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@ΜετάEd Ohhhhhh. We thought (I think) that you were saying that people would look down on you equally whether you were married to a WASP or a jew/black/catholic. And that is definitely not true given all their bigoted views. If having an affair with a non-WASP...I have no conception if WASP or non-WASP would be considered worse.
@ΜετάEd impertinent in the sense that I'm blaming @KitFox...when she said "Well, it's not pertinent to the question, even if I think he's wrong.".
Whoa. That's weird.
Hi @KitFox. I'm roping you back in. Apologies in advance.
It's OK. My apologies to @Μετά for the misunderstanding.
Any jQuery speakers in the house?
sorry. no.
Well, that was dumb of me. But apparently, I also need to handle zeroes differently.
Zeroes are insignificant. They are only zeroes. QED.
Except that they make my function return false.
Stupid zeroes.
Screw it. They will have to wait until tomorrow.
Hello from class!
See, there's your problem right there, @Kit.
You forgot to return your variable.
tch amateurish.
It wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that I've forgotten it so many times.
At least it didn't take me more than five minutes to figure it out this time.
The Variable Police will come after you, like that library cop after Seinfeld.
@KitFox So what did it return instead, the last evaluated expression?
Nope. It didn't know what the hell I wanted so it gave me NULL.
Some languages have "interesting" ways of returning things, but if a language has a return statement in it, it’s probably best to use it.
In Pascal, you assigned to a variable by the same name as the function to set its return value.
But you didn't return.
Because they enforced the one-way-in, one-way-out nonsense.
Well, this zero thing is just annoying.
@Cerberus I never said it was a schwa. I said it was a syllable.
OK ima bed. Night!
May we have your permission to discuss Boldogs next?
What's that now?
They are not the same.
Here is a quote . . .
They don't have wings, for one.
> Boldog, for instance, is a name that occurs many times in the tales of the War [of the Jewels]. But it is possible that Boldog was not a personal name, and either a title, or else the name of a kind of creature: the Orc-formed Maiar, only less formidable than the Balrogs.
flat faces
It makes no nevermind to me. You can waste your own bandwidth however you'd like.
Time is the crucible in which we burn.
Wow that's so deep.
Maybe they were less formy because they had no wings.
Time, not bandwidth.
Well, enjoy yourself/ves.
> "The time of my thought is my own to spend," answered Dain.
It is easier to find Tolkien quotes applicable to the situation than Bible quotes.
Sleep tight, @KitFox
Don't let the balrogs bite.
@Mitch howdy
I just can’t wait for Yoichi to ask us about "GOP Trying To Keep Elderly Voting Base Alive Until November".
I ain't no boldog.
I'm bold, and a dog, but not that.
So, you have a stutter then, you're saying?
They can do something about that now, I hear.
Something about sitting for severe sessions in an elocution chair.
@Cerberus stutters in full stereo.
@tchrist heh. 'e's no spring chicken himself.
@cornbreadninja Eep, I forgot. Better go for "Tampa Bay Gay Prostitutes Gearing Up For Flood Of Closeted Republicans" instead.
He'll ask us, just what does "gearing up" really mean here?
Is it a polite euphemism?
Or an impolite one?
It is important to understand politeness in his culture, so this will draw him in.
I got nuthin'.
I'm squishing PuTTY.
It is a fickle beast.
It needs to be re-educated.
@tchrist An elocution chair? How does that work? Does it tingle, like an electrocution chair?
@cornbreadninja Really? How does that work?
@tchrist Whom are you talking about?
@Cerberus The silly one.
@cornbreadninja I don’t think @Cerberus grew up with the silly little putty that makes stretchy little faces.
I probably could have put the period a bit earlier in that sentence than I did and still retain its truth value.
At least it's not sideways.
@YoichiOishi-san: Akin was using the word legitimate when he actually meant genuine or authentic. — Robusto 19 secs ago
And that's the pith of the matter.
@Robusto N/S
@tchrist N/S? Speak English, man.
@Cerberus you have three heads, so, left channel, mid, and right channel. :D
@cornbreadninja He also farts. That makes it surround sound.
@tchrist no sale?
Add Sherlock.
@Robusto Yes, but that doesn't explain why.
Why what?
Who cares why? He's an idiot, that's why.
brb learning
almost typed ctrl + bksp
@cornbreadninja Ah, yes. The wonders of three speakers.
types control + backspace
Doesn’t do much for me.
Hm, wait.
That restarts your X11 server, right?
Does Yoishi have a reputation for asking questions about statements that will draw fire?
@SpareOom No. He's an 80-year-old Japanese man who reads a lot of English journalism and needs help some of the time.
I thought he was in his 8th decade.
@tchrist Backspaces previous word for me.
I don't have a backspace key.
@tchrist He's around 80, OK? I don't know to the second when he was born, ferchrissakes.
I seem to have two delete keys.
I thought he described himself as a septuagenarian.
@tchrist He says he's 79. That's around 80.
Or three.
And 80 is around 81, so by induction, he’s around dead.
I have two delete keys on the big keyboard and one delete key on the little keyboard.
Funny, all those delete keys and you still ship more text than any ten people on this site.
I can't find anything that says backspace.
That's because they have nothing to say.
And are wont to do so.
Maybe they just don't like to bikeshed the way you do.
That's the wrong word.
I shan't be baited by the likes of you.
That's @Reg's job.
I think he thinks it part of his training for the janitorial olympics.
Why no backspace?
How can you live without one?
I don't know.
What would it do?
Never make a mistake?
^H kiddo.
^W for the word.
^U for the line.
^C for the program. Exeunt omnes.
@tchrist I meant because I had to bksp through what I'd entered.
You always have to hold down a key and press another key when you want to backspace?
@Cerberus in the UNIXes
I always get to keep my fingers on my homerow when I edit. I don't ever have to look at the keyboard like a little child.
@cornbreadninja That sounds a bit annoying.
Unix have no balls.
Read ’em and weep.
A tiny keyboard?
And one without markings?
What do I need markings for? I know where the keys are.
But no, mine has markings.
It's the upper one.
Wow, really? You know how to type? That is so ... amazing.
Notice it isn't set up like an idiotfuck.
I didn't know anybody was able to type without looking. Man, you could make big bucks as a typist.
The ESC is to the right of the 1, where it belongs.
Why no F keys, and no numpad?
The CAPS LOCK key has been left at the factory, where it belongs.
What in the world would I do with those?
The CONTROL keys is above the SHIFT, where it belongs.
No pansy keys.
Leaves room for my coffee cup.
Boring. I'm out. Have fun with your keyboards, guys.
@tchrist In case you want to yell at someone or get their attention?
I don't use the F keys much, admittedly, but the numpad is quite handy.
Easier to type without looking.
@Robusto Bye! We apologise for the boredom.
So your paws can do the chacha?
When I need to type long numbers, for example.
I will take your word for it.
I never studied accountancy.
@Cerberus They used to teach typing class is in Junior High (from 7th grade).
My fingers know where the numbers are.
@SpareOom Really? We never had such classes.
If God had meant for Man to have F-keys, he would have put them on the IBM Selectric.
My fingers don't know where the numbers in the normal area are.
It was an elective class. Not everyone took it, but why wouldn't everyone want to touch type?
I sympathize.
I don't usually type numbers.
I find them troubling.
They have no name.
Makes them hard to remember.
Overused, they are redolent of a code-smell.
Like a credit-card number, or phone numbers, or other numbers.
But they do have colours.
@Cerberus Yeah, I have problems with those too. I did data entry for a few years, and got better, but if you don't use them much you get rusty.
My fingers aren't too bad with the top row ones.
But I agree they are less than perfect.
@SpareOom Yes, well, the numpad is fine.
And it has its numbers close to its enter key.
Yes, but I don't have one. I don't remember if the office computer had one or not.
That one I didn't look to type.
So you can quickly use a calculator program.
So I guess I can do it.
It's hunt and peck for me.
I never had an adding machine as a kid.
Really!!??? I never took you for such a thing!
@SpareOom Then buy a second-hand keyboard for € 3 that has a numpad.
To think, @Cerberus is a hunter and a pecker.
Only for keys that I don't use regularly.
Do you have nibs where they belong?
Or I wouldn't be able to talk to you as fast as I do, would I?
Well I dunno.
I think I do.
I will have you know that I can type a fuckwad of a lot faster then this damn thing lets me enter text. It is really annoying that I am not allowed to use carriage returns.
I'm no champion, but I can type fast enough.
Oh, I think I have a number pad attachment for my laptop. I just never really need it at home.
Of course. I get the slow-down stupidity a lot too.
And I have only 2 USB ports, one of which I have what do you call it.. an adapter for 4 more
@SpareOom One never really needs it, but it is just convenient.
@SpareOom A hub.
And then Rob bitches me out for using such long sentences. It isn't my fault. I was born this way. The system made me do it. If I had my druthers, I would type no sentence over 5 words. Well, maybe no clause. Or, perhaps not. But see? Those are all short! It denies me! And unjustly, too.
I think your first sentence fragment belies your assertion that you need no more than five words.
@tchrist Did you perform your calculations in you head?
@Cerberus My first sentence fragment holds four words.
@SpareOom Which?
I could eleven words.
No you couldn't.
If you didn't have an adding machine.
Ah, but I can.
And I have.
An adding machine is a papertape silliness.
Dad had a soroban and taught us kids to use that too, just for fun.
> And then Rob bitches me out for using such long sentences. It isn't my fault. I was born this way. The system made me do it. If I had my druthers, I would type no sentence over 5 words. Well, maybe no clause. Or, perhaps not. But see? Those are all short! It denies me! And unjustly, too.
I only learned to add and subtract with it.
Quatro, and done.
> And then Rob bitches me out for using such long sentences.
That's no fragment, silly.
It has a subject and a predicate.
It smells like a fragment to me.
@tchrist Even so.
Too much brimstone for you, puppy.
I went to the store.
And I didn't even have a car.
So I rode my bike.
I came to a stop sign.
I gave up.
I turned around and went home.
And then I was done.
I would technically consider any sentence starting with and a fragment, though I understand that not everyone sees it my way.
Don’t be ridiculous.
It is irrelevant anyway.
That's what they taught for formal writing, isn't it?
My point stands if you remove "fragment".
But nobody talks that way.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God.
It doesn't have anything to do with formality: it's just analysis.
And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, ...
What are you trying to prove?
And there was much rejoicing.
Ok, ok. Point taken.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with starting a sentence with and.
Formal sentences in 1610 could start with and.
Just that I don't consider it a full sentence if I am in a strict, technical mood.
"And then" does not require some other element to conjunct.
It doesn't work that way. It means something else.
@SpareOom Yup.
Then there is more to point into the direction of fragmentation in your sentence: "then".
It meant "then".
@tchrist What are you trying to say?
Then what?
What do you think is "wrong" with starting a sentence with "then"?

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