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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@MετάEd Stasis.
That's unread mail.
In my secondary e-mail.
Why do these spammers keep spamming me?
posted on February 14, 2014 by sgdi

A woman once started to faint After sniffing a bucket of paint The scent was a doozy The fumes made her woozy She wished that she’d had some restraint

Discussion Headers
@Cerberus Haven't you heard of spam filters? I use Gmail and it does a great job of learning who's a spammer and who's not.
@Robusto Yeah I didn't mean "spam" spam.
But just too many messages.
Outlook sucks.
Yeah. I use it for work.
The program, or the website, formerly Hotmail?
The application.
I never use it.
I hate having to use it occasionally.
8 hours later…
A: B is 4, A is 10 times more, is A 44?

RegDwigнtTimes means "times". Multiplication. Times does not mean "multiplication and then addition". The more, better and so on are red herrings. They do not mean addition, either. Their role is to specify which way the multiplication goes. To see that, remind yourself that: Their opposites, less and...

Strangest question ever.
Back to Sochi.
5 hours later…
How are you all this fine Saturday?
yes, working
fun stuff
Working, even?
And yet it's fun?
tbh work is the most fun many days
can mean sucky life or fun work :D
That sounds pretty good.
It's fun and you're being paid.
yeah I think so too
the downside might be regrets when getting old idk
how is your day?
@JohanLarsson Hah probably not.
My day is OK, not much going on.
I'm supposed to move a website to a new hosting provider.
Is there anything in particular I should pay attention to?
I basically have the entire website, so I can just upload it.
Only the database needs to be uploaded separately, supposedly.
Does its IP change?
That is, does the ip address to which its presumed DNS name translate to change?
Or just the route needed to get there?
@Mitch C’est justement ici où on trouve la grande différence entre les fruits de mer et celles de la forêt, n’est-ce pas?
@tchrist Yes.
We're going to get a new domain, to keep things simple.
So new domainname and new IP address both?
The website depends on another website, so we can make the latter click through to any domain.
Oh, okay.
I assume a new host will mean a new IP, right?
A new box/host/machine/computer does not perforce require a new hostname.
Unless the old one continues to exist.
What's a host name?
Like with ships.
I just mean the new company that's going to store our data and make them available to the web.
A hostname is the portion of the domainname before the dot.
Ah OK.
alpha.somewhere.com vs beta.elsewhere.edu
Well, that won't be a problem: we can just change the links.
Those are fully qualified hostnames.
You can put a dot at the end of them and nothing changes.
As long as the site functions as it used to, it doesn't matter what its IP is or what its domain name is.
When you are within the somewhere.com domain, you can just mention alpha and it will probably assume the somewhere.com at the end.
But for external visibility, always use the full thing.
It’s like with pathnames.
I won't be touching that, I'm copying the entire website.
Except pathnames are big-endian and hostnames are little-endian — just like your own name.
It is a fairly small wordpress site with a database (SQL?).
I don’t know what sort of database backend that Wordpress uses.
The site you are copying has internal links.
It is possible that those may need mucking with. Hopefully not, though.
Neither do I, but presumably it's all fairly standard, and a normal hosting company will have a database function where you just upload the database.
Depends how they were set up.
Presumably, they won't need any mucking with.
So the guy tells me who used to manage the site.
I’m afraid these commonplace things are too far removed from my backend lowlevel experience for me to be of much practical use.
I understand.
It's also far removed from my experience.
But I think we'll probably be all right.
Without actually seeing the exact URLs involved, I cannot make more than general statements without sacrificing honesty.
It’s more than that, though. I’d have to see the HTML and possibly javascript, cgi, etc.
Which is rather a bit of work.
I am trusting the guy who used to manage the website.
He said we could just upload it, upload the database, connect them through whatever method the hosting company provided, and we'd be fine.
Good luck.
I hope you won’t need it.
Mentioning French fruits to @Mitch of course brought Paul Eluard to mind again.
Il y a des mots qui font vivre
 Et ce sont des mots innocents
 Le mot chaleur le mot confiance
 Amour justice et le mot liberté
 Le mot enfant et le mot gentillesse
 Et certains noms de fleurs et
 certains noms de fruits
 Le mot courage et le mot découvrir
 Et le mot frère et le mot camarade
 Et certains noms de pays de villages
 Et certains noms de femmes et d’amis.
Bien sûr.
Even if he was thinking of cabbages.
Per their wont.
Mais pourquoi?
Je ne sais pas, mon petit chou.
C’est qqch qu’on dit.
Mayhap the French have wants as outré as their wonts.
Or should that be the other way around? :)
Perhaps for the French, their choux fall more under de fleurs than they do under de fruits.
They kind of are, actually.
what langauge?
What language what question?
What question what language?
I was just musing on the French love of cabbage as a term of endearment.
@tchrist Certainly not fruits...
I think we have some similar expression with cabbage in Dutch.
> À une lointaine époque, dans le bas peuple, chez les pauvres, lorsque les légumes étaient les ingrédients principaux des repas (la viande était réservée aux riches, les pâtes et le riz n'étaient pas encore connus ou répandus), le chou en était un des plus courants : résistant, facilement cultivé, peu cher, il était autrement plus souvent présenté à table que de nos jours.
And I happen to like it.
Does that make me bas?
The phrase or the item?
That bas thing is weird.
Le chou.
What's weird about it?
I thought the ancien régime had fallen.
The lower classes.
There will always be classes, regardless of the régime.
I suppose in the epoch of which the speak, it had not yet done so.
I had to go back and correct my spelling. I first wrote epoque. :)
This could be about the 19th century.
> De là le premier sens de l'expression au XVe siècle : on se régalait de ce bon plat qu'était le chou gras. C'est surtout à partir du XVIIe siècle qu'elle a pris le sens de "en retirer profit". Pourquoi ? Parce que le chou était 'engraissé' comme l'est, au figuré, le portefeuille de celui qui retire du profit de ses bonnes affaires. Mais aujourd'hui, l'expression a souvent un sens péjoratif, le profit ou l'avantage étant supposé comme acquis au détriment de quelqu'un ou quelque chose.
The expression is "chou gras"?
@Cerberus Yes, but I at first wrote epoque in English, not French. Of course it takes an acute.
We don't have that in Dutch.
No, nor we in English.
If you wanted to ban all French from English, what would you have left?
I think you could write the above sentence, except possibly ban.
You could forbid it.
On that page, a Spaniard suggests squeezing the juice out of somebody as an equivalent.
> f. root ba-, cogn. w. Gr. ua-, L. fa-, speak.
So it's purely Germanic.
I was misled by French bannir, I think it is.
I eyed it askance as well.
Unsurprisingly, they took that from a Germanic root.
But English might have adopted the French word. But OED says no. Or at least it says nothing.
It’s easier to concoct sentences consisting solely of monosyllabic words than it is to craft them without French.
Is quite French/Latin?
I think so.
Related to quitte and quit, no doubt.
Dutch kwijt.
I am quit of this.
Which means something like "lost", oddly.
@tchrist I agree. It is suffering to eat lobster. It's like eating a spider. Yuck.
But kwijtschelden = "to annul someone's debt", which sounds like it's similar to quitte.
Schuld = debt, related to shall.
Quitclaim, quitguilt
@tchrist Ha ha... only some women.
Right! I've never even seen those words, but they make sense.
@Cerberus What? No way!
@Mitch Way.
shall = soll, right?
Dutch zul/zal.
Oh...it's more that guilt is something you should take care of, not that 'should' came from guilt.
Hmm the word guilt may or may not be related, but the original sense of schuld/shall/should/soll/etc. is something like "obligation", I believe.
@tchrist Exactly.
@Cerberus Only Mike Meyers and other Canadaians say 'way'. Regular people say 'yeah, way'.
Schuldig = "guilty; indebted".
@Mitch Noted.
But maybe I could be Canadian?
Maybe you should be.
@Mitch Crustaceaphobia. Arachnophobia. Arthropodophobia.
I can’t figure out whether to use -o- or -a- in some of those.
what ever sounds best.
> guilt: From the fact that OE. gylt renders L. debitum in the Lord's Prayer and in Matt. xviii. 27, and that is gyltiŠ renders debet in Matt. xxiii. 18, it has been inferred that the n. had a primary sense ‘debt’, of which there seems to be no real evidence, though OE. scyld, G. schuld, have developed the sense of ‘guilt’ from that of ‘debt’.]
None sound best cuz they're all nasty.
So it seems guilt may be related to should.
I can see how that could have come about.
guilt and geld may be related but etymonline doesn't go there.
@tchrist There always needs to be an o if it's a Greek compound; you can delete a final vowel if it gets in the way.
@Mitch weregeld?
@tchrist fear of ... exposed legs?
@Mitch Yes. :)
@tchrist ha ha, money that changes hands during the full moon.
Or shrimp.
> guilt (beginning): No equivalent forms are known in the other Teut. langs. The connection commonly assumed with the OTeut. root *geld-, gald-, guld-, to pay, yield, is inadmissible phonologically, and its apparent plausibility with regard to sense disappears on examination.
Oh. that's always confusing on italian menus...
like voglione for clams/oysters
@Mitch I believe we are all due a plenilune evening tonight, or yestereve.
@Cerberus once again I misread. BUt anyway, it's so obvious.
@tchrist So, were I to compose a hybrid compound, I should say crustaceophobia.
@tchrist I think it was yesterday (Or even the day before)
@Mitch What is obvious?
@Cerberus It's so obvious that guilt and geld are related whatever the OED's official phoneticians think.
@Mitch They have very strange mussels in Italy. Difficult to discern on the ménu.
@Mitch How dare you!!
@tchrist remind me not to try them then.
@tchrist Why are they strange?
@Cerberus Because I can’t figure out why they call them that.
@Cerberus How? By doing it. I dared. Like the cat in the adage.
@tchrist Pourquoi cet accent-là?
Wait...that cat dared not. Sorry, not like that cat.
The zoo name is mitilo, which a zoo guy would know, but the food name is cozza or something.
@Cerberus A cause de l'accent?
@tchrist You mean vongole? They're not mussels, are they? Just small clams.
@Mitch Mm quoi?
Eating mussels at the zoo - mitilo, at the cafe next door - cozza
@Cerberus Because I meant it in the French not the English sense: not la carte quotidienne but rather le ménu or special of the day when written in chalk on the board.
@Cerberus ha..that was my mistake. I can't remember because it always looks weird. YOu know how a word looks like what it is.
@tchrist And they write an accent on that word?
@Cerberus Don’t they?
@tchrist I'll have le prix fixe.
I don’t know.
the one with cake at the end.
@Mitch I only knew how to pronounce it in this case, I had to pronounce it in my mind in order to write it down...but, yeah, that happens with other words.
I know the word as a loan-word in Spanish, where it is perforce written menú.
Do they still make cakes by stacking up donuts?
Le menu est la liste des divers mets qui composent le repas. Dans un restaurant ou à la cantine, c'est l'ensemble des mets qui peuvent être servis pour un prix déterminé. Par métonymie, le menu est le feuillet, le carton, le tableau, l'affichette, l’objet ou la brochure qui liste : * les mets servis lors d'un repas : manuscrit ou imprimé, illustré ou non, il présente au convive la liste des mets et boissons qui vont lui être servis lors d'un repas ou lors d'un banquet. Cette pratique, qui remonte au et qui tend à se perdre (sauf dans les réceptions officielles), participe à l'art de la...
@tchrist ha ha...they misspelled it when they borrowed it.
There are “no” (super-rare) native words ending in a stressed /i/ or /u/ in Spanish. I think there are like 5 total.
fait accom pli
@Mitch No, Spanish always respells loan-words to fit their own orthographic conventions.
that doesn't have the accent on the end
They don’t (long) borrow words unrespelt.
oh it's a loan, fromitalian?
Perhaps you were thinking of Menü...
@Mitch To the Spanish ear, it does.
Because a phrasal prosody in French.
@Mitch Nah, menu is French.
or Haagen-Dasz?
Stress not being phonemic in French, only in Spanish (or English, etc).
@Cerberus I was talking about 'espiritu'
@tchrist What do you mean by that? No minimal pairs distinguished by stress alone?
@Mitch Ah OK.
@Cerberus Yes.
The phrase intonation controls the stress pattern in French.
Yeah...all words in french have no stress (or stress on the last syllable, or the last syllable of the sentence)
or is the last one the only one without stress?
People whose native tongues use phonemic stress always think this makes it sound like something it is not.
A French word itself has no stress.
Only the phrase does.
so complicated.
anyway the Eluard poem actual sounded meaningful. I thought he was supposed to be one of the weirdos.
@tchrist Umm.
That sounds odd.
Surely words have word stress in French.
It does sound odd when you're expecting stress.
And word stress can always be weakened by sentential/phrasal stress, in any language?
@Cerberus there are no pairs of words that have different meaning when everything else is the same except for stress (exactly what you asked)
french only has sentence stress...that's all.
But that doesn't mean French has no word stress.
Why would you say that?
Oh. True. But it also doesn't have word stress.
It has word stress to me?
Like any other language?
every syllable has the same 'weight' (except maybe the last one)
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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