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@FedericoPoloni You have mentioned "an old tea discussion, now unavailable" in your recent question: Answers in comments are increasingly more common.
I have added some links under quid's answer. (I thought it is not worth bumping the post just because of this.)
The link in the post no longer works, but it can be found in the Wayback Machine or in my (probably temporary) archive. — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
But I guess that since you're regular on meta, you are aware of these two possibilities. I have mentioned both of them here: Tea archive (mathoverflow.tqft.net) seems to be down.
I did not want to leave too many comments under your answer question, so I mentioned it here instead.
1 hour later…
Thanks, I did not know about this possibility (and I think the original discussion should be mentioned on that page, if that is available, but before I am curious to read it).
@MartinSleziak If you wish to edit my question to add the link, please do. Otherwise I'll edit it; having the original discussion is useful.
@FedericoPoloni It is better if you edit the question, so that it is included in a way which you prefer.
I have already said that I cannot promise how long the link on my website will be working - but I do not have plans to get rid of that site (or this particular part) in near future either.
in MO editors' lounge, Dec 31 '20 at 16:26, by Martin Sleziak
@FrançoisG.Dorais Well, currently there is at least some alternative. I cannot promise to keep it up indefinitely - but the hosting is already paid for for the next year or two, I think.
4 hours later…
@FedericoPoloni I should add that in my own case, probably in at lease 25% of such cases it appeared that either is misread the question, or my argument was incomplete (e.g., some fact I expected to be trivial or easy for me, wasn't). So I'm happy I didn't post it. (It also occurred for a few answers, but fortunately much less than 25%— I can't list my own deleted answer so I'm not sure how many.) To me, writing carefully an answer is full part of double checking it. — YCor 55 mins ago
@YCor Actually, you can find your deleted answer. This works only for 10k+ users, but you should get all your deleted answers if you search for deleted:1 is:a.
@MartinSleziak Thanks again! I have 28 deleted answers, among which 21 (if I miss nothing) were deleted by myself (other are technically deleted because the question is deleted, or 2 are technically deleted by myself but pasted elsewhere on the site). That's a bit less than 4% of my answers.

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