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but yeah at the start of the game, i could kick Aragon's ass with Castille
but probably not vice versa... not without some gamey tactics, anyway
The Bonapartes grabbing everything they could.
The Portuguese Inversion.
A brief Spanish constitution.
We think of the War of 1812 as being something between England and Canada and the United States, but there was so very much more than that going on all across Europe at the same time.
well, the US does
not that they're self-centred or anything
You burned down the White House.
We tend to remember things like that.
Yeah, and you bombed and burned us, too (five years earlier).
canada could be good and stay loyal, why couldnt you? ;-)
Damn Brits.
you did do a good job of pushing Spanish out of north america though, at least down to mexico
spanish used to be most of western US
My Danish grandfather once told me the following joke: “The Danes are just Germans pretending to be English.”
@Jez Er, “used to”?
I think not.
well, moreso than now
There are still people living in Colorado whose property goes back to the Spanish land grants from the King of Spain.
They didn’t move here.
We moved the border.
@tchrist Then what does that make the English?
Yes, the malvado tratado de Guadalupe.
@skullpatrol Yeah, I know.
One pretends that the old vice royalty no longer spoke Spanish.
This is simply not true.
And in fact, the supercited treaty guaranteed that they could.
@tchrist I still can’t figure out if that makes no sense whatsoever, or is extremely astute.
@JanusBahsJacquet Embrace the paradox.
imagine if the US had picked German as its national language; they could've been on the Axis side of WW2
game over, rest of world
@tchrist Nah. They always try to cop a feel when you do that.
@JanusBahsJacquet It’s your job to lie between the two.
Paradoxes don't lie.
@tchrist That would basically make me that scrawny, geeky kid who ill-advisedly jumps between two fighting thugs in a bar brawl, trying to break them up.
@tchrist does that thing have English speakers? :-)
Hm, didn’t realise there were so many Scandos in Alaska!
@JanusBahsJacquet That, or Lucky Pierre.
@JanusBahsJacquet the top of that graph scale is 2.8%
@tchrist insert obligatory joke about pulling quicker than own shadow
@Jez Yes, they do. Take a negative of this:
@Jez Still. I would have expected Alaska to be basically all white, like some of the mid-eastern states.
Look at that strip of Alaska scoring >50% NNS.
What do you make of that?
Not Russian.
It all the Navajos up there.
Aleut in the southwest, Yup’ik and various other Inuit languages elsewhere, I presume?
@tchrist that has "scandinavian" like it's a single language
Na-Dene (; also Nadene, Na-Dené, Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit, Tlina–Dene) is a Native American language family which includes at least the Athabaskan languages, Eyak, and Tlingit languages. An old inclusion of Haida is controversial. In February 2008 a proposal connecting Na-Dene (excluding Haida) to the Yeniseian languages of central Siberia into a Dené–Yeniseian family was published and well received by a number of linguists. The name Edward Sapir originally constructed the term Na-Dene to refer to a combined family of Athabaskan, Tlingit, and Haida (the existence of Eyak was not know...
@Jez Many (like myself) would argue that it is.
There goes the old Sapir again.
Well, until someone comes up with a universally accepted, definitive definition (as opposed to a non-definitive definition?) of what a language is, I don’t see why Scandinavian shouldn’t just be considered one language. I’d probably not include Faeroese and Icelandic, though.
Icelandic is much closer to Old Norse than is New Norse, oddly enough.
Define define.
> Typologically, Navajo is an agglutinating, polysynthetic head-marking language, but many of its affixes combine into contractions more like fusional languages. The canonical word order of Navajo is SOV. Athabaskan words are modified primarily by prefixes, which is unusual for an SOV language (suffixes are expected).
Gee, that’s a whole lotta “persons”.
Hm. A space number. Used especially when talking about astronauts, one must assume.
Or astral projections.
Our Arabic speaker does not understand that letters do not map to sounds.
Not in the way he is expecting, at least.
Lawler would read him the riot act, per usual.
Who? Ahmed?
We should just throw him into the Chaos and see if he survives.
I never liked the idea of "immersion."
It was too much like being thrown into the deep end of a swimming pool and expected to "learn" to swim.
> Clergymen, called Drowned Men, are drowned a second time in earnest and brought back to life with a crude form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Not all men are successfully revived, however. Drowned Men wear roughspun robes of mottled green, grey, and blue, the colours of the Drowned God. They carry driftwood cudgels to show their devotion in battle, as well as skins of saltwater to perform ritual anointment[1][2] and occasionally drink from to strengthen their faith.
@MattЭллен Hi pal :-)
@Cerberus what does "Эллен" mean?
@skullpatrol Hi!
It is the Cyrillic translitteration of Ellen.
Russian letters.
> silo
zn. ‘pakhuis voor graan enz.’
Nnl. silo ‘afgedekte kuil als bewaarplaats voor granen en ander veldgoed’ in Koorn silos. Zoo noemt men in Hongarije eene eenvoudige bewaarplaats van koorn [1835; WNT watervrij], beetwortelen ... bewaard ... in lange kuilen, silo's genoemd, die met aarde gedekt worden [1881; WNT], silo ‘kokervormig graanpakhuis’ [1895; WNT], overdrachtelijk ‘woon- of kantoorgebouw met veel verdiepingen’ [1974; Koenen], ‘opslag- en lanceerplaats voor raketten’ [1976; Van Dale].
@Cerberus Thanks pal :-)
Yeah we're not super complicated in this room!
make things as simple as possible and not simpler :D
Easier said than done...
Ya, most of his quotes are that way...
Hi pal :-)
@Cerberus In my humble opinion, stating the obvious is the best place to start.
@skullpatrol It depends...
We argue in the math room about what is "truth" and how does it relate to "mathematical truth;" but this just comes down to someone's opinion of the word "define."
Define: define.
@Cerberus So, I think, stating first what two people agree on as "obvious" is the best way to start.
Umm I'm not sure I understand the context here.
That is the whole point, the obvious needs the least amount of context, right?
Uhh I don't know.
You could say nothing is context-free.
Indeed, nothing is.
> It is often maintained that transpire should not be used to mean happen or occur, as in the event transpired late in the evening , and that the word is properly used to mean become known, as in it transpired later that the thief had been caught . The word is, however, widely used in the former sense, esp in spoken English
It's funny when you read something that you have always know to be so subconsciously, but never articulated.
You find it funny because you've always thought of it as "obvious."
Not exactly obvious...
I had to think about it, from time to time.
And I was aware of the fact that there was some confusion, of sorts.
@Robusto I found The Return of the Spectacular Spinning Songbook and Momofuku at the library today. Already ripped 'em. Also a Buckinghams disc.
And . . . and I found a copy of Gaucho at Half Price Books.

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