@AlexanderCampbell yeah maybe "I think I could prove it..." is not the best example. I just sort of mean that there are shorthands that people use (e.g. Denis' "easy" that he mentioned above) that are not universal, and these result in a lot of exclusion. I think it'd be better if people were explicit about what they meant.
I feel like at some point someone explained to me why "truncation" in an ∞-topos should probably commute with "the category of modules," in the case that the algebra we're taking modules over is already, say, n-truncated. Does anyone have a sense of why this is true? I keep trying to prove it and am going in circles.
In other words, why is it the case (is it the case?) that LMod_A(τ_{n}X)=τ_{n}LMod_A(X), if A is an algebra whose underlying object of X is n-truncated.
Where I shouldn't use the same τ for both sides probably since the on the right hand side we're considering the full subcategory of objects which are truncated as objects of LMod_A(X), rather than those whose underlying objects of X are n-truncated.
I'm trying to leverage the equivalence X_{/BA} = LMod_{A}(X), obvi, and I can relatively easily show that τ_nLMod_A(X) is a full subcategory of LMod_A(τ_{n}X), but the other direction is tripping me up.