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heh, just when you think doctor's surgeries in the UK can't get any worse, they do
what's happened?
i'm getting to the stage where i'm thinking we need some serious private competition
well they're constantly trying to turf me out because im on the edge of their catchment zone for one thing
that's annoying. I hate the catchment zones
i get my repeat prescriptions posted to the pharmacy near where i work. i have to provide the envelopes and stamps for this
the NHS's billions a year don't cover it
I move a mile down the road and I have to change surgery?
@Jez lolwhut?
so they accidentally threw out 6 SAEs I gave them, i had to give them 6 more
they tell me i don't need to stamp them as they will provide the stamps coz they threw out the last ones
how generous!
today, i got through to the practice manageress on the phone. nope, i have to send them the goddamn stamps too. it aint their policy to ever provide them. i was lied to in person by their braindead staff
she even had the gall to say they were sending out my prescriptions by post "for free" presumably implying i should be thankful to them
WTF! that's crap.
if this were a private system, these dickheads would be out of business by now. they have such a smug sense of self-righteousness and entitlement
but the NHS just throws money at them
oh and of course now we hear that GPs want to charge patients to go and see them, heh
yeah because they're so underpaid at the moment
well if that happens then private health care will seem like the better option.
seriously, the NHS needs to lose its reputation and get some serious scrutiny. i'm sick (no pun intended) of the assumption that they're somehow wonderful
i can't even easily find out where i'm meant to go to complain about the surgery. it feels like they have no accountability
I think your local council? I'm not sure
see, you're not sure
no wonder they get away with crappy treatment of patients
of course, i haven't even touched on how ludicrous it is that they have to send a phyiscal piece of paper to the pharmacy each month.
utterly ludicrous, there should be a centralized computer system for prescriptions but we know how good the government are at those
True, true. Plus we have all our records centralised, now. It can't actually be that hard.
they even fax the thing to the pharmacy for convenience... then send the actual thing in the post
it's GOT to be the very INK that the doctor SCRIBBLED on it!!
i could write them a decent centralized computer system in a year but then I'm not Crapita
Yeah, I mean , the doctor could have forged his own signature
erm what?
they don't deserve billions a year. i say reduce NHS funding, still have a safety net for those who can't afford private healthcare (which is the real problem the US has, it lacks that), and promote private healthcare
reward surgeries that treat patients well, let crappy ones go out of business
my dentist is significantly better. i acknowledge i might have a problem if i had less money or needed more treatment.
NHS should be nothing more than a safety net, but like the BBC it's become this monster that tries to do way too much
well maybe the NHS was actually intended for that in the first place
like the BBC, times have changed and it no longer works well in its current form
but if you means test who gets NHS health care then people will fall through the gaps. You'll get exactly what America has now. loads of people in the middle who don't have healthcare
i wouldn't means test who gets healthcare, but I'd seriously restrict it to nothing more than crucial treatment
That sounds plausible
probably like the "public option" they were talking about in the US.
you can choose to go with the government, or someone else.
government would always be there but would probably be shit
but at least it would be something
meanwhile most people could get a better experience
and they shouldn't have to pay (much) toward the government healthcare system. maybe a bit.
but i'm kinda starting to see the argument for privatization. healthcare is too important to fully privatize, but not partially
@Jez Works for us!
how do you mean?
We have free shitty government-provided healthcare. Those of us who can afford it, or who have medical insurance tend to buy our healthcare from private providers. That is what you said, right?
in the UK?
so where??
New Zealand. The system here mostly works. The government will also fund treatment from a private provider for injuries that result from accidents.
what about what we would call a GP?
a general doctor you go to for non-emergencies? usually book an appointment
I mean more expensive stuff. The government doesn't completely fund GP visits here.
yes but how does the GP system operate? catchment zones?
No. You can sign up with any GP who will take you. Of course, you would not sign up with one who is not near your home. The government subsidises it but doesn't fund it completely.
@DavidWallace but you might stay with one if you have a rapport with the doctor
You might, yes.
how about repeat prescriptions? do you have them and how do they work?
I'm not sure. I don't usually need them.
some surgeries here require you to physically come in every month to fill out a piece of paper requesting this month's repeat prescription.
they even say that phone or email requests are not allowed
Here, you don't have to go back to the surgery. I think the pharmacies have an integrated computer system, so that when you get the first prescription, the repeats are registered, and you can then collect them from any pharmacy.
unsurprisingly, sounds more advanced than the NHS
but then, banging two rocks together is
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Food in Finnish.
knew that, not the spelling though
@JohanLarsson I've given it a try (just installed VS 2012 express). It looks good to me. I'll have to try and figure out how to get it into our app and give it a proper going over
I was interested in how it compares in speed to ddd et al. lazy here
I'll let you know when I've figured it out myself :D
You saw that you can change number of points and frequency right?
64k is a good value. I put it down to 100ms, and it seemed to be OK
I tried 64k and 100 ms did not know how to evaluate it really
Perhaps it is a poor choice of graph(s)
I'm gonna try an exponential decay function with pseudorandom noise
I cached all the calculations since they are not really interesting for the graph performance
the test is just throwing data at the control
you want write access and a fork?
@JohanLarsson I've just tried it with noise and it's really slow. Maybe even slower than ddd
oh, good to know then
The window stops responding in normal time :(
Is it sharable?
I can paste the change. it's only to the Update Number of Points function
pushing to a branch is easier?
heh. OK :D
I've accidentally made a lot of (insignificant) changes trying to get it to work in VS2010, so that should be fun for you
np it is just a throw away thing
added you now, created a noise branch
cool. I just commited to master. how do I roll back?
no idea :D
I can try to make a sinus branch and commit the old one
@robusto this is not a private chat room. I'm not trying to be abrasive; I think you make plenty of good contributions to this site, and I don't want to get in a tiff with you. This is ELU, though. JLU and chat rooms both exist. (What I meant about "Kanji" is that if you'd spell it out, even as furigana, I'd be happy - although that's still not really appropriate, is it?) // Is the first one/pair "omoshiro(i)"? // Note that when YO uses non-English, he makes it clear what he means with translation and/or transliteration. — hunter2 1 hour ago
Gee, I love being taken to task by newbs.
@hunter2: Maybe you should have initiated a private chat, then, instead of trying to upbraid me in public. In any case, it ain't your place to do that. — Robusto 3 mins ago
@JohanLarsson it's cool I've pushed the code to noise (I think)
I also did something not sure what and what the result was :D
struggling with checking out a branch here :D
not much fun to suck
git checkout noise ?
I'm using gui
Do you have to have a space before a right-angle bracket in xaml elements if there are no attributes? I.e., <label >? Or can you just write <label>?
I'm gonna head home. bbl
no space
@Robusto no space required.
Starting with WPF?
Didn't think so. There is one in your OxyPlot thingy, though.
what is the difference between thing and thingy?
I give up with git for now, gonna cry for a while
@JohanLarsson y
@JohanLarsson Thingy is an informal term you use when you want to distance yourself from something or express (confess) general ignorance of a topic. Especially the latter.
It can also be used as kind of a mild put-down, though it wasn't in this case.
A thingy can be like a whatchamacallit.
Or a whatzit.
Yeah. But whatchamacallit is, I think, more straightforward.
It’s also babytalk for penis.
Thingy, not whatchamacallit.
nice, ty sirs
But if someone brought me an ugly, unfamiliar plant as a housewarming gift, and that person and I had had bad blood between us and this gesture were rejected by me, I might tell him, "Get out of my house and take your thingy with you."
not 'that thing with you' in that case?
You could say thing as well. Thingy would be to turn it into a diminutive for an added measure of contempt.
@JohanLarsson That’s ok, especially if you stress thing in a pejorative tone.
thingy does not sound angry enough to mee
No, nor to me.
No. But it is dismissive and condescending in a way that a stressed thing is not.
Contraption can work for a mechanical thing, but not for a biological one.
In any case, we're into fluid expression now, and there are no hard and fast rules.
You know, I don’t think we have pejorative terms for plants.
A critter could be a beast or a monster.
"Get out of my house, and take that—whatever that is—with you." Another way to disparage the gift by expressing "justified" ignorance of what it is.
You’d have to resort to name-calling I think, like calling it a weed or something. Hm. This is odd.
Animals you don’t like are varmints.
Yes, you'd have to use some plant that works in a pejorative context: weed or bracken or fungus, etc.
@tchrist Or vermin.
He’s got the IQ of a house plant.
@Robusto Fungi are back to being plants again? :)
But "house plant" is not really pejorative in the context of a plant; only when compared with human intelligence or something else for which it's not suited.
@tchrist Broadly speaking, yes, in that context.
A yeast infection.
Mildew with an attitude.
Why no hate for plants?
Well, you can call someone a "clinging vine" and that would be pejorative.
Cooties are animals. Lice, to be specific.
They aren’t just little coots? :)
A coot is a lovable old codger who may be a friend.
@tchrist weed
Also " Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genus Fulica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill."
OED has “A silly person, simpleton.” for coot.
Well, that's kind of an archaic usage.
> 1. A name originally given vaguely or generically to various swimming and diving birds. In many cases it seems to have been applied to the Guillemot (Uria troile), the Zee-koet or Sea-coot of the Dutch.
As is so much in the OED.
The overbrush just has better style.
"I've got a burr under my saddle." There's a pejorative plant term.
I think 'saddle' is a euphemism.
@Mitch No. When brushing teeth, you use an overbrush for an overbite and an underbrush for an underbite. QED
> 2. Afterwards restricted in literary use to the Bald Coot (Fulica atra, fam. Rallidæ), Meer-koet of the Dutch, a web-footed bird inhabiting the margins of lakes and still rivers, having the base of the bill extended so as to form a broad white plate on the forehead (whence the epithet bald8); in U.S. applied to the allied *F. Americana; and generically extended to all the species of Fulica.
> 2b. b Proverbial phrases. as bald (bare, black) as a coot; as stupid as a coot (this and the epithet ‘mad coot’ may have originally applied to the Foolish Guillemot).
> 3. Locally applied (with distinctive additions) to the Water-rail and Water-hen or Gallinule.
> 4. fig. [Cf. (def#2) (def#b).] A silly person, simpleton. (colloq., dial., and U.S.)
@Robusto I think you made my point for me. Quick: which one would win in a cage match fight - overbite or underbite?
Obvously the spectatoros!
Same as at a bull fight.
If it were a cage match, I'd use a dental drill.
> 5. Comb., as coot-foot, a name given by some to the Phalarope; coot-footed a., having feet like a coot’s; hence coot-footed tringa, a name given by Edwards to the red or grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius; coot-grebe, a name given by some to the Fin-foot or Sun-grebe Heliornis.
I'd use a dental dado. Efficient and precise.
@KitFox I wrote something for your friend, thought it was going to be 30 minutes of fun, turned out to be pain and some learning :D
1848-60 Bartlett Dict. Amer., - Coot..is often applied by us to a stupid person; as, ‘He is a poor coot’.
A. 1852 Mrs. Whitcher Widow Bedott P. (1883) ix. 33 - He’s an amazin’ ignorant old coot.
A. 1860 Margaret 134 (Bartlett) - Little coot! don’t you know the Bible is the best book in the world?
1929 W. Smyth Girl from Mason Creek i. 17 - You’re a clumsy coot.
1963 Daily Mail 26 Aug. 4/2 - Masters call boys ‘coots’ and boys call each other ‘nits’
@Mitch Nah, you'd be more likely to use a dental dildo.
@Mitch Dado? Dodo? Dildo?
Mine is more powerful.
But a bit square.
@JohanLarsson You're welcome.
Illegal division by 0.
A square is just one of an infinite set of rectangles.
I haven't heard back from this guy who contacted me about doing a project. I don't know if I should press the issue. It's been a whole day.
@Caprica needs a mod for a humungo bottle of champagne for double jinx
Go ahead, call him up and show how needy you are. That's always a turn-on.
cootie [ˈkuːtɪ], sb.[entry#2] slang. Also kootie.
Etymology: ? f. Malay kutu parasitic biting insect.
A body louse.
@Robusto I wasn't going to call. I thought I might send him an email.
@KitFox The rule is 24 hours.
He was supposed to send me some stuff so I could scope the work.
The meta rule is that rules can be modified every 24 hours.
But I don't think he's done this before.
> Lice have been the subject of significant DNA research in the 2000s that led to discoveries on human evolution. For example, genetic evidence suggests that pubic lice were acquired by human ancestors from gorillas approximately 3-4 million years ago.[17] Additionally, the DNA differences between head lice and body lice provide corroborating evidence that humans started losing body hair about 2 million years ago.
The meta meta rule is that you can only invoke one meta rule at most once in any 24 hour period.
The rule is 24 hours, but you don't contact until COB the following day, to give them time to organize whatever they're doing that doesn't concern you.
@Mitch s/only//
@Robusto Which would be today. But it's Friday. Maybe I'll write a draft today and send it on Monday.
@tchrist s//only/g
For example, if I talked to someone at 9:00 a.m., and they said they would get something to me that day, I'd give them until end of day tomorrow before I responded.
I talked to him Weds at close of business.
If I send him something today, he'll forget by Monday.
@KitFox Better plan. That way he's fresh and you have the added weight of his shame working in your favor—Omigod, I meant to do that last week!
Then remind him Monday if you're slightly interested.
Yeah, never expect action on something you send Friday afternoon.
But I do need to get this stuff offloaded from my brain, so draft today.
onlyTonlyhonlyeonly onlymonlyeonlytonlyaonly onlymonlyeonlytonlyaonly onlyronlyuonlylonlyeonly onlyionlysonly onlytonlyhonlyaonlytonly onlyyonlyoonlyuonly onlyconlyaonlynonly onlyoonlynonlylonlyyonly onlyionlynonlyvonlyoonlykonlyeonly onlyoonlynonlyeonly onlymonlyeonlytonlyaonly onlyronlyuonlylonlyeonly onlyaonlytonly onlymonlyoonlysonlytonly onlyoonlynonlyconlyeonly onlyionlynonly onlyaonlynonlyyonly only2only4only onlyhonlyoonlyuonlyronly onlyponlyeonlyronlyionlyoonlydonly.only
People often misplace only.
Friday afternoon, though, seems to be the preferred time for people to come by and try to give me a core dump on some project. I just laugh and tell them to put it in writing or talk to me on Monday.
Because there are so many possibilities.
@Robusto I know, right?
haha. I went on the presumption that there are a countably infinite number of empty strings between each character in a string.
Yeah, like at 4:30.
"I need you to pull this data so I can write the report that was due Weds over the weekend. It's really critical."
@Mitch Yes, but the Engine needs to make progress, so bumps by one upon each zero-width match.
But that's only a meta rule, not a meta-meta rule. Unless it is a meta^\omega rule.
SIGQUIT — core dumped.
@tchrist oh it'll definitely make progress, but only if you start processing from the back end.
Back-end processing is what I do.
OK, but one more question, which is do I send the rate with the proposed scope, or after he's agreed on the scope?
I'm thinking after.
Oh shit money is involved?
That’s in an interest-bearing account.
Yeah. Another client!
Hm...yes...real life dilemma.
And I'm pretty sure he's not contracted code work before.
So it really is a real world meta problem, to act coy or not.
And I've never worked with people I don't know before.
Perhaps he was immunized.
suddenly remembers she's never had sex with a virgin
I don't know what I'm doing.
be gentle?
It will be a learning experience.
@KitFox Not once you get done with them, no.
@KitFox What, you never played with yourself before you lost your virginity?
@Robusto That doesn't count.
It did for me. Countless times.
This question is getting no traction. Does it need to move to ELL? It’s using ESL terms that NS seldom know.
Q: Factual conditionals: simple present or future?

Rain LoverAt times I find it difficult to decide whether to use a zero conditional sentence or a first conditional. Would you mind helping me with the following example: If they want to get there fast, they ....... (take/will take) the express train. Thanks!

@Robusto Only once, same as with Kit.
Once you’re done with yourself, you’re no longer a virgin. Well, if you do it right.
I suppose I popped my own cherry, but that wasn't sex.
Why are we talking about this again?
Oh right. The job.
The normal excuse is horseback riding.
@tchrist Yeah, maybe.
@tchrist Hard to use if you don't ride horses.
Ok, then dog riding.
Yay, I'm taking a DAY OFF today! Don't hate me for my freedom!
Q: What is the meaning of " as clear as a bell " ?

Fawzy HegabWhat is the meaning of " as clear as a bell " ? I met this expression long time ago but I have forgotten what does it mean .

Why is this open? Isn't it gen ref or at least "show me a lot more research"?
I voted to close as gen ref.
@KitFox I haven’t trawled through the list yet this morning.
But I really wanted to bring out the WTF reason.
Nor trowelled through it.
> Literally it refers to the fact that bells are loud and have a sound with a relative lack of overtones, giving a "clear" sound.
This guy needs to have more experience with bells. No overtones? Sheesh.
Let alone trulled.
In fact, quite the opposite.
I can't stand it. I'm going to write this scope out.
Unless we're talking Japanese bells, which are designed to reduce the overtone series.
How does that work?
But you can actually demonstrate the overtone series with flared bells. Touch your finger to one part of a ringing bell's outer curve and you'll hear that particular overtone disappear.
@KitFox What’s with people putting spaces on the inside of their quotation marks lately?
I was in a bell choir once upon a time.
Incidentally, that's why woodwind and brass instruments have flared "bells" at the ends. Because they produce more overtones.
A recorder, which has no belled ending, produces a purer fundamental.
@tchrist Me too.
Yeah, bell choirs are boring.
We had an awesome carillon tower at school, too.
Carillons are cool, though.
"This is my bell tower! There are many like it but this one is mine! Without my bell tower, I am useless. Without me, my bell tower is ueseless!" Etc.
I loved when it would ring.
Oh noes, not a gun!
The Rifleman's Creed (also known as My Rifle and The Creed of the United States Marine) is a part of basic United States Marine Corps doctrine. Major General William H. Rupertus wrote it during World War II, probably in late 1941 or early 1942. All enlisted Marines learn the creed at recruit training and they are expected to live by it. Different, more concise versions of the creed have developed since its early days, but those closest to the original version remain the most widely accepted. Original text In popular culture * The Rifleman's Creed is featured in the 1987 film Full Metal...
> A carillon (/ˈkærɨlɒn/, /ˈkærɨljɒn/, or /kəˈrɪljən/; French: [kaʁijɔ̃]) is a musical instrument that is typically housed in the bell tower (belfry) of a church or other
I love the ambiguously worded ending: "So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!" Yeah, peace is the real enemy to the armed forces, right?
Who the hell says anything but the first?

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