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**Definition of a^0**
If a is a nonzero real number,
a^0 = 1.
The expression 0^0 has no meaning.
would you say that to its face?
also: markdown doesn't work in multi-line
@skullpatrol thanks :P you too, understand my issue with it then. it shouldn't be a thing.
@meer2kat It is a definition.
@skullpatrol thanks, i can read
@MattЭллен I particularly love your artistic use of ";" there
@meer2kat It's like the definition of division not including 0.
There should be no "issue" with it :-)
!!> Math.pow(0,0)
@MattЭллен 1
Kitsox disagrees, skullpatrol
@skullpatrol "TypeError: Math.div is not a function"
1 green bell pepper diced, 1 yellow bell pepper diced, 1 orange bell pepper diced, 8 oz beef, 1 box long grain rice, 5 bella mushrooms, 1/2 small onion (chopped) 1/2 can diced italian tomatoes, a dash of this and that, 1 cup cheese.
toss it in the oven at 400 deg from 20 minutes
you make heaven. the end
Is that the proof for how 0^0 is one?
Yes, yes it is.
wanna se a proof that 2 = 1
no that proof is wrong
let me divide by 0
it breaks the rules
0^0 breaks the rules
only if you have a solution to it
if you have 0, 0 times, there's still nothing there
don't you agree?
what if you have 0, -1 times?
that's SUPER not allowed and also not there
@meer2kat but if you have 1 0 times there is nothing there
or -2 times....
@MattЭллен exactly
the whole idea of having x^0 doesn't make sense. it works mathematically because we want it to, but it really doesn't make sense in the real world
you have to start talking about the negative integers
through the definition of a^(-n)
@skullpatrol in a practical word that makes the whole situation even worse
@skullpatrol though that makes much more sense to me than the idea of x^0=1.
it's silly to be talking about this. i learned it years and years and years ago, but it is a reasonable point methinks.
negative numbers are just as "practical" as positive numbers, look at a thermometer
@skullpatrol LOL! I mean as exponents
a^(-n) = 1/(a^n)
It can easily be proven...
3^-1 = 1/3.
@skullpatrol yes. it makes sense mathematically
that's not my issue
x^0=1 makes sense mathematically too
@meer2kat (a^m)/(a^n) = a^(m-n)
So x^0=x^(-1)*x.
So 3^0 = 3^-1 * 3.
So 3⁰=(1/3) * 3 = 1.
posted on April 25, 2014 by sgdi

There once was a man on a ferry Who couldn’t connect his blackberry To the messenger app He thought it was crap So he tried, but this time with a cherry

But, sure, intuitively it makes no more sense than the square root of a tangent.
Or a square triangle, for that matter.
Guys lol! I get it mathematically! It makes total complete sense, I promise. I get math.
I want to be a math teacher. I really do get it.
then there should be no "issue"
@Cerberus but if you put 0 into that where the 3 is, then it all goes wrong, however, conventional maths says it works
@meer2kat Oh OK, OK.
@MattЭллен Hmm does it?
Man I've never seen the intensity of mathematician minded people like that before haha! I meant a practical version of it
yes 1/0 * 0 is not 1
I think 0/0 is impossible?
but 0^0 is 1
@Cerberus It's certainly not allowed. You'd break the everything.
rubs hands Ah-HAH!
18 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
!!> Math.pow(0,0)
18 mins ago, by KitSox
@MattЭллен 1
So why is 1/0 * 0 not 1?
because anything times 0 is 0 and anything divided by zero is undefined
none of that equals 1
Anything divided by zero is infinitely large?
mathematics normally doesn't define division by zero
And infinite times zero could be one?
!!> 1/0.0
@MattЭллен "Infinity"
You can't divide by nothing. It's not a thing. (see what i did there? teehee!)
!!> 0/0
@MattЭллен "NaN"
We always had to write the symbol for infinity for 1/0.
@MattЭллен "Infinity"
!!> Math.Infinity
We wrote DNE lol
@MattЭллен "undefined"
does not exist
!!> Math.infinity
1/0 is defined as infinity in some systems. It's not a universally accepted definition, but it is convenient at times.
@MattЭллен "undefined"
aka don't break the universe
breaks universe
!!> Number.Infinity
@MattЭллен "undefined"
Q: Division by $0$

danielsynI thought it was elementary to me, but I started to do some exercises and came up some definitions I have sort of difficulty to distinguish. In parentheses are my questions. $\dfrac {x}{0}$ is Impossible ( If it's impossible it can't have neither infinite solutions or even one. Nevertheless, ...

where does JS hide infinity
It can't.
Too big.
!!> float(1)
@MattЭллен "ReferenceError: float is not defined"
!!> Number(1)
@MattЭллен 1
@MattЭллен js = java script ?
!!> Number('infinity') * 0
@MattЭллен "NaN"
!!> Number('Infinity')
@MattЭллен "Infinity"
!!> Number('Infinity') * 0
@MattЭллен "NaN"
seeeeeeee 0^0 should be NaN
@meer2kat javascript, yes
I don't know, but you must be cheating.
I'm no cheat!
@Cerberus In soviet russia, the bot cheats you
3 mins ago, by skullpatrol
Q: Division by $0$

danielsynI thought it was elementary to me, but I started to do some exercises and came up some definitions I have sort of difficulty to distinguish. In parentheses are my questions. $\dfrac {x}{0}$ is Impossible ( If it's impossible it can't have neither infinite solutions or even one. Nevertheless, ...

oh yeah i was going to read that
@meer2kat And elsewhere! The botnets are everywhere, in all your porn.
@Cerberus Because that is a common hobby of mine
Do not try to divide by 0, for that is impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
The truth?
There is no 0.
There is no 0?
There is no 0.
@skullpatrol that was too many words. i can't word today
mark it for later :D
@meer2kat alyssa the kind of girl who still manages to find a way to smile; the one that you'll see walking down the hallway, having her head up high, trying just one last time; the kind of girl that will get back up, each andeverytime she falls... the kind of girl who NEVER gives up.
dawww nice robot
!!> 5 * Number('Infinity')
@MattЭллен "Infinity"
!!> 0 * Number('Infinity')
@MattЭллен "NaN"
!!> Number('Infinity') / Number('Infinity')
@meer2kat "NaN"
!!> 0 / Number('Infinity')
@meer2kat 0
yay an answer. woop
@meer2kat I know, I know.
@MattЭллен "NaN"
@meer2kat Life is just perfect
@MattЭллен 0
!!> a/b
@meer2kat "ReferenceError: a is not defined"
Stop please and watch
!!> purple/2
@meer2kat "ReferenceError: purple is not defined"
oh i can't :( i'm at work. i can't watch videos
8 mins ago, by skullpatrol
mark it for later :D
@skullpatrol how?
just write down the title
i added a bookmark
@meer2kat search for it on Youtube
i bookmarked it :P i'll watch when i get home
i presume it is to do with 0^0=1
1/0 = infinity
oh...does he blow up the universe in it?
we're all dead now
ok def worth the watch
1 + 1 = 1 <----blows up the universe
@skullpatrol so does 1 = 2
....math is super dangerous.
!!urban math
@meer2kat math the lesbian sister of biology
welll...i didn't expect that one
i'm still blinking at the screen in confusion haha!
math is to physics what masturbatation is to sex
R. Feynmann
Btw, if anyone is curious about how I research answers I don't instinctively know the answers to, I just posted an overly complicated answer here:
A: "Build out" as business jargon

MrHenNote: I didn't have a quick answer when I started looking into this so this particular answer is rather overkill. The last section contains the actual answer so you can safely skip down to the bottom. The rest of this post is me more or less documenting how I went about arriving at the final sect...

Someone may find the process interesting.
In short if ∞ = 1/0 then 0 * ∞ = 1
but since 0+0 = 0 then (0 + 0) * ∞= 1
If you expand that then 0 * ∞ + 0 * ∞ = 1
But each side of the plus already equals 1 so 1 + 1 = 1
@skullpatrol Hah.
@MattЭллен Good one.
@Cerberus I was quoting the video
which was annoying because the children were quite, so I turned the volume up then the prof was loud so I'm now deaf
@MattЭллен You broke the universe. How dare thee
Poor deaf Matt.
Yes. I'm also poor.
@MattЭллен Or: Why we aren't allowed to divide by 0?
@MattЭллен that's called karma. you broke the universe so the universe broke you
@MattЭллен He has an account at MathOverflow
@skullpatrol cool
check it out
Who does?
As a matter of fact, I do not.
!!urban biology
@meer2kat [biology](http://biology.urbanup.com/1108015) 1. The scientific study of life.

2. One of the many things that has been pissing off religious zealots for decades. A drop in a bucket, really.

3. One of the many things that has been pissing off about 90% of all students for decades.

4. The 21st century counterpart to physics/chemistry (20th century) and mechanics (19th century).
@Alraxite ah, tis sad
darn, i was hoping for the lesbian sister of math
@Alraxite Tim Gowers is a Fields Medallist
!!urban bananaphone
@MattЭллен Banana phone A song that is on a pointless, BUT FUNNY Animation on newgrounds and now ebaumsworld
!!urban engineer
@meer2kat engineer A [kick-ass] uber-genius with godly math and science abilities, the training for wich being at the expence of those abilities for spelling and talking to members of the opposite sex.
i like it
!!urban mathematician
what ever
@meer2kat mathematician Possibly, on average, the smartest people around since they can actually back up their knowledge with rigorous proof. Someone who specializes in pure or applied mathematics.
ain't that the truth
@skullpatrol hehe! <3
@skullpatrol Oh, I see.
@mrhen that was super crazy
@meer2kat The post I linked?
!!urban english
@Alraxite English a language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary
@MrHen yep!
the truth in that definition is beautiful
!!urban spanish
@meer2kat Spanish the best looking people.
@meer2kat Thanks? I see it as a practical example of "how to use NGrams" :)
@MrHen :P :)
!!wiki departing phrases
@skullpatrol The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
It doesn't want you to part.
@skullpatrol No result found
!!wiki farewell
Farewell may refer to: Music * Farewell (band), an American pop-punk band * Farewell Symphony, Symphony No. 45 by Haydn * Piano Sonata No. 26 (Beethoven), known as "Das Lebewohl" or "Les Adieux" ("The Farewell") * Waltz in A-flat major, Op. 69, No. 1 (Chopin), called also The Farewell Waltz or Valse de l'adieu. Albums * Farewell (Divinefire album), 2008 * Farewell (Oingo Boingo album), 1996 * Farewell (The Supremes album), 1970 * Farewell (Tomiko Van album), 2006 * Farewell (Toshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big Band album), 1980 * Farewell, a 1986 album by Gil Evans * Farewell, a 20...
eh close enough
!!google how to say goodbye
"how to say good-bye in robot" is a book. of course it is. cuz why not
Parting phrases are elements of parting traditions, phrases used to acknowledge the parting of individuals or groups of people from each other. Parting phrases are specific to culture and situation, varying between persons based on social status and personal relationship. Examples In English, there are formal and informal ways of saying goodbye. In day-to-day speech, people also sometimes use foreign parting phrases like ciao and arrivederci (Italian), au revoir and bon voyage (French), auf wiedersehen and tschüss (German), adiós, hasta la vista, hasta luego, and hasta mañana (Spani...
Can you pronounce this name?
!!wiki parting phrases
@skullpatrol The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
!!wiki "parting phrases"
@skullpatrol No result found
!!wiki parting phrase
Parting phrases are elements of parting traditions, phrases used to acknowledge the parting of individuals or groups of people from each other. Parting phrases are specific to culture and situation, varying between persons based on social status and personal relationship. Examples In English, there are formal and informal ways of saying goodbye. In day-to-day speech, people also sometimes use foreign parting phrases like ciao and arrivederci (Italian), au revoir and bon voyage (French), auf wiedersehen and tschüss (German), adiós, hasta la vista, hasta luego, and hasta mañana (Spani...
you keep adding an "s" dork
@Cerberus TACM Broo-hahaha
@skullpatrol haha! :P
@meer2kat Close!
The meerkat or suricate, Suricata suricatta, is a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family. Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa. A group of meerkats is called a "mob", "gang" or "clan". A meerkat clan often contains about 20 meerkats, but some super-families have 50 or more members. In captivity, meerkats have an average life span of 12–14 years, and about half this in the wild. Name "Meerkat" is a loanword from Afrikaans. The name has a Dutch origin, but by misidenti...
Arg stop the bot spammm.
@Cerberus close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and pronunciation
divide the bot by 0
@skullpatrol will it explode?
@meer2kat That does not compute.
@skullpatrol well that's ridiculous. it shouldn't need to define itself
@meer2kat what defines you?
@skullpatrol orange
@skullpatrol you? lol
computer says no
@Cerberus regarding?
Regarding nothing.
You know the computer from Little Britain?
Otherwise it's not funny.
@Cerberus is that a reference to a show or something?
@Cerberus TACM Bruijninckx.
Did I pronounce it right?
To summarize:
We begin with this rule for positive integer exponents:

(a^m)/(a^n) = a^(m-n).

We can introduce negative integer exponents using the definition:

a^(-n) = 1/(a^n)

This leads to the following definition.
a^0 = 1
The expression 0^0 has no meaning.
@skullpatrol We're doing this again?
@skullpatrol it makes a cute alien face
@meer2kat Little Britain is British comedy, yes.
@Alraxite Close!! You forgot to pronounce the dots.
Darn. I'm usually spot-on with such things.
@Cerberus I'll have to check it out sometime
ouch. don't hit your computer in order to get rid of the fly. that hurts.
@meer2kat Some sketches are super funny, but most of it is only moderately funny. It's just very popular so people might know it.
@Alraxite But not dot-on.
@Cerberus is it like SNL?
@Cerberus Saturday Night Live
Afternoon y'all :)
!!wiki SNL
| genre = Variety show | creator = Lorne Michaels | writer = See List of Saturday Night Live writers | director = }} | starring = See List of Saturday Night Live cast members | narrated = }} | country = United States | language = English | num_seasons = 39 | num_episodes = 763 (List of episodes) | executive_producer = }} | location = NBC Studios, New York City | runtime = 93 minutes (with commercials) | company = }} | chan...
I am in an incredibly good mood today. I think it is the coffee and the sunshine and my magnolia tree starting to blossom and the fact that I have a reasonable timeline for getting my current projects done.
@aediaλ happy people. happy is good!
@aediaλ Yo!
Wow you must have gone crazy haha.
@skullpatrol Is it comedy with sketches?
@Cerberus yep
OK, well, I have never seen it, so I wouldn't know. But this is not stand-up comedy, there is nothing live about it.
Have you joined Avaaz yet?
No need to donate.
I have only occasionally donated.
@Cerberus looks like dosomething.org
That I do not know.
Avaaz is pretty good.
@meer2kat So that organisation seems to be local, and sponsored by large companies?
Avaaz is international and completely independent, both financially and otherwise.
They only accept money from small donors, individuals.
@Cerberus they look good. i don't see any corruption news stories or anything
I recommend Avaaz. Though I'm sure Dosomething also does good things.
@Cerberus and change.org I dunno. I like websites like that just to know what's going on in the world
The white house has petition things now too
@skullpatrol physics > math?
@JohanLarsson Yes, according to Feynman.
But he was a Physicist.
@meer2kat Ah, yes, Change is where anyone can start his own petition?

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