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@username901345 Yes, I suppose. I don't like it, but I think it fits the style.
I suggest you do the same. It will cleanse your mind of evil stains.
I use bleach for that.
porn is evil ...especially hardcore porn.
very funny
@username901345 lol. You suggest that we brainwash ourselves?
Except it is better to use alcohol on silicone products.
I don't understand why pornstars get boob jobs, natural ones are nicer.
No, ROmans didn't have porn they painted erotic art
@Mitch Probably with a beard.
@JasperLoy Improved assests.
tthat's how they did it
Not sure how that's different than porn.
very sophisticated.
They would have recorded it on film if they'd had the technology.
It is so different..In porn, women are treated like slaves.
@JasperLoy That's one of my favorites.
But in art, women are princesses.
Sure, sure.
That(s the whole point.
You must be selective about the art you view.
Yes. I don't like war painting because it disturbs my sanity.
So you've obviously never watched any of the Women's Penitentiary series of movies.
No way...
No women being treated like slaves in those movies.
I don't even know it
But I dont like fleshly pleasures.
I want sanity.
Pleasures bring on insanity eventually.
Those who have not watched The Covenant should do so, the actors and actresses are all very hot.
know what I mean?
sanity is the juice of life.
I was sleeping, but my heart was awake.
The sound of my lover knocking!
“Open to me, my sister, my friend,
my dove, my perfect one!
For my head is wet with dew,
my hair, with the moisture of the night.”

I have taken off my robe,
am I then to put it on?
I have bathed my feet,
am I then to soil them?

My lover put his hand in through the opening:
my innermost being trembled because of him.

I rose to open for my lover,
my hands dripping myrrh:
My fingers, flowing myrrh
upon the handles of the lock.
There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of pleasure.
I wish I could hear Fransis Bacon talk about porn!
See now that's some Bible I can get behind.
Now tell me, how can the Song of Solomons be about the love of God for mankind?
Thank you for reading the text, KitFox by the way.
I was caught up with all this talk...
Is Obama's writing excellent?
i think Theodore's is much bettr
I hadn't thought of using myrrh for lubricant. I suppose I should be glad for the thought.
I hope they were thinking of myrrh in the expensive perfume sense and not the funerary sense.
Because then that's kind of depressing.
Kitfox is it correct to say "the burden of John" to mean "john's burden"?
I feel its more appropriate to say "the burden of John's."
Yes. No.
what do you mean?
Yes to the question, no to your preference.
i see.
why not
See Saxon genitive v. Norman genitive. You don't use both.
what do you mean?
So can you say, the future of us? to mean our future?
A: What is a "Norman genitive"?

kiamlalunoNorman genitive, or French genitive, is another term for analytic genitive. The following phrases use the Norman genitive. the future of mankind the roof of your house the leaves of those trees The following phrases use the Saxon genitive, or synthetic genitive. Michael's sister Joanna's bo...

@username901345 Yes, but you would never say "the future of our".
Which is the equivalent of "the burden of John's".
the future of ours?
That's more complicated.
but possible?
In some contexts, yes.
I cannot think of how the future of ours will unfold.
It's a shared future.
This future of ours is nothing like that future of yours.
The future of us is indeterminate. We might never see each other again.
@RegDwigнt Right. Emphatic, I think.
To emphasis the contrast.
But "this burden of John's is nothing like the burden of Kit's"... I dunno.
I wouldn't use it. John's burden is nothing like mine.
So there is some kind of distinction.
This yogurt of mine is tasty.
Tastier than Reg's.
So, it must have something to do with the 's.
Reg knows more than me about English because he's a NNS.
A: What is a "Norman genitive"?

John LawlerIn Modern English, both constructions are are frequently encountered, as pointed out in the other answers. There is, however, a decided preference for use of the Saxon genitive with human or animate possessors, *the house of Bill ~ Bill's house *the leg of Fido ~ Fido's leg but the Norman ge...

very hard...
Oh, I guess I should have skipped down to Lawler's answer.
Observant, as always.
Observant chicken.
Is that site still up at all?
Nope! It is not!
Jan 11 '12 at 14:13, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Well that is a bummer.
That site now has a Wikipedia article, but that site no longer has a site.
"the burden of Jim" "the future of us" are more natural to native speakers?
Jim's burden. Did you read Lawler's answer? It is a good summary.
Hm. I now have 1 flags but no flags.
But I found this
Moore makes you feel for him and, at the same time, she makes you want to push off the weight of Ira — all his exposed, sappy neediness — far away.
The blue one says one, but the queue is empty.
of Ira.
thats why im confused...
@RegDwigнt Me too. Odd.
@username901345 What's confusing you about it?
Coz Ira's weight is more natural as you say.
@KitFox I'd say if you write "The burden of John" it sounds like John IS the burden, not that he owns it.
@username901345 But you understand what the author is saying?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes. OK. I see your point there.
It smells like cake in my room.
I want to eat cake right now.
Also, have you ever needed to manage webpage inventories?
@KitFox I think there are certain blah of X phrases where I'd use the Saxon genitive.
@KitFox an inventory of web pages?
Like, how many index.html files you have in stock?
@JasperLoy You've been reading Puritans.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like a directory of all the subdomains and pages and who they belong to.
And what content type they contain.
suppresses a curse
@JasperLoy The Catholics say "[i]t presents an inspired portrayal of ideal human love, a resounding affirmation of the goodness of human sexuality that is applicable to the sacredness and the depth of married union."
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. I was going to suggest ls.
I am trying to figure out how to visualize this spreadsheet I was given.
@KitFox No, I've never maintained anything like that. The sites I work on are really apps, and they are a strict mix of code + data, and when there are user-permission questions those are modeled in the app and the rights/roles/permissions are stored in the db.
@KitFox I once tried to learn Excel. That was... unending.
I dislike spreadsheets used for data structures.
I am unsure of how to...I wonder if I could dump this into a database table and crunch through it that way?
Maybe I'll start by shoving it into Access.
I never used Access.
It will probably explode, but it's better than trying to make a spreadsheet function like a datatable.
I dislike filtering or hiding in Excel.
I like to see all the data at once.
I can't get Toad to launch. makes frowny face
I thought you said "I will have Toad for lunch", lol.
Oh, maybe my window is hiding on the other monitor.
"How cheerfully would I go to the party if to dance with Cathy!"
What does it mean?
I would go to the party cheerfully if I knew I would dance with Cathy.
I don't like to dance with Cathy, I want Maria, lol.
@username901345 Is that missing a comma?
So I would go to the party happily to dance with Cathy! But if not, I won't!
Am I right?
It means exactly what Kit said.
A implies B is not the same as not A implies not B.
> When "the" is involved, like this, it's normal to say "A's B".
That's not accurate, @username901345
In fact, I'd say it is the opposite.
And it's not ungrammatical in any case, although you might ask why the author chose to phrase it this way.
It is very interesting how using only changes the direction of implication: A if B is different from A only if B.
All the fast food is making me FAT.
Matt is not in this chat today.
@KitFox I am confused. Is it not that "If I could see Cathy, I would go ?"
No, it's "if I could be assured that I would dance with Cathy, I would be cheerful about going."
I.e., I hope I get to dance with Cathy.
time to get my tingle on
@KitFox launches toad
@TRiG Agreed.
@Mitch Oh thanks. That's got it.
toad lands in soup
tastes soup
Hey @KitFox, your soup is cold and needs salt. Also, there's a toad in it.
@KitFox If you're coming in from the south or south east, Euston is unlikely; Victoria is probable.
Euston Station, the train journey north, in the buffet car, we lurched back and forth.
That's the only reason I've ever heard of it.
@KitFox That's the only reason to ever hear of it. For the lurching.
Mmmm...but how was the buffet car?
We arrived in December and London was cold, so we stayed in the bars along Charing Cross Road. We never saw nothing but brass taps and oak, kept the shine on the bar with the sleeves of our coats.
bursts into song
oh Danny Boy, bla blha blhab lb lha b lhab lhabl
weeps into sleeve
@Mitch Past odd crooked dikes, through Yorkshire's green fields, we were thrown into dance as the train jigged and reeled.
wipes counter off a little more
Are you telling me that you haven't memorized the words to Danny Boy?
If we're talking about truth hear, I supposed I'd have to say yes.
something about the pipes calling, and going away to america, never to see Ireland again?
Then there is the stanza about stuffing a guy into the trunk of the car, so we can drive out to the forest preserve to dump the body
But on the way there a cop stops us for speeding.
@Mitch Nonsense.
It turns out the cop was my sister's husband's brother.... oops I've given away too much already.
@Mitch That's Miller's Crossing.
Which would have been great...
@KitFox I know! I never understood that part because everybody is trying to stifle sobs while singing it.
It's very simple. Oh gosh, you're leaving. I'll probably be dead by the time you come back from war, so say a prayer at my grave and I'll be happy.
it would have worked out fine, except he noticed we were driving a little low and one brake light was out, so he asked us to open the trunk.
@KitFox That's dumb because the guy going off to war will probably be the first one to go.
I know, right? It's kinda selfish.
Summer's gone and all the roses falling. 'Tis you, 'tis you must go while I must bide.
and when we opened the trunk, well, the dead guy wasn't really dead and he took the tire iron and whacked the cop in the face.
Great. Good idea to make him feel like crap just before he leaves.
@KitFox Right, if he's so sad about it why don't he go off to war instead.
He's too old, silly.
Hence the part about him being dead by the time you come back.
Pfft... what kind of weakling excuse is that. A bunch of old men sending off young guys to die.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow or when the valley's hushed and white with snow, 'tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow. Oh Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy, I love you so.
so that just pissed off the cop. And then he notices the bags of heroin that the not-dead guy was lying on...
You're good at interpreting these lyrics.
and then we noticed all the blood that was dripppng all over the bags of heroin.
We all looked at each other...
shook hands, went back to our cars and drove off in different directions.
The not-dead guy walked. He figured it was only fair.
I don't get it. Where did the blood come from?
Whoa...where did this stuff about going off to war come from?
The pipes are calling.
That's what they are for.
@KitFox Oh come on... if there's guy you think is dead stuffed into your trunk, there's going to be blood.
Trust me.
@KitFox What? What the hell kind of pipes are those?
I thought they were bag pipes.
or whatever kind of pipe-musical instrument they play in Ireland.
trust earned. don't immediately ask for money
The uilleann pipes or //; ) are the characteristic national bagpipe of Ireland. Earlier known in English as "union pipes", their current name is a partial translation of the Irish-language term píobaí uilleann (literally, "pipes of the elbow"), from their method of inflation.There is no historical record of the name or use of the term 'uilleann pipes' before the twentieth century. It was an invention of Grattan Flood and the name stuck. People mistook the term 'union' to refer to the 1800 Act of Union; this is incorrect as Breandán Breathnach points out that a poem published in 1796 ...
They are bagpipes.
And so that is what the song is about.
That's kind of literal though. A song sung at a wake, all about dying.
Well, I guess. It's a mournful song about parting.
@Mitch It's an older song than that. It's war, not exile.
That said, many many many Irish songs are about exile.
Are you coming to my St. Paddy's Day (observed) party, @TRiG? I invited everyone.
Well...Now I'm miffed.
@KitFox What I like about that Wikipedia article is that the pronunciation guide shows up here as leanin' pipes followed by a winkie.
Also I wish I had some.
my brother used to play bagpipes
I finally understand the meaning of help vampire:
> A vampire bat can only survive about two days without a meal of blood, yet they cannot be guaranteed of finding food every night. This poses a problem, so when a bat fails to find food, it will often "beg" another bat for food. The "host" bat may regurgitate a small amount of blood to sustain the other member of the colony.
I don't think that's what it means. A "help vampire" is a vampire who sucks all the help out of you. As opposed to the classic vampires who suck blood.
that's how I interpretated it too, this one is an additive meaning then :)
I'm happy humans don't have to regurgitate anything to sustain others
Hello. Would you like some tea?
@KitFox definitely
I wonder if jim carrey writes himself scenarios, only him could find such things
'it will often "beg" another bat for food' reinforces it
in Romania we have a saying that goes like this: "give a man a finger and he will take your whole arm"
is this what help vampire is supposed to mean?
In the US, give a man a finger might be misinterpreted. :-)
we basically say that when you help someone once, and he keeps on coming back to you for more and more help
@MετάEd haha, didn't think of that
@MετάEd but if you give five fingers it's fine
@AlexM. Yes.
Give him an inch, he'll take a mile.
A help vampire tries to get other people to do his work for him. Like a vampire lives off other people's blood instead of his own.
Gimme teh codez!
!!Are you not a bot ?
@cyril Indeed
steeps blend of English and Ceylon teas
It is true that a help vampire will keep sucking until you pull him off the vein.
hmm kitsox ≠ kitfox
@cyril Yes, but ≠ = != = <>
no.. and I would prefer vampire to a tribe of mosquitos
Tribute of mosquitos? That's a great term; what's it mean?
a scourge of mosquitos
waits patiently for the tea
No, I like tribute of mosquitos. That makes me think of all the people who line up to take advantage (or credit) when you do something hard.
@MετάEd tribe sorry, I'm stupidly french
They're paying tribute by taking advantage.
@cyril I don't care if it was an accident. It's a great term and I am going to steal it. Like a tribute mosquito.
you guys reminded me winter's over and I have to watch out for mosquitoes whenever I open up the windows at night :(
mosquito are the last thing I'd have a tribute to
Do you take milk or sugar?
sugar please
Not a tribute to mosquitos, though. A tribute of mosquitos.
One lump or two?
@KitFox Durr, I'd like a whole lotta lumps!
two is fine
I could take my tribute in mosquitos.
serves tea
enjoys tea
Q: I continue unambiguously Dating my electronic posts like my paper letters

Michel MerlinI continue unambiguously Dating my electronic posts like my paper letters Sorry for this OT (Out of Topic), but I noticed that the Date-and-Time I had added as usual at the end of my post To raise public awareness of the business of Thu 27 Feb 13:43:00 GMT, has been removed, right inside my post...

@Mitch and others, this man is very old and still trying to participate. Lay off him a bit, eh?
OK, I'm off to prepare for my son's birthday party. Bai!
see you later!
that's one vicious bat
no such an adorable beast :), maybe it even eat mosquitos
> Vampire bats hunt only when it is fully dark. Like fruit-eating bats, and unlike insectivorous and fish-eating bats, they emit only low-energy sound pulses. The common vampire bat feeds mostly on the blood of mammals (occasionally including humans), whereas both the hairy-legged vampire bat and white-winged vampire bat feed on the blood of birds.
> Once the common vampire bat locates a host, such as a sleeping mammal, it lands and approaches it on the ground. It then likely uses thermoception to identify a warm spot on the skin to bite. They then create a small incision with their teeth and lap up blood from the wound.
> then disinfects the wound and put a band (no jk)
that is not a joke, I live in Transylvania, Romania
whenever I go out to feed on human blood I take care to disinfect any wound I might have caused
vampires today are quite a few levels above Dracula's
I wonder if alcoholics have less infection problems
it probably depends on the strength of the alcohol they drink I guess, and the quantity
well I believe the alcohol being already in the blood has no protection effect
shrug I don't know how chemistry works
but if you didn't have disinfect what would you do?
saliva or water maybe
lemon if there's one
what do you mean by that question?
didn't get it
a substitute to disinfectant,yes sorry I mispelled it above
I've no idea what I'd use, I guess I'd just wash it all with water
@Cerberus what's the current record? I got 27339.
but usually, wherever I go I get my "useful stuff" bag with me
it contains a bottle of medicinal alcohol
17 hours ago, by Cerberus
user image
I believe you did well
Oh. Really?
I thought it was 27k-something.
So I am probably just a couple hundred short.
@RegDwigнt: Psh. I've had a few 10ks since my 20k but I keep botching my blue enteries and messing up the wall.
I got lucky and got a couple 96s from the outside that I could merge.
Just like the last time I got to 25k.
Luck matters a lot at that point.
Yeah. My 20k was really chaotic but I kept getting exactly what I needed.
posted on February 28, 2014 by sgdi

There’s something that’s causing distress A life that’s a complete mess No ups and all downs A face full of frowns All because I wore the same dress

we should record all the games states and your moves decisions, and the final score for each attempt and feed it to a machine learning method
No point in that, I am afraid, due to the randomness.
Figuring out a strategy is not our issue. Getting lucky is.
@RegDwigнt I still make enough mistakes to get strictly better
Meh. I only make mistakes when I am rushing, which I always am because it's otherwise boring. And I am quite certain the same holds for you. Or really anyone.
@RegDwigнt Heh, yeah
I play whilst waiting for crap to finish.
But it is a simple enough game I've thought about creating an autoplayer
I think the best long term strategy may actually be to keep your big numbers in the middle so you can have four edges to stay alive at the end.
But I hate trying to track that many extra tiles at once :P
I basically rush to 384 ASAP, because frankly, no point in planning every move, or any move, below that.
@MrHen that pretty much happens automatically towards the end.
A: I continue unambiguously Dating my electronic posts like my paper letters

MετάEdMetaEd, by treaty, by labor, and by reputation, Fifteen-Thousand-Level English Stack Exchange User. To Michel Merlin, One-Hundred-Level English Stack Exchange User, Greeting. Regarding yours of the XXVIIIth instant, for to make this site useful to many visitors, posts are collaborative and kept s...

I think there was like one game I finished with the 768 in the corner.
@RegDwigнt Exactly. But I've noticed that I can actually control the spiral well enough that may technically be good always.
@MrHen yeah I am too lazy for that. I did it a couple times and it was doable, but I had to think and stuff.
I have not tried to write in that style in ages.
@RegDwigнt Exactly :)
!!xkcd 1002
@MετάEd I. Uh. Wut.
Wat iz that qvestchon.
!!wiki calvinball
Calvin and Hobbes is a daily comic strip that was written and illustrated by American cartoonist Bill Watterson, and syndicated from November 18, 1985, to December 31, 1995. It follows the humorous antics of Calvin, a precocious, mischievous, and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. The pair are named after John Calvin, a 16th-century French Reformation theologian, and Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century English political philosopher. At the height of its popularity, Calvin and Hobbes was featured in over 2,400 newspapers worldwide; as of January 2010, reruns ...
@RegDwigнt Oh my god, three timestamps in one comment.
@KitFox I don't know what it is but his question just attracts snark.
@MετάEd You want to make sure. Fri, Feb 28, 2014 4:22:20 PM Redundancy and all that. Fri, Feb 28, 2014 4:22:55 PM Or maybe he just wants to be really precise? Fri, Feb 28, 2014 4:23:19 PM
@MετάEd If you give a man a finger, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he'll probably ask for a straw.
@Mitch When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin.
Right, to hold the severed finger in, so the blood doesn't go everywhere.
@KitFox Also, Carlo R was 80 years old.
Why am I seeing ads on ELU and SO? Have they changed their policy regarding users over a certain rep level not having to see ads?
What ads?
I am only seeing cross-site promotion.
And Careers 2.0 on SO. Same difference.
That's an ad.
21555. Crap. So close.
@Robusto these have always been around though. No changes there.
is this considered ontopic on EL&U?
Q: Likelihood of Change

dtmlandLet's say I'm trying to describe two things that change. The first changes often and the second changes less often. Is there a better word than "volatility" to use in the following scenario? Is it even proper in this use? The first thing has "high volatility" The second thing has "low volati...

I'm not sure I was very clear with this question. Can someone give it a quick once over to see if I made any sense?
Q: Why is "rollback it" incorrect?

MrHenI recently wrote the following sentence: Please roll it back. But if I were to describe the action on its own I would say: This rollback was due to objections by the original author. If I want to use "rollback" as a verb I have to split it up with an "it". My best guess is that "rollb...

@AlexM. I wouldn't say it is explicitly off-topic but it could probably be answered by a deep dive into the theasaurus.
I was mostly referring to the "is there a better word" part
seems opinion based in that regard
It could be worded much better. If the question was, "What word would let me compare likelihood of change between two options? E.g., "The first thing has higher [word].""
That would be just fine.
I see
tried to answer it in that case
switching from one SE site to another sure takes some getting used to, since the rules and use cases are mostly different
@RegDwigнt Hmm. Maybe my adblock was getting rid of them before.
@RegDwigнt Wow congrats!!
Blasted, looks like you win!!
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