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Not quite.
They’re frolicking right next to me right now.
It is so cute to see them get up on their hind legs and swipe at each other.
They exude happiness.
There are constantly playing the stalking game in the long grass.
Who wouldn't!
It makes me so happy to see how much you love those cats, @tchrist.
Almost all that’s left now.
But yes.
I'm sure there is more.
Yesterday I just hung out with them for like an hour as the sun was setting, over across by the volleyball & tennis courts, in the grass. It’s the center of a cul-de-sac circle, and the only cut grass around. And I watched how alert they were, to everything all around them.
And there will be new things.
I’m afraid they may like the volleyball courts a bit too much: they’re all sand.
But I hope you find something else. Cats are wonderful, but there's so much out there to see and do. Life's not over yet, so keep going.
I know, I know. I’m a complete recluse now.
Well, maybe come visit Edmonton for awhile. There's lots of neat stuff here :)
And it's not so far, is it?
There's the Fringe festival in August.
@Cerberus Hah!
Cool weekly farmer's markets, a beautiful river valley.
But, yeah, the reclusion should end in the medium future.
High crime rate—pardon me. Wonderful restaurants, urban sprawl…
Shh no urbanity!
@Cerberus 20 hours of driving.
I saw that.
You are still working, right, @tchrist?
It's only 23 days on foot.
@Mahnax No, got laid off on June 1st.
@tchrist Oh, really? Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope this does not leave you in any major financial difficulties.
@Mahnax They scuttled ALL contractors. Then last week they laid off 15-30% of the employees, too.
@tchrist Good god.
With a resume like yours, though, is finding another job going to be easy?
@Mahnax Well, I’ll need a new job. Sigh. The $12k spent on the flood was not good for this.
Extremely annoying. But there are lots of jobs in your field for someone with your experience.
@tchrist Ouch.
@Mahnax Many places would take me in an instant — if I were willing to relocate.
Like Booking.com, for instance.
@tchrist Aha. And I don't suppose you are.
But no offence, I do not care to move to Amsterdam during the dwindling autumn of my life.
Could be the Indian summer of your life.
But, sure, I wouldn't want to move either.
That would be quite the move, yes.
BRB tummy growls.
WTH the kittens are opening and closing all the kitchen cabinets!
Bye, Tummy.
A new trick?
Looking for mice, I imagine.
But I'm sure there will be jobs in your area too.
Wish there were a job that I actually enjoyed.
Sometimes you only know once you've tried it...
My ex-ex-boss is in France right now, and he would like me to assist him with some NLP work I did for him several years ago. Fix stuff up so it works with French, too.
There’d be a paper in it, but not money. Sigh.
At least that was halfway interesting work. The good&bad of it is that it was a university job, so all that matters is getting published, nothing else.
You could take two jobs: one interesting and one that pays well.
Rather, it was a research assistantship, but a professional one not a postdoc one, so it paid something more than slave wages.
Well, do you need lots of money?
@Cerberus Yes, and I could also find some nubile and fertile young thing, marry her, and start a family of 2.4 children.
I mean, two part-time jobs.
@Cerberus I need to be able to pay the bills. I wracked up too much debt.
By not having a job, and not wanting a job, and not realizing what was happening, and being completely depressed. Those debts need to be paid.
At a rate such that you could not live off the research job?
I had a PTSD-inducing event about 5–6 years ago, and it squashed me.
@Cerberus I never had any “spending money”. At all.
What was it? Or is that private?
@tchrist "Had"?
@Cerberus Maybe if we meet in person.
Oh for heaven’s sake, now Randy is in the UPPER cabinets!
I need to put an end to this before something breaks.
I only noticed because I heard Lorin complaining. He was complaining because Randy was way up in the upper cabinets, and he wasn't.
Maybe there are mice in my spice cabinet. I don’t know.
At some point, we attached the door of the upper cabinet to its frame with a rubber band.
So the cat couldn't throw the butter dish on the floor again.
I am back now, hello.
Welcome back!
It is long past my bed time.
No kidding!
It’s funny, Lorin is much the better tree-climber. He was way up high in a tree yesterday again. But Randy can jump higher, so can leap any countertop in a single bound.
nods gravely
What time do you usually wake up these days?
Is it possible that a cat might have licked the butter dish?
Depends on what I have to do!
Tomorrow, I should probably be at work around 1.
The cover was off and it looks a bit messed up. Hm.
@tchrist Oh…
@tchrist Always. But the problem was the breaking of crockery.
Silly kitties.
Oh, your cat.
I gave them a saucer of milk.
So I wish you a good evening!
I guess it’s time to break out the ice cream.
They rather like that.
Good night.
Good night again.
Goodnight, Cerby. Sleep tight.
Thank you!
But the butter, that’s just greasy.
I’ll give them ice cream. Vanilla.
Rest well, Kerberos!
When I have an ice-cream bar, Randy always wants to lick the stick.
You'll spoil their dinner!
This would be dessert.
What a mooch! :-)
@tchrist Yes, only joking of course.
They are just being way frisky for the hour.
I've never heard of cats eating ice cream.
They get this way. My time to go to sleep, and they go all frisky on me.
@Mahnax Really?
@tchrist The boundless energy of youth, eh?
@Mahnax Exactly. Just like yours.
@tchrist Nope. I guess it doesn't seem so unlikely, but I've never seen it done.
Their favorite game is for me to have the light and ceiling-fan on in my bedroom at night with the windows cracked enough to let the moths in.
@tchrist Hehe. I'm feeling tired these days, but when exams are over that will pass.
The moths try get to the light, and are batted about by the fan.
Which puts them in reach of leaping kitties.
@tchrist Such an interesting game. How do you sleep like that?
I don’t. Of course.
I let them do that while I’m reading.
Ah, good.
And I rescue the sphinxes as I can.
Today a great dragonfly came into the house, one of those huge ones.
When you're sleeping, they should be snuggling with you there, not hopping about.
Ah, BRB. One sec.
Never happened before.
I eventually rescued it. But Lorin had never seen such a crazy thing in his life.
Was he freaked out?
Not exactly. Just fascinated.
Still curious, then. Good.
The only time I ever saw a freak-out was when Sam brought home the bat.
They’ll be curious as long as they live. They’re cats.
True enough. But some cats get old and mopey, like Pushka did.
Sam brought home a bat. It was in the middle of the teak floor and he was in the corner crouched, and it was emitting very freaky sounds. I can only imagine what Sam was hearing. I rescued the bat.
(Pushka was a friend's cat)
@tchrist Oh my gosh, a bat? Wow.
Sam at 22 remained curious, and a hunter, and would sometimes bring in pine cones and string and such and play around with them like any kitten would.
He acted like half his age.
I have no earthly idea how Sam caught the bat in the first place. I think he must have found it sleeping in the garage or something.
That's so wonderful. I wonder how my cat is doing.
But he used to catch hummingbirds on the wing, too.
@Mahnax Where is your cat?
@tchrist Living on an acreage with some relatives, forty five minutes away. But she's always out in the forest, so I never see her when we visit (which is rare enough as it is).
She loves being outside, but I hear she's not doing so well anymore. She's old.
Aren’t there predators there?
I’m getting sleepy and sloppy.
@tchrist Not too many. Predators in these areas tend to stay away from subdivisions—too noisy, I think. Coyotes are the only major ones I can think of at the moment.
The kittens have been learning to come when I call them. And they actually do, at least if it is daylight. At night they are more reluctant.
@Mahnax Coyotes are the biggest danger.
@tchrist Yeah. But as I said, they tend to stay away from subdivisions, especially near towns as this one is. I lived on an acreage for a decade and I've never seen a coyote before.
Although my gardner’s friend who lives maybe a half-mile south of me just had her cat eaten by a lion in front of her eyes in broad daylight. Her kids want a replacement, but the mom is too shocked still.
What is an “acreage”?
@tchrist Oh my heavens. That's so awful.
You mean some acres in the country?
@Mahnax Two weeks ago.
And no word that the lion has been relocated.
@tchrist Ehm, a house on a few acres of land that's not in town, I guess.
There's groups of them clumped togethere round these parts.
And we’re talking only 10 blocks south of me. Easily within range. So I try very hard to keep the kittens in at night, and try not to lose track of them by day.
Here, one sec.
@tchrist Good idea.
I think we would just say that somebody lived out in the country.
@tchrist Regional differences, I guess.
Oh, that’s like a little subdivision?
So in those roads, you have houses, but they're very spaced out.
Living in the country would be different.
There is a large amount of forest between each house, and only a couple on each road.
The next house would be a mile down the road or something.
Unincorporated Boulder County is zoned to only one residence per 40 acres, at least in the mountains.
That keeps it from turning into a sprawl.
So on the left is my old driveway, and off to the right is our neighbours' driveway.
I see. Reminds me a bit of where my paternal grandparents lived, where my cousin now resides.
There was lots of forest to explore there.
So much green.
All the property lines got kinda fuzzy in there, but one day they became incredibly well established.
There is only one place in Colorado that is true deciduous forest. All the rest are conifers.
My friends were over for my birthday party, and we went into the forest to make a fort out of fallen trees and sticks and such. Nothing harmful, of course. As we did, a man came by and started yelling and screaming at us, chased us back to my property.
I grew up in the mixed-hardwood forests that start a bit south of Lake Superior, which is a different ecosystem.
@Mahnax You were kids?
@tchrist Yeah, maybe ten years old.
@Mahnax That happens all the time.
I would think you would be boreal forest, too. Hm. Let me check.
@tchrist Mhm. But it was so unexpected—I'd never even seen that guy before. I'd spent so much time in that forest.
@tchrist I think so.
But you had hardwoods, not just conifers, right? Paper birch and such?
Lots of paper birch.
A hardwood forest is so much more alive than a coniferous one is. Alive with birdsong and light.
We had lots of birds in there.
Once the houseboy is back, I may have to drive over to ours. It is the largest aspen forest in the world.
And it is just now waking up to spring.
Wow. Take some nice photos…
Look for Crested Butte photos here.
2010 for example has town shots, and mountains too.
Your photos are so tranquil.
I feel like I could look at these for days.
You are very kind.
This is so pretty.
To walk under that golden light is almost magical.
I bet.
But this is what that sort of place looks like right now, or will in a few weeks.
Just as beautiful.
Here’s the 2011 gallery.
Whose ratings?
Oh, mine.
Ah, OK.
This sort of thing is staggering, but it lacks the intimacy of the aspen forests.
And note the elevation on that shot.
12 kf.
That’s the road I have to take to get to Crested Butte. Tough drive, eh? :)
I need to get to bed though. Exam in the morning, etc.
I’ll go once I can arrange that the houseboy becomes the catboy.
I am so sorry!
I forgot!
Please say good night.
Oh, heavens, don't worry! I'm saying goodnight.
Goodnight, Tom. :) Sleep well, keep those kittens close as ever.
Ok, good night then. Enjoy. You can look at the pictures any time.
I think they’ve gone up without me.
I shall join them now.
Thank you, I'll bookmark the URL. Take care, friend.
4 hours later…
!!define housecarl
@MattЭллен housecarl (historical) A member of the Scandinavian royal household troops.
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: The room description now changes daily. Subscribe to updates by sending money. Tögrögs accepted. (no tags)
@MattЭллен If that works for a subscription, then ₮₮.
that's what I'm hoping
1.00 GBP = 3,104.76 MNT
British Pound ↔ Mongolian Tughrik
that's from xe.com
Oh. Might need a bit more than just ₮₮ then.
I haven't seen a price list. we might have overpaid
Why on earth do they go down to ₮0.01 in that calculation? That's a ridiculously small amount.
apparently Tögrög prices peaked in mid 2008. I guess Mongolians were unaffected by the mortgage problem
@AndrewLeach maybe they want to balance significant figures?
~1700 MNT to the pound back then
Value halved in six years. That's some going.
@Reg wait...so we can no longer talk about 'stuff'? whines
meta question logged, bounty applied, all relevant items flagged twice
oh what the hell, shock troops deployed
I think we'd be better off with a shock troupe
Shock Morris Dancers. No one can withstand that.
@tchrist I'd rather eat ground glass. well, about the same.
I've seen it
Shocking, right?
!!wiki border morris
The term Border Morris refers to a collection of individual local dances from villages along the English side of the Wales-England border in the counties of Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire. They are part of the Morris dance tradition. History This was a village dance done in winter for fun and a bit of money. It usually includes three to twelve dancers. Some of the earliest accounts of a border morris tradition are provided by E.C.Cawte. There is reference to questions about "any disguised persons, as moricedancers, maskers, or mum'ers" to St. Mary's Parish Church in Shr...
@Cerberus these guys ^^ are less well known that your Zwart Piet
noöne seems to call them out as racist. At least, I've never heard it.
@Mitch you are still allowed to think about stuff. Daily, on two separate occasions of your choosing.
@RegDwigнt What about... argh that was one. Dammit that was another!
shivers in corner
What about stuff are we not allowed to talk about?
@MattЭллен Wow... black face. Racist against 'moorish' people.
@MattЭллен tries not to think, tries not to think
Don't try too hard. That's what starts people thinking in the first place
@Mitch I guess cannibals find people moreish
@MattЭллен or less... ish
@MattЭллен so hungry
@Mitch maybe you'll stuff yourself next time you eat
stuffing self
Oh. That kind of stuffing.
Stuffing compares to you.
Y u no liek my tags?
@RegDwigнt suppresses but hints at a comment about Sinead
Tags narrow down the scope. If you tag the room , it means you must no longer discuss in it, or .
So if this room is for the tags X, Y, and Z, you must create another room for the other tags.
Um. But they were funny.
It sort of only makes sense on SO. Where you have a C# room and a Java room, and neither is aware that it's the same shit.
but given that the tags are as official as the topic itself, there really isn't aproblem
@KitFox oh I didn't say they weren't.
@RegDwigнt That's a remarkably perspicacious assessment of both.
cries, runs away
@RegDwigнt There's already 5 questions under your poorly-grammared space-themed tag.
@Mitch if you are trying to rick roll me with my own link, that's not how it works.
@RegDwigнt Well I cheated and retagged a few things.
@MattЭллен I am so close to clicking on that.
how close?
It's just a tag. It's clean.
@MattЭллен damn, that one worked.
Woo! success!
Matt's definition of success: "posted a link on the Internet someone else clicked".
That's one of my many definitions for success. Others include "writing a limerick other people read" and "making it to bedtime"
Not it!
No, that's how you do it.
The last person is it.
so you are it!
Maybe we just did that where I live.
Nuh-uh, coke...oh Reg got it.
KitFox: pitting the it in kit since 20XX

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