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What I'm saying is that the market is divided in these little sealed-off pockets, and that they are trying to intimidate you to keep it that way.
@simchona Did you get the same storm? Maybe it originated near you? They called it Derecho.
@Cerberus Which part of their statement wasn't true? "If you bought a phone from someone who isn't selling Authorized Rogers Products (tm) then it might not work here", well, yeah, I'm an engineer and I'm not always clear on which phones work where, and "If your phone might otherwise work here, but was reported stolen, it is a brick and will not work here": fair enough
@SpareOom Didn't you know? simchona is really Ororo Monroe
@Cerberus In fact they don't really need to intimidate you to keep it sealed off. They just need to confuse you.
Who said they were lying?
It's just manipulation and intimidation.
No, I didn't know. Umm, Огого or Ororo? The fonts are too small on my laptop.
But furthermore, the phones are already "free", so bringing your own phone is a losing proposition, since nobody offers you a real discount for doing so.
@Cerberus It's not intimidation to say "If you bought a phone and it's a Bell phone, it won't work here"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It is intimidating if you go on to insinuate that a phone from the "grey" market is "unauthorized" and could be "stolen".
Anyway, most people know that our mobile market is crappy.
Ours is still crappy, but somewhat better.
Partly thanks to the EU.
@Cerberus meh. That warning doesn't bother me at all, except for the use of the words "grey market"
Our roaming charges are/were far worse than what you pay, I believe.
What do you pay per minute if you make a call in a different province?
Well, don't you also pay per minute for landline calls? both parties?
Only the caller.
Noöne ever pays anything except the caller. Except when the recipient is abroad.
(Which means 200 km from here).
@Cerberus I don't know what roaming charges are like here. I'm not sure we pay per-minute roaming charges if we're in a different province. We do pay long-distance though... if I am not in my home city and someone calls me, I am charged LD for "Toronto-to-Calgary" or wherever.
And airtime is always paid by both parties here, according to whatever agreement they each have with their carrier.
So if my wife and I go to a city where we pay LD, and I call her, we pay LD twice, because I am calling LD to Toronto and she is receiving a call from Toronto
By "long-distance" you mean landline?
no, I mean Long Distance
Oh, so mobile.
you don't have Ld there?
it's not a mobile concept, it's a phone concept
We have no distance.
Certainly no long distance.
We have 300 km tops.
So how it works here is there are two kinds of calls: local and long-distance
local calls are free
(but for mobile you pay airtime)
That is what I would call "roaming".
Ld calls cost per-minute
no, roaming is different
It means you have crossed some silly boundary.
it is LD for someone in Toronto to phone Ottawa, regardless of mobile or landline
but all Toronto-Toronto calls are free (+ airtime for mobile users)
But if I take my mobile phone out of my coverage area, like say I'm a Bell user and I go to Manitoba where there is no Bell network, I am roaming
So you pay airtime + LD, both fees per minute, if you call mobile from Toronto to Ottawa?
@Cerberus yes, and it's per-minute billing usually (some companies have per-second but it's rare)
Yeah I meant per minute.
When I am in the US, if I make a call, I have to pay per-minute roaming charges
So the airtime fee is fixed? What do you pay?
@Cerberus The airtime fees are complicated. most people have unlimited evenings or weekends and a certain number of free minutes for weekdays, and then a typical fee might be 10c/min
My plan is unlimited airtime while I'm in a Wind Zone
So let's say I'm in Vancouver with my wife and we have Toronto phones.
If I call a vancouver number, because I'm IN vancouver, it's a local call, but I pay airtime (whatever airtime I usually pay). I don't think I pay roaming anywhere in Canada.
But if I call Toronto, I pay airtime and LD, because it's LD from vancouver to Toronto
And how much is LD?
and if someone calls me it's LD because I'm not in my home city
LD can be as much as 0.35/min but usually it's cheaper. LD is more expensive on mobile and the plans aren't as good, which is annoying because I almost never make LD calls, EXCEPT when I'm in a different city and then maybe all my calls are LD
How much from Edmonton to Ottawa or something?
on landlines many people pay a monthly fee for unlimited LD in their province or in Canada. plus now we have these third-party LD providers where you can call internationally for 0.05/min
@Cerberus actually the distance doesn't matter
it just depends on what kind of LD plan you have
So and how are these fees charged?
Do you have some kind of monthly bundle?
@Cerberus yeah, you get a monthly bill, which has two parts. the first part is the fees for next month's service, and the second part is the fee for per-minute charges you incurred this month.
Do these fees normally come out of your regular service? Or do you actually have to pay them on top of what you normally pay?
@Cerberus the per-minute fees are on top of whatever you normally pay
And what do you pay normally?
So let's say you have a plan that's 200 daytime minutes, free evenings and weekends, caller id, call waiting, and voicemail, and you pay $40/month. If you make more than 200min weekday calls, you pay 10c/min for the over-200 part. And all your LD is over that as well.
Oh wait, you said free minutes on weekedays.
@Cerberus It depends.
@Cerberus Yeah, a plan typically includes some free stuff.
Okay, and from what distance does LD start?
@Cerberus it's not distance, it's zones
How large is a zone?
it's just the same zones they set up way back in the day when the local city dialing was set up for landlines
And what do you pay for LD per minute?
@Cerberus how long is a piece of rope?
13 mins ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
LD can be as much as 0.35/min but usually it's cheaper. LD is more expensive on mobile and the plans aren't as good, which is annoying because I almost never make LD calls, EXCEPT when I'm in a different city and then maybe all my calls are LD
The zones have no meaningful typical size?
@Cerberus they usually correspond to a metropolitan area, such as a town or city
You didn't say what you paid for LD mobile.
@Cerberus I have unlimited LD in my home zone
Are the zones the same for all providers?
Oh, I see.
@Cerberus the LD zones are
But what if you are outside your home zone?
There are other kinds of zones?
@Cerberus I'm not sure. It rarely comes up
Your system does suck, if only for the mind-boggling complexity.
@Cerberus yes, my cell carrier has "coverage zones", i.e. the places where it has its own network and can give you the good service, vs the places where you're roaming on some other network and you pay extra
@Cerberus It's a confusopoly
Trying to think of a nicer word.
This is why I had to spend about 8 hours compiling a spreadsheet the last time I wanted to switch carriers.
@Cerberus too late, Scott Adams already coined confusopoly and it's gaining traction
In fact he used "mobile providers" as the canonical example
How about rounding?
@Cerberus rounding?
My provider rounds data per session per 100 KB.
oh... I have no idea about that
I know that per-minute charges are rounded up to the nearest minute
So if you open and close a data session every minute to send one byte, you pay for 6 MB/hour.
So then perhaps I have found something where we can beat you.
@Cerberus Interesting. I'm not sure about that at all... I've never had a data plan before and mine is "unlimited" so.....
By the way, until this month, if I went to Belgium just over the border, 100 km from here, I would pay € 3 or something per MB.
@Cerberus beat us in terms of making it harder to understand? I'm sure we do the same here
And € 2 per minute, I think.
And if I don't have a data bundle in my own country, I might also pay € 2 per MB.
Thankfully the EU has reduced roaming costs a lot, to € 0,30 per MB or something.
We also have net neutrality.
So it's slowly going in the right direction.
yeah, if you don't have a data plan the data costs are redonkulous. But if you DO have a plan I'm not sure how the round the accounting.
My roaming data charges with Wind are redingdonkulous, even.
I heard some data plans in America round by the MB...
@Cerberus per socket connection? that'd be insane
Redingdonkylous, I see.
Oops, I misspelled.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Is that a data session?
@Cerberus it means "more ridiculous than redonkulous"
@Cerberus I don't know what a "data session" is
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I know.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nor I.
It's just something they invented to fuck you harder.
But apparently you keep open a "data session" if you use push e-mail.
well, that's a socket connection for sure
Then that it is.
My provider automatically closes a data/socket session if it has been idle for 30 minutes.
Could that be considered normal, or is it in order to bump up the rounding?
@Cerberus I wouldn't consider it abnormal. I don't know how common it is. It might have the effect of bumping billing, but it also has the effect of freeing network resources so that others can use the over-provisioned network
Anyway, I should get going
All this talk of cell networks makes me want to buy a new phone
But the GS2, GN and GS3 are not significant enough upgrades for me to pay for a new phone or throw away the outstanding $150 I owe on this phone
sadly, Rogers has 250 Galaxy S phones that they are trying to sell for $0.01 with activation. I would like to buy 10 of them with no activation, but I bet they'd want $400 each, so screw that
Very annoying.
I pity your mobile-phone market.
they don't even have the phone on the normal part of their website, just the clearance section
I would still try to find out which networks you could use your phone on...
And maybe go pre-paid.
@Cerberus my current phone works on Wind and T-Mobile. That's it
Rogers has a different variant of the Nexus and Bell didn't even get it at all
You checked bandwidths?
@Cerberus No, I already knew it from before
By the way, you could use a Dutch plan from Vodafone Netherlands...
@Cerberus how would that be practical?
Then you would pay € 0,55 per minute, no other monthly costs, I think.
I'm just theorizing here.
And showing how ridiculous the system is.
@Cerberus It's the data that makes things expensive
Let me see what their data costs are for Canada...
The data is what sent me to Wind in the first place. Ironically their data network is crap
So I don't pay much but it barely works
Yes, they want you to pay € 5 for 4 MB.
But I should get going. Staying up late educating you on the intricacies of the North American phone market is almost as tiring as convincing you that there's an impending energy crisis.
@Cerberus That's kinda high
Very. But then it is across the ocean.
It is still much cheaper than it was last month from Belgium.
Anyway, good night!
Wind charges $1/MB... it's gone down, I guess.
anyway, good night!
4 hours later…
Hi guys
can I ask a very small question?
Of course, I hope someone would come up with an answer.
Q: Why "please" in an answer?

NickI'm not a native English speaker. I don't understand why some answers start with the word please. For example: Please follow this link... Or else: Please try the following solution... It seems like I have to do a favor to those who respond to me.

Another question for ELL.
@cpx what goes after "multiply"?
@cpx multiply x by y?
Times already means "multiply".
Check a dictionary, they list prepositions.
> When you multiply 3 by 7, you get 21.
@clabacchio Yes, multiply x by y. What sentence do you want to write?
@clabacchio Yes, or you could say, x times y is z.
@JasperLoy something like "multiplying current by time
@RegDwightΒВB thanks! :)
it was very small as promised :)
We always have room for small things.
@clabacchio No, I mean the sentence. That is not a sentence.
@JasperLoy it's not a full sentence, but an explanation within parentheses, and it's like "charge is current multiplied by time", but actually I changed it using "it's the integral of the current over time"
Math is hard. Let's do physics!
Can you say, x dot y is z for integers? 5 dot 6 is 30.
A: Origin of jive slang

RogerAca tiene que venir un castro o un franco, a mi no me la cuentan,a la final siempre somos los mismos boludos que laburamo 15 horas arriba del tacho, anda a cagar, sabe que pasa? aca hay que entrar a bajar y no se salva nadie

A: Is there any full form for NEWS?

guruyes it has to be NEW.. we just got used to use plural of new, NEWS.. north east west south comes easily to the mind but it's not.. let me know if anyone has more deep view on this..

Oh my, so many flags today.
@cpx We usually don't read it as dot for multiplication even though the dot notation is used.
@RegDwightΒВB but f I have something new to tell, can I still say "I have a news"?
@cpx You can just say 5 times 6 is 30.
Q: "The news is good." Why?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarWe use "the news is good" instead of "the news are good." What is the rationale behind this? Are there similar situations in English?

"The" is okay. "A" is not.
@RegDwightΒВB thanks!
@RegDwightΒВB so how to deal if you want to tell something (just one thing) that happened recently?
"I have news for you."
"Here's news for you."
You can throw in a "some" if you wish.
Just like with other uncountable nouns.
"Here's some cheese for you". "I have water for you."
You can also say "a piece of news", just like you can say "a piece of cheese".
@RegDwightΒВB ok thanks, can I also use "novelty"?
Hm I guess "novelty" can mean "piece of news", but its primary meaning is "the abstract quality of being new".
Either way it sounds stilted.
@RegDwightΒВB maybe the problem is that I'm trying to translate literally an italian sentence
Literal translation is seldom a good idea. Even less so if the languages are not closely related.
@RegDwightΒВB yes :) but, changing context
if instead of talking about news, the novelty is an object?
like a new thing?
A new thing is okay I guess. A product can be a novelty.
@RegDwightΒВB ok, so I may have gotten the meaning of novelty
Q: Stack Exchange Blogs Compromised and Passwords Reset

Kyle BrandtSome of our WordPress instances were exploited yesterday at 11 AM UTC. We noticed that the compromise had taken place today and took the blogs offline as soon as we noticed. We have since restored the WordPress files from backup* to a new set of servers. Using our logs we were able to identify th...

anyone who bogged for EL&U will have had their password reset
ahem I mean blogged, not bogged.
Of course you would say that.
I suppose waiting for someone else to say it was an option?
It still is!
2 hours later…
Hmmmm. MailS deleted his own question and then reasked it. How odd.
well, not odd so much as devious.

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