@KitFox It was a pretty big job. But I was like "um. what."
@KitFox tell me about it. I got new floors and then some and it was only like $10,000
I was expecting them to come back with a plan that would cost $70,000 and we'd scale it back from there. Instead it was 50% over "budget" and the budget wasn't even a real budget, more like a pie-in-the-sky dream.
Needless to say I don't have $70,000 lying around for landscaping let alone $100,000, so pfft.
No. But it's a fairly large property and there's a lot that needs doing.
But they went a little crazy with the planting and stuff.
Also the work includes a new driveway and front step, both of which are expensive and require work crews and machinery. And a new sprinkler system, and etc etc. Lots of stuff. But if we go ahead with this project, we'll be paying for it for years and be unable to do any inside work.
And my in-laws were planning to move in with us so we might have to tear down and rebuild part of the house to make it larger. ... SO that is a lot of work and needs doing before we do the reno.
The thing is, now that we have a plan for doing the outdoor work, we have to execute the plan or else forever defer it. But it's not the kind of plan that breaks down into stages well.
yeah there's at least some digging to do in the back yard. And TONS of digging for the front. PLUS we want to replace the water supply line to improve the water pressure, which requires a lot of digging.
But the front step is decaying more and more and I think next year we HAVE to repair it, so... ugh. Just typing all this is giving me a headache.
@KitFox The problem is the front step is on top of the water supply line. So to do the supply line we have to dig up the whole yard and the front step. Also the front lawn really did die last summer, like my story says, and so now is all weeds. So it needs re-sodding. So the whole front yard needs doing all at once. At least $40k of work.
Either use the are construction ( Dhoni is one of the captains who are always cool ) or recast the sentence, like Dhoni is one of the captains, and he's always cool.
@KitFox yeah. I think the whole thing is going to wait until next summer. And it will be front yard first. For the back yard we may just go with a less aggressive plan and cheaper contractor.
But you know how it is. I want it all, and I want it now.
No. The whole weekend he's been like "work harder! get the database back up! How come the entire site is down? Don't sleep!" and I'm like "what about my feelings? Look at this ivy!"
I think it IS the redundancy. You typically don't hang until something other than death. And then you'd use "until". So you never hear "hanged to death"
So I put my foot down and in as bitchy a way as possible, established that I expected that the boys at least would be settled in their rooms before school started.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No.
We've been moving for months.
But living in this house for seven years.
We helped our good friends move this weekend. I am hoping it demonstrated to my husband that "two hard weekends" is not a realistic expectation for moving two households.
Especially when one of them has been established for forty or so years.
Yeah, I know. And she's almost 70, and her mom died not that long ago and she's still going through that stuff and her partner is an asshole hoarder, etc.
ha ha. There was a scifi story I read about this guy (kind of a boring accountant type) who discovered he could wish things into existence, like an apple. Then one day he realized he could ...
Except the rules of the 'magic' where that you as the imaginer had to imagine the right thing, and all he got was this big naked (hot-looking) dead woman on his kitchen floor.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 look, it was a long time ago, I can't be expected to remember someone else's stories. I can barely remember my own and they mostly happened for real.
OK hate to pull a 'serious' real world thing on you all but poll: which was worse Clinton or Weiner? (re: the sex things they did, with respect to their wives)