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A bit more, I believe. But that is not the point: any community has only a comparatively small number of people participating in the organization of society.
So it was possible to be an actor on that stage.
Life itself is the stage upon which we act in the properly political sense -- this is at least a reading I might suggest
No. The point is that if you get bigger than that you lose the ability to be involved in all aspects of the society. The whole Greek ideal of balance flies out the window.
Oh, you mean direct democracy?
Sure, that is a difference.
But people who really want to can still be involved in national politics, and there is local politics.
Aristotle would not have thought what a ward-heeler in a Chicago precinct does was political, but today it certainly is.
And who says one needs to be involved in all aspects of society?
@Cerberus The Greeks thought it was their responsibility.
Well, most people can't be involved in everything.
Just as it was their responsibility to be farmers, warriors, scholars, athletes, etc.
I think it could work today. Washington is so slow, captured and ineffective anyway, participatory democracy can't be any worse.
@JosephWeissman As in voting on bills every week by e-mail?
I would love to build the budget through national general assembly.
It certainly is an interesting option.
Damn me, but I need to be up early. Nice chatting with you. And so to bed.
Take care, sir
Good night!
@Robusto Will do.
How about if the agenda of the weekly voting sessions were determined by petitions?
And each person could support 5 petitions a week. Then top 10 are then picked for people to vote on.
Q: Is there a word that encompasses both "receiving" and "sending"?

PacerierGood afternoon all, In the sentence "There are many ways to receive and send information.", is there a word that can replace "receive and send"? I was thinking of the word transmit: "There are many ways to transmit information.", But transmit seems to convey only a one-way direction instead o...

Q: Word for application that is both sender and receiver

AkbarI am developing a software application that acts as a sender as well as a receiver. What is a single word for this? This is a peer application running on two different machines, sending data to and receiving data from its peer.

Sorry for clogging up your screens.
At the very least give us a popular vote for the main executive.
I would also like to see preferential voting, and some mechanism to make the party mix in the congressional houses a bit more diverse
@JosephWeissman You mean as opposed to electors?
Yes, getting rid of all elector systems would be a great idea.
More parties will emerge eventually.
As in other districtless countries.
Then again, would you want to have the Dutch system?
Here, a 5-party coalition is sometimes necessary to get a majority.
It makes governments less stable.
Better than two parties who agree on terrible things, and disagree on superficial things
...and there's no third choice
I think I agree.
Perhaps a 5 % limit as in Germany is a good compromise?
Then again, I think each MP should be able to vote independently.
As little party pressure as possible.
Very nice! Yeah, that's what I would like to see. Presumably there are some pretty radical perspectives that get voiced
This is the Dutch Second Chamber, the place where things happen.
@JosephWeissman Yes, sort of.
But that's not always good.
PvdD = Partij voor de Dieren, "Party for the Animals".
They are a bit of a one-trick pony.
It's an important issue, though. I get what you're saying, though -- there's a danger of hyperspecialization on the other side of hyperpolarization
SP are socialists with some extreme points.
@JosephWeissman Yes. Though actually nearly all parties are not very specialized.
And they tend to generalize as they age.
GL = Groen Links ("Green Left"): they used to be all about the environment, but now they stick to elaborate party programmes through several elections.
So people know what their points of view are and what they want about, say, social security or drugs.
Interesting. Seems like a much healthier ideological ecosystem, though
Our cabinet fell last week.
Dear God, and I was going to say It has felt so toxic in the States lately
Well, cabinets fall all the time here.
Because there are so many partners required to form coalitions, and they're easily disrupted?
They stay on for an average period of 2ish years I think. And the formation of a new cabinet often takes several months.
@JosephWeissman Yes, exactly. If just one party pulls the plug, the cabinet usually falls, though it could technically stay on if it can find a majority. But that is apparently very hard.
Deze pagina geeft een historisch overzicht van kabinetsformaties in Nederland en hun lengte, sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De formatie van een Nederlands kabinet gaat de ene keer veel sneller dan de andere keer. Soms moeten verschillende mogelijke coalities worden onderzocht, waarbij de onderhandelingen na enige tijd stoppen omdat men niet tot overeenstemming komt. De kabinetten in dit overzicht die verder inspringen zijn op de voorgaande kabinetten gevolgd zonder verkiezingen. De aangegeven lijmpogingen zijn die gevallen waarin het kabinet zijn ontslag heeft aangeboden, maar later die ont...
Here you can see how many days formations take.
Good catching up with you, @Cerberus :)
Probably gotta run
OK same here, later!
Note: the fall of a cabinet is no big deal here, usually. Partly because it happens frequently, and partly because often not much changes.
New ministers will not fire any civil servants normally.
And judges are not appointed by cabinet anyway.
A country just doesn't really need much governing, at least not the kind that cabinets do.
The usual things just take their course for the most part.
2 hours later…
Q: what is the meaning of "be"?

user1334247here ,it is two different sentence for "be".i can not get proper meaning of it. it may require **to be bound** to objects. Let p **be** the number of tasks with a one-to-one mapping of tasks onto processes. A fundamental technique for reducing the interaction overhead is to minimize the overall ...

does it get any more gen ref than this?
fortunately it's already closed
@JSBᾶngs I certainly hope not.
Q: What's the new rule regarding verb plurality?

canisbosIn the fuddy-duddy old days, a verb generally agreed in plurality with its subject. Singular subject, singular verb; plural subject, plural verb. But in our brave new world, that is not necessarily so, and the plurality of verbs seems to be determined by a different rule, or rules. I have ident...

vote to delete?
I would, but 20k is a long way off.
4 hours later…
what does he want?
Q: Gartner's hype cycle phases

KevinOelenI'm sorry for wasting your time and asking pretty simple question. I need to understand what actually hype cycle phases meaning. Can you explain me it with simple words, meaning following phases? Technology Trigger: A potential technology breakthrough kicks things off. Early proof-of-concept ...

Or, I should say, what more does he want?
perhaps if he wasn't esl the question would be easier to read
I'm actually kind of intrigued by this wiki article
A hype cycle is a graphic representation of the maturity, adoption and social application of specific technologies. The term was coined by Gartner, Inc. Rationale Since 1995, Gartner has used hype cycles to characterize the over-enthusiasm or "hype" and subsequent disappointment that typically happens with the introduction of new technologies. Hype cycles also show how and when technologies move beyond the hype, offer practical benefits and become widely accepted. According to Gartner, hype cycles aim to separate the hype from the reality, and enable CIOs and CEOs to decide whether or not...
I can read it, but I don't get what he doesn't understand
me neither
it certainly isn't ambiguous
2 hours later…
1.999... hours later... :D
I hate complex numbers. They are stupid
@MattЭллен NO U R
@MattЭллен 1.999... is not complex.
@Robusto That is not nice to call someone stupid :(
@Robusto maybe, but they started it
A is something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention. Jokes may have many different forms, e.g., a single word or a gesture (considered in a particular context), a question-answer, or a whole short story. The word "joke" has . To achieve their end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punch line, i.e. an ending to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl). Purpose Jokes are typically ...
@skullpatrol don't worry! It was a non sequitur
Rob is quoting the wrong Wikipedia.
Aug 4 '11 at 20:19, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
A joke is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl). Purpose Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this d...
Sorry, a misread the inside "joke."
Q: Hamlet -- I could be bounded in a nutshell

Trismegistos I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams what does a last part("were it not...") mean?

Too basic?
I'm trying to be nice and find a question to close this as a dupe of, but all the candidates so far require knowing the word "subjunctive".
@MattЭллен 1.999... is not a complex number, it is equal to 2 :D
I know! :)
prove it
Well, it's GR. Googling were it not, even without quotes, gives a few results from dictionaries, including Merriam-Webster.
@skullpatrol if they were different numbers then 2-1.999... would produce a value
but then what would that value be?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Lies! Only I have access to The One True Wikipedia. You, sir, are a heretic!
@Robusto a heretic and a liar? What kind of litotes is that?
it has to be 0, since any other value would mean that the 9 wouldn't be recurring
@MattЭллен that is a subtraction that will never finish, so you don't know if there is a difference
so if there is no difference between the numbers then they are the same
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 The worst kind, obviously.
@MattЭллен Perhaps one number is merely dressed up to look like the other number.
Anyway - I have to rewrite tests and methods to use complex numbers because I didn't understand the spec
Poor you. Really, I sympathize.
@skullpatrol well if that's the case, then you are wrong and 2 != 1.9 recurring
@Robusto thanks.
I'm just wondering how you represent complex numbers in code.
oh, we just have a pair of reals
Complex numbers are best represented through spaghetti code.
call one the imaginary part
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 this I can write a lot of
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 NO U R
The real trick is to write imaginary code about real numbers.
@Matt How would you perform the subtraction 2-1.999... ?
Actually I now know what my problem with Inglorious Basterds was, but Matt right there still hasn't seen it so I'll have to spill the beans some other time.
@MattЭллен You couldn't do it on paper because you have no place to start on the far right hand side.
@skullpatrol with magic
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 you could explain it in German, I'd have no idea what you're talking about, but Robusto might
@MattЭллен Yes the only way is to use the hocus pocus of the mind.
2.000... - 1.999... = ?
You can borrow from the 2 but you have to carry it all the way to the endless end....
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 OR @Robusto could post the question at Movies and TV "What's RegDwight's problem with Inglorious Basterd?" and you could answer
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Awww ... well, whatever your opinion is it must be wrong. If you do want to make your point without Matt getting more spoiled than he already is, you could email it to me.
@MattЭллен It would be closed as too glorious for that shabby site.
Oh right.
Well I guess I could.
If I'm not too lazy.
And bear in mind, you saw a dubbed version, which cripples the film right from the start.
Or at least it means you saw a flawed version.
You seem to be getting me wrong a priori.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 The early bird gets the worm.
I am not going to say it was a bad movie, or even just subpar, in any way or by any measure.
You can take a scene, any scene, from it, and it would be better than the entire Lebenswerk of many a man.
All of Tarantino's films are flawed. But most of them are brilliant, and the best contain gems of one kind or another that simply aren't present in most other films.
And, of course, his dialogue is simply mesmerizing.
Of course. But there are things in this movie he could have done better, and has, in all his other movies.
You can go a head and post your spoilers, @Reg - I'ma free myself of distraction for a bit.
As you wish.
Well in most simple terms I object to the movie's title.
I kind of expected it to be about the Inglorious Basterds, but it really wasn't.
They were not central, or even necessary at all, to the story.
Basically it's a tale of revenge by that girl.
When I first saw Jackie Brown I thought it was his most mature work ever. And probably it is the most refined and polished. But it lacks some of the raw absurdity of Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Inglourious Basterds. He mixes real human pathos with silly human ridiculousness; he's a fanboi and a critic at the same time.
You can take the Basterds out of the movie, completely, without really losing much. Except perhaps that one scene in the bar.
Which kind of brings me right back to my point.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 They were a framing device for that story. Without the Basterds, Sharshalla (sp?) never gets to work her revenge.
How so? She isn't so much as aware of them throughout the entire thing.
She has that plan, to kill all the nazis, and then, a couple scenes later, Brad Pitt enters the picture and tries to feed us that it was their plan all along, when it was still a different theatre, but now that it's this one, it's okay as well, yada yada.
OK, I'll go out on a limb and say it's not really her story. It's the story of Hans Landa. They Basterds are there to make sure he gets punished. The Sharshalla story is, in a way, a gloriously large and grotesque rhyming subplot.
Well that's what I was eventually getting at.
Hans Landa is the only thing that holds the movie together.
Take him out, and it falls apart.
By design, IMO.
But here's the thing.
The movie is supposedly about the Basterds. It's titled that way. They get tons of exposition. Only to end up as cannon fodder.
In fact, that's not quite accurate.
We are told they are, what, eleven people IIRC? I only ever saw like five or six of them.
Not important. Why would you need to see all eleven?
That strikes me as a trivial objection.
Anyway, this is a black comedy, and the creatures in it are characters — buffoons, really —  all except Landa and Sharshalla.
Well, take that character played by Til Schweiger.
BTW, I looked up the spelling. It's Shoshanna.
He gets a huge exposition, only to never say a word again, and then get killed off.
Many of the characters are symbolic, like Feldwebel Stiglitz.
Not that I would want to see more of him. (He's probably the weakest actor in there anyway.) That's not my point. My point is precisely, why is he in there at all?
See above.
Stiglitz represents the "good" Germans, the ones who were repulsed by the Nazis.
Well I don't know. This is where the other Tarantino movies come in. All of them have tiny symbolic characters, but they were tied into the big picture much better.
Aldo Raine and the Basterds represent the American armed forces, without whom France might not have been saved.
Basically, again, this movie stands and falls with Christoph Waltz. In fact, I read on Wikipedia the other day that Tarantino himself said something very similar.
And I would forgive a lot just to have Waltz's performance on film. That's where I come out.
Now, this is by no means a bad thing.
Much of the film is silly and cartoonish, but that is by design. Because of that, the malevolence of Landa and the blistering revenge of Shoshanna stand out in starker relief.
But I guess what I'm saying is, this movie is just a collection of "wouldn't-it-be-cool-to-have-a-scene-where"s. Very loosely tied together, by means of Landa.
In fact, it's a collection of ways to kill people.
It's only after this movie that I realized what a psycho Tarantino must be.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yes and no. Yes it's a vehicle for Landa, but no, the vehicle for doing so is integral to the story. You couldn't just have that story about Landa without the matrix around it.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Hey, it's a Tarantino film, remember? Sheesh.
Of course. I don't even object to that per se. I'm just saying that it took this film to make it clear to me that he's really into slaughtering people in the most perverse manner, and he seems to realize he can only get away with that by making them nazis, or vampires, or serial killers.
BTW, one question about accents: Could the British spy's accent legitimately be passed off as coming from a tiny dorf somewhere in the mountains?
Truth be told, even the three fingers wouldn't need to get him the kind of strange looks they did.
Germany is huge. And it was even huger at that time.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You've heard of Grand Guignol, yes?
I am vaguely familiar with the name.
So no, not really.
Well, that is rather key to an understanding of Tarantino, IMO.
Do a little research, and we'll talk after I've had my coffee. Mahlzeit!
Anyhow, just to wrap it up. It's not so much that I had a certain expectation, and the movie didn't meet it. That would be my own fault, you know. And in fact, as I said just the other day, all the expectations that I did have prior to watching the movie were met.
But what I'm talking about here is that the movie itself raised a whole number of expectations while I was watching it, and then just pretended it never did.
Again, some characters (Pitt, Schweiger, etc) get quite an introduction, so you are made to expect the movie will be about them, but then they are kind of forgotten about, or end up as cannon fodder. Even Hitler is completely useless. The movie kind of tries to flesh him out, for no real reason, and then forgets about him, again, for no real reason.
Which then clashes all the more with the way Göring is introduced. With a simple arrow. I was baffled.
So what we have is a collection of fantastic scenes, each of them a movie in its own right, but little in terms of holding them together. And this is where I couldn't help but draw a comparison to Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill. Those, too, are just collections of random cool scenes, but somehow they are tied up much more neatly.
In fact, it's obvious Tarantino is well aware that these movies are just collections of cool scenes; he presents them as collections of scenes. But the really funny thing is, KB and PF work better, for me, even though their cool scenes are out of order. In IB, the scenes are shown in chronological order, and yet the movie looks more chopped up.
Meanwhile I have read up on Grand Guignol. Well yeah.
@skullpatrol 2 is a complex number. Real numbers are also complex numbers. QED.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Did you just write a book in this chat?
Well at least I didn't triple-ping him before noon.
Bah, stupid Wikipedia formatting.
@MattЭллен Indeed, complex numbers may be defined as ordered pairs of real numbers satisfying certain conditions!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I understand your issues, and I respect your opinion. I also agree that QT films tend to be collections of set pieces — chunks — more or less loosely bound together. But I do think you should give IB another viewing or two, though, preferably in the original, undubbed version.
Also, the fact that Hitler and Goebbels were such caricatures bothered me not at all. The point is, those persons are so shopworn in the public imagination that it is impossible to view them fresh. They're too scarred by all that history has had to say. Hans Landa, however, can emerge as a real, insidiously evil villain in his own right, representing the evil that was National Socialism.
Without Landa and Shoshonna you don't get under the cicatrice of history and feel the raw, red crimes and their effect on innocent people.
Oh I most definitely will give this movie a viewing or five before setting my opinion in stone. I'm just stream-of-consciousnessning here after the first one.
I mean, we kept looking forward to me seeing it at all for so long, I thought I'd share what I have so far.
Yes, and I'm glad you did. Interesting conversation.
But yeah, I regard it as a huge injustice to the universe that Waltz walked away with an Academy award for a supporting actor.
That's just nuts.
It's an insult to Jesus himself.
@KitFox @Mahnax @Robusto I missed the reading list session, but I suspect Steinbeck had an obsession with dead babies. And I like unsolicited suggestions. (Book suggestions, that is.)
I mean, if his role was not leading, nöone's was.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I couldn't agree more. He was the leading actor, definitely. However, politics are politics, and it was a smart move to nominate him for BSA rather than BA, since he never would have won BA for his portrayal of a Nazi villain.
That, of course, is true.
I don't even remember who won for BA that year.
Ugh. Daniel Day-Lewis?
No idea, really.
Oh. Jeff Bridges.
Jeff Bridges?
And for a movie I've never even heard about?
I must've been on drugs.
I even remember Sandra Bullock winning that year, Christ...
Yeah. That was an example of an industry favorite getting the BA oscar for his career, rather than that movie. Although he did a good job in it.
Still, it wasn't a patch on Waltz's performance.
I don't think the movie ever hit any theater at this side of the pond. At least no one bothered to inform me.
Well, it was a pretty forgettable character study about an aging C&W singer.
Doesn't sound much different from The Wrestler, but that one got quite some press here.
Ima fetch me milk and cookies. BBL
1 hour later…
I got my unicorn from unicornify.appspot.com, yay!
@Cerberus It doesn't please nor displease me, except in that it's one more nail in the coffin of XP, which was a great OS but which I consider inferior to 7. But whatever.
@JasperLoy looks like one of the others that usually hang around here
@Reg 6m left.
@SpareOom Read Steinbeck's Cannery Row if you haven't already.
It's my favorite Steinbeck. I think it has less plot going on than his others, even, but the characters and descriptions are so beautiful it makes me cry.
@aedia did you see my millenium falcons?
And on a totally different note, @Reg, have you seen Death Proof? I think it's the worst critically reviewed Tarantino movie, but I love it more than Kill Bill. It's just pure gruesome messed-up-ness.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Omg yes!
I am so, so jealous.
The new one is sweeeet!
yeah my only problem now is where do I put it
yesterday, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
To know for sure I'd have to see Death Proof and somehow I really don't want to. That one didn't really sit well with anybody at all.
@aedia I am a unicorn like you now!
I am an owl unlike you always!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Ah, well that's what I get for skimming the transcript at breakneck speed.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You may revert to the viscacha or the elephant!
I kinda liked Death Proof. Except that I'm scared to watch it again.
@Reg, so, we have just won that war lz declared, and we are out of stam. Immortals are available and 140 FP behind us. Noone else we can tackle seems to be available. Declare or wait?
Quentin Tarantino Rob Zombie Edgar Wright Eli Roth Jason Eisener | producer = Elizabeth AvellanErica SteinbergRobert RodriguezQuentin Tarantino | writer = Robert Rodriguez Quentin Tarantino | starring = Rose McGowanFreddy RodriguezJosh BrolinMarley SheltonKurt RussellRosario DawsonVanessa FerlitoNaveen AndrewsFergieBruce Willis | music = Robert Rodriguez Graeme Revell | cinematography = Robert Rodriguez Quentin Tarantino | editing = Robert Rodriguez Sally Menke | studio = Troublemaker StudiosThe Weinstein Company | distributor = Dimension...
The other half wasn't bad.
Whoops, phone!
@Vitaly undecided. Can't we farm someone above us? Like Atlantis or Hungary.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No idea. tyrant.40in.net/kg/factiontracker.php
Only Better World are at +0 and above us, but they kind of lose too few points.
I have no idea how much damage they are capable of dealing.
And now Immortals are at +1.
Go with Better World.
Rather than guessing, we should just find out.
Just checked, they are at +1 now, too.
Oh well.
My unicorn is not as beautiful as aedia or z7sg, sad.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 ... So, how long of a break are we talking about?
Don't forget to check again in 6 hours if they have dropped from 2756.
@Vitaly no idea. I'm still playing only to get to level 150. And only when I have a couple free minutes at work. At home I try to spend more time doing other stuff.
Geezis, Kris says he has no doubt this question is off-topic.
Q: What is being in a state of being subdued called?

mfg In geology, subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate... (Wikipedia) Now I understand that quite literally, subduction is a process whereby one thing goes underneath another; and while figuratively an em...

Well, I'm still there only because I want to see if the devs make LPs spendable.
Lezasa needs a new deck. I didn't find the KK impressive at all. Most of my losses were due to pure stupidity or consciously pushing my luck for the heck of it when we were still 2k ahead. And even with that my delta is way better than his and I'm using an old-fashioned Gorelesup.
I'm using my Jam/rush defense, and I am kind of satisfied with my 1916/389.
We need a snappier name for it. I suggest Weirdo.
As long as it works…
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Not Waldo? I call Waldo Wally.
Good morning @mahnax!
@JasperLoy Hello UniJasper.
@Mahnax Hey you can try to type in your email address at that site and see what unicorn you get too!
@JasperLoy My unicorn was ugly so I didn't keep him.

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