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It's like people are messing with me for fun today. I look for how to change my address on my driver's license. The article says the link to do it online is in the How to section. The How to section says you can't do it online.
@tchrist madness.
@KitFox ooooo. nasty
It was. It isn't now because it was stupid.
It made sense at the time.
So to speak. :)
If you have two sets of hours on the clock that run from 1 to 12, you don’t swap around their am/pm sets.
1 to 12 noon is the AM ones, and 1 to 12 midnight is the PM ones.
At least, that’s how it was done.
The government should just mandate that all TV stations must announce TV-show times in 24 hour format. Within weeks the entire US would be using 24 hour time all the time.
Yeah sure.
Then we can do away with this whole "am/pm" nonsense, as if clocks are based on the sun anymore.
Nothing but nothing gets the entire US to be doing the same thing all the time.
@tchrist I dunno. Fuck with their TV show times and you'll get a reaction :)
That’s the old broadcast system, which is dying I hear.
well, even on cable, you need to know when something is on if you want to watch it. Not everyone has Tivo
Anyway, speaking of meridiems, it is now the culturally appropriate time for me to get lunch. cya.
This room is so pretty
Hiya @KitFox I am back!
Welcome home, Jasper.
@KitFox Have you watched that movie?
Not yet. Too busy getting ready to move.
@KitFox Was I overreacting in the gaming room
I think I am going to watch "Never say never" and "Spring Breakers" next...
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds I saw the first like 3 minutes of Spring Breakers and it was amazing.
@GnomeSlice Haters gonna hate.
@GnomeSlice Haha, yeah, I know what is amazing. =) It's the boobs...
Mmm, boobs.
Hang on a sec.
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds @KitFox Spring Breakers intro Anyone else, don't go complaining if you get offended by what you find when snooping. (This last part added by KitFox, so don't blame me, I had no part in it.)
I watched an episode of Charmed last night with a lot of glistening boobs and a writhing Alyssa Milano.
@KitFox The boobs in Spring Breakers are unclothed...
@GnomeSlice You look cute in that pic!
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds Which?
@GnomeSlice The one you posted a couple of days ago?
Oh. Thanks? =P
omg ponies!
But still. Glad I never participated in Spring Break.
My favourite movie now is still The Covenant. Laura Ramsey and Steven Strait are so so so hot.
I want to know who the first topless girl in that Spring Breakers intro is.
So he can look up more of her pics? LOL
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds Pretty much.
I don't suppose either of you know huh
@GnomeSlice Enjoy your youth, mine is gone forever!
Boobs like that you can find anywhere.
Yeah, I know, but still.
@GnomeSlice I know that feeling!
Clothed boobs are hotter than unclothed ones for me these days, lol.
depends on the context for me
@GnomeSlice Well, when I saw your pic, I immediately thought of Justin Bieber, haha.
Yeah, I get that sometimes. The girl I was interested in in College was really into Justin Bieber and I think it's why she was interested back.
But I don't really want to talk about that.
Man, I fucking knew someone would tween me.
@Robusto Looks like abstract art when not zoomed in.
@Robusto Is that from the History of the World?
Click dem link.
@GnomeSlice JB has changed too much, I prefer him before he changed...
@Robusto Interesting. How does Rand McNally measure "relative power"?
1 min ago, by Robusto
Click dem link.
@tchrist What you do is change to PM at noon. By the time your eyes notice the change it will in fact be PM.
@KitFox Well, it has the advantage that you run from 1 o’clock AM through 12 o’clock AM followed then by 1 o’clock PM through 12 o’clock PM. This new sequence where each set goes from 12 o’clock through 11 o’clock is kinda funky. Being able to go from 1–12 makes more sense than going from 12–11, don’t you think?
Not that there is anything wrong, but tattoos and toplessness in a concert? Not the JB that I knew.
I make no warranties for accuracy, relevancy, or interest.
The Histomap of Evolution is really funny.
For me, the history of the universe is a series of expansions and contractions, big bang after big bang.
@KitFox The Histomap of Evolution is porn. Just look at it.
@tchrist No, it goes from 12:01 am to 12:00am and 12:01pm to 12:00pm
Interestingly, the physicists know not whether the universe will go on expanding forever or whether it will contract.
@KitFox No no no. Just consider the whole hours.
1 to 12 and 1 to 12.
@tchrist I am. 12 to 12 and 12 to 12.
You can’t count them both.
That’s way too many for one day.
They do count them both.
Because they end on 12.
This is the problem.
It is a problem.
@GnomeSlice Where does boobs come in?
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds what? boobs
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds everywhere
@GnomeSlice OMG! By the way, do you wear glasses? Your avatar suggests you do.
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds I have glasses, but I haven't worn them in a long time.
My eyesight is only slightly bad.
@GnomeSlice Ah. I wear mine only when I go out.
@KitFox What a beautiful man.
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds I only wear mine when I want to impress the ladies.
I know, right?
@GnomeSlice Nah, the only beautiful man is JB!
I get lots of beautiful ladies when I'm sporting specs.
@GnomeSlice Won't they be more impressed if you had no glasses?
Apparently they make me look smart.
But girls are not attracted to smart boys right?
Aw come on guys
I guess I could have put a nsfw tag on the link
But still
What? I miss something?
Somebody flagged my spring breakers intro link
Because tits
Nvm, small matter.
Tits are not offensive.
Well, not usually.
It wasn't marked for them.
I guess I should have put NSFW on it
We need to all compromise.
You addressed it to us. Not up to somebody else to say it's offensive, snooping in our links.
Boy, that's not how it works on the gaming chat.
Maybe they just don't like me though.
Here, I'll edit the link.
Please do
nsfw contains wet breasts
Wet Female Breasts.
Wet Bouncy Female Breasts.
If I ruled the world, everyone can walk naked on the planet...
Isn’t there an emoji for that?
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds Everyone can, silly youth.
@tchrist Yes, and then go to prison. =)
Hm, I was wrong.
@Gnoma 'sok, what I wrote for you?
There are bared male titties too.
@KitFox That’s good.
Blind leading the blind:
Q: "Since" or "from"?

Mukesh Kumar Singh I am staying in USA since 20 years. I am staying in USA from 20 years. Which one is correct?

I miss all the flags because of my low rep, hahaha.
Oh. Uh. Yeah that's okay I guess.
Maybe it should take a walk on the ELL side.
Seems kind of confrontational.
@GnomeSlice Chill!
@GnomeSlice There’s a lot of frontage there. And con.
Are we talking about the same thing?
If you combine frontage avec con, of course the result is confrontational.
@GnomeSlice See the subtitle of this room? =)
Oh, that clears it up, thanks.
@tchrist Duplicate, people, duplicate.
It seems Barrie has taken a break from the site.
I expected him to reach 100k by now but he is only at 80k...
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds That’s the wrong tense.
I don't even have 10k rep on my home site yet...
Coming up on three years.
Maybe he went for a holiday!
@GnomeSlice Only in the sense that I made you out to be like a vulpine moderatrix.
@KitFox ...Is that good?
I went out with my friend today.
Did you make out well by it? Sure.
We saw lots of beautiful ladies, surprisingly.
They usually appear when we are not looking out for them...
Every lady is beautiful.
@GnomeSlice I don't judge based on those characteristics.
Oh, speaking of which. I should put my avatar back on.
@GnomeSlice Are you a hopeless romantic?
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds I am a desperate 21 year old. So yeah I guess.
Hi @Ullallulloo.
@GnomeSlice 'sup?
@Ullallulloo Why're you here?
@GnomeSlice Desperate? You did not end up with that girl you mentioned?
Also nuttin
@GnomeSlice idk, it was mentioned in the Bridge.
@AlgebraAnalysisManifolds No. And I don't really feel like getting into that right now.
@Ullallulloo Really? When?

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