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It takes two to tenéis.
And tienen.
Only if you’re starting a racket.
Oh but I always.
Unless you’re Chinese. Then a table suffices, and funny little white balls.
I like Chinese, they are always friendly and ready to please.
Many are their pleas, but few are their succours.
Many had a little lamb.
@Robusto I think Don Henley has problems understanding gravity and things.
@tchrist How old are you? You sound like Shakespare from the dead.
lay your head back on the ground / and let your hair spill all around me
That plain doesn't work.
Nor that plant.
@Qǝuoɯᴉs those who hate shall hate henceforth.
Not sure if you are playing with words, but I am having hard time following up.
@Qǝuoɯᴉs quiz time! How old is he if he is Shakespeare from the dead?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 rebels been rebels since i don't know when / and all she wants to do is dance
Know did you little, hyperbaton the modus in this chat is operandi.
@RegDwigнt Manolo tenía cordero asado.
@RegDwigнt 96+
Jan 30 at 11:07, by Robusto
Everybody shut up or I will hit you with my hyperbaton.
Manolo blahblahnik.
I may have missed the essence of the question.
Take the quint. The essence will be supplied later.
El cordero asado es una preparación de la carne de cordero en forma de asado que se contempla como muy popular en diversos países y culturas. Existen numerosas preparaciones del cordero asado y todas dependen de los cortes realizados y de los aliños empleados en su preparación. Es muy habitual en los países musulmanes por considerarse su carne halal: es decir permitida por las leyes del Islam. De la misma, forma parte de las festividades judías, resulta fácil encontrar en la Pésaj de Jerusalén (Pascua judía) y es mencionado varias ocasiones en el Talmud. Características Se suele asar ...
That looks like an entire Steve Ballmer on that plate. Gross.
Well, I certainly never dined on the paschal lambikins, but Manny had many to spare.
Spare ribs.
Ribs, too.
!!wiki quint
{{Infobox settlement | name = Quintana Roo | official_name = Estado Libre y Soberano de Quintana Roo | native_name_lang = | settlement_type = State | image_flag = Flag of Quintana Roo.svg | flag_size = 160px | flag_alt = | image_seal = Coat of arms of Quintana Roo.svg | seal_size = 65px | nickname = | motto = | anthem = Himno a Quintana Roo | image_map = Quintana Roo En Mexico.png | map_caption = Stat...
Well what do I care, take that quint.
Is that like quim a roons?
Possibly. Possibly also another thing.
Qui morons?
But now I'm curious what else it will find.
!!wiki quintessence
Quintessence may refer to: Science * Aether (classical element), the fifth classical element after earth, fire, water, and air * Quintessence (physics), a hypothetical form of dark energy; postulated to explain the accelerating universe Music * Quintessence (English band), a 1970s progressive rock band specializing in Indian themes and sounds ** Quintessence (Quintessence album), 1970 * Quintessence (Finnish band), a Nu soul band led by singer Emma Salokoski * Quintessence (French band), a black metal band founded in 2005 * Quintessence (Borknagar album) * Quintessence (Bill Evans album...
Except for the Bill Evans album.
I also thought the physicists renamed theirs into strings?
I had thought of this one.
So a carrot she got, with a point rather blunt,
And she ramm'd it and jamm'd it three parts up her ___.
For one day, when amusing herself with this whim,
The carrot it snapped, and part stuck in her ____.
I am at a loss at the second.
Who the fook is Alice quim?
!!define quim
@RegDwigнt quim (vulgar, slang) The female genitalia; the vulva.
Well that I guessed.
I was hoping for enlightenment.
quim [kwɪm]. coarse slang.

Etymology: Origin obscure: perh. rel. to queme a. or v.; cf. quaint sb.

1 The female external genital organs; the vagina. An example of 1613 cited in Farmer & Henley’s Dict. Slang has not been traced.

C. 1735 Harlot Un-mask’d (Ballad), - Tho’ her Hands they are red, and her Bubbies are coarse, Her Quim, for all that, may be never the worse.
1796 Grose Dict. Vulgar Tongue (rev. ed.), - Quim, the private parts of a woman: perhaps from the Spanish quemar, to burn.
1846 Swell’s Night Guide (rev. ed.) 57 - Vell, rattle my dice box for a musty quim, but that Sall is
That's more like it.
That is not a word I'd ever heard.
You have to watch coarse British comedy.
It is not precisely like I never did.
However, it has also come to mean “fanny fart”, for the other fanny.
The fanny named Fran.
Queef free.
Queef Latifa.
Oh, that’s it.
quim + puff = queef
cream + puff = twink
OMG another Kofferwort!
There are lots more where that comes from.
That, too.
A witch can cure you of a Kofferwort.
We shall open more Koffer of worms tomorrow.
But for tonight, it is adieu.
Buenos nachos.
Read that book, person with strange name.
ʞooq ʇɐɥʇ pɐǝɹ
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
posted on December 15, 2013 by sgdi

There’s nothing that I would like more That to lie down and sleep on the floor It looks quite inviting Not the least bit exciting I hope noöne minds if I snore

Are you ready for some footbaaaal????!!!!!???? @cornbreadninja
@badass you bet your ass I am.
Too bad it's so late in the day :(
You coming to the the black hole to meet the black beast
Gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day
Did you see how we spanked them RGIIIs in a damn snow and then ice storm?
Shit was ridiculous.
!!youtube autumn wind
I get goose bumps every time I hear it ;-)
Your chefs have done you proud this year @cornbreadninja good luck & enjoy the game
!!wiki raiders and chiefs rivalry
@badass No result found
Wtf >8(
@KitSox that's pretty cool
for a Raiders pumper-upper
sorry, I was off helping to make honey-glazed carrots.
er, @badass
@badass you too
Sounds yummy :D
And the weirdest thing about a mind is that every answer that you find is the basis of a brand new cliché.
Howdy @Mitch
staring at the food maker
Yeah. I settled for a candy cane.
chocolate croissant here
if by 'settle' you mean fervently waited for it.
I'm not greedy
also, that dolphin had been practicing and practicing jut to get one little kid.
that kid had it coming.
He'll know not be taunting no zoo animals no more.
What do you say to dogs?
I don't know, but I don't like dogs.
A friend has a turtle, she lives in Ohio. Funny thing is that every time I go, she shows it to me and that creeps the hell out of me.
4 hours later…
@MattЭллен Boo!
hi guys
please come to English language users room badass
Do we have a new room for "users"?
as opposed to usage.
or learners
posted on December 15, 2013 by sgdi

I really think you have some nerve I did not come in here to serve You’d find learning more fun If you do what we’ve done Really taking the time to observe

This is my whole problem withe the title "English Language Learners" if you used ESL instead it would be faster.
Come to ESL
@StackExchange Wow, you guys don't have "Feeds" posting the feeds?
Feeds must be for StackOverflow only chat.stackoverflow.com/users/-2/feeds
ESL stands for?
E -nglish as a S -econd L -anguage
English as a
Too bad there isn't an ordinal number for infinity. That's as close as some people get.
Is it a program?
@badass I'm waiting for you
@IceGirl Why him?
I'd be happy to help you, but...
@Noah Bye
@Robusto those are known as English as a Foreign Language
@badass EAL: English as an Alien Language.
@Robusto Maybe to aliens :-)
Illegal aliens.
from Mexico?
into the US
From the cosmos.
I just watched that.
@Robusto ultimate badasses?
there as no ultimate badasses in the jungle
we need some more spam flags on this to kill it to oblivion
A: Looking for a word similar to "custom-made", but stronger

user59793The modifications must be extensive and not simply standard options on a production line.Bespoke Tailors manchester believe me you want the same site.

@MattЭллен So shall it be written, so shall it be done.
A: I like it that/ I like that

user59793When discussing things that are commonly production-line created Bespoke Tailors manchester specifically built to a buyers specifications.

He struck twice. So should you.
Check out how they deal with trolls on SO though:
Q: Haskell missing identifier even though it's defined one line above?

DogTake a look at the following trivial Haskell code (A.hs): data А = А idA A = A When I try to load it, I get this error: >>> :l A.hs [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( A.hs, interpreted ) A.hs:2:4: Not in scope: data constructor `A' A.hs:2:8: Not in scope: data constructor `A' Failed, mo...

They vote them down into oblivion. Really quite impressive.
10 mins ago, by Robusto
@MattЭллен So shall it be written, so shall it be done.
Did he really expect that people from all over the world would suddenly make a beeline for Manchester Bespoke Tailors?
Who can fathom the mind of the spammer?
only one who likes spam
or another spammer
the same applies to trolls
It’s Sunday: English homework comes due in India soon.
That guy of course wonnot stop poking.
I will gradually have to give up on my discipline.
@RegDwigнt, why exactly would it be off-topic? Besides people have good ideas, a change in orthography (and a bunch of contradicting ones in grammar) have occurred in Portuguese in the last few years. In English that has happened before as well. Why shouldn't you, i.e. the experts, have a say on it? Maybe it will work, maybe not, but I think it'd be an enriching question for SE. What do you say? — JMCF125 2 hours ago
Here's someone who does not realize how frigging tiny that Portugal piece of land is.
And 90% of the people there still don't give a damn.
And the ones in Brazil have never so much as heard of that "Portugal" place.
> I suspect that the author made some grammar mystake
@Robusto It's $\omega$. Or that's the name of the smallest infinite ordinal.
@tchrist I never quite put that together, but I think you're right.
@RegDwigнt: I hate it when people use logic and reasoned arguments in comments. Quite takes the wind out of many sails. — Robusto 20 secs ago
@Mitch In what language? Looks like the goal of a plutocrat, with all them dollah signs.
Hi, everyone
The word “crew” – should it be the “the crew were” or “the crew was”??
I think it is “the crew were”, but it looks strange, what do you think?
Many thanks :)
@Rob while I'm bashing Henley, his xmas song sounds too much like Oh! Darling.
!!youtube please come home for christmas
!!youtube oh darling
bad robot.
!!youtube oh darling
kicks bot, runs away
There's a Christmas song.
> I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 The only thing masculine about that song is the first word in the title.
@Cerberus Can you come to English Language Learners room?
Eh maybe later.
Lawler just outed himself as a Unix hacker.
He’s actually done so before.
If you have them one-to-a-line in a file, rev file | sort | rev > mirrorfile to have them reverse-alphabetized, which gets interesting groupings. — John Lawler Sep 3 '12 at 20:59
Egads! I’m having winds exceeding 80 mph! The kittens are scared!
I imagine.
The weather has improved here, no more freezing.
It’s sunny and over 50, but the intense wind chill brings it back down close to 0 again.
Too bad.
The city of Amsterdam expects an income of € 5.880 trillion, apparently.
Nobody ever close-votes or delete-votes any longer. I detect fatigue, drifting away.
Perhaps they will be nice enough to pay off the national debt.
You still use milliards to mean a billion (1,000,000,000)?
It presents me with 20 things to close-vote on. I just can’t be bothered.
Yes, and they used a dot, which means it's five thousand billion.
A nice sum.
@Cerberus i'm waiting for you don't come?
I'm sorry, not now. Don't wait for me.
Because I don't want to?
Pressuring people to help you when they're not in the mood is usually not a good idea.
Ok.bye forever
@Cerberus Ok.bye forever
@tchrist yikes.
I should post more awwwwww pickies. It would be cheering.
Or here! →
@badass are you tailgating?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Nah.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 the season is pretty much over for us...no playoffs >8(
Those are “straight from the camera”, as it were, and only resized for posting here.
I figured nobody would object too strongly to a bit of pussy-tongue.
Those were from yesterday, as the EXIF data will reveal.
That's a sharp camera.
@badass :(
@tchrist apparently, you look tasty.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 noooo problemo ... good luck to your boys in the playoffs
@badass why, thank you
@Cerberus What do you mean?
The photo is very sharp, I can see individual hairs.
Well, shouldn’t you be able to?
Not if you use a bad (or phone, which is really the same) camera.
I was checking to see whether you were saying it was a good-looking camera.
Keep in mind that those are reduced for the web.
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
but I have become comfortably numb.
It’s actually not the camera but the lens.
@tchrist It supposed to be a tiny pun.
As in sharp looking.
If you put that same lens on an another camera, it would till take a sharp picture.
I was wonering that.
Wonering is always pleasant.
The lens is a Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor, and the shots are taken with auxiliary flash at f/5.6 at close range.
"Micro" means that it can take images up to 1x magnification.
It’s a regular 35mm sensor, so 24x36 mm or an inch high. So something that were 1" high would fill the entire frame taken horizontally. That's what 1x magnification means, or 1:1.
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
'relax,' said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!
It wasn’t taken at that high magnification, obviously, because the kitties’ faces are more than 1" high.
@badass Hi
@IceGirl Hi there, how are you?
@badass thanks how about you?
@IceGirl I'm Ok, thanks.
@badass can you come and help me?
@Cerberus cheating on us in another room eh?
“Eye of Cat”
@ElendilTheTall Eek! Not you here!
what Seasoned Advice secrets about you can I spill?
@Cerb There, now you can even see the texture on the nose.
@tchrist That's...perspic[aci|u]ous
@ElendilTheTall Nooo be silent!
@Cerberus what's it worth? :D
throws in bait Now, what were you saying about how Tolkien's world was influenced by his Christian background?
@Cerberus ha, water off a duck's back
I'm sure @tchrist will agree, though...
I remember the water ruffled your feathers quite a bit, last time!
why are we looking at cat head shots?
Because the cats are named after Tolkien's creatures.
Mithrandir and Laurelin, I think, are their full names.
now those are good names
this is the only cat photo I have in my gallery at present - given that she is looking into the distance, I will name her Elwing
Nice shot.
So a street cat?
an alley cat
but a nice alley
BRB groceries.
that's just plain rude
And you run and you run
To catch up with the sun
But it's sinking

Racing around
To come up behind you again
The sun is the same
In a relative way
But you're older
We've got about a foot of snow here. How about where you are, @tchrist?
@KitFox No new snow, just 80 mph winds.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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