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Rain bad.
Sun good.
Is it raining in Dutchland?
@Cerberus Well, no, we don’t want that falling from the sky, either!
@MattЭллен Nope, all sunny and bright!
@Cerberus nice nice.
@JanusBahsJacquet I see you are not afraid of your exam.
I wouldn't mind if the sun fell out of the sky now and obliterated us all now.
oh dear. that doesn't sound good
(Tis is Danish for ‘pee’—rather have that not falling on my head)
I feel like I only slept 3 hours, I wonder why.
Actually, I’d rather have the sun stay in place, too.
If the sun fell down, we could all sleep!
I slept fine!
@JanusBahsJacquet Hmm I'm sure there is some law for that.
I slept OK. I could go another hour
English and Dutch having pis(s).
Oh, we have that too.
@MattЭллен The beds of moderatorship must sleep well!
Tis is the minced version
Ah, how silly.
Probably just taboo dissimilation
@Cerberus who nose wat mistakes I'll make if I'm cranky and tired.
!!define tiz
@MattЭллен tiz chalk
Yay! Destroy us by accident!
@JanusBahsJacquet Funny.
Haha, ‘chalk’ in Asturian, apparently. Brilliant!
I was not expecting that :D
@MattЭллен If you misdirect your powers, you might accidentally annihilate us all. Yay!
@Cerberus maybe. yes... I'll call it an "accident". yes...
!!define tizz
@MattЭллен tizz (colloquial) A tizzy; a state of worried confusion.
I wonder what family Crimean Tatar is...
that's what I wanted
@Cerberus Looks decidedly Turkic to me
Just going by the case forms
Right, that would make sense.
Oh, it has case forms?
> It is a Turkic language spoken in Crimea and the Crimean Tatar diasporas of Uzbekistan, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria, as well as small communities in the United States and Canada.
Yeah, just expand the declension bar thingy
Yes, most of central Asia is Turkic, I believe?
Declension bar? Let me see...
About half, I’d say. Lots of Caucasian and Indo-European stuff there, too, plus some minor Uralic pockets here and there.
Lots of Caucasian? I thought they al emigrated long ago...
Oh, you mean in the actual Caucasus?
I guess that's central Asia too.
The Kartvelian languages and their ilk
Odd family.
@MattЭллен tizz (colloquial) A tizzy; a state of worried confusion.
@MattЭллен tiz chalk
By "central" I meant central central!
I thought the Tatars had come from the east.
@Cerberus it's difficult to tell the difference in colour between korean and germanic
Korean has yellow skins.
very droll
German has bluish-white-reddish (from exposure to the sun for 1 minute).
That's the level of my humour this morning.
slightly racist. understood
Well, I didn't say yellow was bad or anything.
And none of the skin colours actually describe the colour anyway.
that's true
my left hand looks greyer than my right hand
Our überboss allegedly said that he couldn't understand why we had a gay person working there.
Yeah. I don't think it's really very funny.
What kind of backward echelon is that?
"gay people? working? what's that aboot?"
Come to think of it, he's German, so he probably said "a gay".
Even funnier.
Perhaps he should call the German government to inquire why they have a gay working there too.
Well, maybe. Unless you wanted to work here.
Vai are all zeese schwulen peeples vorking?!
Perhaps he meant they deserve extra vacation days?
He's not only gay and working, he's also married. Shocking.
Now I wonder about your company culture.
To a man, even!
I mean, in this day and age?
And so is one of the others, so obviously the gay is spreading.
Is he religious?
the only safe option is for him to resign. so he doesn't catch it
I mean, who knows how many are actually gay and we don't know it because they aren't married yet?
The company doesn't participate in any gay prides?
I don't know.
I mean, is he a lone dinosaur, or are the upper strata weird old bigits?
I wonder if he realizes that the woman whose memorial bike ride he participated in was also gay, but not married because it wasn't legal yet.
She was well loved.
The company I work for doesn't participate in any gay pride stuff
@Cerberus He's not old. Maybe fifty.
Perhaps you misunderstood him?
@MattЭллен Nor do any of the ones I work at. Though one of them does have just about enough gay people working there that we could make our own float.
We do seem to have a lot of gay people. I don't know if it's because they feel more comfortable being out or just that other places required vaccinations.
With holy water?
Hmm. Come to think of it. I wonder if I could contract the gay if I had it already. What do you think, @Mr.Shiny?
Maybe it's like chickenpox, and I'll end up with shingles.
There are different strains.
Gay is AIDS, right?
Oh! Like maybe I'll get the gay kind instead of the lesbian kind, and start lusting after men?
That would be awful.
Wait. Something about that statement seems...odd.
who in their right mind would lust after men?
@MattЭллен Anyone in their right mind, obviously.
Don't think thorns make it any better.
In any case, I am not happy about it, especially since I just got a nice bonus.
I like my job, but I really disapprove of that kind of thing.
It's a pretty weird thing to be surprised about.
@Cerberus I thought gay humour was supposed to be all prickly and stuff?
I don't want my co-workers to feel uncomfortable there.
@JanusBahsJacquet No, no, studded.
@KitFox You did say “allegedly” to begin with—do you whether that was in fact quite what he said? Or whether he was perhaps misrepresented or misquoted?
@JanusBahsJacquet I think that was a "declaration", or what was that speech act called again? So apparently.
On the bright side, their presence implies that the company itself does not discriminate as such. It's only the REMF who's a bigot.
@KitFox But studs don’t make such nice smilies!
Studs can have nice smiles.
@JanusBahsJacquet I wasn't present, so I don't know, or I would have talked to HR already.
@Cerberus Call that a nice smile?!?!?
Aww you no like?
I wonder if we can add a filter to pipe the Indian love spam to the feed.
He's doing his best.
@KitFox what do you disapprove of?
Anything with “+91” in the title?
Nice gums.
@Cerberus A bit horsy for my taste.
Yeah, better not taste him.
But a stud is a stud.
@skullpatrol The CIO saying he wouldn't have a gay person working for him.
You said something slightly different earlier?
Hello, Skully.
@JanusBahsJacquet By the way, I presume you know the Great Language Game?
I've landed in some obscure Youtube playlist that is basically like this.
@Cerberus Basically the same. Why is [specific named person] working here? I don't understand why we hired a gay person. I wouldn't do that.
What I hear now sounds Slavic, or possibly Romanian...
@KitFox You didn't say "I wouldn't do that" earlier?
He said he wouldn't hire a gay person.
I don't know his exact words.
Is it at all possible that you misunderstood him because of the weird German accent?
Did he have a lisp?
@Cerberus No, I don’t think I do, what is it?
I told you that it was alleged, that I wasn't present, or I would have reported it.
You listen to radio fragments and guess what language you are listening to, multiple choice, increasing difficulty.
Ooh, looks interesting.
@KitFox Oh, you weren't present, I didn't know that.
It's fun. And beware: there are several samples per language.
And some choices really suck, such as between Croatian and Bosnian...
@KitFox so why do you disapprove?
@skullpatrol Because I think it is ridiculous to consider [who someone is having sex with] when it comes to work that doesn't involve sex.
What do you think?
Fun so far, but hard to tell often when you get languages you’re rarely (if ever) exposed to. I have no idea what Shona or Ndebele sound like, for instance, so when they’re the only two options …
Yes, when you have two languages with similar sounds from an unfamiliar family...
That's the only unfair part.
… and apparently I think Samoan sounds like Sami. Oops!
I think Austonesian usually has the retroflex t and stuff?
That sentence I wrote is stupidly difficult to parse.
What I think is interesting is that languages of different families in south and south-east Asia and the Pacific have similar sounds, even though they are vastly different families.
@KitFox some people do involve sex with their work
@Cerberus Not usually, but sometimes. It was more the number of fricatives that made me think of Sami—those aren’t so common in Polynesian languages, but apparently they are in Samoan.
First attempt—clearly I’m no good with Indian languages. Malayalam vs. Bangla, wrong. Punjabi vs. Bangla, wrong.
@skullpatrol Yes, and in that case, I would expect sexual partners/attraction to be pertinent to the discussion about whether someone was a suitable candidate for the position.
@KitFox in fact some people even go both ways to get promotions at work
Well, that's all kinds of unethical.
And also has no relevance with regard to my work environment.
so it comes done to ethics
work ethics
Comes down to? It wasn't anywhere else.
@JanusBahsJacquet Great! I think that is a good score. Of course.
OK I have to run, bye guys!
The fact is, I don't use my vulva to do my job, therefore the presence or absence of a vulva should have no bearing on whether I am able to be employed thusly.
later pal
Likewise, I don't have sex with my husband or anyone else at work, also it's not part of what I do for work, therefore who I have sex with should also have no bearing on whether I am able to be employed thusly.
And @JanusBahsJacquet eutuchê êi toi! Or something.
It's not rocket science.
Not that rocket science requires those things either.
@Cerberus you horrible horrible person. You got me hooked on another silly game.
I got 800 on my first try though :)
Nasty thing just gave me the choice between Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, and Slovak. Gah!
It's strange how often you can guess right. For some reason I can recognize language groups despite not speaking any of their constituent tongues.
Though I was given at least 3 languages that I speak fluently so those were easy :)
So, Greek boy, is this Greek or Armenian? Umm...
I was quite proud that I was able to correctly identify Burmese when I heard it. The typically southeast Asian sound coupled with the voiceless laterals clinched it. :-D
I was just surprised at how often I could place a language in more or less the right group. I'd expect it from you, it's your field. Apparently, all of us have picked up on these differences to a certain extend through, presumably, auditive osmosis.
Damn! Foiled by Czech/Slovenian. So sure I heard a ř, but apparently not. :-/
Hmm. Why is there a Russian.SE question in the feed?
Q: Хрен and phrases in which it is involved

St.AntarioWhat is the English equivalent of the following phrases: "Ни хрена не делаешь", "Какого хрена?", "Пошёл на хрен", "Не хрена тебе здесь делать", "Ты совсем охренел".

I was wondering that, too.
Nutella and bread for dinner.
Reg added a couple of the L&U sites into the feed.
@AndrewLeach something Reg setup. I think he's added questions from the sites he moderates at.
oh, I guess not
@Zoe Food of the Gods
@Mitch Welcome back!
I'm trying to decide if I should shower and go to the diner for breakfast and if both in what order.
It's raining and cold.
you could shower in the rain on your way to the diner
Both. Same time.
I think I stink enough the showering is the real priority.
But there's a cat on me.
He's purring.
@skullpatrol Sounds like a romcom movie plot. Anne Hathaway and... Michelle Williams and... Matt Damon.. and
!!wiki Michelle Williams
Michelle Ingrid Williams (born September 9, 1980) is an American actress. After starting her career with television guest appearances in the early 1990s, Williams achieved recognition for her role as Jen Lindley on the The WB television teen drama Dawson's Creek, which she played from 1998 to 2003. Williams graduated to full-length features, including Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998), Dick (1999), and Prozac Nation (2001). From the 2000s, Williams appeared primarily in dramatic, independent films for which she has received critical acclaim. One of her career highlights was Brokebac...
Is she one of the Dawson's Creek lot?
oh, so she is
@MattЭллен That wasn't an admission, was it, there?
admission? You'll get nothing out of me! I didn't do it
the fact that I knew, without reading the article, that she and Heath Ledger had a child together is mere coincidence
Oh, I don't have the boilerplate comment tool anymore.
I wonder what I did with that.
whaeves. I gotta do werk

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