@JasperLoy When she first showed up I think she said something to the effect that she had retired from a job (teaching?) related to language (English?), so I think she is a professional word-monger of some kind.
@JasperLoy For someone who knows English, German is harder than English because French vocabulary has a lot in common with educated English words but English doesn't share it with German (television and television and Fernseher).
@JasperLoy Oh...that's a different situation. It all depends on the area of math that you care about.
Also (re French and German) German syntax is harder because it has both gender (like French) but also two extra cases, and you know all those phrasal verbs and prepositions that English has that you have to learn for practically every situation? Well German has the same thing, but all the prepositions are changed around. So your English intuition is wrong as often as it is right.
"Not satisfied with this plan, Councilman Simmons, has counter proposed the so-called 'Citizens Self-Protection Act'." Is the comma after Simmons appropriate?