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in Charcoal HQ, 2 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, username similar to website in answer (69): Long display style formulae extend too much to the right with some renderers‭ by deekshaarya8‭ on meta.mathoverflow.net
Just flag this as spam - enough spam flags will remove the post. See also: What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?Martin Sleziak 10 secs ago
3 hours later…
Wow! It is still there.
The data in SEDE might not reflect well all relevant post. (There might be many posts which got at least one spam flag, but they weren't actually spam.)
Still, at least they are some data. (I would guess that the median could be a reasonable way to measure this - to avoid influence of outliers.)
Time until spam posts were deleted: main, meta.
Average time until spam posts were deleted: main, meta.
Median time for spam post deletion: main, meta.
I got median 29 minutes on main and 52 minutes on meta.
For comparison, we might have a look at Mathematics:
Time until spam posts were deleted: main, meta.
There are only three posts on meta - but that is quite natural. (Unlike MO, Mathematics has the reputation barrier for posting on meta.)
Average time until spam posts were deleted: main, meta.
Median time for spam post deletion: main, meta.
The data on Mathematics Meta aren't really interesting - three posts aren't really a sample big enough to draw any conclusions.
On Mathematics, median is 10 minutes.
BTW the spam post mentioned above was just removed.
4 hours later…
I hope this is the adequate place. I recently posted the question: mathoverflow.net/questions/418852/… where I ask whether there are significant differences in quality between some mathematical analysis journals.
I wonder whether there is a variation of this question that would be accepted by this community (or another adequate community where I can ask this). I think the question is interesting for many people (see how many people has bookmarked the linked question) and it's hard to find an answer without insider knowledge, so I'd be happy to repurpose it.
By linked question I mean mathoverflow.net/questions/3512/…

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