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!!music or misery
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 music
@KitSox Yay!
@Kit I think I was thinking of gentilicio, having just read a bunch of Wikipedia articles on countries from the Americas in Spanish, and they list the “gentilicio” of the people of that place. Like how if you’re from Guatemala, you are a guatemalteco.
> El adjetivo gentilicio, también llamado a veces demónimo, es aquel que «denota la procedencia geográfica de las personas», ya sea por barrio, pueblo, ciudad, región, entidad política, provincia, país o cualquier otro lugar. El adjetivo gentilicio se puede sustantivar, es decir, se puede referir a una persona mencionándola únicamente por su gentilicio y así se puede decir correctamente el bruneano (en lugar de decir: el individuo bruneano), la francesa, etc.
El adjetivo gentilicio, también llamado a veces demónimo, es aquel que «denota la procedencia geográfica de las personas», ya sea por barrio, pueblo, ciudad, región, entidad política, provincia, país o cualquier otro lugar. El adjetivo gentilicio se puede sustantivar, es decir, se puede referir a una persona mencionándola únicamente por su gentilicio y así se puede decir correctamente el bruneano (en lugar de decir: el individuo bruneano), la francesa, etc. Los gentilicios ordinarios del idioma castellano o español se forman con una variedad de sufijos: -a, -aco, -aíno, -án, -ano, -ar, -ar...
Apparently the word isn’t as often used in English.
But still, we have weird ones. Manchester > Mancunian, etc.
You can type in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentilic but it silently redirects you.
Lots and lots and lots of irregulars.
From Latin or Latinization
Alsace → Alsatian (Alsatia)
Ashbourne → Ashburnian (Essiburn)
Colchester → Colcestrian
Courland → Couronian (Curonia)
Exeter → Exonian
Germany → German (Germani)
Guernsey → Sarnian (Sarnia)
Halifax → Haligonian
Leeds → Leodensian (Ledesia)
Lviv → Leopolitan (Leopolis)
Manchester → Mancunian (Mancunia)
Melbourne → Melburnian (Melburnia)
Naples → Neapolitan (Neapolis)
Newcastle → Novocastrian (Novum Castrum)
Orkney Islands → Orcadian (Orcadia)
Shropshire → Salopian (Salopia)
@tchrist that has two instances of i.
Et in Orcadia ego. :)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 If you say so. :(
puts scotch down Oh, um, three.
Annapolis → Annapolitan
Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío → Paisa, although the correct term for Antioquia citizen is Antioquenian or Antioqueño (Spanish)
Buenos Aires → Porteño (city), Bonaerense (province)
Canada → Canadien (male), Canadienne (female), when referring to someone of French-Canadian heritage
Cape Breton → Caper
Connecticut → Connecticuter
Espírito Santo → espírito-santense
Halifax → Haligonian
Indianapolis → Indianapolitan
Indiana → Hoosier
Los Angeles → Angeleno
Maine → Mainer
@tchrist I mean no ill will.
Oft evil will shall evil mar.
So, the Phoenicians were from Arizona, eh? Who knew!
I especially like how folks from Moose Jaw are Moose Javians.
Michigan's Upper Peninsula → Yooper
> The Franks settled France, but the citizens are French.
So, the French had their origins in der deutschen Würstchen, ja?
That explains a lot.
Wichita → Wichitite
Waco → Wackos
Tee hee.
Pennsylvania → Yinzer
Illinois → Flatlanders
Or just FIB for short.
That's pretty two dimensional of you.
Actually, it’s one dimensional: they’re all beneath me.
Q: difference between "xxxish" and "xxxy"

grepRecently Prince Charles used the word "Hitlery". In the sense of "possessing some properties of xxx", is there any difference between " xxxish" and "xxxy"?

Oh, is it that time of night?
I just bought a very small Domo Kun from a twisty machine this evening.
A twisty machine?
Yes, with the toys in plastic bubbles.
I was wondering whether that was what you meant.
I had no better term at the time.
Bon soir.
@Alraxite It is true!
I am always here.
I'm furniture.
Even when I'm going out.
What have you been up to?
When is your valediction due?
Oh, things and stuff. Wrote my valedictorian speech, worked a twelve hour split shift yesterday, going to the Pride Parade tomorrow, etc.
Oh, that's long!
Pride Parade, as in gay pride?
Well, queer pride in general, yes.
How beneficent of you!
Well, it should be a lot of fun. I'm going to be in the parade.
Oh, dear!
How daring of you!
What will you look like?
@Cerberus Yes, I'm nervous.
@Cerberus Check your e-mail in a minute or two.
I can imagine!
I shall.
(By the way, I've just come home from a borrel where my date turned up, and we had a lot of fun.)
(So I'm not 100% sober.)
Oh, a borrel is...an occasion where one has drinks.
Oh, OK. Fun! I'm glad you had a good time.
Can be before or after dinner.
English lacks this very useful word.
Gmail, by the way.
1 hour later…
A: What do we call this pattern of behavior?

Bradd SzonyeThis entire post is an extended personal attack on me. Concerns like this should be expressed in a custom flag to a moderator, not in a public post calling me out on the carpet. Also, my name is spelled with two Ds. A “good friend” of mine would know that.

Apparently RyeBread decided that mocking me in the “Indian” post wasn't enough, instead he needed to write an entire Meta post specifically calling me out for “threatening” him
Q: What do we call this pattern of behavior?

RyeɃreḁdSo when I first started using ELU I had a good friend Brad. Brad would make abrasive comments and go on forever about literally nothing in the comments under my answers. And then if I answered back then Brad would flag my comments. My friend Brad got my account suspended for a couple days. Re...

According to his post, this isn't the first time he's done this, either.
“My issue is how Brad obviously understands that he can game the system to allow the mods to suspend someone after he attacks them.” Grr.
I really hope it doesn’t look that way to other people. That kind of accusation is deeply disturbing.
I've had people actually do that to me before – almost got me suspended from school because of it. I'd never, ever do that to somebody!
1 hour later…
@Cerberus we call that "drinks". see, we have a word for it.
@BraddSzonye there are a lot of odd personalities. We see more of them online because this plane is less threatening than meatspace.
posted on June 07, 2014 by sgdi

I’m not in a limerick mood I’m thinking of you in the nude I’d rather caress Your wonderfulness Than sit here and write something rude

@BraddSzonye Remember our moderated negotiation, please.
Please stop editing the post, it pings my computer loudly every time you do.
I already apologized and retracted what I wrote, in response to what you wrote about me. Please don't drag this up again, I'm trying to leave it alone.
pinging. I'm serious. I want nothing to do with you.
Then why are you following me to chat again and bringing it up after I already walked away from it?
Please, leave me alone.
You commented on my comment to Rye. You are not to do that. Don't make yourself out to be the victim. Leave me alone. I thought reminding you of the moderated agreement here was better than leaving the comment in the thread. I'm done.
How about we all drop this and move on before I start issuing chat bans?
Hi, mods. Sorry to ping everyone. :( It's dropped as far as I'm concerned.
Whatever the cause, it's not worth a tiff on a Caturday morning.
@Oli hey, I do have a question for you.
3 hours later…
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 hour ago, by Václav Zeman
We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet.
Another drama in this chat, lol.
Oh the drama is on meta too, lol.
1 hour later…
Wo sind unsere deutschen Sprecher an diesem Morgen?
@tchrist Hi!
I’m pwacticing arrhoticity, and I must confess I don’t much cawe fow it.
I wanted to tell you I'm really enjoying Sahdow of the Torturer!
Ah. Good to hear.
One thing you should know is that none of those names or words are invented.
@medica Talking without using the grapheme that falls between Q and S in the alphabet.
@medica 100% certain.
He’s stated so himself, multiple times.
He has an essay or three about it. And there is a Key.
I find a lot of words from French, but there are some that are quite foreign to me.
That was the intent.
Ask me a word, I’ll tell you where he got it from.
This is such small type, I can't even see it now. But the different places in the Citadel
Plutocracy? Autocracy? (I figure the last one)
Self-ruler, of course.
There are many words like that. Actually every page.
It’s in the OED as an autocrat.
I ought to read with a dictionary, but most of them I can guess.
But Wolfe means it both ways. Why the literal meaning applies you will not learn until the 4th book.
I'm looking forward to it.
None of the names are made-up, either.
They’re all historical.
Good one.
In mythology, it means a good divinity or minor spirit.
It's really well written, and clever setting up.
Here it stands in for the soul, I think.
huh, I need to read more Greek.
And it’s agathaDaemon with a D.
I suck at typing.
Every single damn comment on the Indians question is flagged and counterflagged and countercounterflagged. You people are bored or what.
> agathodemon /ˌægəθəʊˈdiːmən/.

Etymology: a. Gr. ἀγαθοδαίμων, f. ἀγαθό-ς good + δαίμων a spirit.

A good divinity or genius.
Morning Reg.
@RegDwigнt I saw that. There were like 6 when I last looked, although maybe that was just on the one I myself had flagged. Superscript 6.
@medica It’s Saturday: he’s only a drive-by chatter.
@tchrist (feeling guilty)
Is this his Saturday routine?
@medica Yes.
Like a paper route for mods?
Many of the words he uses, perhaps even most, are in the OED. But some are too rare even for that.
Yes, there was a bit of drama here last night. I'm afraid I contributed my share.
I don't have a subscription to the OED
For names of people (or things like people), Wolfe uses old saints’ names for residents of the Commonwealth and names from mythology for “monsters”.
I would profit by it, but I'm not sure $200+ worth...
@medica tsk
The online free OED is terrible.
Maybe if they have a trial, I'll see.
Yeah we have a public holiday on Monday so I am supposed to be shopping for groceries rather than chatting lest we starve or sumthin.
What, man doth not live by basil alone?
@RegDwigнt What holiday is that?
@medica There isn’t one.
I've deleted half a dozen comments, and edited half a dozen more, but that's a drop in the bucket and I am bored already.
One of the flaggers actually suggested purging them all and calling it a day.
@RegDwigнt sorry...
I could get friends with the idea.
@medica Just go to your library.
@medica Pfingsten.
@RegDwigнt That must be why my screen kept flickering.
@tchrist What???
That's far!
@RegDwigнt That wasn’t mine, but I can see the point.
@medica When I worked for the School of Pharmacology, I had free online OED access through them.
@RegDwigнt (do it. There's little of value there now anyway.)
@tchrist I am jealous.
@medica nah the problem with that is that you'll start getting those exact comments all over again.
@tchrist I can't convince anyone in the ED that I need it.
So some have to stay.
@RegDwigнt (yuck)
@medica If you have even a public library card, not a university staff ID as I had, that usually suffices.
@medica don't blame the commenters. The question is designed that way.
@tchrist I used to be an "Associate Professor" at the medical center, but no longer. :( They moved the residency program out of my hospital.
Otherwise there might be a shot at that.
@medica Yes, when you work for University Hospitals, you get strange titles.
People just don't want to use libraries any more...
@RegDwigнt I think, though, that some people would take back the comments if they could.
@medica well, they can. It's called "delete".
I think people don't want to lose face, and just delete one sided, tho.
@RegDwigнt So you’re saying it has a PC peeve underpinning it? Maybe overpinning.
Sometimes it works well, sometimes you look like a fool without your comments up there.
@medica Not true.
How so?
Better be perceived dumb that open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
Anyone can delete their own stuff. And anyone else is then welcome to delete their stuff that's a follow-up to the stuff that no longer exists. If people don't do that, I have to assume they are married to their stuff so I try to edit before I try to delete.
I know I've had exchanges with MrHen, when I take all my nit picky comments down, he leaves his up, I look ridiculous.
@RegDwigнt good point, that.
@medica 99% likely to be less apt to cause offence by saying nothing than giving people anything to niggle over, anything whatsoever.
@medica You can flag as obsolete.
@tchrist OK, that is a good tactic!
Doesn't mean I'll necessarily delete it, but again, I can at least remove the mention of your name if they are addressing you because of a comment that no longer exists.
So anyway, I am off to grab pentecost victuals.
@tchrist amen to that. I am very guilty of speaking before I think.
I am so lost...
me too
@skullpatrol Hi!
@medica Hi!
@tchrist Drotte. What language? Gurloes?
Saint Drotte died c. 580 and was abbot of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. When writing in Latin, he signed his name Droctoveus, but he is known as Drotte.
@tchrist Is all this in the key?
It might be well worth it.
Saint Gurloes (died 1057) was a Benedictine monk, the prior of Redon Abbey, who in 1029 became abbot of Sainte-Croix of Quimperlé in Brittany.
That is so cool!
It would be really cool to know that stuff as I was reading it.
@medica Yes, but that would be cheating. The point is that all the people’s names are saints’ names — every one of them.
Damn. Cheating?
The problem is that the key doesn’t pull any punches vis-à-vis spoilers.
Have you ever read - A canticle for Leibowietz?
Required reading in high school.
@medica Pentecost falls 50 days after Easter, and is a major feast day.
@tchrist Your high school, maybe!This is a little bit like that for names, medieval references, but much more complex.
Hi @medica I was just talking about everyone, lol.
@tchrist Much more per page.
@JasperLoy Good morning Jasper!
I see you have your old color back! :)
@medica Yes, it is called "steelblue".
@JasperLoy Looks good on you.
I see you have attained 20k!
@JasperLoy though your last atavar was attractive!
@JasperLoy yes, but you have done it, what, four times now?
@medica Are you aiming for 100k now?
I quite enjoyed Canticle. But then, I have an unfair advantage since many of the more obscure words are of Greek origin and quite clear to me. Autarch for example, I didn't even realize it was obscure in English.
@medica Nah, only once, lol.
@terdon good advantage to have!
@terdon Book of the New Sun is full of words pulled from Ancient Greece.
@JasperLoy I'm going to be happy if I get 25K
@medica Tell me about it, I even scored points in University exams because of it. I studied biology :)
@medica OK. Have you thought about retiring from the site?
:-D My favorite subject!
@JasperLoy no, not yet!
I like it here!
I remember a question about "What does bacterium X" which I'd never heard of do? The name was self explanatory :)
@terdon Are you that guy who keeps graffitoing all the biology textbooks with “Galen was here!” scrawls?
@terdon exactly! Lucky dog.
I wish I had studied Greek!
Biology is your favorite?
@terdon Helicobacter pylori
Not to be confused with Heliobacter. :)
@tchrist Nah, that was Galen.
@skullpatrol Yes, very much. I was a molecular biologist before I went into medicine. I loved, loved, loved it!
@medica Have you read Darwin's Origin of the Species?
@medica What? Traitor!
Yes, long ago... In college.
@terdon I know, I know.
But it was so hard to get grants for a woman then.
PhDs in bacteriology or molecular biology seem to lead to employment with sausage-making companies.
At least, thus it was with two of my close relatives.
@medica Like it isn't now?
@tchrist Well, it looked that way to me, too.
@tchrist That brings up some interesting paranoias...
@terdon I don't know anymore. I left!
Well, actually, there are a lot of women doing biology these days. Hell, I work for one and she works for another.
@terdon Well, they’re still around, not having fallen into the vat. Recently retired. Aunt and Uncle.
@terdon It was terrible. The males were rolling in grant money (I was in cancer research), but the women were definitely second class citizens then.
@medica I would expect that to still be the case but rapidly changing. Simply based on the number of women in PI positions I see around me.
@medica I think it should be required reading in high school.
I figured, if it was that bad in Cancer research - which was pretty well funded back then - it was only going to get worse.
@medica I’m not completely sure that is true any longer, but yes, there were more men than women on the School of Pharmocology faculty roster.
@terdon I think so, too.
@tchrist Did you get a degree in Pharmacology?
@skullpatrol High school might be a little early. It's kind of detailed.
@medica No, no, I was a "professional research assistant". My later degrees are in computer science.
Even in my field, bioinformatics/computational biology, there are a surprising number of women given the macho attitude often found among computer people.
@tchrist ah... Is there anything you haven't done?
Actually, a "senior PRA", simply because of the graduate degree and nothing else. It is ridiculous. You are expected to wear your degree on your badge as though it were rank insignia.
@terdon I think computing is maybe a more level playing field, but I don't know.
@medica Died.
@medica Just to get a general idea of the driving force behind evolution.
@tchrist lol!
@skullpatrol Yes, I agree. Maybe no one should get out of college without it. :)
@skullpatrol Then something a little more accurate might be a better idea.
@JasperLoy Dude, that's not a thing. You're the only one who even considers retiring. Others, they just at some point stop showing up.
TOS is great but dated.
@Mitch Morning!
@skullpatrol *Origin of Species
@Robusto morning!
@medica Sunshine!
@medica hi
@Robusto Thanks pal :-)
@terdon Needs a tl;dr
@medica The elderly are often perceived as having done more than youth, but it is often no other matter than the simple accumulation of decade upon decade of sequential experiences, and nothing more.
I'm going to the shore tomorrow, the weather looks cooperative. :)
@tchrist That's not nothing.
@tchrist Well, I have forgotten much more than you seem to have done.
@tchrist Can we take that to mean that you consider yourself "elderly"?
@medica The start of summer a week late
@terdon I heard that too.
@tchrist That is something. Also the long-term perspective that comes with it.
And I have two good books to read, thanks to tchrist.
No, four.
@Robusto and the not-dead-yet, priceless
Summer never starts late.

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