So anyway, I actually recorded Caché once, and it sat on the hard disk for like a year, but I never watched it, and then I needed space and wiped it out. I have now recorded this Benny's thing, too, and it just might face the same fate.
I actually like the "guns don't kill people" argument. A lot. Because even its fiercest opponents, like caricature hippies all frothing at the mouth, even those don't get how ridiculous it really is. They try to fight it on all kinds of levels except on the most obvious one.
But no, what I mean is, when you say "guns don't kill people, people kill people" -- you are really making the completely wrong comparison. A false dichotomy. But everyone happily accepts it, like an axiom or something, even the opponents, so everyone then has their own made-up statistics and it never leads anywhere. Ever.
And that's why the argument is so compelling. It works. Everyone accepts it even when they pretend not to.
@KitFox Yeah. So now think of this: "guns don't kill people, people kill people" -- you could say that about anything. That's why it rings so true in the first place. Anything works there. "Bare hands don't kill people, people kill people". See?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What I am saying is when you make a comparison between people with guns and people without, to whichever end, you've already accepted the wrong premise.
You should be comparing people with guns to people with bare hands instead.
@RegDwigнt I think most people opposed to guns don't think it rings true. It's a statement that might have some truth to it, but its truth is irrelevant. It's a red herring followed by a tautology.
@KitFox I think even that is a stretch. I think people who want to kill someone may kill someone without a gun. But they may decide that the alternatives are not practical and give up on it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that is the argument about automatic weapons. You can kill first graders with a gun, but you can kill many more of them with an automatic rifle.
@KitFox Not just that. Let's say I was really mad and wanted to kill my neighbour. I might just shoot him. But if I don't have any gun at all, I might decide that attacking him with some other weapon is prone to failure.
@KitFox Let's assume that I wanted him dead. I could try to beat him to death. Or stab him. or poison him. Only I don't know how to poison people. And he might be much stronger than me or a better fighter. etc.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That reminds me that a 3-year-old shot and killed his mother last year in my home state.
> These deaths, quite obviously, could have been avoided had any adult, at any point in time, exercised even a modicum of discretion concerning the availability of their firearm.
Here here
This is the crux of my objection to current firearm legislation.
I’m not going back for the funeral, as I didn’t know her well, and GOD DAMN IT I just got back from a funeral. But her mom is mine’s best friend, so it’s tough. She still runs a big farm in SW Wisconsin, with two sons doing most of the hard work. Maybe some sons-in-law, too.
The wedding itself was mildly entertaining, it being a Jewish wedding and all, but the reception put my wife and me at a table with a bunch of people we didn't know who didn't have much of anything interesting to talk about.
@JohanLarsson I believe they are as I stated it: The horror.