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@MattЭллен we have starlings. I wonder if they're different.
I like them; they look like oil slicks.
2 hours later…
Q: How to make fully use of half space in one page when making jasper report

user259567We make label template in JasperSoft studio, then programe to generate real label in java. Now, we have a question how to make fully use of half space in one page. If page has more half blank, we need to fill the space with content. How to accomplish it, please help us. Thanks a lot. From attac...

in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 5 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
^ strange
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by ThePhD
@JohanLarsson http://codebabes.com
3 hours later…
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 it looks like they're the same... yay!
that's a lot of garden!
could mean more garden than chat
my thinking exactly
@MattЭллен You are up early.
yeah, I've not been sleeping well.
I often have nightmares. Then I shout and wake up.
that doesn't sound fun
Wow, my gay sentence has 5 stars, amazing.
I did not star it
not yet
@JasperLoy you dream about having sex right?
1 hour later…
mmmm. showered and clean clothes
I almost feel human
please flag!
this user is made of spam
@Reg @Kit or any other mod who pops by
which one is correct? "you can find something at (or on) line number 10"?
both are correct
posted on April 26, 2014 by sgdi

An idea is something I need To post on this limerick feed A rhyme about what? Should I make it hot? Do I need some jokes about weed?

1 hour later…
Sorry, I must have accidentally pressed some keys on my currently not-so-ideally-placed keyboard.
The chat is still dead.
1 hour later…
@JohanLarsson Yes, but I was not referring to those as nightmares.
so was I :D
@JohanLarsson 2 950 000 kr? How much is that in real money?
$440k accoring to google
Is she buying it for herself or does she want the two of you to buy it together?
I think she would ideally want c (I pay the most)
so she can spend on funner things :D
Ah. Well, then you have a decision to make.
I'm gonna go for some kind of equality on this one
At least commie equality, pay % of what we make
but the lazy in me screams wrong
A cynic I used to work with preferred prostitutes because, as he said, "If you're not paying money you're paying too much."
and the tinfoil hat on me screams wrong cos mortgages are historically low and that would mean prices are high
Paying with emotions?
No. Think about it.
I failed :)
I thought along the lines if you are not paying then you are the product
What he meant, baldly stated, was: "Sex is always a mercantile transaction; at least prostitution recognizes that fact, and actually costs less over the long term." I.e., nobody ever bought a hooker a house, or had to surrender one in a settlement, etc.
Not saying I agree with that, but I get what his issue was.
Yeah, if you hook up with the wrong person.
yes, examples can be found in the wild
How long have you been with the GF?
gf is not like that btw
think four years
she is a lot younger than I am so she is fresh out of uni
so there is an unbalance in where we are when it comes to $
I'm turned off by consumption and she still has a list of stuff she have never been able to buy before
mostly horse gear
A truck for horses is one example
Sounds a bit like Mötley Crüe
did you listen more to the Finns?
I started to like that song, it grew.
Ah, I got caught up with stuff and forgot.
especisllay like 1:30 ->
Oh, right. That one. Yeah, I like it.
good song, not just bored jazz guys trying to be cool
yeah nice, not enough punk is made
not sure yet, gonna give it a couple of spins
That's Chicago blues, baby.
@JohanLarsson that's a nice house...lots of yard to maintain. Is the price expensive (forget actual monetary value)...that is is it exorbitant or at least manageable?
it is expensive for the area, would be cheap in a bigger city
@JohanLarsson Are you getting married soon?
@JasperLoy don't think so
@JohanLarsson got it. sounds familiar (NE US).
I wonder what I would look like if I go bald.
Some people shave their heads first rather than go bald.
That is what I mean, shave.
@JasperLoy do it man! It will look like crap but very low maintenance :)
Going bald means it happened because of internal chemical changes rather than mechanically removing it from the outside.
@JohanLarsson really? shaving looks better than slowly thinning out (if you care about that)
yeah i guess
@JohanLarsson Kinda on the small side, innit?
@Mitch That is not how I used it, lol.
but the first few weeks you have the 'tan line' from when your hair stopped your skin underneath getting coor from the sun
I'm not that bald yet in fact, could still have a haircut.
Actually, I don't know what "boarea" and "biarea" and all that mean, so I'm probably misreading it.
I'm not really sure of the definitions but think it is enough for two + three dogs at least
@Robusto How big do you want it?
Will even have a guestroom if you come and visit :D
I dunno. For a couple you need at least three bedrooms: yours, mind and ours.
@JohanLarsson Oh, then the yard is great for that. DO you already have dogs?
yes, two pointers and a setter.
@JohanLarsson If I'm ever in Skane I will look you up. I wouldn't want to hang from a rope until that happens, though.
@JohanLarsson nice!
@JohanLarsson Bigger dogs... also nearby the lake which they will like.
@Robusto goes to get rope to test
Another take on Hoochie Koochie Man.
@Robusto Yeah me neither. rope hanging is not all it's cracked up to be.
@Mitch The lake is nice if winter happens, then it is really nice skiing on the ice. This winter was pure bs though, green lawns at Christmas.
@JohanLarsson What do you mean if winter happens?
That's very frustrating, becuase then (boring part of early) spring stretches out forever
@Robusto We don't get proper winter every year.
I think he means when winter happens.
no he means 'if'. sometimes a winter may be so mild
@Mitch I call the season after leaves fall until snow the black darkness
that you don't get any real snow and lake surfaes don't freeze enough to be safe
@JohanLarsson How much daylight do you get on the winter solstice?
@JohanLarsson really? that sounds ugly. I don't mind that season terribly, the worst is after winter snow but before it warms up. You always think it's spring but it's still cold.
Why bother waking up!
I have never been through winter. I wonder what snow feels like.
It feels like shit. Cold shit.
it's weightless. and light. and then it's freezing
Hmm, I have never felt shit, lol.
Weightless? Have you ever tried to shovel it out of a driveway?
@Mitch I like that season a lot but it is really short at least in the north of Sweden. In April & May it is +10°C in the days and -10°C in the nights. And daylight 20h/day.
That is the season for this, mute the sound.
@Robusto I've seen starships burning off the shoulder of Orion... so yes, yes, I have tried to shovel wet heavy snow out of an interminably long driveway.
Batty, Roy meets the driveway.
@JohanLarsson Yeah, that's the coolest part of it. But how often do you get to just dump everything and go where it's wide open for x-country skiing? Mostly the winter just impedes your progress.
@JohanLarsson huh. they actually make it look enjoyable (I prefer downhill). Are they going around in circles?
It was the best video I could find, I never go in circles like that. Just skate on the crust aiming for a mountain then the next.
Gotta put socks on the dogs though, the crust is brutal to paws.
@Robusto key to that would be to have < 1h drive there
Even an hour sucks if it's dark and icy on the roads.
Hi @cornbreadninja麵包忍者
@Robusto 18h 4m daylight now
@JohanLarsson How close to the Arctic Circle are you?
600 km south, the time I gave for the mountain place is 100 km north of it.
What's new, Peggy Sue?
Just made a latte.
@JohanLarsson ♫ Wish I didn't feel like winter / cuz spring's the best thing I know. ♫
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I'm good, thanks. Getting skinny as a rail since vacation.
I just had a delicious tiramisu.
I am becoming fat.
I stopped drinking and am eating mostly veggies and fruit now.
I think I should eat only one meal a day.
My wedding ring fell off when I pulled my wallet out of my pocket the other day. Even my fingers are getting skinny. I didn't know that could happen.
How much weight did you drop?
I didn't start off to do this. I just wanted to lose the extra weight I put on on the vacation. But I started feeling so good that I kept it up.
I put on 10 kg the past year.
@JohanLarsson About 10 kilos so far.
I think only foreheads don't lose weight.
@Robusto The fat you lost flew into me.
I went from 60kg to 70kg.
how tall?
The trick to feeling good for me is eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies, no alcohol and no coffee. I can power through the day at work now without ever getting tired.
Don't hate me! ^_^
Wow, Robusto is so healthy!
@Robusto We only hate the world outside this chat. :)
@Robusto no coffee?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 None.
I consist of coffee.
And literature. But mostly coffee.
Seriously, except for the taste I don't miss it. My adrenals recharged and now I have real energy.
!!youtube pure energy
I might drink some green tea sometime if I think about it.
oh, that's not what that song is called. Also, where the fuck is @KitSox?
Slacking again.
Ah, the '80s. Nice.
Much primary. So wow.
Don't you also need, like, fiber?
Vegetables have fiber. Lots of it. And I still eat chicken or fish at dinner. And cashews or pistachios at lunch along with the veggies.
Why keep chicken?
Why not? I like the taste of it.
Also nuts are pretty high fat, not that fat makes you fat. Fat is high energy though.
I don't eat a lot of nuts. Just an ounce or two with the veggies.
@Robusto I don't like the industry of chicken. Don't eat much chicken or pork.
You need fats and oils.
@JohanLarsson Yeah, I hear ya. We only buy free-range chicken.
I also eat popcorn cooked in olive oil with parmesan cheese on top. Yum!
But I'm never really hungry like I was when I was eating my "normal" diet.
@Robusto nice.
I wish it were easier to get fish here.
Yeah. KC is all about beef.
The biggest thing I miss is bread.
Every large work function = BBQ.
Is it correct: "ones freedom ends where your nose begins"
wanting to say people's freedom by ones freedom
Don't mix the pronouns. Choose one or the other: "One's freedom ends where one's nose begins" or "Your freedom ends where your nose begins."
"One's freedom" ok, and no mix ok.
Oh crap. I actually took Nortonn bait.
One's free dom starts where <html> ends
Mind you, I didn't post an answer to his question. Just a comment on his comment.
But still.
@RegDwigнt Where?
@skullpatrol you only make it more confusing. Which one is superior, now?
@Robusto I nuked it already.
You nuked the comment or the whole question?
That last sentence probably needs a verb.
You really so?
I'm doctrinaire about that, so yes.
That is de trop.
I mean, are you actually required to practice memery in whatever form it shows up?
Also, you didn't supply the trigger adverb. How are we supposed to guess?
Know or know not. There is no guess.
I guess that would be the Yoda meme.
"Whole bottle" is the trigger.
I can't hear you.
I actually supplied four words out of five, and you pretend that fifth one was the trigger. Right.
That is not an adverb. Consequently, I have no idea what you are saying.
Darth Maul's cousin?
@Robusto :)) people using french expressions...
That's an English word now.
Oh that.
Da troppo. Better now?
This is assez
Pardon my french freedom fries.
You want freedom with that?
Nah. We're fresh out over here.
But freedom is free.
Not anymore.
Greenspan is a bastard!
freedom is abuse too, in my opinion
Never mind Greenspan. It's all them other potentates placed in powerful posts.
Mmmmh... polentates.
Was ist denn so der neuste Klatsch aus Deutschland?
Die Tagesschau hat ein neues Studio.
Für 27 Mille.
How new is that in metric?
I wonder why we still don't have the question "Isn't polenta with lentils redundant?"
Can I have polenta with lentils for Lent?
Lento ma non lento.
@Robusto It is seven or both.
me gusta mas quinoa
The quinoa is a lie.
why? I don't eat it often though
Quinoa Mary II.
Because memes.
Quine so.
I wonder if quinine can be extracted from quinoa.
Quinine can be extracted from anything. Just depends on how much work you want to put in.
Zero. How about zero work?
Then just take some quinine.
Don't need it.
!!wiki quinine
Don't want it.
Don't like it.
It's not asparagus.
KitSox has abandoned all the looker-uppers.
No train sounds in chat.
I choo choo choose to not listen to you.
@n11 needs more cowbell.
If you eat a train it makes a chew-chew sound.
What you mean, if?
Try it, you'll see.
you could even make quinine from a cigarette, but there are too much toxic wastes
Cigarettes are the paragon of toxic waste.
this always intrigued me, how can similar molecules can be toxic or not, they are just combinations of H, O, N, C ...
Intrigated? You mean intrigued?
Cigarettes are 100% gold, if you have a spare 1.21 gigawatts of energy.
@n11 3D. That's how.
That's how viruses work. Or really any reaction at all.
@n11 Well, lead can be a bullet or a sinker on your fishing line. What's your point?
@n11 yes, 3D. You are looking at a specific placement of things in a 3D space.
So either some other thing is compatible with it and reacts, or it has no chance to dock on so it does not.
hmm, for tobacco, it's more very fine particles, that can pass in blood in lungs
viruses are much bigger
We're talking atoms here.
We can talk quarks if you wish.
Three quarks for muster mark!
Was ist das denn für ein Gesöff?
What you can't quite see from the picture is that the quark is rather big. 500 ml, actually.
Nitrosamines are chemical compounds of the chemical structure R1N(-R2)-N=O, most of which are carcinogenic. Usages Nitrosamines are used in the manufacture of some cosmetics, pesticides, and in most rubber products. Occurrences Nitrosamine occurs in latex products such as balloons, and in many foods and other consumables. Nitrosamines from condoms are not expected to be of toxicological significance. In foods, nitrosamines are produced from nitrites and secondary amines, which often occur in the form of proteins. Their formation can occur only under certain conditions, including str...
not so far from quinine
@Robusto a dairy gesöff, that's what gesöff it is.
Stupid spelling.
I liked diary better.
You can have it back for 1.21 gigawatts.
How much is that in gigglewatts?
Metric or nautic?
That is 7.0000001
Thank you.
But no deal.
Just flat out admit already you're poor.
But I'm not.
I just choose to spend my gigglewatts on different things.
In Zimbabwe, absolutely anyone at all will have 7.0000001 gigglewatts on him.
Pfft. That's the joke Mugabe played on them.
I bet tobacco industries actually recycle plastics wastes in their products
To this day I have trouble parsing "joke's on someone".
People seem to be using it both ways.
Is it too late for me to become a billionaire? I mean, how hard can it be to come with an Instagram or a SnapChat?
@RegDwigнt Huh?
@Robusto I've seen "the joke's on you" being used both to mean that the joke is at your expense, and that you come out on top and someone else loses. It is very confusing.
@RegDwigнt I have never encountered the second form. Honestly.
If the joke's on you, you're the loser. Period.
Well, look no further than Elton John.
When did he use it like that?
"Made in England" is the title track from English pop-rock performer Elton John's 1995 album, Made in England. It is an autobiographical telling of his growing up, parts of his life, and what it is like in England. "Made in England" is often seen as a pro-English anthem, due to its upbeat tune and the repetition of shouts of "England" at the end of the song. However, the lyrics themselves tell a very different story. In fact, the last couple of lines sum it all up: :"But the joke's on you, you never read the song :They all think they know but they all got it wrong" :::::Elton John in "...
Also, we need a new definition of "lately" then.
Oh crap. The Wikipedia article has a different wording! FFS.
But the joke's on you, you never read the song
They all think they know but they all got it wrong
I don't see that used in a positive way.
Yeah, and what he actually sings is "but the joke's on you, they never read the song, they all think they know but they all got it wrong".
It totally stops making sense.
It still wouldn't be positive for you.
But it is clearly supposed to be.
Not clearly. Not to me.
The "they" and the "you" are the same person here, actually.
OK, even less clearly then.
At best the "they" and the "you" are unrelated. And if they are related, then it's definitely a negative condition.
Basically the idea is like with Springsteen's "Born in the USA". Which everyone happily sings along without realizing that it is critical of those born in the USA.
"The joke's on you" always means you are the butt of the joke. The world wouldn't make sense otherwise.
@Robusto tell that to Elton John please.
@RegDwigнt I don't think he is even being that subtle. Also, you'd better tell it to Bernie Taupin. Elton don't write the words.
He really means, "the joke's on them, they never read the song, they all think they know but they all got it wrong".
OK, so your issue is with his profligate use of pronouns, not the "joke's on you" trope.
Well if you prefer to look at it that way. It amounts to the same thing.
If you're rounding down, maybe.
Whatever pronoun he's using there he really means a different one.
But anyway. This is but one example.
I don't think he much cares.
I've seen people elsewhere do the same confusing thing.
Mostly it's irrelevant cus it's clear from context who's the butt of what, but still.
That comes with the Internet.
It's like a garden-path sentence.
Wrote beautiful code in Sweden!
There I formulated my chemical intrigue reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/241bpq/…
@n11 nefast is marked as literary and rare in OED. Most people won't know what you've said. I had to look it up.
oh you're right wordreference.com/fren/nefaste, thanks a lot
How are most of industrial and domestic wastes treated (the ones not recyclable)? they are burned?
most domestic waste is put into landfill. some of that is burned, I don't think most is
I don't know about industrial waste
Un incinérateur est un dispositif visant à détruire des objets par incinération, c’est-à-dire par une combustion aussi complète que possible. Il se présente en général comme un four où la chaleur dégagée par les matériaux en cours de combustion est suffisante pour enflammer les matériaux ajoutés. Le mot désigne souvent une UIOM (usine d’incinération des ordures ménagères). Les incinérateurs ayant dans le passé été sources de pollutions importantes, ils ont été nommés « centre de valorisation thermique » puis « usine de valorisation énergétique » au lieu d’« usine d'incinération ». Les p...
weird there is no English page
Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration and other high-temperature waste treatment systems are described as "thermal treatment". Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. The ash is mostly formed by the inorganic constituents of the waste, and may take the form of solid lumps or particulates carried by the flue gas. The flue gases must be cleaned of gaseous and particulate pollutants before they are dispersed into the atmosphere. In some cases, the h...
they're not linked by language for some reason, but I think that's the same thing
except there is a French version of that English page
yes indeed, wikipedia linking is strange
the two french articles should be merged actually

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