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@KitSox Scary! I can't find anything about paralysis in humans, though.
@Robusto Can you disable Flash in Chrome?
@Cerberus Yes. But read above for further information.
@Cerberus I don't think they cause it. Many animal venoms cause paralysis in their prey but the concentration and quantity is almost never enough to affect something our size.
@Robusto It was a bit confusing.
There's a reason why we're the top predator on the planet.
@terdon Right, makes sense. It is just that my friend told me they could and did.
He is an archaeologist.
Perhaps some of the really huge ones can.
His friend had some trouble using her hand for a day or so, was the story.
Perhaps she was exaggerating, no idea.
But I needs must run.
George MacDonald Fraser, in his book Quartered Safe Out Here, describes encountering a yard-long centipede in the Burmese jungle.
He killed it with a bayonet and hacked it into four pieces. His fellow soldiers measured the pieces and they were about nine inches in length, on average.
@Cerberus Aaaa what is thaht syntax? I've been meaning to post a Q about it, what is it called?
Things like the Queen must needs relax.
@terdon It's called an adverb. ^)^
The must needs?
It means "necessarily" or "have to" or whatever.
@terdon You've got it backwards. It's needs must.
Well, I guess it could go in either place.
@Robusto Oh?
It's an archaic construction. I wouldn't worry about it.
> The phrase is old. In earlier texts it is almost always given in its fuller form - needs must when the devil drives. that is, if the devil is driving you, you have no choice. This dates back to Middle English texts, for example Assembly of Gods, circa 1500:
@Robusto I know, I am aware of it just wondering where it comes from.
A: Explanation of "must needs"

CerberusNeeds is an old-fashioned or even archaic adverb in modern English. It comes from the noun need and the Germanic masculine/neuter genitive ending -s, which at some point in time came to be used in older English and other Germanic languages to form adverbs. From the Oxford English Dictionary: ...

@Robusto Yes, that one I'd heard of, but only in the specific context of needs must when the devil drives.
Shakespeare, it's always Shakespeare, should have known.
Most of the un- prefixed words were coined by Shakespeare, apparently.
@Robusto Ah, I recall reading that happiness was also coined by him.
Q: Where does "my ass" come from?

terdonThe usage of my ass to mean me is now relatively common. My impression is that it originated from AAVE and has since been included in various other dialects. The NGram below implies it became popular in the 70s: However, that is only for the specific usage of save my ass and might not be repre...

This was in a list of such words in Bryson's Mother Tongue which as I understand is not very sounds linguistically though, so I'm not sure about it. Does it ring any bells?
Hmm, maybe my interpretation of star-crossed may be wrong. I was thinking of it as involving fate, but most sources cite it as meaning "unlucky"; still, I wonder. Fate plays such a big part in Shakespeare.
@tchrist Yes?
@terdon You made me guffaw audibly.
OK, the title could be improved :)
@tchrist That was part of my objective, cheap shots to get views :) It's an honest question though.
@terdon Naw, nobody ever does that. :)
I know right?
@terdon Those ones go both ways, you know.
@tchrist Red is needs must?
Huh, so must needs is indeed more common. That's what I thought. Thanks.
’Tisn’t now.
Neither is used much these days.
Usually only when someone is affecting a stilted manner.
As @Cerberus is sometimes (well, all the time) wont to do.
I know they're not used, I was wondering about their origin, I had associated them with Victorian English and it seems I wasn't wrong.
I would bet that a lot of the current usages are echoes (quotes) of past usages, including Shakespeare.
Though Shakespeare can be blamed, as usual.
I first saw it as a teenager in a Brian Talbot comic book, I blush to admit.
BTW, here's more proof that Edward De Vere wasn't Shakespeare: An Oxford Edition of Oxford would have been redundant.
macbook# grep -c 'needs must' */a
macbook# grep -c 'must needs' */a
@terdon These days it seems more the results of George Martin’s atrocious writing. :(
@tchrist What an eclectic mix! Very nice.
@terdon I think you mean Bryan Talbot, and there's nothing wrong with that.
@Robusto I do indeed and no there isn't Talbot is great.
@tchrist Martin is the outlier there. Hah!
Indeed so.
I quite enjoy him, he does tend to ramble on but some of his scifi short stories are very good.
Him and his Wardour Street English.
Feb 16 '13 at 16:37, by Robusto
@tchrist The single greatest grating upon my fastidious ear by George Martin: his use of wroth as a noun.
@Robusto He does that?
He does that.
Feb 16 '13 at 16:40, by tchrist
@Robusto Somewhere I have a posting where I exhaustively enumerate all these fuckups. In one place, he even said "to whence we go", or close to it. Clearly he has no editor with even a scintilla of testicular fortitude.
Feb 16 '13 at 16:42, by Robusto
@tchrist An editor? What is that? Must be an archaic term from the time of books.
> Then Mablung was dismayed, but needs must tell to Túrin how Morwen was lost, and Nienor cast into a spell of dumb forgetfulness, and how she escaped them upon the borders of Doriath and fled northwards. [Silmarillion]
‘There is little need to tell of them,’ said Aragorn. ‘If a man must needs walk in sight of the Black Gate, or tread the deadly flowers of Morgul Vale, then perils he will have.’ [Lord of the Rings]
‘Grievous is our loss,’ said Legolas. ‘Yet we must needs make up our minds without his aid.’ [Lord of the Rings]
So he used needs must in The Silmarillion, and must needs in The Lord of the Rings.
Martin the poseur doesn’t count.
@terdon That's wrong. All sorts of interesting conversations are people explaining and asking and then agreeing. No disagreement necessary.
@Robusto Ancient versus modern voices?
Happy Friday y'all!
@Mitch Conversations that end in agreement can indeed be interesting. Those that begin with it, less so.
@terdon Stop making trouble.
@aediaλ And to you as well.
As though either were modern.
@Robusto Here’s something for ya: Mercy.
@Robusto I can probably find that for you.
It’s abominable.
@tchrist Sounds like a fun read.
> “It shall go ill for any man who fails me,” he promised, a threat he borrowed from the speech Prince Garin gives on the eve of battle in Wroth of the Dragonlords, Phario Forel’s first play.
Wrath, damn it.
Something like The Literary Offenses of Fenimore Cooper?
I am quite wroth with him over using wroth as a substantive. It sounds fakey.
@terdon I'm trying to come up with something that disagrees with that...wait for it...
It is fakey.
@Mitch :)
@Robusto that did not involve 'must' or 'needs'.
@Mitch It involved wroth.
Which was the peeve in question.
macbook# grep -wic wroth */a
Wroth is a place name. You may live in Wrath but he lives in Wroth.
> Secretary: "The Dean is furious. He's waxing wroth."
Quincy Adams Wagstaf [Groucho]: "Is Roth out there too? Tell Roth to wax the Dean for a while."
["Horse Feathers," 1932]
> But all that they did was known to Manwë, and the Valar were wroth with the Kings of Númenor, and gave them counsel and protection no more; and the ships of Eressëa came never again out of the sunset, and the havens of Andúnië were forlorn.
He is wroth.
His knees shook, and he was wroth with himself.
@Robusto You may have moved on but there are still unanswered peeves.
@Mitch Alike as peeves in a pod.
> “Fair enough,” says Madrak, “for know that our hackles have been raised by a recent battle and we have spent the past hours waxing wroth. Will a swig of good red wine convey our sentiments-coming from what is, doubtless, the only flask of the stuff on this world?”
I refuse to show Martin’s. Many are simply wrong.
Yes. I find Tolkien's unexceptionable.
He should instead write like Stephanie Meyers, where words with more than one syllable are rare.
He also used it in his alliterative poetry.
wait...must, needs, wroth, ... hackles! aha 'hackles'
> There the children of Men, chieftain and warrior,
fled and fought not, but the folk of the Elves
they betrayed with treason, save that true man only,
Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes like gods.
There in host on host the hill-fiend Orcs
overbore him at last in that battle terrible,
by the bidding of Bauglir bound him living,
and pulled down the proudest of the princes of Men.
To Bauglir's halls in the hills builded,
to the Hells of Iron and the hidden caverns
they haled the hero of Hithlum's land,
> Thalion Erithamrod, to their throned lord, / whose breast was burnt with a bitter hatred, / and wroth he was that the wrack of war / had not taken Turgon ten times a king, / even Finweg's heir; nor Fëanor's children, / makers of the magic and immortal gems.
That's barely Saga fan fic. I bet it is plagiarized from some ancient library under tons of glacier ice in Iceland.
I want to hear Mongol poetry. No glorious battles, tragic misunderstandings...they all start and end with: "So we killed them all."
@terdon Did my answer from 2011 answer your question?
@Cerberus yup, thanks :)
Good to know that the site is not entirely just a place where we entertain ourselves.
yeah, we also "upset" new users
that's got to be worth something
@Cerberus What? other people have other intentions?
@MattЭллен Oh yeah. Bonus.
We upset people? Where?
@MattЭллен That is worth at least -1!
@KitFox everywhere! apparently
Q: Bring back the Summer of Love (aka Make new users feel more welcome)

BasicI'm a big fan of SE sites and spend an awful lot of time on StackOverflow. When I saw an English Language site, I pointed a few of my friends and family this way (one of whom is an English professor and another is a TEFL teacher). I thought they'd enjoy the site, expand their own knowledge and m...

@Mitch No, the world only exists to you in as much as you think you perceive sensory impulses from it. Intentions are a shortcut your mind ascribes to certain patterns in your received impulses.
I keep thinking of writing an answer, but I end up proving his point, so I stop
But, really, we're not Customer Services for the English language.
Have you people heard of Villa Kennedy?
It is apparently a slum in Rio. Pretty funny.
I haven't
@MattЭллен Sometimes we seem to be...pull down your pants and let us pat you down, sir and lady!
I will take that to mean that I should be more aggressive about suspending people who have strong opinions.
(That are contrary to my own.)
Merd Aburse
/cartman accent
@Cerberus maybe. maybe a bit. mostly we're nice.
Also, the complaint that there's no community is just hogwash
think of how often we entertain learners in here. For a while.
That's a frequent complaint from people who aren't part of the community.
Yeah, and it always bites us in the ... bum.
Well, except for all the times it didn't.
@Cerberus a pacifying police unit. interesting. sounds heavy handed
I'm tired of massive Meta conversations that focus on complaining about problems without proposing solutions.
posted on March 28, 2014 by sgdi

Something was starting to rot The smell was a viscous onslaught It made your eyes weep It made your skin creep It made your nose fill up with snot

@MrHen Welcome back.
People are more than willing to bitch together but if anyone suggests improvements, Meta gets distracted by debating the definition of irrelevant words.
@KitFox Hello.
And that's my final quip on that subject.
(For at least an hour.)
@KitFox How's your catalog coming along?
It's old news, man. That's what it can be so hard to stomach.
Everyone thinks that they're saying something new, when if they only looked they would see at least six prior iterations, including my own, I believe.
@MrHen Oh great!
@KitFox It is. People are more willing to find things to change in others than in themselves.
@KitFox Sarcastic great or truly great?
How'd you end up going about it?
In addition to the qa link on production, I found a link to a dead server, two invisible links to our CMS login page, and two links that "invoked" a resource that didn't exist and returned a bare error page.
Unanswered is hovering between 190 and 210. Not too bad. This would be easier if we had more people upvoting answers on old questions...
mmm, bare errors! so alluring
I know, right?
All of which make a good case for why we need a webmaster.
@KitFox Fun.
Which isn't exactly what I was after.
But whatever.
@KitFox Or at least area owners so you can defer the "annoying" decisions to others. :P
Well, it's actually surprisingly good considering how much static content we have.
@MrHen one down
@KitFox Good!
I crawled the site with Powermapper, then imported one of the outputs into Oracle and regex'd it.
@MattЭллен If you really want to help, I've created a nifty query: data.stackexchange.com/english/query/171130/…
the thing is, if I look at an answer, I can't upvote it unless I know it's correct, and that means figuring it out. there's a reason I haven't answered the question!
@KitFox Cool. Glad you didn't have to roll your own :)
Me too.
@MattЭллен That's fine. Go through that query and hit the easy stuff. There are still some easy to resolve Unanswered questions out there.
(The query updates on Monday, btw, so it won't immediately reflect your efforts.
Now I have to figure out how to schlep through this metadata.
> And the shark has pretty teeth
smiles brightly
are you the shark?
blinks innocently
I don't have pretty teeth, so I am not the shark.
Well the shark has pretty teeth, dear, and she shows them, pearly white.
Just a knife has old Macheath, dear, and he keeps it way out of sight.
Now I'm singing at my desk.
german original Ma??e Messer
But I'm not sure if I have the words right.
I have a confession to make. Are you ready?
think you are right
I brush my teeth about once a week only.
shocked and dismayed
But they are in perfect condition, except for the colour.
@JohanLarsson So he can shock and dismay us.
brushing teeth and showering is quality of life for no cost ime. And sauna on top of that.
@MετάEd could be
I have a theory as to why my teeth are alright still.
lets hearit
Perhaps the dirt has hardened and forms a protective covering over the teeth, so they don't decay.
@MrHen I might get in trouble: I keep upvoting your answers
Want me to check?
@MattЭллен I just noticed that. :/
@KitFox not yet. it's only been 4 so far :D
Stop there, then.
Unfortunately, at this point, running that query for anyone else will just show a whole bunch of answers I've posted because I didn't like the other answers.
I will try to brush my teeth more often, sorry to disappoint everyone.
Anything I could have just upvoted to get the question off the list I already voted on
When I run the query, I see 67 and a large chunk of them I dealt with this week or are the actual hard Unanswered questions. :P
But you can save the query for future use.
I find it quite helpful
@JasperLoy clearing your mouth of debris is important so that you don't get cavities and your breath isn't honking
It automatically filters out questions you've already answered.
@MattЭллен I have no cavities and my breath is alright I think.
@JasperLoy just apply a pinch of ocd on 'em but not to much morning & evening > profit
@JasperLoy do you get regular dental check up?
@MattЭллен Not checked for many years, but no problems whatsoever.
@JasperLoy then you don't know! No pain != no cavities. but anyway. do as you please. it's no skin off my nose.
never going to stop spamming it on fridays
@MattЭллен Unless he breathes on you.
@MrHen well, yeah ... :D
Has @Kit run away from my teeth?
I must run away! but I'll be back
No, I'm just doing stuff until quitting time.
It's Friesday!
@KitFox I'm stuck installing a bunch of crap on this machine. :(
I'm trying to figure out how to mash this crazy metadata into Oracle.
And thinking maybe I ought to mash it into Mongo instead.
@KitFox Meh. db details are details. :)
CSV for the win!
(I am totally kidding.)
Well, it's all funky weirdness. Something that actually would be suited to a non-relational db, except that it was collected in this way.
@KitFox Well, that's part of why I kept pestering you with "how are you going to use this?"
Well, I didn't know until I got here.
Which should have been obvious.
Yeah, it's the curse of this kind of task.
But if the crawler didn't take too long to run, you can always run it again.
So I would like to put all the page metadata into a format I can regex.
Or something.
How shall I do that, O wise one?
What's some example metadata?
Actual or field names?
If you were me, where would you have left your fingerless gloves?
in the fridge
I thought I last wore them up here or down on the couch playing xbox but they are missing
They are under the couch.
The cat got to them.
I put my calculator in the fridge once while at uni, took a while to find it
@KitFox Roomba, maybe.
@KitFox Field names is a start.
Wait, maybe you took them off in the bathroom.
I'm still not entirely sure what this data looks like
I do put things in the fridge unexpectedly...
@KitFox Oh that's a really good guess. Lemme look.
@MrHen URL,Title,"","abstract","access","Access","apple-itunes-app","apple-mobile-web-a‌​pp-capable","apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style","author","AUTHOR","bepress_ci‌​tation_abstract_html_url","bepress_citation_author","bepress_citation_date","bepr‌​ess_citation_firstpage","bepress_citation_online_date","bepress_citation_publishe‌​r",
lol, ""
tsk tsk
I know.
On my way down to check the downstairs bathroom I took another look by the couch just in case and I found them!
It wasn't me.
@aediaλ Told you.
I left black gloves on the black tv stand and it was like they vanished.

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