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Jan 7 at 7:40, by Martin Sleziak
My plans with this question were to ask on Mathematics Meta whether we are able to get some data to asses whether this change helped on mathematics. Somewhat similar question to this one - which was about registration: Registration to ask a question – has it made a difference?
@FedericoPoloni I kind of promised - in connection with the question Should users be shown some basic information before posting the first question? - that I'll attempt to get some more stats showing how this worked on Mathematics.
When a similar feature was implement on ServerFault, Shog9 collected some stats on whether there was some visible change: Should folks have to click through an interstitial page to ask questions on Server Fault? I have asked about the same data on Mathematics: How much did “advice for first-time askers” help? I'll mention it here when some actual data are available, some data excluding deleted posts have been posted in this chatroom. — Martin Sleziak May 15 at 4:47
I will add that an answer by a community manager has been posted to the question on Mathematics Meta about stats connected with this change. — Martin Sleziak 1 min ago
A: Should folks have to click through an interstitial page to ask questions on Server Fault?

Shog9Since the idea seems to have been well-received, I've turned this feature on. Feel free to log out and verify that it works... So how will we know if this has had any positive effects? Here's some baseline data on questions from new users: week Questions Bad Good PctNewUserQuestionsBad...

A: How much did "advice for first-time askers" help?

Cesar MTo check this using the premises/query already mentioned in the previous answer, I first checked for the percentage of questions that were closed vs the total of undeleted questions (Intentionally excluding deleted ones to remove the deleted & closed noise). This is what we get when analyzing the...

If you look at the stats, they seem rather inconclusive.
I still think that enabling this might be a good idea. However, I do not expect this to have a significant effect on the site.
In any case, I did what I could - I have asked mods in chat whether they could look into it (back in June 2018). I have tried to collect some data showing whether or not this change was efficient on other sites.
And also some other users mentioned that feature request in their post and comments.
As I do not see what else I could do here, I think that my work concerning this particular feature request is done. (It's up to moderators - and possibly some people from the MO community, if they decide to engage with this.)
I will also mention that there is a chatroom related to posts on Mathematics Meta about these stats - in case it could be interesting for somebody around here.
@MartinSleziak Thanks for letting me know! I am not sure that we can infer something useful about whether the same feature would work with MO, though. The peculiar feature of MO is that it is open only to research-level questions, and that has no parallel in Math.SE or Server Fault.

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