is no easy way to search for it, either...
I am user ID 300 and I only joined when the beta went public.
Matt and Rob and Kit and basically everyone joined like years later.
the proposer is still around
@MattЭллен Is he? I thought he never created an account?
yup. you deleted his only question
He doesn't participate much.
Anyway. Nope. He joined a month after myself.
yes. It doesn't look like they participated in the closed beta
Nohat must be like user 30 or something. But that's about the only one I can think of.
looking at those who have the beta badge
Very handsome.
Oh yeah Mehper went missing in action for like two years but resurfaced just recently.
I don't recognise many
I went missing many times.
@MattЭллен I am just going through /users/ and incrementing the numbers at the end manually.
User 1 does not exist.
JSB was in the private beta
User 2 and 3 are SE mods.
User 4 is Jin.
Now that's a nice tidy account.
User no. 5.
Nice beard.
Keeps coming back regularly once a year, good question record.
Member for 4 years, visited on 40 days, asked 7 questions.
Last seen a month ago.
So he hasn't given up on us just yet.
They should give me a deletionist badge.
You'd just delete it
@JasperLoy how can they give a badge to a deleted account?
User no. 6. Same thing!
Nice glasses.
Member for 4 years, visited on 113 days, last seen a month ago, 7 questions, 16 answers.
And I actually remember most of his questions.
From the olden days. So he does seem to have given up somewhat.
User no. 7. Not seen in two years. Six answers.
I think these people should just delete their accounts.
terrible advice!
No. 8. One question, one answer, one deleted answer. Not seen in nine months.
@JasperLoy yeah come on Jasper. We're celebrating them here and then you say something like that. Not cool.
Okay that one's not coming back.
Two questions about Indian English in Aug 2010, and that's it. Never seen again. Visited for 3 days in total.
Number 10 and I'm taking a break.
Interesting gravatar.
@RegDwigнt still managed to get the yearling badge twice!
One question, no answers, seen on 7 days, 9 profile views. Not around since Feb 13.
@MattЭллен yeah I have like five on SO by now, and I don't even know what SO is.
Daniel, Moscow, Russia
101 2
Moscow, Russia. No questions, no answers. Somehow 7 profile views, however. Visited on 5 days, never again since Sep 2013.
joined but did nothing
7k on SO, though.
That's where the profile views are trickling through.
Okay this name I actually remember.
But not around since March 2011.
> Why did sucking question get a lot of downvotes?
Hey cool, the first person I really know.
And last seen just a week ago, too.
User no. 13.
12 questions, but not an avid voter. 20 votes in four years.
@RegDwigнt he smartly camouflaged his name
@nosmoking nah, clearly it's short for Alexey. He can't fool me.
Emmett, San Francisco, CA
101 2
No questions or answers. 13 votes in four years. Last seen a month ago. Five profile views, 6k on SO, 26k on MSO.
he used to be a SE dev
Yeah I totally know the name.
Just not from this site.
Doc Emmett Brown
I think I know the face, too. But I might be confusing him with Larry Page.
Or with Emmett from the LEGO Movie.
Page wears tuxedos
Tidal sand dot com. One question one answer, 15 votes 13 badges, 19 views. Not seen since over a year.
Five questions, four Yearling badges. Not seen in half a year.
No idea who that is. But visited on 101 days and cast 43 upvotes.
Three answers, two of them deleted.
Reg has become a bot.
@RegDwigнt 20 passive votes a year. nice
@JasperLoy spake the Delet-o-bot.
@MattЭллен yeah not too shabby. Especially seeing how it's 824 in total.
So they are very equally spaced out.
Really no room for error at all.
He gets exactly 205.75 points a year, every year. You need 200.
User 18 has been nuked.
Lukas Cenovsky, Czech Republic
101 2
User 19. Visited on 100 days, but no questions or answers, and only five votes. Last seen two years ago.
Mashmagar, Michigan
Zeroes all around. Needless to say, never seen him.
I need 10 more points to get a flair.
No posts, no votes, no badges. And only 2 profile views including mine and his own.
But what's the point right? I am just gonna delete it.
just in case you need one before hand
@JasperLoy you don't have to
@JasperLoy yeah seriously. Ease up on the "OMG I got an upvote" reports. Not even yourself really cares.
You're like that girl from gaming.
@RegDwigнt I give you a badge for using italics in chat for emphasis.
I always use italics in chat for emphasis. Everyone always does.
@MattЭллен You should aim for 20k this year.
Yeah cool Peter. The second person after serg whom I really recognize.
@JasperLoy ,less then 400 reps to go!
3 questions, 27 answers, 14 badges, 110 votes. Visited on 94 days, last seen a month ago.
@MattЭллен you are missing a comma before then.
Much batter.
Isn't it also the religious alternative? My understanding is that creation in the religious sense usually includes stuff that's not alive. — Rupe 30 mins ago
How is "life" religious?
oh. maybe I'll make toad in the hole on Sunday
I don't know what that means. Something with buttocks?
If it's not something with buttocks, it ain't BrE.
Jesse Beder, Chicago, IL
101 3
you won't like it
@harto Coïncidentally, as I was watching MDK, this was baking in my oven: http://t.co/2XbvUlQd6B
Chicago, IL. No posts, one vote. Visited on 14 days including two days ago.
you have to follow the link to see
That's one strange fellah.
@MattЭллен it's just a worst.
@JasperLoy God created the universe.
God is part of the universe. So the universe created him.
@skullpatrol Why should there be a creation?
Okay here's a celebrity at last.
User 23.
why a beginning is needed?
74 answers, 339 votes, 419 profile views, 20 badges including four Yearlings, visited on 672 days.
But not in the last five months.
space-time, cf big bang
@RegDwigнt oh! yeah. I didn't notice that name on the beta badge list. I guess it's undistinctive avatar
Ladies and gentlemen, I announce that I have obtained 200 on ELU!
@nosmoking I was answering @JasperLoy's question about how is all life religous
@JasperLoy Well done, now you can chat ten times over
@skullpatrol ok
devmake, Czech Republic
101 2
Another zero-sum gamer. But visited on 74 days including this February.
sblair, United Kingdom
101 3
And yet another one of the same variety. No posts, five votes, but visited on 66 days including a month ago.
This one rings a bell but much in afar.
I am going to watch TV and eat dinner.
later pal
30 answers, 30 votes, even 3 down. Not seen for over two years.
Excellent, I have bored Jasper to dinner.
@JasperLoy it reminds me I didn't watched TV since decades, only a few images when someone turn it on near me
Michael Pryor, New York, NY
101 2
@JasperLoy CU
@RegDwigнt you bored me to tears long ago :-)
Okay Michael everyone will know from MSO.
@RegDwigнt ^ excellent
But no posts and barely half a dozen votes. 23 visits, not since April.
No comment needed, the celebrity so far.
I do wonder where Jeff and Joel are.
I thought they were always user 1 and 2 on all sites.
@RegDwigнt didn't get the beta badge!

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