@Cerberus The less pop-culture version is one’s Erdős number.
But people have trouble pronouncing it, so stick with the Bacon they know and love.
> The Erdős number (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛrdøːʃ]) describes the "collaborative distance" between a person and mathematician Paul Erdős, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers.
> The idea of the Erdős number was created by the mathematician's friends as a tribute to his enormous output. Since then, it has gained prominence and several projects are devoted to studying connectivity among researchers, using the Erdos number as a proxy. The average Erdős number of Fields Medalists is 3.21, with a standard deviation of 0.87 and a median of 3.
“Weird” Spanish -a masculines: anagrama, analema, anatema, aroma, atleta, axioma, bigrama, carcinoma, carisma, cinema, clima, cometa, crucigrama, diagrama, dilema, diploma, dogma, drama, eccema, emblema, enema, enfisema, enigma, esmegma, esquema, estigma, fantasma, fibroma, fonema, glaucoma, hematoma, idioma, idiota, indígena, israelita, lema, lexema, magma, mapa, . . .
. . . melisma, morfema, panorama, papiloma, pijama, pirata, planeta, plasma, poema, poeta, problema, profeta, programa, quiasma, reuma, sema, síntoma, sistema, sofisma, telegrama, tema, teorema, trigrama, and zeugma (also written ceugma) are all masculine in Spanish, as too are tranvía, día, and mediodía.