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@Cerberus I’d like to ping your umbrage-o-meter, please.
Would you believe that this T-shirt is causing people to become upset?
Considering most people live at sea level ....
That’s why I asked Cerb. He might even live below sea level for all I know.
@tchrist Haha, which people?
what's below a "sissy"?
I live below sea level, I think.
@skullpatrol So you think it’s no great surprise there’s a call out for the makers of this T-shirt to have an altitude adjustment, eh? :)
The PC craze is preposterous and harmful. Pay it no heed.
If you already have, demand your heed back.
> "The word [sissy] used to (demean) traits that are problematically and stereotypically associated with women," the Change.org petition reads. "Traits that all genders have but are not valued because they are associated with women. ...All genders express emotions and they should be embraced when they do. "It's past due that the Bolder Boulder retire this slogan. Make your voice heard."
It's a good shirt for tourist imo
That’s its purpose.
That “All genders express emotions and they should be embraced when they do” really struck me as over-the-top silly.
I’m trying to figure out what or whom should be embraced there. :)
I guess it would be like having a Boys’ Little League t-shirt that read “Don’t Throw Like a Girl!”. The girls’ teams would take umbrage.
I’m concerned I’m becoming insensitive to insensitivity.
But the word "sissy" is too loaded for contoversy imo
Because there are stormier teapots out there.
:This article is about the actress. For information on the band, see John Wiese. Sissy Spacek (born Mary Elizabeth Spacek, December 25, 1949) is an American actress and singer. She came to international prominence for her roles as Holly Sargis in Terrence Malick's film Badlands (1973) and as Carrie White in Brian De Palma's horror film Carrie (1976, based on the first novel by Stephen King), for which she earned her first Academy Award nomination. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as country star Loretta Lynn in the film Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) and received Osca...
> He added that "Sea Level is for Sissies" has been one of the race's slogans for more than six years, and, along with others like "Altitude Adjustment" and "Run with Altitude," references the elevation that the annual race takes place at.
I don’t read our paper much.
But I just learned a new field: molecular gastronomy.
Although once again, I’m not sure my stomach is up for reading about it.
@tchrist No, those people are just going crazy over nothing.
@Cerberus Good. I thought so.
> The food is still the baby of classically trained chef Mark Monette, but he has a young protege in Chris Royster, 24, who likes to dabble in molecular gastronomy — in a somewhat understated, Flagstaffy kind of way. That might mean that the broth for a tomato consumme will be clarified with gelatin, rather than the traditional egg whites. Or that a ginger infusion that adorns a foie gras appetizer will be thickened with xantham gum rather than reduced, resulting in a fresher, more vibrant flavor.
What about it?
The internet makes them go crazy faster
You think so?
Who the hell spells consommé as consumme?
more information
at a faster rate
I don't know.
I promise the restaurant would never do that.
Must be the hack reporter.
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!!define hazardous
@cc hazardous Risky, dangerous, with the nature of a hazard.
Although the part about the bunnies is a bit hard to swallow.
> a rabbit ravioli special in which the rabbit forcemeat was contained in a rabbit-belly ravioli wrapper held together with meat glue, a.k.a. transglutaminase.
They don’t buy butter. They make it on-site. Hm.
I remember always liking their fancy butters they gave you little daubs of with their bread. I had no idea they started from cream to get there.
You know like a mini-plate with three different “foofy” butters for your bread, one with chives, etc.
@Cerberus They do call it the "information age" :-)
Oh no, they said oenophile. Now all the weenies will be up in arms!
!!wiki information age
The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization. The onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age. During the information age, the phenomenon is that the digital industry creates a knowledge-based society surrounded by a high-tech global economy that spans ...
@skullpatrol I'm not sure I see a connection between PC-ness and information overload...
@tchrist What do you mean?
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next step: robot age
What could possibly be wrong with oenophile? It is correct Greek.
@Cerberus I’m teasing about people who don’t know how to pronounce it. It is not a common word. I could imagine them saying weenophile or something. Like you get people pronouncing pseudopods and such as though they began with suede.
That's weird.
I’m afraid it’s more common than you would ever believe.
I am lucky to be spared such outrages.
@Cerberus More politics to correct.
They say swaydo- this-and-that. Lots of them do. It is like scary.
Not sure what that means...
!!wiki political correctness
Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term that refers to enforced language, ideas, or policies that address perceived discrimination against political, social or economical groups ("protected classes") as defined by the political left. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Commun...
Q: The jean button was dropdowned, I have to go to tailor shop to replace the jean button

user73963The jean button was dropdowned, I have to go to tailor shop to replace the jean button. Do we use "replace" or "fix" the jean button.

I think that programmer has written one too many dropdown menus.
sorry for all the wikipedia pages
just want to define what we are talking about
before or if we talk :-)
The article doesn't even mention 1984 and Newspeak...
Nor Newsgulch, even.
What is that?
It is to Newsnadir as Newszenith is to Newspeak.
Something like that.
The Peak of the News.
The Gulch of the News.
I would say Vale but that doesn’t seem as folksy.
Although the connection with veil might be useful.
This question draws upvotes but not much in the way of fine answers-qua-answers:
Q: Why "English" but not "Anglish"?

ermanenEtymology of English from Etymonline: Old English Englisc (contrasted to Denisc, Frencisce, etc.), from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped...

There, maybe that will help.
I bountied it.
Meanwhile, this turned at least one corner of my mouth:
There are entirely too many grammatical terms that begin with P. It's easy to confuse polysyllabic terms. — John Lawler 3 hours ago
@tchrist The ash and various "ae" forms got simplified into just "e": Ælfwyn became Elvin, Æthelræd became Ethelred, aether and aesthetic became ether and esthetic (except when @Cerb spells them), and so on. The distinction was simply planed off over the centuries.
hi oh?
"742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield Oh--hiya, Maude!"
Oh hi oh
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Gozaimasu.
@Robusto And the OED and many other people.
Tell me if this sucks:
The exercise was to write a short paragraph about fear without using the word.
>John’s throat tightened until he could barely breathe. He felt his shirt grow damp as he squeezed the steering wheel.
The headlights rushed toward him on the narrow mountain road and showed no signs of slowing. John had two choices. As he swerved toward the guardrail, he hoped the car would reach the water and sink quickly so that there was a chance the tainted heroin packed in the dashboard would dissolve.
I think you might invert the action. Talk about headlights rushing first, then let that lead into the effects on John.
I like it.
Thank you.
External => internal
You're welcome.
How goes it, lads?
chillin', you?
A: Why "English" but not "Anglish"?

RobustoIn the journey from Old English to what we speak today, the ash (Æ) tended to metamorphose into a simple E and various "ae" forms got reduced to just "e": Ælfwyn became Elvin, Æthelræd became Ethelred, aether and aesthetic became ether and esthetic (except when @Cerb spells them), and so on. The ...

I'm considering trying your diet, Busto. Plus coffee. Because coffee.
I actually troubled myself to answer a question.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yeah. I've had a cup or two now and then.
Sometimes coffee is just . . . coffee.
@skullpatrol writin'. Should be writin' other things, but it feels really nice to write something fictional that I don't absolutely hate. More to the point, to find prompts I don't hate.
@Robusto I might trouble myself to up-pizza your answer.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yes. It's good to be writing. Oh, did you know I put my SF novel up on Amazon? @tchrist got a copy and may (or may not) actually be reading it.
@Robusto No! Can I get a print copy?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You show great understanding and appreciation.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Not as of this moment. Kindle only.
I know, right?
I believe I've found it.
I designed the cover myself. Tell me you don't hate it.
Or let me put it this way: I want you to tell me you don't hate it, and I want that to be the truth.
I don't hate it.
Ooo good! grins
Does it cost the author to make print available?
I haven't investigated that. You don't have a Kindle?
You probably know who Bob Bly is . . . he has a book of short stories on Amazon and I opted for the print edition.
I don't.
It was $15 vs. $2-$3, but totally worth it.
I could send you one of my old ones.
Yes. SF.
55 secs ago, by cornbread ninja 麵包忍者
Take my money.
I'll send a SASBE.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 OK.
I need to come in here more often.
What are you eating for protein?
Chicken. Fish. Nuts. Quinoa. That sort of thing.
Also some bits of cheese now and then.
I can hang with those.
I eat popcorn with parmesan cheese on it.
That sounds tasty.
It is. I make the best popcorn ever.
When I was a kid, that's the only way I would eat my spaghetti. Mom always made meat sauce.
This is the Dietary Advice room now?
As long as Dietary Advice is a language.
This is the anything goes room.
Also Hitchhiker's Guide references.
I'm ready for Mostly Harmless.
Remember when reading about the Diet of Worms in school made you giggle?
It doesn't make you giggle if nobody likes you, everybody hates you.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You have my email, right? Ping me and I'll send you my address.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Wut? Say it ain't so.
@Robusto Yes.
@Robusto Diet of Worms is only vaguely familiar.
At the Diet of Worms () in 1495, the foundation stone was laid for a comprehensive reform of the empire (Reichsreform). Even though several elements of the reforms agreed by the Imperial Diet (Reichstag) at Worms did not last, they were nevertheless highly significant in the further development of the empire. They were intended to alter the structure and the constitutional ordinances of the Holy Roman Empire in order to resolve the problems of imperial government that had become evident. Background During the 15th century, it became increasingly clear that the Holy Roman Empire needed a...
That is most definitely a thing.
Chicken and fish taste much better than worms, FWIW.
Ah, that is not the Diet of Worms article I pulled.
Wait . . . you didn't . . .
Didn't I?
(Didn't I what?)
The Diet of Worms 1521 (, ) was an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire held in Worms, Germany at the Heylshof Garden, (a "diet" being a formal deliberative assembly). It is most memorable for the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation. It was conducted from 28 January to 25 May 1521, with Emperor Charles V presiding. Other imperial diets at Worms were convened in the years 829, 926, 1076, 1122, 1495, and 1545. Unqualified mentions of a Diet of Worms usually refer to the 1521 assembly. Background In June of the pre...
They tried them again.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 . . . eat worms . . . for realsies?
@Robusto Naw. I've eaten a fly or two.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Fool me once . . .
I think we all have eaten insect parts. Hell, we eat peanut butter, don't we?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 This is actually the one I was thinking of. How dare there be a different, earlier Diet of Worms? I am outraged!
I myself am inraged.
That's because you are an innie. I'm an outie.
Thanks for sending me on another Wikipaedia spree!
Be careful, or I will send you on a TV Tropes spree as well.
That will never catch on.
You know me.
You are this:
The Ancien Régime (, Old or Former Regime) was the monarchic, aristocratic, social and political system established in the Kingdom of France from approximately the 15th century until the later 18th century ("early modern France") under the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties. The administrative and social structures of the Ancien Régime were the result of years of state-building, legislative acts (like the Ordinance of Villers-Cotterêts), internal conflicts and civil wars, but they remained a confusing patchwork of local privilege and historic differences until the French Revolution end...
I think "a confusing patchwork of local privilege and historic differences" writes you down quite nicely.
TV is out of fashion among my generation, you know...
A little Restaurantion, if you will.
Didn't I see you at Milliways?
Monkey orchid. Looks more like a dancing naked man.
You like?
To loathe means to hate.
Loath means unwilling.
I always forget we have four colors of popularity, not three.
I know red and grey, but the others I struggle to name.
goes off in search of tetrachromat women
let me know if you find any :-)
@skullpatrol I am loth to disagree with you on this.
But does loth rhyme with both or with moth? :)
(Yes, I know the answer. Just kidding.)
> Wæs þæt ᵹe-win to strang lað ond longsum. (Beowulf)
That was a long a, of course.
And long-a went to /o(u)/.
4 hours later…
Q: Attention all soccer fans **World cup 2014** is here!

skullpatrolWith the opening of World cup 2014 quickly approaching; may I suggest this site for the international StackExchange community to discuss the various aspects of this celebration?

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!!define spurious
@cc spurious false, not authentic, not genuine
Firstly: I'm on Android 2.2.2, so this could be where the issues lie. The problems I've had:
- I'm not told if I've received messages from matches.
- My phone is low on internal storage, so sometimes tinder uses up all available space and everything slows down.
- Swiping left or right to see more pictures of someone's profile sometimes doesn't work. It can take many swipes to get to the next picture. This could be a problem with my screen.
- tinder spontaneously crashes for no reason.
Wanna hear a math joke?
no percents this time ;-)
A farmer is asking an engineer, a physicist and a mathematician to build the most efficient fence around his flock of sheep.
The engineer builds a square fence around the sheep and says "That's the best I can do".
The physicist wraps a fence around the equator and slowly shrinks it until it encounters the first sheep, then says "That's the best I can do".
ready for the punch line?
The mathematician smirks and takes a meter-long length of fence, wraps it around himself and declares triumphantly "I define myself to be outside!"
:D nice
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!!wiki hominidae
The Hominidae (; also known as great apes) form a taxonomic family of primates, including four extant genera: * chimpanzees (Pan) – 2 species * gorillas (Gorilla) – 2 species * humans (Homo) – 1 species * orangutans (Pongo) – 2 species. The term "hominid" is also used in the more restricted sense as hominins or "humans and relatives of humans closer than chimpanzees". In this usage, all hominid species other than Homo sapiens are extinct. A number of known extinct genera are grouped with humans in the Homininae subfamily, others with orangutans in the Ponginae subfamily. The most recen...
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the physicist tried to make a geodesic fence?
!!wiki geodesics
@cc geodesics plural form of
apparently ...
In mathematics, particularly differential geometry, a geodesic ( or ) is a generalization of the notion of a "straight line" to "curved spaces". In the presence of an affine connection, a geodesic is defined to be a curve whose tangent vectors remain parallel if they are transported along it. If this connection is the Levi-Civita connection induced by a Riemannian metric, then the geodesics are (locally) the shortest path between points in the space. The term "geodesic" comes from geodesy, the science of measuring the size and shape of Earth; in the original sense, a geodesic was th...
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then he did it right
But they were asked " to build the most efficient fence"
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it can be an optimization problem, with a cost attributed to each post, and each unit length of fence
first of all assume that each sheep is a sphere...
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so we can have tangents to it
Assume a spherical physicist.
A mathematics student had just finished his Ph.D. in Princeton, and he was looking for jobs. After a year with no success, he finally landed a job with the zoo as a zookeeper. One day, the bear in the zoo died. The zoo was facing the same financial crisis as the universities, and so they could not afford to buy another bear. So they asked the student to dress up in a bear costume and pretend that he was a bear.
The salary they offered was definitely an increase, and so he took this job. He was put into a cage, and with time he became very good at imitating a bear.
However, he had one worry. The bars between his cage and the next cage were loose. And in the next cage was a very ferocious looking lion. One day, his worst fears were realized, and the bar broke loose. The lion jumped through the bars, and ran up to the student.
Extending his paw, the lion exclaimed, “Hi, I’m Phil, a physics major from Stanford.”
and then they fought to the death because of university rivalries.
a sad tale
such wasted potential
the ivy league is a fierce place, so they say
@MattЭллен has all the dust settled over the Eton/Oxford scandal they had about ten years ago?
Probably. I don't know what scandal you mean.
Something about paying off the administrators to get their students in.
I don't remember anything about it. It must have been brushed under the carpet
oh. that's nothing to do with Oxford. or bribes.
I didn't know about it, though
I didn't go to public school, it wouldn't have caught my interest.
Well, it involve a school in Oxford, but I assumed you meant Oxford University.
I did, but anyway if you're not interested no problem.
Hi @meer2kat how are you?
Tired, how are you?
Fine thanks :-)
glad to hear it
@MattЭллен Oh, dear, that does sound awful.
2.2 was a long time ago.
Kudos for not throwing away an old thing!
@Cerberus It still does the basic things, but this memory problem is making me think I might need an upgrade
@Cerberus Have you tried tinder?
So that means internal storage, not RAM?
I installed it a few days ago.
@Cerberus yeah. the original HS Desire had some internal storage and a microsd slot
most applications refuse to install on the microsd
Ah OK. And you can't download an application to put the app on the SD-card?
@Cerberus I don't know. It's a security thing for 2.2
> Link2SD is an application manager that makes it easy for Android 2.0+ users to move applications to the SD card, to clean all cache files of the apps. It enables you to manage your apps and storage easily.

It also provides native app to SD (app2sd) features on Android 2.2 and higher. It can move any non-protected user apps to SD card (force move), with batch moving capability.
That feature uses Android's standard SD-card installation feature and does not require a second partition.
I might give that a go
This works for many people.
@Cerberus I quite like that, when it works, it's easy to use
Ah OK, yes, it is.
good way to pass the time
It's kind of fun to get matches.
But I have to say the conversations can be boring at times.
Where do you live, what do you do, etc.
I've had one good conversation so far. I've only had it for three weeks and I don't get many matches
Ah OK.
I guess if it takes ages to go through people...
no, I can play the game quickly, unless I'm looking through all the photos. Given the superficial nature of the app it means I don't feel bad at going on first appearances :D
Haha fair enough.
also it kills my battery
I guess there aren't as many people in Oxford...
no. not many
Hmm sounds like you do need a new phone!
It is pretty popular here, so lots of matches.
I've also had one good conversation so far.
I wonder how often romance blossoms on tinder vs how often it's just another boring conversation going nowhere
Haha yes.
My friend has dated some nice guys off Tinder.
One of whom was her ex-student...
At university, mind you.
He is like 27 and she 31.
He as probably 22 and she 26 when she used to teach him.
that's probably not an abuse of power then
He even asked her out on his exam paper.
I mean the paper with his answers.
back then?
But she could not date him then, because he was her student.
Yes, back then.
that's ballsy :D
It is!
She thinks he is a little bit of a player.
They're still sort of dating I think.
sounds it
Yeah, over-assertive.
Oh, but I have to gun.
Happy Tindering!
be sure the safety's on!
You too!
later pal
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What is the opposite of "innate"? something like "acquired knowledge"
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ok thanks

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