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@skullpatrol Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
@skullpatrol Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
@skullpatrol Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
Hey, want to help me write a response to greetings?
There is a keyboard listener, so we'll need some regex.
I can figure that out or maybe I can figure out how the listener works.
Which should I do?
so long as we don't bring about the end times
Nah. What's the worst thing that happens?
looks evasive
@KitFox figuring out how to capture keyboard events should be first
It already does that.
@KitFox Most welcome
That's a listener.
I think it's something like bot.listen('regex', function());
I'm trying to find the signature.
It looks like he's used this more than once. tch Messy.
So there's also
!!listen cowsay woof
< woof >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Or maybe it's
listen cowsay woof
Nope. Need the invocation.
Listen also subs for / it seems.
!!cowsay dirigible
< dirigible >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
!!help listen
@MattЭллен listen: Forwards the message to my ears (as if called without the /)
seems it's redundant
Anyway. Let's see what we can do.
pops open bot
^ means nothing leading, right? Start of string or summat?
yeah, I think that's starts with
closes hood bonnet
@KitFox Hi
Well. That was. OK.
@MattЭллен Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
Now, random list and better regex.
!!afk goAFK KitFox
@KitFox Hurry back, ok?
@MattЭллен Why are you leaving me!?
@MattЭллен Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
@MattЭллен Where were you!?
where were you?
I don't know javascript conventions. Are variable names mushed together, camelcased, or underscored or what?
@KitFox I thought you'd never come back!
@KitFox Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
in javascript variables and functions are usually camelCase
@KitFox Where's the milk?
So I can't figure out how to use the desktop GitHub.
I haven't tried
I've used Git GUI. I can't remember if I've used it to update a github repo
Soon we'll have translated all of Charles Dickens into Simple English.
OK, I got the file open.
@KitFox Hi.
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
!!answer me
Now I'm trying to figure out how to edit it.
Use an editor.
Did I just broked the bot?
@KitFox What's shaking?
!!answer me
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
@MattЭллен Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
!!Oh come on.
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
!!refresh some more
Hey, I can only do so much.
!!refresh till the end of all good and holy
It looks like GitHub on the desktop just does diffs. Huh.
Well that's OK, I got a tool right here, you know what I'm saying.
!!fork the repo
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
!!yes. and !!yes.
Or maybe I can edit but just can't figure out how.
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
Kit. You are awesome and all but that is a robot even I could program.
Yeah, duh.
I pulled her out of the trash pile so I could fix her up pretty and learn stuff in the process.
So how many stuff you learned thus far?
If you are nice about it, I will add some lego functions to her.
@RegDwigнt About four.
bees nice about it
So what lego stuffs you want?
All of them.
Set lookup?
I dunno really.
Oh yeah, set lookup.
I could maybe do that.
!!lego 3456
@MattЭллен Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
Where would I get the info?
@MattЭллен I had done that with the other one, hadn't I? Maybe not.
Or perhaps a search of MOCpages or Brickshelf for a given keyword, returning a random image from the results.
I could maybe do that.
@KitFox which other one?
oh, I don't know. I was imagining how set look up would work :)
@KitFox just return http://brickset.com/detail/?Set=<ID>-1. That'd be a starting point.
Or perhaps http://www.1000steine.com/brickset/large/<ID>-1.jpg
Hmm. It looks like there are several branching points, but that could be doable.
So you type in !!lego 40056 and get this:
that looks creepy
That was unexpected. Why lol?
@RegDwigнt This doesn't show for me.
@KitFox yeah I don't really know the schema they use.
I'll see what I can do.
After I finish the greeting responses.
And this meeting thing today.
@MattЭллен you serious? It looks awesome. If it wasn't £7 I'd get it in a heartbeat.
It's a great parts pack.
Actually even at £7 it's quite a bargain.
@RegDwigнt some kind of weird couple from the 1970s that murder people. that's what it makes me think of
I think that turkey alone is like £3.
@MattЭллен well, yes. Thanksgiving. Your point being?
I see. I guess my point is that Thanksgiving is creepy
The red legs are funny. But you could use them to build, um. Something red.
Star Wars imperial guard
I actually built a SW set yesterday. And I liked it!
I hope your boyfriend don't mind it
Which one?
Also, what's the regex symbol for and whatever else? Is it asterisk?
@KitFox . for one more character, .+ for atleast one more character, .* for 0 or more characters
!!lego 9498
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
Oh we have that one!
It is gorgeous.
It's the best starfighter yet.
And I got it for like 50% off. Which is still more than you paid.
The older ones are not nearly as good a design.
And it has the Dubya minifig.
@MattЭллен Thanks!
@RegDwigнt giggles
I had to have it.
OK, who is good at regex?
Not it.
@MattЭллен I don't think he's functional right now.
probably @MrShinyAndNew
Yeah I dropped out of the regex business after tchrist showed up.
@KitFox aye, hence no @
I can give it a shot
sicne the rest aren't here
There's got to be a better way than this:
@KitFox actually he's been editing the crap out of the site again. Looks like he's coping.
That may be his method of coping.
@KitFox /^(hi|hello|hallo|greetings).*/
Oh. Right. Duh.
Which reminds me. I was building that starfighter while watching La Strada. I've been meaning to go check the IMDb comments on it. BBL
What else should be in there?
hullo, hiya
Hiya is covered, innit?
oh, yeah :D
I also built this one a couple days ago.
Oh envy.
And I have Jabba's Sail Barge in the pipeline.
And two Lone Ranger sets.
The stagecoach looks soo tasty.
You might like the helicopter one with whatshisnuts the mutant killer.
The dark red Super Heroes chopper? With Wolverine?
I don't know no Deadpool.
born from the souls of dead journalists
I like the helicopter and it is a nice red color.
So yes. That's the one I meant.
Deadpool is the minifig in the middle.
He's a mutant killer.
They've been running a competition on Rebrickable. For two weeks now.
That's his purpose.
Oh. Interesting.
I liked it. My son put it together almost completely on his own.
You still have two days!
Well, I've got all this javascript to figure out.
Write a JavaScript to generate random MOCs from the BOM.
Then write another JavaScript that judges them and selects the best ones.
@KitFox What's shaking?
!!good morning
@KitFox What up?
@MattЭллен Good [insert appropriate time of day here].
!!dat ass
@RegDwigнt Are you excited? Or did you need help with my workings?
For once, that is the correct reply.
OK, I got about 30 minutes to attempt a lego something.
@MattЭллен How you doin'?
Oh, the Brickset images are by permission only.
I should probably not use them then.
I was wondering.
Well, there's this.
Just have the script load the parts list and the images of the individual parts, then assemble them according to the instructions, then take a screenshot and post it here.
So they intentionally make it difficult to scrape the images. I guess I can't fault them for that.
Oh, but there's this: cubiculus.com/api
I don't know though. Looks dicey.
Brickset's image for 60026.
@KitFox that one's still on my list. Depending on how much discount they give at AFOL days now, I might be getting it this Saturday.
Like I said. Dicey.
I thought about that
no stress
Well, I just realized that I am going to be late for this meeting if I don't leave now.
So later!
Don't you think China can beat USA when they go into a full scale war? China is now rich as US and they can easily turn all their factories into weapon factories and buy every remaining weapons from other countries who want to sell weapons to them (including russia and north korea)
this is news to me
@RegDwigнt No wonder I get so many emails featuring red/black creations lately
The number of weapons has nothing to do with anything.
It takes but one weapon to end the war.
is it peace?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 aye.
can I wield the peace ray?
@RegDwigнt I didn't read them that closely, I just assumed this one fan of the set was posting lots of set-specific mocs
@MattЭллен you have to weld it first.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I actually kept forgetting about the competition. I didn't really notice the colors, but I did keep wondering about the rather weird MOCs.
Especially the last one.
I don't even bother looking at them now
And then I'd go to the site and remember the contest again.
I must say it is a very strange seed set.
Quite expensive, too.
They should have picked some City stuff.
It's not that expensive
30 Euro for 199 pieces.
hey, do you know the name of the piece that's like a tile with one wall of a brick?
@RegDwigнt wow. it's not nearly that high around here.
And that's Germany. I bet in the Netherlands it's 35 Euro.
I think they won't use nuclear bombs even though they have them because they have this ideology to not kill any innocent civilians but only kill military and their leader (lol)
@EnglishMaster wait until the US itself is under attack then revisit that opinion.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm trying to picture that one, in vain.
Ah wait.
Yes of course.
For some reason I was picturing a 2x2 tile with a 1x2 brick on one side.
That of course made no sense.
little do they know, but I've been slowly excavating underneath the continental shelf of the USA mainland. One day the top will come right off and I will push it into the Pacific Ocean!!!
You mean panels.
yes I just found it
No, I mean Pacific Ocean
@MattЭллен but I don't mean you.
But I mean me
Sometimes I mind you, but I never mean you.
@RegDwigнt that's it.
Usually I just try to remember a random set that has the part, then go via its inventory.
The categorization is not always logical.
This is a really weird panel.
I have the one in yellow.
No idea what to do with it.
for non-attached coverings
Though the use of the Light Bley one in the Tipper Truck makes sense.
My yellow one was just the back of the Cement Mixer's cabin. Could use lots of other pieces for that.
@RegDwigнt I think it would be useful in building various closed forms like trucks, cockpits, etc. Yes, other bricks could also work, but most people don't have that many bricks.
Actually I'd say most people have more of those other bricks than of this single BURP.
Which is no wonder, seeing how 1x6s have been around forever, and this one only got introduced this year.
It's not a BURP it's a POOP
BURP = big ugly rock piece
It's big, ugly and a piece. Three out of four ain't bad, I say.
It is also mainly in bley. That's rock color right there.
I guess we could ret-con the R to "random" and then do away with the awful POOP acronym.
Actually you could use it as CRAPP.
Well, as a part thereof anyway.
Poop Opp Oop Poop
But as long as it's not a STAMP, it's not that bad really.
@MattЭллен well that's a SHIP.
> Seriously Huge Investment in Parts. A very large LEGO spaceship, often (but not always) one that's 100+ studs long.
I see.
@MετάEd better, or bigger?
Or uncut?
Like a pig in a blanket.
@MattЭллен tchrist is better than me but I can give it a shot.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Yes.
Hi guys
"I am Associate UX Engineer in small and cute company named Divami"
@Mr_Green I suggest you did it in the kitchen with the lead pipe.
anything wrong with the grammar?
@Mr_Green I would need context to answer. For example, "I am Associate UX Engineer" is grammatically correct if there is only one such position and you are it. But if that is a title for more than one person at your company you would more likely write "I am an Associate UX Engineer".
I was confused between "I am" or "I am a"
@Mr_Green You would write "I am an" not "I am a" because of the sound of the next syllable.
and then "in a small" or "in small"
ahh yes
an associate, but a senior (for example)
@Mr_Green Probably "in a small" although in the right context it could be "in the small"
So the correct sentence is:
`"I am an Associate UX Engineer in a small and cute company named Divami"`
"in the small" doesn't sound me good..
That's a correct sentence. ;-)
Thanks :)
"in the small" might be used if the person reading this is already familiar with that small and cute company named Divami.
ohh I see
The latest SE pod cast is quite funny, if you like that sort of thing
1 hour later…
Wow, I just got the superlame Gold Badge for Fabulous Question.

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