@CharlesRezk yes. Its an algebraic structure which is at the same time a property. We call such structures "Modes" and, following @AaronMazel-Gee suggestion, ill, shamelessly, point out that we work out several examples and general structural results in the Ambidexterity and Height paper. Examples of such "modalic" properties are higher semi-additivity, chromatic height, stability, e.t.c. Each classified by a mode (higher commutative monoids, E_n local spectra, Spectra resp.)
In the special case of S_n, its a special case of the fact that if M is a mode and M' is a symmetric monoidal localization of M then M' is a mode which classifies the property of having M'-local M-enriched hom spaces. Tensoring an M-module with M' then pick the objects with M'-local M-enriched Yoneda embedding
but of course the special case is quote straight forward and don't require all this theory, I just feel like this is a useful point of view on properties of presentable categories in general so I said it out :-)