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HackerNews is the equal-sixth-highest referring site for MathOverflow in the past month, if that gives any context to how much traffic we get from there without spikes. All the higher-listed sites are MO itself or stackexchange sites. Overall, new visits went up by a factor about 6 on Aug 4th compared to the 3rd, and total page visits more than doubled. — David Roberts 1 min ago
@theHigherGeometer That's an interesting information. If I check the site analytics on math.SE, I do not see Hacker News. (On MO I do not have access.)
BTW if you consider that adding some information to the answer I posted might be useful, I can simply convert it to CW and you can edit it further. (I have to admit that I am a bit embarrassed that I posted this answer.)
6 hours later…
I think it was good.

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