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There are two ways of answering your question
- the characters *mean* japanese
- they are a valid word for japanese in both japanese and mandarin (traditional).
Why is it I see completely different images in FF and Google Chrome ?
@AlainPannetier Thank you. :)
@AlainPannetier That's intentional.
But still magic for me !!!
URLs are identical. I can only surmise imgur use the http Agent header to serve differently both requests !
Oh, try saving that image to your HDD and opening it inside those two browsers.
In both cases I see the Korean version.
PNG transparency ?
Hmm? If you open it from the HDD in Firefox, you see the Korean version? That's odd. Firefox should actually display that image in Japanese no matter where it's coming from.
@AlainPannetier No.
You're right I used an image viewer.
FF shows the Japanese/Chinese chars
Good. :)
Easter egg ? I'm baffled !
The Animated Portable Network Graphics (APNG) file format is an unofficial extension to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) specification. It allows for animated PNG files that work similarly to animated GIF files, while supporting 24-bit images and 8-bit transparency not available for GIFs. It also retains backward compatibility with non-animated PNG files. The first frame of an APNG file is stored as a normal PNG stream, so most old PNG decoders are able to display the first frame of an APNG file. The frame speed data and extra animation frames are stored in extra chunks (as provided f...
I see. Like old animated GIF used to do.
Doesn't look like magic anymore, does it? lol
presumably FF supports APNG and chrome doesn't ?
Chrome shows the first frame ?
The APNG format allows for “default” frames, that can be used to say “Your browser does not support APNG” or something along those lines
The application you chose was quite mundane. It could have been much worse...
I just used a Korean inscription instead of that “default” frame
And the Japanese is a 1-frame animation
What tool did you use ? I guess I could find a list in the wikipedia article though.
@AlainPannetier Like what?
@AlainPannetier Couldn't find a good and free standalone utility, so this apngs.com (you can upload separate PNG frames there and get an APNG)
To create the image. I had these kind of tools in the late 90s when animated gif was all you had to sprite up an HTML 3.2 page.
I see.
Oh, I thought you meant like it could have been worse for the (trolled) users ;)
Couldn't come up with anything better than that (two languages) at the moment.
Thanks for that; you learn sth new everyday (night) !
You are welcome. :D
Well the gravatars could be different depending on the user's preferred browsers.
Plenty of dodgy applications are possible.
Sadly, the gravatar service crops the images (they apparently know about APNG)
And so you could only upload the first frame
@Vitaly Had you already tried to confuse people with your gravatar?
@SpareOom No, I knew it wouldn't work. I remember having to crop my gravatar.
I just looked at the chat in Chrome. In Chrome, that image most definitely does not look like Chinese characters. Hmph. Way to confuddle us.
I rather believe they don't know. I've done quite a bit of image manipulation in Java. And I think they are just compatible with frame 1. Since they resize the image, they level it to whatever they are compatible with.
@Martha, it is Korean and means Korean in Korean.
Ok, why is the guy walking in Firefox but stationary in Chrome?
Oops. Too large.
@Martha, because FF supports animated PNG and chrome does not.
@Vitaly Yeah, especially the Chrome version.
You mean there's something where Chrome isn't on the bleeding edge? Imagine that.
animated images are a sequence of frames with time intervals. Chrome shows the first frame. FF shows the first frame (Korean) and immediately after the second frame (the Japanese chars). You don't get to see the Korean one and only the last one shows.
Ok, this looking-at-chat-in-two-browsers is getting old. And I have to finish this @#%# project so I can go home.
So, thanks for the explanation, but I need to leave you guys. Have a nice weekend!
Later @Martha
bye @Martha
Good night all, going to the beach tomorrow. Need to sleep. Nearly 2 am here.
Night @AlainPannetier
@Alain, bye
5 AM here.
@Vitaly Good morning.
Which is to say, I should be going. Bye.
@Vitaly Bye
hi all
hi @Jez
say, are you interested in French?
The only French I know is from Madeline by Ludwig Bemmelmans.
well you might wanna learn a bit, right? enough to follow a french area51 proposal? :-)
Not at present. I have a couple other languages ahead on my list.
cant you just follow it? it's not really much of a commitment even if you dont contribute much
It's Greek to me. Sorry.
If I meet anyone who might be interested, I'll steer them your way.
not my way
French Language & Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students having questions about French, expert speakers of French wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and translation questions from any language to French. Questions may be asked in English or French.

Currently in definition.

that way
Yup, ok.
@Vitaly I didn't see if you figured this out, but it is Japanese (or at least the Chinese characters read "Japanese Language", and it probably means the same thing in Japanese).
1 hour later…
hi alll
is there any good or attractive word for "phone vibration" ?
if so then please tell me thanks
vibraphone already means something different
2 hours later…
@Kit Well done Kit!
In Japanese you would pronounce this nihoŋɡo and in mandarin rìběn yǔ, but the "spelling" is indeed the same. Roughly: sun+rising+language.
and in Korean it's ilbon-eo
2 hours later…
@SpareOom Sorry, I was AFK. But I would have given the same answer as @Martha. Fortunately @Alain sorted you out there :)
@SpareOom Regarding your question on "oriental": the term is regarded as offensive by some (especially in some parts of the US), but by others as a purely geographical term. @Martha was using it in the latter sense: Asia is a big place, and it's sometimes useful to distinguish the far East (including Japan, Korea and China, which have some shared history) from other parts that have entirely different cultures (and, relevantly, very different writing systems).
Of course there's a question about that on the site:
Q: Why did the descriptive, "Orientals", shift into a pejorative?

JustnBeaverIt seems as if a shift occurred and the descriptive "Oriental" was replaced by "Asian" as the accepted term in polite society — what caused this shift?

I advise reading all of the answers and comments to get a sense of how the terms "Asian" and "Oriental" are used and perceived differently in different societies :)
1 hour later…
Hm, could do with rollback privileges.
I've pissed somebody off.
Based on what evidence?
@MrDisappointment I keep on getting downvotes on everything.
That's dubious evidence at best, to be fair.
Plus, even if so, you seem to be coming along OK, right? Your rep is increasing, I'm sure.
4 hours later…
@Billare: Since you must care about the gender question on skeptics, I posted an answer and would love your thoughts.
A: Is there a relation between brain physiology and gender identity?

MrHenGoing through the different parts of this question, here are the answers I found: Are male and female brains different? Yes. While searching around the internet I found a handfuls of websites with nearly all of them pointed to the same set of differences. I also found various references to stud...

Q: How did the definite / indefinite articles develop?

FrancineRussian, I believe, has no definite or indefinite article. How did it develop in Latin languages, particularly English? Would English be much poorer without it?

OT? It feels pretty broad.
hi everyone
anyone know, on area51, when a proposal is still getting followers, how a question becomes an official 'on-topic question'?
like, you need 5 on/off topic ones to move to commit stage. how does a question become one of those 5?
Area 51 is a mystery to me.
@RegDwight i'm guessing you'd know
@Robusto so are you interested in languages in general?
@Robusto Closed and commented.
@Jez Sure I do.
Mar 15 at 22:29, by RegDwight
And note how a developed from one, and the developed from that. So, at some point in time, people actually used to say "give me one apple"/"give me that apple". Well, you can say that in contemporary Russian, too!
"And finally, "Latin languages, particularly English"
English uses the Latin character set. maybe that's what she meant.
latin-based, kinda
@Jez I am fairly certain that that's what she meant, but I am also fairly certain that that's not what she actually wrote.)))
And it doesn't make sense either way.
Articles are not tied to alphabets.
Bulgarian uses Cyrillic and has articles. Serbian uses Latin and has none.
May I incomprehend the room with you?
hi hippietrail
@hippietrail care to follow my French Language aera51 proposal? I see you've followed Translation
@hippietrail Si, tu puedes. Versuch's mal. Попробуй. Quelque chose en français. ご結婚おめでとうございます。
what is puedes?
@jez: i could. my french is very poor
@Jez It's like salsa. Only different.
@jez: puedes is "you can" or "can you" in spanish
@hippietrail no problem, it's for beginners and advanced users
See, I told you!
ahh, i see your spanish is better than mine ;-)
i'm on the german and spanish and japanese ones plus the languages one and the linguistics one
French Language & Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students having questions about French, expert speakers of French wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and translation questions from any language to French. Questions may be asked in English or French.

Currently in definition.

mi espanol es mucho mejor que mi frances
that's mine
En Barcelona hay una fábrica de coches.
appreciate if you could follow, and vote on the good on/off topic questions
nice chatvertising by the way
@hippietrail Wait, what? You're on GLU? Haven't seen you there, have I?
in spain coche might mean coach, in mexico it means car
I am so confused these days.
i'm not on glu coz i kept switching around my paltry 3 commitments
Now I remember.
You mentioned that in the GLU chat.
coche in spanish and coach in english are rare borrowings from hungarian
@Martha: stimmt das???
warum sprechen wir hier auf deutsch?
Tun wir nicht!
Überhaupt nicht!
Nicht im geringsten!
To be fair, everyone keeps talking English in the GLU chat, so...
@hippietrail thanks for following... could you vote on on/off topic questions too? :-)
I think once JLU goes live, I will terrorize them in Old Church Slavonic. Just for the giggles, you know.
if one were trying to use the same model as SO, perhaps you'd just have a 'Language' site :-)
each human language could perhaps be compared to a computer language, and there's one site for all computer languages
i'm in korea now so i could inflict that upon you if you like
There are like five zillion discussions about that.
i know
@jez: yes but not now
It would never work.
@RegDwight because?
there is a lot of clutter on SO if youre not coming at it via google
Because I thought you've seen those discussions?
mmm. personally i'd widen up ELU to allowing translations.
that would make things consistent
Q: Should we do anything about the huge language mess on Area51?

Borror0There's a long list of languages proposal on Area51, varying from an all encompassing language site to a focus one language site like the successful English Language & Usage. When I say they vary, I do mean that. As I just said, there's a site to contain all the languages question, whether...

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
@Jez That would make things consistent with a model that has yet to prove that it works at all. Our model does work. Now it's GLU's turn to prove themselves.
i think per-language, linguistics, and languages is perfect
"It's frustrating watching 30 trains head for the same station and knowing some of them will collide violently."
i can see a case for merging languages and linguistics depending on many real linguists would be at the latter
Well, right now out of the top 30 people committed to Linguistics some 25 have the ELU icon next to their name.
i see the topics on "languages" would cover exactly what my favourite language site covers: languagehat.com
makes sense since german and japanese and french and spanish users who don't do english won't have much presence on SE so far
@hippietrail Well, if you have troubles localizing the tags in German, localizing the entire UI in Japanese or RTL is not really an option.
We're still figuring stuff out.
rtl is harder than cjkv
as long as your framework already does unicode well
It's a loooooong journey, and we're only about to make the very first step.
CJKV = Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese
which in themselves are harder than accents
@hippietrail As it turns out, tags are ANSI.
the hard things in japanese and chinese are word breaks. which a site like this shouldn't have to worry about
@RegDwight ANSI latin-1?
harder to type maybe for those who have no need to type them. easy to type for those of us who have a need. not a worry if you're not typing them.
oh, that's an ISO
> Technical Note: The site currently ONLY supports ASCII tags. There will be some compromises of this nature until we can design a functional set of localization features. Creating a non-English site in on the Stack Exchange network is still a bit ground-breaking. – Robert Cartaino♦ May 25 at 14:04
ANSI? as in microsoft codepages?
Sorry, I thought someone actually mentioned ANSI elsewhere. This particular comment, as you can see, mentions ASCII.
if you have to convert between CJK characters and romanization then that is hard
even on SO people confuse ascii and ansi a lot
@hippietrail Especially since tags can only be some thirty characters long or something.
i would just define a set per site with the default set being ascii
for german you need the umlauts and esszet
It should be noted that ELU suffers, too. We can't tag our stuff [tag:British-English], we have to go with .
for japanese you would use han + katakana + hiragana + ascii but not allow things like halfwidth and fullwidh variants and all the symbols which are not characters
that doesn't bother me. it's a kind of normalization for tags. it might bother german speakers though i'm not sure.
Apr 8 at 13:35, by RegDwight
@RegDwight what's the difference? capitalization?
Apr 8 at 13:36, by RegDwight
I don't like the light in which it puts us.
I know that I would be highly skeptical about any site that can't even spell "American English" correctly.
@Jez Obviously.
YES! Stevenage promoted to league 1 (UK football)!!!
that's cool i like Stevenage
back-to-back promotions
spell or capitalize? or does spelling include capitalization? d-;
maybe we could have both prescriptive and descriptive english SE sites
There are enough prescriprive English sites already.
SE's motto is "Make the Internet a better place", not "Add to that huge pile of garbage".
then what do you mean by "spell American English correctly"?
sorry just playing devil's advocate
Well, sorry, I am nitpicky like that.
yeah i know jsbangs never capitalizes stuff either
you know the site is working when it brings out the pet peeves of the descriptivists (-:
i capitalize stuff when it's important
sometimes i even use curly quotes and apostrophes
You are so baroque.
i prefer to think of myself as insufficiently underdecorated
/me ornaments himself...
i dunno if nobody saw my early bird answer or nobody liked it or nobody believed it
There you have it. Now stop whining. You hippie you.
I am fairly certain Robusto would like it.
i wanted to return the chatvertisement out of politeness... but it still made me feel dirty
Hey @Robusto, start liking hippie.
shh! d-; you're spoiling my loner status
Well, I'm sure he can like you secretly.
we failed to take into account the possibility of cannabal worms
and post 2.30 am spelling )-:
We failed to take into account that the worm is a lie.
i'm surprised everybody said capitalization is not a spelling issue when descriptively people clearly do say "spell with a capital" and such all the time
hum. they don't remind me of anyone in particular.....
a cretan worm or a cretin worm?
should all a/an questions be considered dupes? they're breeding
Un ver certain. The best of both worlds.
@hippietrail OMG. That's what you get for distracting me from the main site.
did something bad happen?
Yes, the a/an question.
It's no longer funny.
i was just sitting there
i guess there are 2 or 3 categories of it. words beginning with h are special.
in the future i shall use my flags judiciously
oh are faq questions the ones with the most closed duplicates or just the ones with the most votes/views?
oh merely the most "links"
@hippietrail I dunno if the algorithm is public. But yes, dupes do count, and so do normal links.
ah. are you a dev by the way?
@RegDwight: so would this also be considered a dupe? english.stackexchange.com/questions/27564/…
@hippietrail No, @Billare is a sly dog and he knows how to ask something different. However, I'm with @Alenanno's comment on this one: "This is a cool Linguistic question... Don't waste them before the Linguistics SE goes Beta!"
in korean most of the particles have a pre-vowel and pre-consonant variant
and hungarian has a and az for the with i think similar logic
regionalisms is a synonym of dialects??
@hippietrail It would appear it is.
can't find a discussion about it in meta
IIRC this is just another case of "In an ideal world,.." vs. "Wake up dude, this is the Internet".
Nobody uses tags the way anybody else would use them.
Anyhows, I gotta go. My wife's broken a toe or something. TTYL.
ouch. ooroo
@RegDwight Thanks thanks...

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