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@tchrist indeed it is a sad state of affairs. He was a genius and I don't think the queen's pardon would have meant much to him.
@badass Probably not. But if one queen won’t stick up for another, who’s left to defend him? :)
I think that’s an Ian McKellen joke upon his being knighted, but I may have the wrong queen in mind.
One of the acting greats said it, I know.
I never see these.
I flicker to other windows to do other things, and by the time I swap back, it’s always too late.
I really want our children being taught that Turing was a great man and a hero.
And that his government was so evil it tortured him into suicide.
If the Germans can look their own historical evils dead straight in the eye, Anglophonia must do no less with theirs.
Because otherwise we risk, well, you know.
Like @Rob once mentioned (IIRC), I feel like just about everything I was ever officially taught in history classes in school was so full of lies as to be nonsense propaganda.
Isn't it pretty common that heroes get a rough treatment? Like Snowden and mr Lasagna.
We owe our children the truth, however harsh it may be. We should not lie to them.
Who’s this Lasagna character?
probably many journalists that I don't know about also
Julian Assange
Oh him.
Well, he's a bit of a weirdo.
I can't say I know him
My feelings towards Mr Assange are probably less rosy, warm, and cuddly than my feelings for Mr Snowden.
Snowden doesn’t seem to have a super-inflated ego the way Assange appears to have.
But Benny Cumberbatch is convinced the Assange is a hero.
He studied him for the rôle. And Julian called him up asking him not to take that rôle, at which point Benny argued with him that it was for those very reasons that he should take the rôle, so that people got a real feel for what actually went on.
I am much more aghast and upset about the things that Snowden revealed than I am about those that Assange did, and I never thought that that could happen. The Assange stuff was already so ugly I didn’t expect it to be topped ever, let alone as quickly as it was.
@JohanLarsson Why do you have no ELU account?
I wish that were true.
I really do.
But I’m not sure that I believe it.
@tchrist I already replied to that a couple of times, I don't know the language.
Still, that’s better than most things I wish were true. Those I absolutely do not believe at all, and this one I believe only a little. But the wish is just as fervent.
@JohanLarsson Neither do most people who have accounts there.
guess I could create one
Sure you could!
not planning to be active on the main site
No, but we’re in fishing season now.
Oh wait, I do have something you might be interested in. Just a sec.
ok I have an account now
Having an account does not mean I will put a comma right, ever.
@JohanLarsson I found this interesting because it was about my home state, and it’s on a matter that I thought might be of some interest to you. Bowhunting in America: In a dark wood. Can bows and arrows save hunting in America?.
@JohanLarsson Well, that one was pretty good.
It’s a more subdued alternative to the bombastic em dash: “Having an account does not mean I will put a comma right — ever.”
@JohanLarsson I'm an inveterate comma over-inserter. :-(
Where subdude is a more casual form of submariner.
The road to new hats is a difficult one at this point.
And some are impossible.
My shortest paths to a new hat are each of them unlikelily long.
There is a neo-Jazz group called The Subsides.
My best new hat chances are here, here, here, here, here, and here. But they are still slim. Please star this :).
Stupid keyboard.
Now what has it done?
Turned Subsides into Subsides.
@Robusto Those look the same to me.
I'm typing on my Christmas present.
Doesn't want to type Subdudes.
`What is it?
Kindle Fire HDX.
And it has a keyboard?
Thanks for the starring.
Some of those are on SO not ELU, but that’s ok.
They aren’t my highest voted questions there, just the ones that are 20 or fewer from getting a 100 mark.
On-screen keyboard.
The only ones of those I've ever used have been super far from impressive.
@Reg You said to notify you when next I’m close to 500 on an answer. Now I am only 4 away. Too bad there is no badge for that.
What is it about threes, anyway? We have the Johnny Three Hat thing, and then we have the dingdongy Ho Ho Ho hat for Christmas. Who the hell gets three hoes for Christmas? Seems like it would tire you out too much.
It’s like more hoes than you have hands.
@tchrist I think bowhunting is illegal in Sweden with the argument that the likelihood of wounding is higher, not 100% sure though. Well written article.
@JohanLarsson I’m glad you liked it. Bowhunting not legal in Sweden? That’s a surprise.
What I didn’t know about was the whole crossbow controversy.
> Snowden gave a more than 14-hour interview to The Washington Post, which says it's the first he has conducted in person since arriving in the Russian capital in June. He follows that up by speaking directly to the British public in a televised message that will be broadcast Wednesday as an alternative to the queen's annual Christmas speech.
Wow, whose speech would you rather watch, Snowden’s or ER’s? Not much choice there, I’m afraid.
@tchrist ok, having a look but will not vote if I don't know they are good.
Sweet, though.
Voting isn’t important for the views ones.
> Colorado made history on Monday, becoming the first state in the US to issue hundreds of licenses for recreational marijuana businesses. Colorado's Marijuana Enforcement Division approved 348 licenses: 136 to pot shops, 31 to marijuana-infused products companies, 178 to growing facilities, and three to marijuana-testing laboratories.
Although the headline makes it seem like you need a licence to smoke.
You don’t.
Well, I’ve just now proven there’s no secret Grinch hat for downvoting on Christmas.
> A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that gay marriages can continue in Utah, denying a request from the state to halt same-sex weddings that have been occurring at a rapid rate since last week. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' rejection of Utah's request for an emergency stay marks yet another legal setback for the state.
obvious weasel in the pic but why do they spell it weesil and even make an effort to obfuscate it further?
Between legal pot and legal gay marriages, I feel like I’m living in some science fiction universe.
Too bad I can make use of neither. :(
@JohanLarsson Because it is from before the spelling weasel was standardized.
English spelling didn’t really settle down until quit a bit later than most people realize.
Yes, there are still changes.
But it isn’t like in Shakey’s day. There’s such a thing now as normative spelling of English. There wasn’t back during Billy the Bard’s hit run.
@Rob While driving to Geneva from MKE, I heard the radio-adapted version of It’s a Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart from right after the movie debuted, and then after that, (parts of) Bach’s St Matthew Passion. I really like the old radio dramas and stuff, but it’s hard to heard them on normal stations anymore. Wisconsin still has some, though.
Why is the FBI wasting their time with that when they could be filling their payroll with terrorists like the CIA did with Bin Laden? @snailboat
@snailboat Hilarious!
I guess they leave the harmless comedy to the FBI
1 hour later…
I know this is ELU not Ornithology.SE, but really, you have to do better than this to get a +2:
Q: Is “blue bird” Bluebird?

user25049Quotation from Lady Chatterley's Lover: "The lush, dark green of hyacinths was a sea, with buds rising like pale corn, while in the riding the forget-me-nots were fluffing up, and columbines were unfolding their ink-purple ruches, and there were bits of blue bird's eggshell under a bush."

A: Is “blue bird” Bluebird?

jwpat7It seems more likely that shells from robins' eggs, which are blue, are being referred to. According to wikipedia, “robin egg blue is ... a web-safe color and an official Crayola color.” The following photo shows some eggs that according to sciencedaily.com are robin's eggs, almost ready to hat...

I doubt it. D.H. Lawrence was English, and there are no American robins (Turdus migratorius) in Britain; the English robin in completely unrelated, not being thrushes like the American ones are, and has brown eggs, not blue ones. That same reasoning also rules out bluebirds (genus Sialia from the Turdidae family), another kind of American thrush similarly absent in Britain. There are, however, European turdids of varying sorts, which are all named either blackbirds or thrushes, depending, which might have the correct eggshell color. — tchrist 1 min ago
The facts are wrong.
There is no such thing as a wrong fact.
You can get your facts wrong, but you can't get a wrong fact.
It's like saying a "wrong truth."
They both can not be true at the same time.
Contradictory facts can not be true at the same time.
A: Is a “blue bird” the same as a “bluebird”?

tchristNo, a blue bird is not a bluebird. A bluebird is a type of American thrush, and there are no bluebirds in Britain where the novel you cite from is set. This is a bluebird: as is this: Those are both bluebirds. There are no bluebirds in Europe, only in North America. The famous color “rob...

It’s funny. Blackbirds in America are icterids, a genus that does not occur in Europe.
Whereas European blackbirds are turdids, the same as our American robins.
Whoever named these things was obviously birdbrained.
Believe it or not, the truly intriguing question here is not the eggshell, but rather figuring out what the devil the cited ruches are. It’s not a particularly common word. A ruche per the OED is “A frill or quilling of some light material, as ribbon, gauze, or lace, used to ornament some part of a garment or head-dress.” — tchrist 16 secs ago
I'm still pissed off at the OED.
baddass are you a troll?
Define troll.
I'm the troll now.
Because I saw you at the math chat room when I was asking a questions there, now you are here.
And while I was scrolling up this chat I saw you wrote the same thing in the math chat room about the CIA and Bin Laden
Btw there is only one d in badass :-)
My mistake then.
Do you know what an internet troll is?
I'm trying to improve my grammar for the SAT.
Do you guys know any sources?
for that matter?
Happy birthday JESUS CHRIST!
I have a few questions that I mistakes in, and I want to know the grammar concepts used in them.
Happy birthday Isaac Newton!
Isaac Newton was born on Christmas :)
what? btw, is it wrong to name your son "Jesus"?
Jesus is just a name, right?
No there is nothing wrong.
I think it's just a name.
Yeah, you are right, there's a guy called "Jesus Wilson"
And they both died virgins.
no way! that's so badass!
My interenet is low
is slow
So, do you guys no any ways to improve my grammar?
I bet you might say read or write a lot
but do you guys know any free material with exercises in them?
Have you checked YouTube?
I'm sure you already know pretty much every general ideas about English grammar, but you can't use them well enough or keep forgetting them.
Or Wikipedia?
But I do not know the rules well enough to get a decent score on the SAT
the SAT writing section, that is.
That's why I was looking for any exercises.
You should be able to self acknowledge what kind of grammar topic you must revise
I was solving some exercises on the college board website, but that's not enough.
and just study that particular grammar instead of trying to learn everything from scratch
Yes, I
I'm trying to find a particular topic to study from.
Instead of just go everywhere.
I was studying parallism recently.
Try the OED web site.
I think you said something about QED in this chat before. @badass
I was studying parallism recently.
But where are the exercises in the site?
They have the content but no exercises. Should I just write what they give me?
They have lots of activities
Maybe I missed something then.
from that website
do you have a link?
I'm on mobile sorry
How did you guys improve your writing?
Okay, that's fine.
No biggie
No biggies?
what does biggie mean?
Wait, where are you even from?
Your name suggests me you are from a western country
Cough Russia? Cough
I'm from the UnMy computer is lagging.
Sorry my computer is laggy.
I'm from the USA
My computer is very old. It's prehistoric.
Oh, land of oppor-freaking-tunity?
but I don't have money to buy tutors and such. So, the internet is my land of opportunity.
Why do you even bother to study grammar when you are in a English speaking country?
If I do not study my grammar, then I won't improve my grammar. It's simple as that.
Being in an English speaking country is irrelevant in being able to write well.
Are you FOB?
There're people that live here for so long , yet don't know how to speak or write in English.
What's FOB?
I used to be one of them too! Haha, nice to meet ya mate!
Fresh Off the Boat
I think the term is too prehistoric
nowadays FOBs come on planes, not on boats!
FOP :-)
Copy and past the definition for me because my computer is laggy.
NVM you sre already wrote it.
you already worte it.
wrote it.
I do not understand what you guys are talking about.
I came here to ask for some help, but you guys are just writing clever.
John, could you ask your question again?
That is the first step in mastering any language
Do you know any material with exercises to improve my grammar?
I'm a master of nothing, and I'm the fool of everything.
So help a fool out here.
How did you guys improve your grammar?
Post your question on this site.
I think it will face scrutiny
Plus, I already searched it on this site.
There's nothing wrong with posting it. I can deal with scrutiny.
The general advice they said is to read a lot.
I don't think that helps.
Perhaps a little bit but not a bunch.
You know what the three Rs stand for?
and revise?
and... revise?
I'm just guessing.
You haven't even attempted their suggestion, read a lot, and already doubting whether it's going to work or not
read what?
No from elementary school education.
I don't remember anything from elementary school.
What does the three Rs stand for?
You see, you need to be specific on what materials you mean by read.
Is there a correlation in reading a lot and being able to write good?
Reading writing and arithmetic
Why did you write "Read writing and arithmetic"?
Those are the 3 Rs
And what are the three Rs used for?
They stand for something, but what's the point if they stand for something and aren't useful.
Passing the SAT :-)
That's horrible advice...
If I read bad and write bad and compute bad, I'll end up with bad habits in those things.
All I am saying is go back to the basics
Okay, thanks for being clear with me.
You're right.
Go to the library and the book store and look at old exams you will see they are testing your basic knowledge
I think you should pick a book in a field of your interest
because you are already aware of sheer number of vocabularies about your study, so it will be easier for you to read a book about it too.
I think if you can understand, approximately 85~90% of vocabularies in a book, then you can understand the whole book. You will learn the missing 15~10% of vocabularies while reading.
I used the blue sat book in the library I go to.
My computer lag
Are you a 'MURICAN farm boy?
I think I'm going to search for a popular science book in the library.
Science seems interesting to me.
I'll keep note of what you just wrote to me.
You have to narrow down your search, the topic science is too broad
I was learning stuff on discrete math.
But I've been using books at the library and the internet.
But the thing is, I haven't faced any crazy vocabulary as for now.
Maybe I'm missing something here. I don't know.
the vocabulary in the materials.
So, I think I should find a more technical books.
and see from there I guess.
Have a look at some good high school textbooks.
Well, I guess I'll see what happens.
Thank you guys for the help
The in sat stands for admission
It was once aptitude
the a in sat.
The a in sat stands for admission
Does t in SAT stands for torture?
Korean SAT is called CSAT, which stands for Continuously Slow and Atrocious Torture
No comment
No comment
It's ok, there are much more difficult and time consuming exams than SAT. Such as CCIE
I recall the comparison to the Harvard med school exam
Yeah, I remember it too ^_^..
What does ^_^.. Mean?
It's a Korean smiley face. ^_^..
I'm not sure why I put 2 dots at the end tho..
I think it's a habbit..
:-) = ^_^..
Yeah ^_^
-_- = :|
T_T = crying
They are two boxes aligned horizontally
Now it's 3 boxes
Is it true that some countries have marked Sydney, Australia as a dangerous place to travel due to crimes happening frequently over there?
1 hour later…
Maybe dumb question, but is pinging someone just at-signing their name? @Ste: I've posted an answer to the marauder question, in hopes of a marauder hat!
Christmas is upon us all!
Isn't it Christmas there yet?
It is.
Ho ho ho, merry Christmas!
1 hour later…
Merry Christmas all!
@JohnY - Have a pirate hat!
Umm, I'm not convinced @Ste
@Gigili about what?
@Gigili had or got is fine
As I said in a comment to @JasperLoy's answer, I'm referring to the very moment that it happened
@Gigili Yes, I know, and those are alright.
Yes, if I had a heart attack it would be very specific to the time it happened. As Jasper says - it's alright.
O...K then, "got" will be replaced in the brackets.
@Ste How do you say it for heart attack instead of apoplexy?
Same, had or got.
I had a heart attack sounds best
I mean you can't say I had a heart attack the same day last month, can you?
Or maybe you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, sounds good now that I read it again.
OK, thanks.
But "experienced" sounds better.
No, had sounds better.
> Once we went to visit him during that trip and in a conversation between he and my father, he asked my father:
Is it correct?
"he and my father"?
Something's wrong with it.
During that trip, we went to visit him. In the middle of a conversation he had with my father, he asked him: "XXXXXXXX?"
Better, hum?
But "he asked him" is a bit ambiguous, don't you think?
"had" is better for a heart attack. Personally I think experienced is better for apoplexy.
He is not ambiguous because it is defined before the comma
Doesn't it contain lots of "he" and "him"s?
It depends on the preceding context. Who have we established is "we" and "him"?
We went to visit him[A]. In the conversation he[A] had with my father[B], he[A] asked him[B]...
That;s how it reads at the moment.
@DamkerngT. yo
Who had a heart attack?
> My father had some friends in Madison who worked in Bazaar(marketplace). One of them was a faithful man called XXXXX. My father had a close relationship with him and they used to hang out quite frequently. He experienced apoplexy a few years back and was suffering from numbness on the left side of the body, hence the need for a cane to walk. During that trip, we went to visit him. In the middle of a conversation he had with my father, he asked him:
I hope he'll get well soon.
Is that okay?
My father[A] had some friends who worked in Bazaar. One of them was a faithful man called XX[B]. My father[A] had a close relationship with him[B] and they used to hang out. He[Ambiguous] experienced apoplexy a few years back and was suffering from numbness on the left side of the body, hence the need for a cane to walk. During that trip, we went to visit him[Ambiguous]. In the middle of a conversation he[B] had with my father, he [B]asked him:
It does look like the ambiguous person is [B] but I would start the third sentence with "XX experienced apoplexy..."
And I would go with "XX had experienced..."
and him[A]?
So, only two corrections.
Thank you.
If you start with XX experienced, then "him" becomes "XX" as well.
Got it.
Q: Difference between fun and interesting (adj.)

krikaraIn Japanese, there is no difference in definition between fun and interesting in their adjective forms. Now, I know that fun in English also has a noun and verb form, but I am wondering is there any difference between fun (adjective definition) and interesting ? In all honesty, they appear to me...

@Rob: is that true?
You lie like a rug.
I posted and voted today but earned no special hats.
I rest my case.
And there's a suggested edit waiting for you.
But I suppose it'll be gone before you wake up.
But I earned that special hat yesterday.
I've done it quite neatly while you were asleep.
Merry Christmas!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Nice, you deleted your answer @JasperLoy and took your upvote back.
@Gigili Yes, I did. Any problem?
@JasperLoy Umm, not really. I don't care much about votes, no matter it's up or down.
Merry Christmas! I just popped in to say hi after being without power since Saturday
why is the power gone? Bad weather?
ok I starred it for visibility
I've lost probably 6 trees in my yard alone
do they have an estimate for when the power will be back?
Kit has the same problem I think, do you live close to each other?
We finally gave up and left to go visit my parents in another city and got a call from a neighbour that the power was back just after we arrived
We're not close, no, but it was a big storm
Anyway, gotta run... Merry Christmas to everyone if I don't come back later
Bai & have a good one.
It seems many places are flooded.
Jul 4 at 1:44, by Robusto
Just about everything I learned in school about history was some shade of a lie.
Hello, I have a question about Politics. Do the reforms, plans, and laws the government implements fall under the category Politics?
@RegDwigнt Sorry for filling up the comments on that question. Hehe
@Robusto I think it accelerates, what we learn about now is probably worse.
@JohanLarsson Well, at least people aren't learning New Math anymore
@RegDwigнt In a narrow sense, yes, but not as broadly as that statement implies. I learned "fun" as tanoshii (愉しい or 楽しい) and "interesting" as omoshiroi (面白い), but the latter can have the connotation of "amusing" as well. But it doesn't have to be "ha-ha" amusing. A roller-coaster ride can be tanoshii without being omoshiroi.
@snailboat interesting read, never heard about it, ty.
@snailboat "Base 8 is just like Base 10, really...if you're missing two fingers." — Tom Lehrer
@RegDwigнt: Interestingly enough, interesting ((面白い) uses the characters for "face" and "white", which I always found amusing. Something that is interesting is "white-faced" in Japanese.

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