I recently approved an edit to Zeroes of characters of general linear group induced from certain characters of parabolic subgroups by user @math seeker. I approved the edit, which was otherwise excessive, because I thought it was by the same person who had asked the original question, @mathseeke...
Recently in the main site, I visited the users tab, and there I searched for "Subhadeep Dey", and it showed two results, this one and my own profile, and in both the cases, the username is totally same. Though the other user has not participated in the site (just made an edit in Stack Overflow),...
I want to get someone's attention by using the @username feature. But I noticed that several people use the same username. So how does that work?
From the Meta Stack Exchange How do comment @replies work? thread: Matching is performed in reverse chronological order, so if five people named John are participating, @john will match the most recent John. Note that only users that have somehow participated in a post receive notifications of ...
How do the comment replies (aka "pinging users") work? Who can I send an @reply to? How do I respond to a specific user when entering my comment? Will they be notified? What do people mean when they talk about "pinging" another user? Related: How do I view the recent replies to things I have w...
-mention and just have the part of the username before the whitespace. For instance, I have always operated under the impression that @firstname
would work when the username is firstname lastname
. But then this raises the thorny issue of the other user, firstname othername
. — David Roberts 2 hours agoYou can use @name syntax anywhere in your comment to reply to a specific user. This will notify that user in their global inbox. There can also be notification through email if you set it up in the preferences found in your profile page. This feature is specific to comments and doesn't work in po...
My slave mountain question was commented on by two Tim B's; Diamond Tim B, and Nova Tim B. I replied to Diamond Tim B in a comment @TimB. Which Tim B did I just ping? Both?
The one who posted most recently. See also: How do comment @replies work?: Matching is performed in reverse chronological order, so if five people named John are participating, @john will match the most recent John. In your case you have pinged diamond Tim. There doesn't seem to be a way t...
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