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@Cerberus As they say in golf: It's not how you drive, it's how you arrive.
@YoichiOishi - what a charming story! I can grow the plant but it does not bear fruit. I've tried several varieties, but the fact that we have no quince in the fruit markets either reflects that it's not known here, or that it doesn't do well here. I've been able to buy quince in Great Britain, however.
Golfers are known for their fine rhymes.
@snailboat Drive for show, putt for dough.
@YoichiOishi - Thank you for that lovely bit of history and culture.
@Snailboat - is the littlest out on it's own now?
How is the ill-one doing?
Oh, she didn't make it :-(
I caught a new wild snail yesterday morning.
I'm sorry. :(
That must have been heartbreaking.
It was sad. :-(
But you have new genes in your gene pool now. :)
Here's a beautiful kitty.
Awww :-)
Beautiful cat. I want a cat.
This is the new snail
I'm not sure if you can tell from that picture, but she's a lot smaller than my other snails, I think only six weeks old (-ish)
is she too small to be one of yours?
Have you ever thought of buying a different shelled snail to see if they might reproduce with an intermediate shell?
@medica Pet stores don't sell land snails here, and the only snails it's legal for me to keep are Helix aspersa (these little guys) and native snails
Helix aspersa have a bit of variety in their shell patterns, but I have to find healthy ones in the wild from different colonies :-)
Native snails are harder to come by. I've seen some nice ones, but not since moving to this house. Helix aspersa are more or less an invasive species, but they're everywhere here now
Sometimes I think it'd be nice to raise banana slugs :-)
These live about 30 miles from here :-)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 So cute! Is she yours? Is that a kitten? The perspective makes it hard to judge proportions of features.
@snailboat Escargot is illegal in your country? :)
@tchrist Our friend is alive and well and living in ELL.
@AndrewLeach I will suppress the Black Hat liturgicalish response.
This is ultimately the same question as How to say “She/He is my girlfriend/boyfriend” without the possessive “my”. At any rate, the top answer there applies to the fullest. — RegDwigнt ♦ 1 min ago
But I am drunk, so what do I know.
@snailboat snails are exactly as cool as slugs are not. Nuff said.
You’re drunk? Really? Cool, then we can take advantage of you in your weakened state. I have a list of users whose annihilation would give me great pleasure.
Careful, handling nukes while drunk might prove more dangerous than expected.
drunk again?
Or so I've been told.
@685-252 or so I've been told!
@RegDwigнt They’re ectotherms: what the ec do you expec?
Actually the latter is a lie, because there's nöone around to point out.
@tchrist dunno. I expect some decency. Even from slugs.
You could tell yourself that you are drunk.
Seriously I'm considering getting a duck. Or a hedgehog.
A deer jumped over my fencing and ate 5 or 6 out of my 7 tomato plants this morning. I am incredibly irate.
These slug fellas are getting on my nerves.
Please take my deer.
The kitties just sat there watching her, too. They never barked once.
Only if it would eat my slugs, which it won't because my tomatoes are even tastier than yours.
Or so I've been told.
I see Andrew has been hacking at flags like there's no tomorrow.
Just don't burn out. Burn out hell is hell.
It gives me something to do on the train, and at the office.
Nobody tell Andrew about 2048!
Or Tetris.
How can you be on the Internet on a train?
@tchrist Kant kept wondering the same thing and now he's dead.
I don't have the coordination for Tetris. Tried. Failed.
Also, it's fairly obviously a game. Not good in the office.
You have to go with the original GameBoy version. Everything else sucks. Everything else sucks.
@AndrewLeach dunno about that, my office mates have become exceptionally good at recognizing this beige here.
But your office mates aren't my management.
They do think for some strange reason that it's a Russian forum. But that's not really helping, mind you.
@AndrewLeach some office mates like to imagine they are the management. Everywhere.
Just call them Ron.
Now I suppose I've got to find a clip of Da Management.
@AndrewLeach *Da Help
Not familiar with that one. And vice versa.
> You're The Caretaker. You've always been The Caretaker.
@AndrewLeach this Ron?
Jul 2 at 21:34, by skullpatrol
user image
I don't know any other Rons.
Don't mention Harry Potter. Do not mention Harry Potter.
@Robusto I know all about The Caretaker.
Take Care, then.
That should be about enough till I grab another drink.
And that's the bottom line cuz Stone Cold sez so.
@AndrewLeach holy crap. I used to watch that show. Every single episode of it.
posted on July 23, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a man in a hole His favourite first male name was Noel He wasn’t a coward He was rocket powered The last thing he saw was a mole

I was 16. I liked it a lot.
Though I did find some of the sketches rather gross even back then. Like the one with the head-sized pimple.
Fortunately, I didn't watch every single episode.
Yeah I am specifically not rewatching so as not to ruin the memories, or what little is left of them.
@Robusto I've been meaning to ask for days, what is the name of that principle again? That it takes the same level of competence to recognize mastery as it takes to be a master in the first place?
There was even a John Cleese video on it. Linked from somewhere in this room.
You know you have been accepted when @RegDwigнt uses one of your gifs :D
And that is why you don't post XKCD.
Though of course my entire job here is to rehash stuff by others.
I am not an inventor, I am an inventorizer.
@kwak I don't remember ever being taught it, but rather reading about it a lot everywhere.
@Cerberus clams strain
@kwak It's sorta its own thing.
Kinda linear algebra fundamentals but not really any linear algebra theorems.
@RegDwigнt dunning-kruger?
Something like that, yes.
I am always getting them confused cuz there are so many related.
The Peter Principle, the Dilbert principle, the RegDwight principle, the Skinner principal.
Yeah no get out!
Actually I don't even remember my record at this point.
But I've arrived at a 16-million tile at 9007199254740992.
because you're drunk...
Then I did the math. Then I googled to check if my math was right.
Whenever I could I tried my best to bring a white tile through the side so that it'd be easy to get them near the top row
33 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
@685-252 or so I've been told!
But of course
Basically I make a million a day, so to get to 9007199254740992 it will take me 9,007,199,254 days.
the only time a big numbered tile did appear was when I was forced to move up.
@RegDwigнt I can't wait.
You can. You will. You have to.
Now what was @Cerberus 's score.
It's probably greater than mine.
I don't remember anyone's scores.
But Cerberus grokked that game to the extreme.
I'm talking about Cerberus.
I know.
Or lucked out. I think that's the technical term.
His score was OVER 9000 more than mine, and that's an actual number.
Nine thousands don't really matter when you get to the higher tiles.
That's what Arthur Andersen LLP said, and then Enron happened.
I thought I could retire from threes after 1536 but now I'm not sure.
Knowing that Cerb's is higher.
I went back to Threes a couple weeks ago, and unlike previous attempts at going back to it after 2048, I could actually play it alright.
I would play 2048 but it's too tiring.
Takes too long to get to 2048.
And my fingers ache after spamming down and right.
Mar 23 at 15:03, by RegDwigнt
@Robusto yeah there should totally be a button "give me a 2048 right away cuz you know for a fact I'll friggin get there anyway every single time". Shorter labeling possible. Like, "cut to the damn chase already".
But you can button-mash your way to the 128. Sometimes even 256.
Even 512.
Except there's more chance of losing.
Right. I'm talking about reproducible and useful, like.
So 128 is okay but then it makes sense to slow down.
It's even more tiring to slow down. Then I have to think.
Once you have cleaned up the board to a couple tiles, you can mash away again.
Works even at 2048, of course.
Or any power of 2, of course.
When there's just a single tile left, mash away.
I should probably create a script to spam down and right. Then make it play the game continuously until it gets to at least a 512.
Then I'll play from there.
That's what I do with 9007199254740992.
I have a Hotkey script running at my office right now.
When I get back, it has gained me another half a million.
Then I can merge the board to a minimum manually, and run it again.
So you make about a million a day?
Roughly, yes. Seems about right.
But I am forgetting all about drinking again! Sorry, BBL.
Isn’t BBL an abbreviation for a BARREL of beer?
So it's going to take you 9007199254.740992 days.
@tchrist I'll look it up at the bottom of this barrel right here.
@tchrist It's more used for British Basketball League
a bit less for Benthic boundary layer
Also stands for bubble.
and for Bible
Bubble sort >> Bible sort, and that's saying something.
quicksort >> ^
My point precisely.
Nice to have another CS person onboard. Never hurts.
I'm not fully CS, I don't use vim or emacs
Ouch! it hurts
Aren't everyone programmers here?
@kwak as long as you prefer pine over elm, or the other way round, you should survive here.
@Alraxite no KitFox is analyst fo example :p
@Alraxite no, 685 is pretending to be incognito.
Speaking of which, is that your phone number or what? Doesn't appear to be an integer power of 47, at any rate.
685/252 appox e
You can just name yourself e.
@Mitch yes thanks, it was for a job I considered, but finally no, I give up on this one :)
@Arrowfar I'm trying to put a moustache on her. It's a chat bot tool, but it links to mustachify.me which is borked.
!!mustache KitFox
e ~ 2.718
@Alraxite not with these draconic minimum character length requirements in place.
Euler will work, though.
@kwak 2.718281828459045
Another good name, yes.
@tchrist Not mine. And I think a kitten. Let's see . . .
Did I just portmanteau minimum length and minimum number of characters? Need another barrel...
The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828, and is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest. It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series The constant can be defined in many ways; for example, e is the unique real number such that the value of the derivative (slope of the tangent line) of the function f(x) = ex at the point x = 0 is equal to 1. The function ex so defined is called the exponential function, and its inverse is...
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 gotta love your stamina!
e is meh. Discuss.
the only function equals to its derivative
M to the e to the h.
pi is blah.
With an arbitrary $c$ prepended to it.
No Mathjax in this chat.
I just realised.
Thank Buddha.
It slows up everything and then some and then it goes on.
Well, there is no Mathjax even in the Maths chat room.
You need to run a script.
Wait wut? They nuked it?
Oh that.
Created by one of the mods there.
Same difference.
$$bubbles = 0^{0^{0^0}}$$
Just to get your processor to melt.
Ugh now he's TeXing.
That is 42.
42 again.
So many ways.
Germany vs. France.
Or 42 for short.
Germany vs. The World.
Except Brazil, mind you.
Actually 1:0 is more like Spain against the world.
Though that era has come to an end, thankfully.
They literally won all their titles with 1:0s all the way and nothing else at all.
legendary defense
But ultimately boring. Just like catenaccio.
I will take a 7:1 against Brazil or 8:0 against Saudi Arabia any day.
!!wiki catenaccio
Catenaccio (Italian pronunciation: [ka-te-nattʃo]) or The Chain is a tactical system in football with a strong emphasis on defense. In Italian, catenaccio means "door-bolt", which implies a highly organized and effective backline defense focused on nullifying opponents' attacks and preventing goal-scoring opportunities. == History == The system was made famous by the Argentine trainer Helenio Herrera of Internazionale in the 1960s who used it to grind out small-score wins, such as 1–0 or 2–1, over opponents in their games. The Catenaccio was influenced by the verrou (also "doorbolt/chain" in French...
Though the 6:2 for Fra:Sui was fun.
Too bad they pretended it to be a 5:2.
But I was there to know better.
@JarvistheBot Italy are the previous borers to death.
use !!
!!lego 10242
Jarvis is too good for your @
@JohanLarsson thank you!
Black is okay, but should really be brown.
A ninja appears.
Shortest paradox ever.
Anyway, I'm out for the moment. BBL.
@685-252 Again?
@KitFox yep
got bored
@KitFox Can you delete rooms?
@RegDwigнt I just got this kit
You will be moustached, @KitFox.
but I'm outta here too. cya
!!mustache kitfox
!!mustache Jarvis the Bot
@685-252 Nobody puts a mustache on me. Again.
!!mustache Grace Note
mustachify is down probably
It has been for weeks.
"Internal Server Error"
I hate it when people confuse grammar with orthography or semantics.
A: "Between" Two Locations

tchristFirst, “grammatically correct” is not something that applies here. Of course it is grammatically correct. That doesn’t mean it’s sensible — nor that it isn’t. This is not a matter of grammar, but of semantics. So now for semantics, which is all that ever matters. You misunderstand the semantic...

in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Travis J
@JohanLarsson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ikH9ZRcF2Q
@JohanLarsson Is that a Little Free Library that was hit by a tornado?
He gives me a hangover from watching.
@kwak Yes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you lucky B. Still waiting for the next AFOL day here, to get it at a discount.
And please, for the love of all things mustached, could somebody just fork that repo and fix it?
Plus I have like 90 Euros worth of VIP Points on my account, so basically it'll be free and I'll be getting money back.
@KitFox that could only be done on GitHub, and who has the time?
Meanwhile a shameless self-plug.
A: Do any programs exist that allow you to build your own LEGO manuals?

RegDwightI tried LDD at first, but frankly, the order in which it adds the parts is often quite nonsensical: I also tried a bunch of other tools, some of which are mentioned elsewhere on this page, with mixed results. So what I ended up using, with great success, is LIC (LEGO Instruction Creator). It'...

Back to drinking.
shameless indeed
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What? Oh.
Q: How to restore old, scratched plates

Mr. Shiny and New 安宇I have some old lego plates that are quite scratched. They look rather dull compared to the newer pieces in my collection. Is there any way to restore (even partially) the shiny look between the studs? I'd heard that using toothpaste can help smooth out transparent pieces, so I tried putting to...

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 wouldn't toothpaste make matters only worse? What with the tiny particles that would scratch it to death and all.
And no, I don't have a better solution.
Hm. Only just noticed that even at 500 reps my edit has to enter the approval queue. I forgot that the threshold was that high.
@Alraxite that's a great score!
I think mine was somewhere in the eighties.
I never managed to get two 1536 times, let alone combine them...
@RegDwigнt Was I the one who mentioned it in chat? If so, approximately when?
Are you thinking of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
@Robusto Stop encouraging Reg's SWR trolling.
@Cerberus What if it's three words? One per each of your heads.
@Robusto Still a no-no-no!
Goddamn, Google is sure sneaky. We use Google+ at the office and I've been avoiding it, but today I had to watch a video so they tricked me into joining it, and now it's just reached out and grabbed all my contacts. Motherfuckers!
At least I gave them my gaming age, not my real one. But they probably know that already anyway.
For those of you playing along at home, gaming age is January 1, 21 years ago. Fastest to type when you want to play a game that requires adult supervision.
And also don't want to just hand out your birthday willy-nilly.
@Cerberus If you were a speaker, you'd be a woofer.
@Robusto Of course. I always give them the first of January too, but usually of my actual year of birth.
People who give their actual date of birth to random predatory companies are fools.
It's often used to identify you, e.g., at pharmacies.
@Robusto You could just use epoch.
@Cerberus I wonder how useful that actually is.
@Robusto perhaps on both accounts.

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