I'm trying to query downvoter's hall of shame for ELU but I can't get to a page where I can submit a "fork". Please, can someone tell me how to do that? Thanks
Jack Whitehall was on Would I Lie to You? once, and referred to his mother as "Mother", not "my mother", and was immediately mocked for being extremely posh. (Whether he actually does talk like that, or was just having a slip of the tongue, I don't know.)
Irritatingly I have taken some noise recently on my original answer (prior to editing) here - My original answer was "Are you referring to "open secret"...".
This was jumped on almost immediately by a small number of people intent on pressuring me to conform to the "rule" that Answers are for a...
Is this a right sentence: "What did you used to do?" I don't think but it has been written in a novel. I would have used it in this way: "What did you use to do?"
@MattЭллен Well, they were just making casual remarks without any proper statistics though. But despite the difficulties involved, I am still going to try, because that is my only reason for living on.
Recently, I recived a fake beats pill. On the packaging, there were so spelling and gramatical errors.
One of the errors was something Microsoft Word could of easily fixed - "Computert".
Also, the makers of these forged products make no sense, "Pair your phone and Pill by pressing the NFC butt...
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about humans who make poor life choices rather than about English — Mr. Shiny and New 安宇11 secs ago
That is indeed an interesting question. Perhaps it is because people who value precise language and culture are less attracted to petty crime (I don't know about serious crime...)? — Cerberus38 secs ago
One of the features of Stack Exchange is that accounts can be automatically barred from asking questions, or answering questions, or (very occasionally) both. Sometimes, it's best not to destroy users because the system has already effectively banned them.