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@Cerberus Oui.
@Cerberus Umm, in Win7 starter edition you can't even change your background.
Help, I'm a rock!
@Mahnax Ehh I already have enough reasons not to switch, thank you.
@Cerberus Heehee. Just givin' ya more.
What an interesting song.
@Robusto You rock.
@Cerberus — Ich bin kein Rock. Ich bin vielleicht ein Hemd?
@Mahnax Replied.
@JasperLoy You don't need to tell me, my Mail program checks for new messages every 60 seconds.
@Mahnax And I don't think the rest of us need to know your email volleys either
@simchona True as well.
@simchona Why? I was trying to intercept their messages.
@Robusto Ein Hemd? Welche Farbe: schwarz? Braun?
Weiß ich nicht.
It can't happen here. Well, until Senate Bill 1867 passed and was signed into law by the president.
Sie haben es nicht gewußt? Bitte ziehen sie das Hemd an.
@Robusto What can't?
@Cerberus Das Ende des Republiks.
@kiamlaluno If you know they're being sent, doesn't that take half the fun out of it?
@simchona I am too lazy; I don't want to check every frigging second, if they sent a message. ;-)
@Robusto Der Republik, vielleicht? Und ist das Weimar?
Nö. Der Amerikaner Republik. Der ist kaput.
I am curious: What does ach mean?
It means "Oh".
In which language?
@Cerberus In the same language that uses achtung.
Right. Well, what Rob says.
Same in Dutch.
We say achting, though.
And can you please do something about this hellish wind?
It is terrible.
Wind? I didn't keep the door open.
It doesn't seem there is wind, here; or maybe there is.
It is blowing and blowing.
Making a lot of noise.
@simchona If you have a problem with that you can just tell me. I am the one who started it first.
Here there is a breeze.
@Cerberus Is there a wind mill close to where you are?
Uhmmm… Maybe it's the right time to reply to some emails.
4:20 AM can be inspiring for writing that kind of emails.
There are always wind mills close to where I am. This is Holland.
@Cerberus Hey! I have seen wind mills in Calabria too.
The lands would flood in a matter of days if we didn't have pumps everywhere.
@Cerberus Windmills are the first thing my friend thought about whenever I mention Holland.
Those are probably tiny, with canvas sails.
@Cerberus — How do you know they're windmills? They might be giants.
Believe me, I have tried.
Well, that if wind mill is the term for those things to produce electricity.
Toppled a few, but then I got wet feet.
The first thing I think of with Singapore is skyscrapers.
@Cerberus I wonder what the first thing you think of with Italy is.
The geographical shape of the country.
A boot to the head.
@kiamlaluno Pasta.
(I am waiting for spaghetti und mandolino.)
Der Tod in Venedig?
@kiamlaluno Too late I said it already.
@JasperLoy I was already writing it before you even thought that.
@Robusto Don't tell that to the Lega Nord.
They want to amputate the foot and the head.
@Cerberus Exaggerated.
@Cerberus They talk of federalism, fiscal federalism.
I even know that, and I don't follow politics.
That means every region should keep more of what they gain with taxes.
@Mahnax It's OK, don't bother.
@JasperLoy Alright.
@kiamlaluno Well, OK.
@Cerberus Don't get confused from what they say; they just exaggerate all the time.
@kiamlaluno They like to use hyperboles.
@JasperLoy No, no… they exaggerate.
@kiamlaluno Hmm yeah, that must be what my exaggerated expectations were based on.
@kiamlaluno You will be relieved to know that last night I neither had dreams nor nightmares with you in them.
@Cerberus You know, with the provocation you get a bigger reaction.
@JasperLoy I am very happy.
@kiamlaluno I am very unhappy, because two people pissed me off this week.
@JasperLoy As we say in Italy, it's better they speak of you, even if they speak bad, than they don't speak of you at all.
@kiamlaluno They think they know what kind of person I am when they really don't, and apply various labels to me.
@JasperLoy It's enough a person to piss off; it all depends from which person is, and what that person meant for you. :-)
Uhmm… That was for @Cerberus, but it applies to what you were saying as well. :-)
@JasperLoy I know what you mean; it happens to me too.
Well, laterz. I'm out.
@Cerberus As we say in Italy, it's better they speak of you, even if they speak bad, than they don't speak of you at all.
@Robusto Auf widersen. (Or something like that.)
@Robusto Bai!
@kiamlaluno But it just keeps happening to me, I don't belong to this world.
I and German don't match well.
@kiamlaluno Haha, that is actually quite funny.
@kiamlaluno I and the world don't match, I belong to another world.
@Cerberus Sigh! When somebody doesn't mean to be funny, he gets understood as funny. :-)
@JasperLoy I don't belong to this world too.
@Cerberus What about you? Do you belong to this world?
Sometimes I feel as I am having a dream, and I could wake up in any moment.
@JasperLoy Certainly, why not?
@kiamlaluno I wish I could wake up from my very long nightmare.
@Cerberus OK good for you. @kiam and I don't.
What is the neutral word for dream to mean something that is not a good dream, but not even a nightmare?
@kiamlaluno Dream could be neutral.
But nightmare is always bad.
@JasperLoy Perfect. I thought I was not using the correct word.
@kiamlaluno But there might be a better word. I can't think of any.
I just hope that in some parallel universe my alter ego is already married, has two sons, and it having fun.
@kiamlaluno The scary thing is, you think you know what someone thinks of you, but later you realise what they think of you is so different from what you think they think.
@JasperLoy I dunno if that is worse from who tells you something, and then you discover is all a lie.
It could also be worse when all your intentions are categorically misunderstood, or used against you.
I start to think that worrying about somebody is not of this world. If somebody tells you s/he doesn't like something, and you avoid doing that thing, then you get complains about you not doing that thing.
I guess that when somebody complains about something, you must keep doing that thing.
It seems people like being battered.
@kiamlaluno Sometimes people do something bad but they don't think much about it. And when you do something not bad they criticise you for it as if they are saints. It is very scary.
@JasperLoy And don't try to make them understand that. Despite they talk of parity, there is always an implicit "I can, you cannot" in what they say.
"We are equal, but I can get a gift from somebody else, and you cannot."
"We are equal, but if I offend you, I don't remember doing it; if you offend me, I will remember it until I die."
Of course, they will keep saying you and they are equal, and there is parity between you.
@kiamlaluno I am starting to see many similarities in our experiences.
I don't have experiences like yours.
I wonder if they understand when they say lies, or it's all built in their heads, and they don't realize that.
@Cerberus Because you belong to this world, kiam and I do not.
I think many people are nice and reasonable.
@Cerberus Because you have not met the other type yet.
I have met many people.
Your statement is weird.
@Cerberus A single negative experience makes you change your idea about that.
@Cerberus Yes I am saying many weird things today, because I have been upset twice this week.
Then is it wise to base your ideas on a single experience?
@Cerberus No, but that can make you think that what you think is just an expectation, and not what really happens.
@Cerberus It depends on how strong that experience is. Some words are very strong and if used against you it hits a raw nerve.
@kiamlaluno Ehh I fail to see how the bad thing is the real thing, and all the good things are illusions.
@JasperLoy But is it rational?
@Cerberus Well, when somebody tells you something that then you discover to be the opposite, you could wonder if somebody else who said you something really means that.
@kiamlaluno But if this happens rarely, you probably shouldn't generalize based on it.
It could be they just avoid to say what they really think.
Or it could be that you just had a few unlucky experiences.
@Cerberus Or it could be we prefer to think well, even of bad people.
We are humans.
Now, lets discuss more cheerful topic!
...Anybody here?
@kiamlaluno Could be, but I don't think so.
Yoo Hoo!
...Couple of lights flickering in here, I see.
@Mah yo
@SonicTheHedgehog Hi there.
@Mah What time is it there?
@Cerb--I'm trying to have my old room reopened. When it is, there's something quick I'd like to ask if possible
@simchona Certainly!
@SonicTheHedgehog 21:25.
@Cerberus Thank you dahling
You know what Shog is like...
@simchona ...Old room?
He closed our game room too.
@sim what does that even mean?
@SonicTheHedgehog Don't worry about it.
@Mah so, we are both awake. :)
@SonicTheHedgehog Heh.
You can create a new room on this site if you have have enough reps.
@Cerberus How much reps?
@SonicTheHedgehog Yep.
@SonicTheHedgehog If I wanted you to know, I would've told you
Let me see...
No idea.
Try it.
Think I know
Oh, you have more than enough.
Yeah, I do.
creating chat rooms: 100 rep.
Someone should try to create a WMT room, but name it something like "Prepositional Analysis".
Create Gallery Chat rooms: 1000 rep.
@Mahnax No, apparently private rooms are not allowed any more.
For no good reason.
@Cerb For no good reason?
@Cerberus Hmm, okay.
Anyone can read what happens in a gallery room.
@Cerberus True, true.
@Cerb I'll have you know, I have passion for snooping.
@SonicTheHedgehog We had the WMT room for 6 months. Then one day Shog destroyed it, because of "policy".
Gonna be a Forensic Computer Specialist someday :))
@Cerberus Silly Shog.
@Cerb show me the policy.
@Cerberus If that's so, I might need to email. This definitely doesn't need to be public.
@SonicTheHedgehog You forget "a".
We argued what we could, told him he offended a bunch of very loyal, experienced users. But he didn't care. Nor did he give us one good argument why private rooms were bad.
I bet it is filled with bunch of Federalist stuff.
@SonicTheHedgehog I don't have it. Shog said it was so.
@Cerb Someone give me copy of the Bill of Rights!!!
@simchona Yeah probably.
@SonicTheHedgehog You forgot another article.
@sim is that it?
@SonicTheHedgehog Some? Who?
@SonicTheHedgehog Again, you forgot an article.
@simchona He does that a lot.
@Mahnax I think it's because Korean is his first language
I think too fast...
@simchona Or just because English is not his first.
@Mahnax That was going to be my next point
@sim same thing.
Then again, loads of Finnish people never use articles in English because there are no articles at all in Finnish.
@simchona Ah, okay.
@Mah I should try it then.
@Cerb--I don't remember your email.
@SonicTheHedgehog Try what?
@SonicTheHedgehog snorts Finnish is the 3rd hardest language for people to learn.
@Mahnax Then he should start with Chinese and Arabic first.
-_- Shut up...
@simchona Or maybe perfect English first.
@Mahnax Ooo. Zing.
@simchona Yeah, well. Articles!
Although I must say your English isn't too bad @Sonic.
Its internet.
@SonicTheHedgehog It's the Internet.
My English is fine in the real world, thank you very much.
@Mahnax You make me all warm and fuzzy inside
@simchona I try.
@Mahnax Italian is my first language, but we do use articles. It's not just English that uses articles; actually, Italian uses articles more often than English.
@Mahnax Such a sweetheart. Who I'm going to assume is male.
@simchona Yes.
@kiamlaluno I'm not saying other languages don't use articles. I speak some French, and I know that Italian has them too.
@Mahnax Good. Though I'd be fine flirting with females too. Darling.
@simchona Alrighty then!
Although I am a minor, so you'll have to be careful @sim.
@Mahnax I was referring to the fact you seemed to associate the fact s/he doesn't use articles with the fact English is not his/her first language.
@Mahnax I'll be good.
@Mahnax You are assuming the age of who is speaking.
@simchona Good good.
@kiamlaluno Hmm?
@kiamlaluno It's a he.
@kiamlaluno Oh. I just find that many foreigners omit articles.
@Mahnax I've found the same.
@Mahnax Are there any law against two minors flirting?
@kiamlaluno Oh, is simchona a minor then?
@kiamlaluno Well, not a minor. This is borderline cougar-dom
@Mahnax When I omit articles is to avoid writing as I would in Italian. :-)
@kiamlaluno I think something is missing from that sentence.
@simchona Is that your cat or a Google Images cat?
@Mahnax I don't know. I am just saying you could speak to a minor.
@Mahnax Google images. Cute though, right?
@kiamlaluno Well I can speak to whoever I want to speak to, technically.
@simchona Yep, I want one. Unfortunately, I am allergic.
@Mahnax Between that and being a minor, I see we'd never work out :p
@Mahnax Nobody said the opposite; yet, I don't think a minor should be careful of what said to another minor.
@simchona Well, I am selectively allergic. I seem to do well with long-haired cats.
Which is a little odd.
@Mahnax You're still a minor. Problem.
I'm getting sick of being Bob Marley.
@simchona Yeah, and I'm also located in another country.
(What is a cougar-dom?)
@kiamlaluno A cougar is an older woman who chases younger guys. Granted, it's really used for middle-aged women. Which I am not.
@kiamlaluno Which is why she said borderline, because it really isn't cougardom.
@Mahnax I think you should've pinged @kiamlaluno on that
@simchona Ooops. I though I did.
@simchona How much young must be those younger guys?
@simchona I thought so.
@kiamlaluno Usually around early 20s.
That must be a cultural thing. I don't think we have a word for that.
@kiamlaluno I'm sure it's a neologism
I am sure they would have something to say about a middle-age woman dating a 20-something year old buy.
Or rather, a new application
I knew of the word panther being used to refer to women, in another context.
I am sure they don't use the word cougar in that context.
There we are. If any of you so desire, refresh your browser to see my new[?] gravatar.
@Mahnax Is that the...VMWare icon?
@simchona It's the Python logo.
It seems the Python logo.
Right. Python. That.
I knew it looked familiar from my studies.
Yep. My favourite programming language.
Well, I'm getting some tea. I may or may not return.
Happy tea drinking.

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