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Q: We're testing advertisements across the network

Juan MFor several years we've had advertising solely on technology-related sites. But many of our sites aren't about technology at all, so we haven't sold ads for them. Traditionally, that hasn't been a hardship since Stack Exchange sites have required only a small investment from the company to set up...

This announcement has been recently posted on Meta Stack Exchange and it is also shown in the community bulletin on MO (as it is featured): We're testing advertisements across the network.
I suppose that the agreement between MO and SE should prevent ads from displaying on MO. (The agreement used to be linked in this answer by François G. Dorais♦.
> It is understood that MathOverflow shall consider in the future the placement of certain announcement serices like job listing in the future.
> Stack Exchange shall not run advertisements, on MathOverflow 2.0 (or any subsequent version thereof) , without specific and advance written consent of the MathOverflow.
Still, I though that it was worth reminding - just in case.
In the discussion one of the CMs said that the experiment will run on all sites - but I suppose that he did not want to get bogged out in the details and mention various exceptions; MO being one of them.
The experiment will run on all SE sites in some shape or form during the 6 months. I won't post on each site about it, this announcement is sufficient. Inappropriate ads are full screen takeovers, punch the monkey, scam, pornographic, racist, etc. Some divergence from topic is ok but we'll monitor for exaggerations. Testing is for us to get an understanding of the quality of ad networks, profitability of the network, variety of availabilities, and other things as they come up. We're planning a recap of our findings at the end of the time period Stay tuned for that. — Juan M ♦ 7 hours ago
@Catija If you are around, perhaps you can confirm that the testing of ads will not run on MO. (In the other words, that the clause from the agreement that I quoted above was not forgotten.)
From what I read on Meta Stack Exchange, it seems that before this the ads were enabled only on a few sites: We're enabling display ads on select Stack Exchange sites.
I should also add that I haven't seen an add on any of the sites that I visit frequently.
8 hours later…
@MartinSleziak No ads on MO. :D
2 hours later…
@Catija Thanks for the response. I see that it is not also explicitly mentioned in the announcement. meta.stackexchange.com/posts/329763/revisions meta.stackexchange.com/revisions/329763/5
> Due to an already existing agreement, Math Overflow will not be getting ads and is not a part of this experiment.
I'll wait whether somebody else confirms this before actually considering it a bug, but it seems that recent chat activity is no longer shown in the sidebar.
As far as I can tell, the rooms used to be shown on meta, almost never on main. But they were there.
If there were some changes related to ads, it might be related.
On Mathematics Meta I see the rooms in the sidebar.
There were a few related bug reports here on MO, such as: Chatroom links disappeared or Chat does not appear in the sidebar. However, it seems that they were related to main site, not to meta.
I have also posted this question on Meta Stack Exchange: Are chatrooms no longer shown in sidebar on main site, only on meta?
@MartinSleziak I see them on main... :/
They're back for me on meta. It was probably some kind of glitch.
To clarify, I see them on main when I view the frontpage: mathoverflow.net
But never (or almost never) when I display a question.
I'll add that I am aware of the fact that they are displayed only if the question has enough answers (so that there is enough vertical space on the right).
When I try a question with many answers on meta, I almost always see chatrooms.
I am pretty sure that it used to be different for questions with many answers on main - at least at the time when I posted the bug report.
Interestingly, when I tried now, I saw them a few times. (But more often they are not shown.)

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