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@terdon I'm just kidding :-)
I know. I said that being alone feels lonely. :)
Would it be right to say that melancholy can be said to be the state of being addicted to depression or sadness with a longing to not be addicted yet somehow you can't shake away the mood to chill and think sad thoughts or choosing long rides on the bus over say, trains.
What is the term of being addicted to depression/sadness?
if there is a term for it, that is.
!!define self-pity
@Zoe self-pity A feeling of pity for oneself.
I think self-pity is circumstantial?
It is by definition caused by the "self."
It doesn't imply addiction though.
To constantly want to feel sorry for oneself can be "addictive."
Yes, but self-pity does not in any way imply you are addicted to your sadness.
"Addicted" in what way?
Please elaborate :-)
You can get addicted to your own pain. So much so that you'd rather be depressed than not. It's a horrible thing to go through. Anyway, self-pity does not imply any such addiction and that was the question.
10 mins ago, by Zoe
What is the term of being addicted to depression/sadness?
Well, I guess technically that's depression
@terdon How do you know: " self-pity does not imply any such addiction"?
Depression caused by helplessness where you only feel in control when you feel bad
@terdon People can be addicted to self-mutilation.
I think you misuse addicted to if you try to apply it to something like depression. Addiction does not apply here.
@skullpatrol Huh? What do you mean? How do you know that bacon doesn't imply fowl? That's just not what the word means.
@tchrist I agree
That is why I asked:
7 mins ago, by skullpatrol
"Addicted" in what way?
6 mins ago, by skullpatrol
Please elaborate :-)
Well, it was not my choice of words, but I can understand the idea of falling in love with your own pain. Where the depression becomes the only thing that shields you from the sharp edges of the world since it dulls your ability to engage with it emotionally.
Or, where the pain of separation or rejection is the only thing remaining of your mad love and you'd rather hold on to it than loose it.
Obsession is not addiction.
Addiction involves something that provides a pleasure response.
And many other factors, including social ones.
@terdon My point is simply that " falling in love with your own pain" is a form of "self-pity" since it is the "self" that is causing the pain.
@tchrist Yes, I'm not at all sure you can't get that from depression. I wouldn't be surprised.
Addiction involves positive affect; depression, negative.
@skullpatrol Agreed, but that is not "a word for being addicted to your sadness".
@terdon Agreed.
@tchrist It involves the brain's reward system, that's an important distinction. I see no reason why someone can't get a reward (in the biochemical pathway sense) from pain. Consider sexual masochists for example.
Trains over busses.
Trains are the triumph of marriage over reason
!!define addiction
@Zoe addiction The state of being addicted; devotion; inclination.
Addicts engage in risky behavior to get their next fix; they try to hide it from their social contacts; the reward circuity in their brains lights up when they get their fix; they recome increasingly accustomed to it to the extent that they need more and more of it to get their fix, and they obsess about where to get it.
Addiction can only be used if it's pleasure?
They exhibit negative affect when denied their fix. They exhibit positive affect when they get it.
I guess so, due to the modern context. Though the word has no such connotation
I'm pretty sure addicts who wants help aren't very happy with their addiction...
Wait ... I'm pretty sure that bacon in fact does not imply fowl.
Except maybe turkey bacon
Which is as much bacon as white chocolate is chocolate.
Which is to say not at all.
@tchrist If medicine cures your ills, of course you'll be happy with it since that's the body's chemical reaction working. But I guess I need to know how you define pleasure.
@Mitch Has then the turkey no back?
I have no sympathy for those who are melancholic due to their stated addiction to white chocolate. That's just plain wrong.
I'm not asking for a word based on getting the fix but a word based on the nature of addiction itself.
Whoa! Is that why it's called bacon?
e.g. not a word based on being sad but the nature of being addicted to it.
@Mitch While chocolate has no theobromine to jack up your central nervous system.
Addicted to sadness != melancholia. Addicted to cake == life itself.
@Mitch Damn it, Mitch, I’m a programmer not a dictionary.
@Zoe Write up a question for the main site :-)
@tchrist and continuing with the fix theory, if one is happy with getting their fix okay... but one would not necessary be happy with their state of being addicted to that fix now right? so addiction shouldn't be associated with only pleasure lol
@tchrist Exactly. This works through the brain's reward system which can also be activated by things you or I would find unpleasant.
@skullpatrol nah, this is just a casual qns
New Theobromine City
@Mitch Purist.
@Zoe I have no earthly idea what lol indicates.
@tchrist laugh out loud
@tchrist Would you like me to explain it to you?
@terdon Indeed. And then you get the pleasure–pain crosstalk.
@Zoe I do not understand what it does to your statement.
@tchrist it does nothing, it's a symbol of me laughing.
adds laughter
Why would you laugh about such a grim topic?
rather than saying i am laughing now i just use lol
Are you nervous?
@tchrist I am laughing about the modern definition of addiction
!!wiki lol
LOL, an acronym for laughing out loud or laugh out loud, is a common element of Internet slang. It was used historically on Usenet but is now widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication, and even face-to-face communication. It is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms for more emphatic expressions of laughter such as LMAO ("laugh(ing) my ass off"), and ROTFL or ROFL ("roll(ing) on the floor laughing"). Other unrelated expansions include the now mostly historical "lots of luck" or "lots of love" used...
posted on July 20, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a man and a goat Fighting themselves for a coat Man’s lust for fashion ‘Gainst goat’s hunger passion Resulted in this being wrote

I simply cannot make any sense of it.
Tchrist if any one here is a dictionary on any language it is you. If someone said give me the Unicode for the Mayan for melancholia or I'll shoot this dog,...
@tchrist As do I, of your inability to make sense of it.
Feb 1 at 2:04, by tchrist
lol means Loves Only Ladies.
Though this one is probably my favorite:
Sep 24 '12 at 20:38, by tchrist
I thought ‘lol’ was how children spelled “Ha!”.
@Zoe What can possibly be amusing about such a distressful topic? Why would you break out in joyful laughter? Might as well find the mass-murder of the Malaysian Airlines passenger jet a source of hilarity.
I hope they felt bad but I'm guessing not
@tchrist Why are you assuming she's not a sadist? Perhaps she gets pleasure from other's pain. In which case, she would be lolling her head off.
How do I quote what I said before?
Or you would be loping her head off. Not sure.
Gosh, it’s so amusing when atrocities are committed against one’s fellow or oneself! HAHAHAHAHHA! Get it!!?!?
Come on, laugh at the torture.
@Zoe Hover over the message, an arrow appears on the left, click on it and copy/paste the "permalink".
We have words for sickos like that, and they are not nice ones.
5 mins ago, by Zoe
@tchrist I am laughing about the modern definition of addiction
I see no humor here.
I see horror.
there is also hysterical laughter, like a mad man
@skullpatrol That's looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Do you have kuru?
Well, you are assuming something in which I have not done.
Hmm, lolos means crazy in Greek.
Hence, I am re-quoting what I said before ^
I suspect some sort of underlying pathology must be involved here.
Be it pathetic or bathetic, laughter shall find no purchase in tragedy.
Lolo means something else in french
Well, we have now moved away from the original question due to some misunderstanding and obsession over being right. That is laughable. So, LOL.
Go away, Jasper.
Not even a four-year-old laughs for no reason.
I fear I may have to cite Fra Jorge of Burgos if this keeps up.
Thou hath not seen the Lord of the Vale.
@Zoe As thou hast no notion of actual English.
@tchrist Be nice, she's not a native I think.
@Zoe what's your native language?
Well, I did mention idc about being grammatically correct
!!define native
@Zoe native Belonging to one by birth.
native what? american?
> Laughter is a devilish wind which deforms the lineaments of the face and makes men look like monkeys. —Jorge of Burgos
@Zoe It's the language you were raised in. The language your parent spoke to you.
What language did you grow up speaking?
@Mitch How charitable you are of tense!
@terdon My parents spoke in mandarin and dialects. I speak English. Which one is the native language, based on your definition?
Monkeys are funney QED
> LAUGHTER, n. An interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises. It is infectious and, though intermittent, incurable. Liability to attacks of laughter is one of the characteristics distinguishing man from the animals — these being not only inaccessible to the provocation of his example, but impregnable to the microbes having original jurisdiction in bestowal of the disease. Whether laughter could be imparted to animals by inoculation from
> the human patient is a question that has not been answered by experimentation. Dr. Meir Witchell holds that the infection character of laughter is due to the instantaneous fermentation of sputa diffused in a spray. From this peculiarity he names the disorder Convulsio spargens. -- Ambrose Bierce
There you have it.
If you meant the language of my country, I can tell you there is no language of my country.
@Zoe Whichever one you consider it to be. One is a native of a language if it's the one they were raised in.
All countries have a language. Most have many.
For without language, there can be no communication, no culture, no organized thought.
I was raised in Greece by a Greek mother and American father and have been speaking both languages ever since I learned how to speak. I am, therefore, a native speaker of both English and Greek.
The language you grew up speaking. When you were 4-5 yrs old
English is a universal language but I wouldn't count English as a country's language unless it's America or Britain.
@Mitch I would not remember that. It could be baby speak.
@Zoe Huh? Australia? Canada? South Africa? Hell, India?
Birds do it, bees do it, let's fall in lol
@terdon Slippery, wasn’t it?
It's universal... I'm sure they have their own native language
like different forms of Hindu for India
@tchrist Still is.
In SA, they have their own language too.
Those who speak English may not have been born in English.
@Zoe Apart from India, none of those countries have another language. There are various languages used in SA but the language of the country, the one the majority is raised speaking is actually English.
5 mins ago, by terdon
@Zoe It's the language you were raised in. The language your parent spoke to you.
Zoe, terdon is asking you what your first language was.
@terdon Very, very, very few East Indians have English as their first language, their mother tongue.
@Zoe A good portion of South Africans have English as their native language, many of those have Afrikaans as a native language too, I know a few.
If by first language, terdon meant mother tongue, it would be mandarin.
@tchrist I know, but there are some. At least one I know personally. And I'm pretty sure that Rushdie is another, whatever else he speaks.
Some have Afrikaans as a native language and English as a second
@Zoe Yes, mother tongue. That's the language you are a native speaker of.
some have one but not the other and some have a different language still
@MattЭллен Afrikaans is still around? Huh, I thought it had been lost.
@terdon You’re bound to have the odd man out in a cast of billions.
@terdon I hope by native you dont mean I speak it.
@tchrist Indeed.
@Zoe Sorry?
@terdon not by a long shot. what made you think that?
Terdon, English is a 10% minority first language in SA behind Dutch and further behind Xhosa and Zulu and a couple others
@terdon It is my mother tongue but i dont speak it.
@MattЭллен Here and there you have native English speakers from other African countries as well.
not fluently
@tchrist indeed
@Mitch Um no Dutch, boy.
!!wiki Dutch boy paint
The Dutch Boy Group is a paint manufacturing company currently headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Founded in 1907 by the National Lead Company, the Dutch Boy Paints brand is currently a subsidiary of the Consumer Group division of the Sherwin-Williams Company, which acquired it in 1980, two years after the CPSC's directive banning on the manufacturing of lead housepaint went into effect. Dutch Boy offers paints and paint products for both interior and exterior surfaces, including walls, ceilings, floors, porches, siding, and trim. Logo/Trademark Dutch Boy uses a little Dutch Boy as i...
@Mitch Huh, well, I'll be. Thanks.
@Mitch Rather: Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, English, Southern Ndebele, Southern Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, and Zulu.
By Dutch I assume you mean Afrikaans then?
Plus various others of special status.
Dutch smutch. Like English and scotch English, or ... Some other example
That was alphabetical. By population ... check some website
Yes by Dutch I meant Afrikaans.
@Mitch Whiskered whiskies.
By white chocolate I do not mean chocolate. That is a mistake against god and country. Any god or country. It's against patriotism.
@Mitch So white means false, eh Saruman?
Ha ha. Yes. The white witch she's actually misunderstood. Like Anna in Frozen.
She's trying to protect us from herself.
"I'm not white, I'm just misunderstood"
!!youtube nofx don't call me white
What if you really are white? slathers self in bronzing cream
checks mirror
mirror cracks
What if you are white/false?
how can you be if you're not?
> white acre, White Africa, white ale, white amber, white-ant, white-anted, white antimony,
White Army, white-arsed, white ash, White Australia, White B, white-back, white-backed, white-backed
vulture, white backlash, whitebait, white baker, white-ball, white-bark, white-bark pine, white
bath, white-bead bandstring, whitebeam, white bear, whitebeard, white-bearded, white beech, white
birch, white-bird, white blood, white-blood disease, white-blooded, whiteboard, white bonnet, white
book, white bottle, white-bottle, white box, white boy, whiteboyism, white brass, white bread,
I'm a 'white' antinomy.
!!wiki black
Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white and often represents darkness in contrast with light. Black was one of the first colors used by artists in neolithic cave paintings. In the 14th century, it began to be worn by royalty, the clergy, judges and government officials in much of Europe. It became the color worn by English romantic poets, businessmen and statesmen in the 19th century, and a high fashion color in the 20th century. In the Roman Empire, it ...
Speaking candidly here, Albion has many a white word begotten.
The alabaster albatross of Albion's alba
TIL alcatras and albatross are related
@MattЭллен That’s what comes of not reading the logs.
Apr 16 '12 at 15:43, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
This room already contains EVERYTHING.
That's a lot of log to get through
Aug 16 '12 at 11:39, by tchrist
The RAE doesn’t know where alcatraz comes from, but they posit: Quizá del ár. hisp. *qaṭrás.
Related by marriage
And that one is even still fresh, having not bothered to reach its second birthday yet.
Candidiasis != cottage cheese
Are you being fraîche with us again?
Quark quark goes the Ente
Ooh ooh I got one... albumen? Like in the egg white?
dreams of tickling orange creamsicles
creams of tickling orange dreamsicles
Tangerine traumcicle
The butterbeer they serve at Hogwarts? It's really just warm cream soda. I have proof.
In dunklen Träumen.
now craves the supercited sicles
What is in cream soda?
@Zoe I’m sorry.
!!wiki cream soda
Cream soda is a sweet carbonated soft drink, often flavored with vanilla. History and development A recipe for cream soda—written by E.M. Sheldon and published in Michigan Farmer in 1852—called for water, cream of tartar, Epsom salts, sugar, tartaric acid, egg, and milk, to be mixed, then heated, and when cool mixed with water and a quarter teaspoonful of soda (sodium bicarbonate) to make an effervescent drink. Alexander C. Howell, of Vienna, New Jersey, was granted a patent for "cream soda-water" on June 27, 1865. Howell's cream soda-water was made with sodium bicarbonate, water, sugar...
@Mitch See Wayne’s World.
But yes, tangerine creamsicles would be even better than orange ones.
muses on Tangerine Dream
Ah T, it's in yout nature.
Wayne Bidwell Wheeler (November 10, 1869 – September 5, 1927) was an American attorney and prohibitionist. His most famous contribution to the prohibition movement was making the Anti-Saloon league the first organized political pressure group in the United States. Early life Wheeler was born in Brookfield Township, Ohio, to Mary Ursula Hutchinson Wheeler and Joseph Wheeler. His anti-alcohol standpoint started while working on his family's farm, when he came across a drunken hired hand who was so drunk that he was unaware of what he was doing with his hayfork until it had been accide...
The man who decided it would be better for America to poison its citizens than to allow them to drink during Prohibition.
> By 1926, Wheeler was being criticized by members of Congress who were questioning the League's spending in some congressional races. At one point the Anti-Saloon League decided that the only way for people to stop drinking any alcohol drinks was to add poison to as much drinkable alcohol. Wheeler was even quoted saying "The person who drinks this industrial alcohol ...is a deliberate suicide".
The problem was, they didn't know that's what they were drinking.
In the words of The Dude, "You . . . human paraquat!"
c c
c c
!!define wheeler
@cc wheeler (obsolete) a wheelwright, a wheelmaker
c c
c c
!!learn Where "<>A mirror" \w+
@cc Command where learned
I have 5 stars on the wall, miracle.
So, @Jasper, the last time you deleted your account did it have anything to do with me?
@Robusto No, and I also emailed Kit about it. I read the transcript all the time.
I see. So in fact she was not only wrong, she was dangerously, maliciously wrong?
Jun 22 at 18:46, by KitFox
@Robusto You know you were the one who drove him out, right?
I don't think that is malicious. You are too sensitive there.
She asserted it as fact, as if she had some kind of special knowledge about the matter.
Wrong fact, but not malicious, so relax.
It's one thing if one of the regulars here says something like that, but quite another if a mod does it.
Well, she was not speaking in the position of a mod, just another chatter in here.
She spoke as if with special knowledge, and certainly with an air of official authority.
@JasperLoy Not very easy to tell the difference, though, is it?
Also, you need to go easy on medica, no need to say she twisted her knickers.
No need. I don't interact with her at all.
Anyway, I find medica strangely similar to simchona.
I have no opinion on the matter. I don't care what either is or does.
Aww, you should not be so aloof. I find it very hard to figure out your character.
Actually, each time I delete my account and recreate a new one, it's just that I think I should spend less time online, yet I always am attracted to this chat.
It's quite amusing that people may think that I am trying to attract attention. I am just here to have a conversation with various people, not to attract attention.
It no longer expands?
c c
c c
!!define aloof
@cc aloof At or from a distance, but within view, or at a small distance; apart; away.
c c
c c
@JasperLoy I hope I don't do that as well
Although I unfortunately do, which I'm sorry for
It's Mon 2.50 am here.
c c
c c
How do you delete a temporary room on [chat.se]?
So far Linux Mint 17 is very good.
@cc I am not sure if you can ask a mod to delete it.
c c
c c
ah ok
@JasperLoy if you type [site.se] then that expands to the name of the site as a link. If you write the URL for a site on its own line, then it will onebox

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