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Hummus (sometimes spelt hoummos for no discernible reason) is a Turkish loanword meaning a concoction mostly of mashed garbanzos beans / chickpeas, with such things as tahini and lemon juice often added. Humus is Latin loanword meaning the moist earth; it was a rare 2nd-declension feminine noun that still had a preposition-free locative case and is related to words like exhume and humid; the spelling posthumus was a confusion, since postumus meant late-born in Latin.
As opposed to posthumous meaning “after-burial”, a sort of folk etymology that pegged the spelling with an extra h.
@Zoe symbolism is all made up. How does a star have anything whatsoever to do with some dude on a billion-milee distant rock putting a goofy hat on his head?
@MattЭллен It's all bile
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It's hard when you arm and hand are too heavy to just type, hmm it's more a lack of energy and strength
@cc get some sleep pal :-)
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I slept almost all day
Duplicate of not one but two utterly unrelated questions. Please ask one question at a time, and please search the site before asking. — RegDwigнt ♦ 11 hours ago
over slept?
This comment was not nice?????
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I need some arm workout
pick up a wieght
c c
c c
I've got some trophy, I'll lift that :))
or go to a gym
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't think that's intentional.I think it is a side affect of just having a number of data points with nothing that connects them together. "Regulus = crown, Virgo = virgin, ... see?" It's not an explanation of anything. It's not even as supportable as astrology which, though total crap, makes testable claims ("born at this longitude/latitude at this time, the positions of the stars will result in this personality and life history").
@skullpatrol charity begins at home.
@Mitch what does that even mean?
in this context :-)
@RegDwigнt Mud bass.
How is this not General Reference?
Q: How do you pronounce “lithe”?

SabuncuThe word lithe seems to be pronounced just like the adjective live (as in alive), as far as I can tell from listening to this sound sample. Had I not heard it, I would have expected it to be pronounced like light. Am I hearing it correctly, and could you shed any information on this “special” p...

Seriously, this makes me want to become a mod on 4chan instead. Where I can actually be not nice for a change.
@tchrist because it's NARQ, that's how.
@skullpatrol haha. I'm supposed to mean something?
It’s based on a mishearing, and it is a one-shot error that will never ebber help anyvody else, like a typo.
If you ask me, it's not a mishearing of a native speaker to boot.
@RegDwigнt if you use the word "please" too often people are going to take advantage...
@skullpatrol these people are going to take advantage either way.
true :(
I could say "fucking search the site", and they would get totally offended!
This obsequious, ubiquitous Asian obfuskingsession professional/proper/politeness is really grating on my nerves.
Q: How to best convey excitement for the next assignment, quarter, or project?

JoshI’ve just received feedback on my work during the second quarter of the year (Q2) from my manager. I would like to reply to this feedback and end my reply with a sentence along the lines of" Looking forward to a ____ Q3! In my native language, one could use our word corresponding to the Eng...

How can I say this with the right level of kowtowing?
First, you must do it behind his back.
1. Take some kowtowing. 2. Turn up to eleven. 3. Profit.
Second, you must do it while he is bent over.
Third, you must be very very close.
Fourth, his drawers must previously have been professionally dropped.
Fifth, wear protection?
No, because then nobody would know you for the brown-nosing toady that you are.
But once they notice your nose smells like the boss’s butt, they will know that you are a proper professional.
@Matt: What might "a leg up the greasy" mean?
A propro.
@tchrist and somehow it always comes across as confrontational.
Jesus, tweened by the year's early dream.
I do so want to add the tag.
Not before I add the tag.
What do you call a word that looks like it should sound the same as another but doesn’t?
A homophony.
That is so gay.
No, it’s just pretending to be because of the social status it conveys.
Also, the correct spelling of phony is Oprah.
I especially hate her when she’s battered and deep-fried. Utter slime!
When I run out of delete votes (which is exceedingly rare), I can still run the LQ review queue; it just switches it from Delete to Recommend Deletion. But once I run out of close votes (which happens constantly) I cannot even raise a close flag on the damn thing.
And you can’t raise flags anonymously.
I want to split my username and reps into two halves, damn it.
Q: Naming of paragraph subsections

user85774Regarding the questions: What do you call those divisions of a book bigger than a paragraph but smaller than a chapter? Is not such a division best known as a PARICOPE from the Greek PARIKOPE or "a cutting around" as in the selection of a passage from the Bible in religious services?

Why is this answer posted as a question?
Q: What do you call those divisions of a book bigger than a paragraph but smaller than a chapter?

hippietrailIn printed books, or at least in novels, there are often major breaks within a chapter more important than paragraphs. Often they are separated by a greater amount of whitespace than paragraphs and sometimes this whitespace will contain special symbols such as ⁂ or * * * or even a custom symbol....

Potential thumper.
And why does everyone there misunderstand it.
Because it is NARQotic.
Not that I can do one bloody thing about it.
I can close and comment.
And then run before I get accused of not including expletives every other word.
A: What word can I use instead of "tomorrow" that is not connected with the idea of the rising sun?

miscartasvesperum perendie Latin (vesperum=towards evening) perendie=day after tomorrow) Towards the evening of the day after tomorrow. could be?

Oh I see. I shall post an answer in Russian, then.
@Reg Please protect that. It’s drawing flies.
@RegDwigнt Does Russian actually have a single word for tomorrow evening?
Why must everything be a single word? What the hell do they think language is about and for?
@tchrist it's Russian vampire slang.
Also what do you care, you don't understand a gorram word of Russian.
I don’t know your vampires’ lang.
@RegDwigнt You never know.
Hello! peeps
@tchrist language is about and for asking for single words.
@skullpatrol Hey pal :)
@Arrowfar how are you pal?
Good. You?
fine thanks
@RegDwigнt Upír.
So wait, the accepted answer is a nonce word?
See why I wanted it closed? :(
Or at least protectorated.
@skullpatrol So what are you studying in Maths these days? I mean is it relating to your college/uni subjects or general maths?
This question appears to be off-topic because it is asking people to coin neologisms, and for which there can therefore be no single correct answer. — tchrist 6 hours ago
But no vampires agree with me.
@Arrowfar It's for my own general interest.
Cool :)
So what are some good alternatives of saying 'cool!' to someone?
What is this?
Q: Is "Sent to say" proper?

GabyIs it incorrect grammar to say that someone "sent to say" something? As in "Joe sent to say that he would love to join you all for the pic nic". I know that I don't have the greatest grammar skills in the world, but I thought that that was a proper saying.

Going by the kind of answers this has been attracting, the kind of answer that got accepted, and the number of flags this generates, I have to put it on hold now. Coining neologisms is indeed off-topic here, and has always been. I guess I let myself be blinded by a vain hope for serious answers. — RegDwigнt ♦ 3 mins ago
I am rather disappoint.
Maybe everybody else was also out of close votes. It was my penultimate of the day.
@tchrist dunno, looks legit.
Too lazy to search a corporus myself, though.
@RegDwigнt I mean, did he really mean said to say not sent to say?
@tchrist either yourself or myself are misreading something there.
Send takes a direct object; it isn’t catenative like that.
It’s even bitransitive.
It's not bitransitive, just a little bit bicurious.
@tchrist Can we say: 'hip!', 'chic!' or 'groovy!' instead of saying cool! to someone? or no?
In general context of everyday conversations.
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@tchrist Joe ha enviado a decir que le gustaria a venir con vosotros al picnic
You can say anything you like. Depends on whether you want to be perceived a time traveller or not.
@RegDwigнt time traveler?
A person who travels through time. And invariably takes their vocabulary onboard.
I see :)
@cc No se envía a decir nada a nadie nunca ni jamás.
Joe sent what to say that? You have to send something, and you are welcome to send someone something, too. But send is not catenative like go or come, and I cannot fathom how the to-infinitive can possibly work as a direct object for send. Are you sure you aren’t just mishearing Joe said to say that he’d be late or some such thing? — tchrist 1 min ago
@tchrist tampóco.
I don’t need to hear about feminine napkins made laddish.
@RegDwigнt So those words that I wrote are old?
@tchrist I bet there's some crazy dialect where that works. Perhaps even in Twain.
You can send someone to say something.
@Arrowfar well, do you hear people go "groovy" on you?
But you cannot send to say.
c c
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:-) ja-ja-ja
@RegDwigнt You just played your Antichrist Inverted numerology card.
Speaking of Hitler, I have another video of his on the watchlist, so I must be going.
@RegDwigнt Not that I know of. But I saw it in Thesaurus in 'cool' entry so I thought I should ask.
"Why Hitler hates Prometheus".
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@tchrist en ninguna parte de la peninsula iberica
I watched that crapfest of a crapfest yesterday and I am still vomiting incessantly even now.
@Arrowfar you can totally use "groovy" if you're Rick James. Then again, you can totally use cocaine if you're Rick James.
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ni de la tierra, ni del sistema solar
"Hip" is not something I hear often, and "chic" is something I only ever hear in German and even there I would never recommend using it.
But I digress.
Off I go to watch Hitler.
Night all.
People do say chic.
@tchrist Do they? And other than that?
Nighty night. Or naughty.
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muy chico
> chic /ʃik/, sb. and a. slang.

Etymology: Fr. chic, of uncertain origin; it has been variously referred to the German schick tact, skill, and viewed as an abbreviation of chicane: see Littré.

A. sb. Artistic skill and dexterity; ‘style’, such as gives an air of superior excellence to a person or thing.

1856 Lever Martins of Cro’ M. 321 ― The French have invented a slang word··and by the expression ‘Chic’ have designated a certain property, by which objects assert their undoubted superiority over all their counterfeits.
Look to B.
I see
Chic as in “stylish”.
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elegante, de moda
So instead of saying 'cool' all the time, are there any similar words or expressions?
@cc fashionista
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!!define aloof
@cc aloof At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away.
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@Arrowfar Neat. Neato. Nifty. Swell. Dandy. Splendid. Admirable. Tremendous.
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@tchrist eh, una palabra que viene del ingles?
@tchrist Thanks. 'Awesome' and 'excellent' are also good words I guess.
@cc Sí, lo será.
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c c
Extraordinary. Excellent. Fun. Terrific. Great.
!!wiki luffa
Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines classified in the cucumber (Cucurbitaceae) family. In everyday non-technical usage, the luffa, also spelled loofah, usually means the fruit of the two species Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa acutangula. The fruit of these species is cultivated and eaten as a vegetable. The fruit must be harvested at a young stage of development to be edible. The vegetable is popular in China and Vietnam. When the fruit is fully ripened it is very fibrous. The fully developed fruit is the source of the loofah scrubbing sponge which is used in bathrooms and kitchens....
Used for sponges.
A luffa is used for sponges.
Most people call them loofah sponges and think they are a dead animal.
c c
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!!learn wikies "<>http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/$0" \w+
@cc Command wikies learned
c c
c c
!!wikies luff
@cc Command wikies learned
c c
c c
anyway, it won't be rendered with small images
Close-vote please:
Q: The true meaning of "did not immediately respond to requests for comment"

MadmangurumanThis expression is included in almost any negative news story - stock price decline, corporate scandal, criminality, you name it - but to me, it's frustratingly vague. I see these as "weasel words" - some journalist leaves a voice mail for someone, waits 10 seconds for a callback then goes to pr...

I don’t understand this new command’s raison d’être.
Nor any other raisin, either.
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c c
es para el wikipedia español
!!wikies raisin
Pues no me fijé en la primera parte.
c c
c c
!!learn wikifr "<>http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/$0" \w+
@cc Command wikifr learned
I grokked wikies as a plural of wiki.
c c
c c
ahh :)
c c
c c
porque no soy seguro que es posible poner una multi-palabra
Seguro no estás.
c c
c c
!!learn its.a.test "boop" \w+
@cc Command its.a.test learned
No estoy seguro de que sea posible poner cualquier cosa.
c c
c c
estas, si, excusa me
And it takes subjunctive of course, since you are uncertain.
c c
c c
me gusta el sonido del subjontivo
As it would in French.
Inglés por favor
c c
c c
¡Coño cómo me confundís!
c c
c c
!!wikies Coño
CO, Co o co puede referirse a: Monóxido de carbono (fórmula química: CO). .co, dominio superior geográfico de Colombia. co, el código ISO 639-1 para el idioma corso. Abreviatura del estado estadounidense de Colorado. Símbolo químico del cobalto. Abreviatura de la provincia de Como, una provincia de Italia. Grupo carbonilo (-CO). Expresión coloquial utilizada en Aragón...
c c
c c
it broke
vaca vaca vaca
Se nota.
@user44517 Tu parles français comme une vache espagnole.
c c
c c
well, seeing the coño page, it's better that it broke...
como a una vaca
c c
c c
Como un cerdo, un culo :p
oh désolé
I personnes effectivement indonésiens
Somebody turned off your sun?
Great. Noöne speaks English and everything's broken
So it is.
De veras.
And so they don't.
just use gtranslate
Nein nein nein.
ie ie ie
anatano saru desukA?
c c
c c
non non non
lain lain lain
lie lay lain
sia teh ulah kitu ulah make bahasa nu kitu teu ngarti!
What has wool got to do with anything?
make u heat?
c c
c c
!!youtube da hool
anyone wouldnt know how to speak javanese or sundanese here lulz
@AndrewLeach It was just the word I thought of.
There are interesting compounds that come of it.
how do u speak busy?
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c c
I speak creole (a bit)
somekina english dialect isnt it?
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c c
A creole language, or simply a creole, is a stable natural language that has developed from a pidgin. Creoles differ from pidgins because creoles have been nativized by children as their primary language, with the result that they have features of natural languages that are normally missing from pidgins, which are not anyone's first language. The vocabulary of a creole language is largely supplied by the parent languages, particularly that of the most dominant group in the social context of the creole's construction, though there are often clear phonetic and semantic shifts. On the other hand...
wheres pidgin?
somekinda inet messenger
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c c
a language without grammar ^
c c
c c
sa ka maché? = est-ce ça marche = is it working?
Take the itch out of the itch so you don’t itch your itch an inch.
c c
c c
Did you know you can scratch you foot, using your ear, they have interconnected neurons in the brain
Bit of a reach.
c c
c c
my father does acupuncture, he knows a bunch of things like that
> Some of the research results suggest acupuncture can alleviate pain but others consistently suggest that acupuncture's effects are mainly due to placebo.
:)) hehe
hi Jasper
@cc Hi!
Hi @kitfox!
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: 100% talc free (no tags)
This might be the first time I see the word talc.
I'm counting two now.
Maybe should be talcum?
@cc Uh oh. I'm stuck.
I'm counting two now.
See you.
Wow. SAS visit, @KitFox!
I think all the mods should put up their faces.
Perhaps Matt and Reg already have.
<-- And who's to say this is actually me?
(And another line to expand it a bit)
Among all the mods Reg is the most secretive. I know almost nothing about him.
I am from the League for the Protection of the Mindcanon and I urge you not to destroy other's mindcanons of people for your entertainment
@JasperLoy You just haven’t been paying close enough attention.
Having mindcanons are a basic human right. They're as precious as they are fragile.
Is this April Fool?
@JasperLoy Bits of everyone leak.
fires his mind cannon
Exposure of mindcanons to reality will irremediably destroy the mindcanons backwards and forwards in time.
@AndrewLeach More amongst the holy.
Just as well I'm not holy. Not sure I could bear the stigma.
Padre Pio had to change dressings several times a day. Yuk.
@JasperLoy Hey! How is your OCD?
@Arrowfar The same. Doesn't get better easily.
@JasperLoy Yeah. It is very difficult to turn away from things sometimes. But it pays to try that.
practices turning the undead
@tchrist So do you?
@badp Wow! you are a very young moderator I guess.
@badp What do you mean? I am still young you mean?
I'm just kidding around
Yes I am young I know :)
I am very old.
How old?
I am 32.
I am 27
I would really like to reverse time and go back to 18, before I went mad.
So you are mad about not having a gf?
Me too :(
@JasperLoy That's very old? Oh dear.
@Arrowfar No, I am just mad, in the sense that I have OCD.
But I try to distract myself
@JasperLoy Oh, that haha
@Arrowfar Of course, this condition has kept me from trying to date the past few years, and from working as well, which is one of the reasons I am still single.
Well, I hope things turn around for you soon :)
I hope to live life fully again once I get better, which is something I try to do by sorting out my thoughts the best way I know how each day.
So do you take any OCD medicine? Or there isn't any?
I do take some meds.
Or you want to get well on your own :)
But I guess OCD can be cured with mind power too. I mean by letting go of things :)
It's quite impossible to understand it if you don't have it.
Yeah, that sucks.
Oh I wanted to talk to someone in this chat but she left, lol.
Who? If you don't mind telling.
It's my secret for now.
Good haha
I see more and more people coming to chat these days.
Yeah, perhaps this is a holiday season and peeps are free :D
@JasperLoy There’s medication for that.
This is about nothing but a fuckup from the Daily Fail:
Q: The use of "not" in idiomatic English

Michael BurrowsMany media outlets have recently used the phrase "Pentagon experts on Friday said it was impossible to imagine that the missile could not have been fired without Russian help". Is the "not" a mistake or idiomatic English?

Why am I not surprised?
Offtopic because it is a one-shot printing error.
That has been copied by other idiots.
When you steal from an idiot, you get more idiots.
Well, I don't think the question deserves to be downvoted.
@Andrew I have an Issue.
I still think SE is a bit too harsh about voting.
Check flags.
@JasperLoy Downvote means shows no research.
@JasperLoy What research is shown on that question?
Hmm, I don't really follow the practice of downvote equals no research.
@JasperLoy Then you are wrong.
Read the popup.
In fact, I think that SE should not have downvotes in the first place, lol.
Just stupid.
You fail to understand . . . well, anything.
Hello @marantou you are very quiet.
If you want likey-likey, go to FB.
Oh yeah, FB. But I don't go there.
The reason SE works is because of voting.
And voting only works when you can go either way.
You have to vote the crap into oblivion.
Don’t make me do something you’d regret.
Also works because of rep.
@tchrist Dealt.
@Alraxite Which is connected to voting.
@AndrewLeach Thanks. I thought there was a block on that.
If there is, it won't resolve a bit.ly URL.
@tchrist BTW, do you use your thumbs to press the Command key?
I have a deep revulsion of link shorteners.
I know that question came out of nowhere.
@Alraxite Sure.
What do you use?
On Windows, the equivalent key which is Ctrl is on the corners.
Control is above Shift.
Where it belongs.
The place of the Command key is taken by Alt.
@tchrist Below?
It's below.
No it isn’t. It’s above. And I can prove it.
chthon(tchrist)% cat ~/.xmodmaprc
clear Lock
add    Control = Caps_Lock
Oh, so you too use Caps for Ctrl.
I'm actually thinking of swapping my Alt and Ctrl keys.
So I can use my thumbs.
Anything else is insane.
The Happy Hacking Keyboard is a small computer keyboard produced by PFU Limited of Japan, co-developed with Japanese computer pioneer Eiiti Wada. Its reduction of keys from the common 104 keys layout down to 60 keys in the professional series is the basis for its smaller size while retaining full key size. It returns the control key to its original position as on the early 84 key PC AT and XT layouts. The current models in production are the Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2, Professional JP, both either dark or light colors, Type-S silenced variants and blank key caps variants, and the Happy...
Accept no substitutes.
Happy Hacking!
@tchrist But you do have to press the right Command key when the letter you're pressing it with is typed with your left hand?
Especially, Ctrl+Q,A,Z
I don’t understand.
Do you never have to press the right Command key?
^A is just 54 on the left hand.
5 = Pinky, 4 = Ring finger.
So you use your ring finger. Right OK.
And the Control and the A are right next to each other, so a 54 chord.
Q: Email of replay to some one ask about me

Mahaabsolutely I'm remember you. I'm doing great, thank you for asking! Now I'm lecturing at Ahlia University

No comprendo.
It’s like somebody typed something into the wrong window.
Like, an ELU window instead of an EMAIL window.
@Alraxite I only ever use the Right Shift key as far as RHS bucky bits go.
Not those other ones.

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