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hi @JasperLoy :)
@MattEllenД Hello Matt hairstyle guide author!
today people should wear their hair on fire!
So, we gonna make a blog happen folks? (:
@kit @jsb Saw your photos of babies, very cute! Mine are still in production...
I think yours (and mine) are in pre-production ;)
@grace I see you have a new look today, adorable as usual!
Hey folks, let's give @reb some attention here!
hmmm? Did @RebeccaChernoff just sneak in?
Me? No. I'd never!
whoa! you're in all the rooms
no sneaking there.
I am not anywhere near a linguist, so I would not write anything for the blog unless specifically solicited. So I'll wait for the rest to see what they have to say. Turn over.
you don't have to be a linguist to be on the blog
i'm not a linguist @Jasper
@JSBᾶngs That was sudden!
The minimum goal we like to set is 1 post a week. Obviously the more people willing to write, the less often people have to write to meet a post per week.
@MattEllenД I know, I checked out your entire website, remember? I'm good at stalking people on the internet.
@JasperLoy my point was more that I want to contribute to the blog, and I will if it takes off, but I'm not a linguist
Oh, hey @Rebecca.
so you shouldn't let not being a linguist put you off
@JasperLoy Thank you
1 post per week, so about 50 per year. Quite a lot.
@RebeccaChernoff grace note has been gracing us with her notability for a while now. i can't figure out why, though. i think that Reg invited her
I know the TeX one is up and running.
@JasperLoy but if we have 10 writers that's 5 per person a year
we have quite a few blogs: blogoverflow.com
not really that many to deal with
Perhaps we get a linguist to kickstart the process and set a good example and style to follow...
@JSBᾶngs This is the most active room on the network, it's not a bad idea to make sure everything is going smooth.
@JasperLoy it seems like nohat would be the person to do that
@GraceNote we're the most active room on the network? i knew we were awesome at something
So I suggest those who think they are more linguistic to start first, and then maybe I'll write something contrived when I am not fighting my inner demons too much.
and now i know that we're awesome at incomprehensibility
@JSBᾶngs You not a linguist? I was under the impression you are.
@JasperLoy @Matt was the one who said he's not a linguist
i have a linguistics degree but i work as a programmer in a non-linguistics field
@JSBᾶngs nohat seems like a strong proponent for the blog, especially as the one who brought it up as an option in the first place.
@JSBᾶngs I suppose you are sort of then i.e. at least have a degree in EL or sth related.
@GraceNote Yeah but is he still as committed? We'd need to ask.
We can also ask Yoichi Oishi to write about Japanese people trying to learn English.
Incidentally, since this site isn't mainly about linguistics, neither does the blog have to be, does it?
@Cerberus good question!
@Cerberus Yes, you would.
@Cerberus Huh?
I would think anything that is encompassed by the ideals of the site are allowed
@JasperLoy Look at the questions. How many of them concern linguistics?
so, a blog post about single-word-requests... ;-)
@MattEllenД Ugh.
sounds like you want to write it? @Cerberus
@cerb I volunteer you!
@MattEllenД Nah I am not really in the mood.
@Cerberus I doubt anyone will ever be!
I was going to write a question about the usefulness of Google and Google Ngrams for frequency and first-usage research, and post a very long answer myself.
@Cerberus You can now convert this to a blog post!
Yay maybe someday.
Like tmr.
@jsb You wanna be the pioneer?
Your name will go down in history.
I wish the phrase was "up in history" that sounds much more positive.
i can write it, so long as a 10,000 word rant counts as a blog post
I don't want people to look down on me through the ages
@JSBᾶngs That's a bit too long. Why not break it up into instalments?
end each one on a cliff hanger!
@MattEllenД Only for people to look at your hair.
@MattEllenД this i can do
@JasperLoy well, yea, it would be hard to look up at my hair.
@JSBᾶngs Breaking it up will also give us a few posts already which is a good idea to get things running.
And we can also get Chaos gamer to write about Korean English.
Basically we get each X'an to write about X English.
Anyway @jsb when can we expect your first post?
@JasperLoy let's get the blog set up first
@JSBᾶngs which is Jeff's and co's job I think.
We're waiting on confirming the activity level.
Which is what @Rebecca and I are doing now, kindasorta.
So it's chicken and egg.
I am unequivocally in
@GraceNote kindasorta is your contribution to OED.
@GraceN Do you work in NY?
@simchona Nope.
@GraceNote So you work for SE remotely?
Aye, I do
For me I would need to see some example first before saying whether I can contribute.
@GraceNote I want your job.
Heh, well, work on it and maybe it'll happen. Y'ain't gettin' my slot, though.
@simchona You never know.
@matt What would you write about for example?
@sim How about you?
After all, I am considered a pineapple by some...
@JasperLoy I want to write some articles hopefully explaining some basics of English
Though I am really a banana.
@MattEllenД That was very informative.
I guess that's at least 5 articles
then I'll see if i'm inspired to write more
@MattEllenД Good! That will last a month.
@JasperLoy well, yes, but I'm guessing the articles will be spread out over the year :D
@MattEllenД Just like the month I mentioned.
@JasperLoy ;p
@robusto Would you like to write a few posts for the blog?
@martha How about you writing for the blog too?
I will write a gripe blog post about the 12 days of Christmas thing, but I think it needs to be posted more topically, i.e. on December 13.
@Marthaª Good, Christmas is only four months away.
Perhaps I can write some book reviews after reading them though I don't know if that will happen. Eg my Carter and McCarthy grammar book and my Trask punctuation book.
I'm also trying to come up with something blog-like about some basic onomastics subject. Is there something y'all have always wondered about names?
Never hears of onomastics.
onomastics = fancy word for "study of names"
OK good.
@Marthaª why names mean things in other cultures, but British names seem to mean nothing
@MattEllenД like matt.
@MattEllenД Depends on the culture. Most names in European cultures have been around for so long that they no longer mean anything.
By the way, would everyone just write whatever he likes? Or would their be threads where people can vote on topics fit for a blog?
Long live Europe!
@JasperLoy — I dunno. What range of topics are they looking for?
Long live Germany!
@JasperLoy my parent didn't think "Oh! Our first born son is like a gift of God, we'll call him Matthew". They just think Matthew is a nice name
@Cerberus I would think everyone would write what they like, but there needs to a be a review process/mechanism.
Most Dutch means don't mean anything unless you look them up either.
@Robusto We sort of discussing this in chat now and there was also the post on meta long ago. I don't know either.
@Marthaª Exactly. What if I wrote a piece on the usage of the word vagina? No doubt that wouldn't be appreciated.
@MattEllenД — Actually, I spoke with your parents recently and that is exactly the reason they gave for naming you as they did.
@Robusto oh? well, that explains a lot actually...
I see no ribbon.
@Cerberus Are you serious?
@Cerberus — Why stop with the word?
I did wonder about all those wisemen at the hospital
Some parents do consider the meanings of names. Problem is, they go to the baby names sites and get some meaning that probably has nothing to do with the actual origin of the name.
@Marthaª But the actual origin is also disputable.
@Marthaª well, that's where I get the meaning of Matthew from :D
I think the process would be: sb writes sth, then get 2 sb's to review it and edit it before it appears.
@JasperLoy Precisely. Which is why the meanings assigned by the baby-name sites are often utter bunk.
@JasperLoy Kind of. It would be an interesting linguistic topic, though I am not qualified to write it. I have discussed the same in Dutch in depth with a friend. Our conclusion was that there was no good word in Dutch that a women could use to refer to her own.
@Cerberus what? really? i find that hard to believe
@JasperLoy What if the majority thinks the entire topic of my blog post is rubbish?
What do you mean by "good word"?
@JSBᾶngs Absolutely true.
Vagina? Too clinical.
@Cerberus A blog will never be liked by everyone, or even most.
Kut (= cunt)? Too vulgar.
Any of the various euphemisms? Preposterous.
@Cerberus So something warm and fuzzy, but empowering?
Men have it easy.
Let's stay on topic since Reb and Grace are trying to get this sorted now.
@KitΘδς You tell me!
Like tuppence or cootchie?
Lady Garden?
@MattEllenД spit take
Front bum...
I hate "front bum."
@JasperLoy If 3I decided to blog on some utterly stupid topic, I don't think that would be what we want...
@KitΘδς it is a bit weird
Ooh, just thought of another possible series of blog posts: folk etymology. Find a word that sounds like it has one possible origin, but that actually has nothing to do with that. (My favorite example being the name "Strangeways".)
@MattEllenД I neither sit on nor poop from my vagina.
@Marthaª That's a good topic.
@KitΘδς exactly, and I'm glad to hear it!
@KitΘδς I love front bum. We have that too in Dutch. The most ridiculous word ever, used by noöne.
I suggest sb volunteers for the first post, writes sth, post it somewhere, lets a few others vet it and then up it goes. @reb Does that sound right?
Ah, but post it where?
heh. i just blogged about this problem: jsbangs.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/…
@Marthaª Maybe here?
@Cerberus — Ben Kingsley's character uses "front bottom" in Sexy Beast — an interesting usage, considering his character.
@Matt "Lady in the Garden" is a vegetarian Thai dish at a local restaurant, hence my spit take.
Wouldn't it be a good idea for each blog post to be a topic on meta first, so that people could vote on it? I mean, just a summary, a proposal.
I think our first post needs to be something about using corpuses/ngrams/how to use google.
@Marthaª I second that!
@KitΘδς lol that could cause some embarrassing moments!
@Robusto Hmm I don't know that play/show/film...
@Cerberus Film. Good one too.
Then the person proposing it would write it only if it got positive total votes.
:1600415 Yes, if the number of votes be reasonably low, like less than 4 or something.
@Cerberus +1 is very easy.
@Cerberus — Worth checking out. One of Kingsley's most interesting performances.
@JasperLoy Yes, well, it is meant only as a safe-guard against really bad topics.
@Robusto OK will keep it in mind.
I have to go to the shop now. Later!
@Cerberus Laterz.
OK so we post the topic on meta first. Then where do we post the preliminary version?
cya @cerb
I look away for one minute...
I don't know if it's particularly useful to review topics in meta. It's the actual post that counts.
@GraceNote Huh?
There should be a process within the blog system for reviewing.
@Marthaª True, and if we post the post on meta it has become the blog effectively.
@JasperLoy maybe Grace's timing herself. Trying to see how long he can stay away
Gaming has one, so I assume that yours would as well. There would be drafts that can be reviewed both for spelling/grammar as well as your... topical needs.
So maybe we can discuss the topic and post the preliminary version in chat. What do you think?
link to, not post the whole thing!
If someone isn't sure about the topic they want to write about, they can ask about it here (in chat). That ought to be enough of a sanity check. The real review/quality assurance needs to happen with the writing itself.
@MattEllenД No, just sorta commenting (while not actually commenting) on what happened in the short time that I was out.
@GraceNote Ah, ok. So that problem is solved.
@GraceNote Is that process up and running?
@JasperLoy Ask @FallenAngelEyes. She'd know better than I since she's one of the reviewers on Gaming.
What who what.
One thing I won't do is develop a topic to be voted on. Life is too damn short.
@FallenAngelEyes blogs, you, reviewing
@GraceNote Ah if it has been done for gaming then we just do the same thing here. Just let us know how the system works and we can write straightaway.
@Robusto I agree
@FallenAngelEyes How does the blog work? Can people review posts before they're published for all to see?
@Marthaª Oh, yes, of course!
We usually do at least one pass before something is cleared for publishing.
I try to catch spelling/grammar stuff and also suggest stuff like formatting improvements and/or spicing up articles a photo or two, the like.
@FallenAngelEyes OK then we'll do the same thing for EL. You can write sth too!
Wordpress lets you save as a draft before you publish.
So you can do that, and then anyone (anyone who has admin rights at least) can review, edit, and eventually publish it.
OK @grace once the system is up and running maybe you can post sth on meta and tell us how it works then we can start writing the drafts there. Case closed.
Why do I always have to leave right when chat is getting interesting? Hmph.
cya @Martha :)
Later @Martha
But you'll be a staple of the blog, aye @Martha?
If the blog has too few posts we can always shut it down, so no worries really.
It's not going to look bad or anything like that.
@JasperLoy you learn more through failure than success!
And it's really hard to say we want 50 posts. Life does not go to plan as I learnt.
@MattEllenД Just like Matt might be having his baby soon!
@JasperLoy no! pre -production! it's not even in the oven!
although, who knows what may happen this weekend
Anything else to discuss about blog? So we'll just wait and see who writes first. Maybe each time sb wants to write they can reply to the post on meta that @grace and others can set up talking about the system and so on.
@JasperLoy Patience.
@Cerberus weekends are unpredictable!
@GraceNote I know, just trying to keep you informed. :)
@MattEllenД I see... do I remember correctly that the object of your unpredictability has not yet been identified unambiguously?
@MattEllenД Are you currently attached?
@JasperLoy I am single
@RebeccaChernoff What we have evil fake ELUers?
@RebeccaChernoff — I dunno. I find the content of that post to be utterly derivative. Possibly plagiarized.
@MattEllenД Single can mean not married, but I guess in context it means no gf.
Destroy them! I will send a few viruses.
@JasperLoy yes, entirely romantically alone
@MattEllenД It is as I recall it, then.
And what's with the Writers.SE CSS? Don't we have our own identity?
@RebeccaChernoff Chat has a lot of weird sounds I don't understand, and smileys too.
@Cerberus have I mentioned this before? well at least I'm consistent!
@Robusto We'd have to put up little vaginae all over the page.
@MattEllenД Yup!
@MattEllenД Like me!
@Robusto It's the Beta site CSS.
@Robusto It's the general Beta theme, and it will get a better one.
@GraceNote Jinx.
@Cerberus This is the message I just caught in the upper right room activity feed and I was all "Bwuh?"
However, Jin has to actually make the blog theme, and we can coordinate the construction of the blog before we talk to Jin.
@Cerberus Cootchie cues.
@FallenAngelEyes Hehe, my apologies.
@KitΘδς Minifridge is on your right.
@Cerberus — Now, now.
@RebeccaChernoff Good, so the blog is up and running in a sense!
@GraceNote Why not use the theme of this very site? Or can't that simply be transferred to the blog site?
@Cerberus Or big p******.
@Cerberus None needed, I just nearly spit out my drink, haha.
@Cerberus Can't be simply transferred
@JasperLoy I think you mean kittens
@KitΘδς Hehe, yeah, cute.
This is a Stack Exchange theme. That thar is Wordpress-y stuffs. Have to recreate and reassign 'n' all that to a shiny effect.
@MattEllenД Kittens with mittens.
@JasperLoy How are those linguistically interesting?
@MattEllenД No I meant pe*****.
@KitΘδς and little hats!
@MattEllenД Yes!
@cerb I meant pe*****!
@GraceNote OK.
@JasperLoy I think you mean pe*****.
@JasperLoy I think we got that now, thank you.
@Cerberus Don't get me started.
@KitΘδς That is exactly what I wrote!
I would just love to see Jeff's face.
Hi @Kit darling
@JasperLoy No, you wrote pe*****, but it's actually pluralized as pe*****.
@simchona kiss Hi, Happiness.
@Cerberus I would love to see Jeff's face with that kind of linguistic interest all over it.
@KitΘδς Next thing we have is suspension from blogging!
@JasperLoy blinks innocently
@RebeccaChernoff so we have a beta blog... but how do we do stuff to it? i mean, who can post there, etc?
@Rebecca Are you responding to the English Meta post? If not, I can handle it.
which post?
meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/1426/… <- Eso, to announce the blog 'n' all. Though in thinking on it, it may warrant a post of its own at this point since that's more of a call-to-arms.
@KitΘδς Yeah he gets excited at that sort of thing.
@KitΘδς How do you know what I was writing. 5 asterisks = 5 asterisks.
@JSBᾶngs I'll look through and add a couple admins, they'll be able to add users.
It's penes, by the way.
@GraceNote Indeed, and that's for these folks to do. (:
@JasperLoy Hence the humor.
@RebeccaChernoff wouldn't it make sense for the ELU community mods to automatically be admins?
@Cerberus Thanks, I just learnt.
@Cerberus But that kills the joke.
@RebeccaChernoff Aye so it is
@KitΘδς Now you are just covering up your ignorance before Cerb disclosed the plural.
@JasperLoy now, now. no need to be rude!
@JasperLoy I am very familiar with both the singular and the plural forms of the word, young whippersnapper.
@JSBᾶngs at least one, yup.
@KitΘδς I shan't ask how you came to be so familiar...
@KitΘδς Not my problem!
@KitΘδς I see, I am only familiar with the graphic versions on the internet.
Yes. Graphic indeed.
@rebecca @grace I have an idea. How about giving rep to sb who writes a blog post to encourage blogging? Say 100.
Could be a good idea. But it might encourage blogging by the inexperienced...? High-rep users probably wouldn't care.

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