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12:14 AM
I just want them to put the manual on github.
The current manual is a nightmare to edit.
They say git doesn't do binary files like images, but that simply isn't true with git-lfs and other such tools.
what do they mean? it's no problem to put images in a repo, or videos. They can't be version-controlled like text-based files, but so what?
12:36 AM
Exactly. But they insist on using SVN, which is a pain.
With github you can literally edit the text files on the site.
i could see them being concerned about bloat if they included .blend files - but wouldn't that be nice, though...
annotated examples you can download and play with...
@kimholder Git can handle even .blend files
MS put the entire 300 GB codebase for windows on git.
oh? i've had my struggles with that. it bloated up the repo something fierce.
each commit was re-entering all .blend files as though they were something new. It's been a while since i looked at git-lfs, but it seemed like it did the same.
2 hours later…
2:39 AM
@kimholder did you resolve your question on texture mapping and distortion on the Z axis? I was waiting for the blender institue's youtube channel to be back. You should watch Bartek Skorupa's video youtu.be/kAUmLcXhUj0?t=285
@GiantCowFilms I wonder if the ipv6 space is sufficiently larger to successfully mitigate that
2:51 AM
@gandalf3 I think it might be. A quick estimate shows a GTX 1080 would take about 1.02 × 10 ^ 22 years to brute force the entire ipv6 space encrypted using SHA-256.
@gandalf3 what?
@cegaton oh, that looks great. it'll have to wait for the morning now. I managed something that more or less works by using the normal input. But it isn't quite right, this might have the pointers i need to refine it. Thanks.
@GiantCowFilms YetAnotherReasonToHurryUpAndSwitchAlready
@cegaton this is what i have at the moment. i.sstatic.net/N6bFi.png
2 hours later…
5:19 AM
I actually need to add some analytics to blend exchange in order to guesstimate file hosting costs. I think If I have to buy storage it would be advisable to consider other options to google drive (namely, options that are actually designed for applications to use, rather than users). Groan.
5:31 AM
@GiantCowFilms What do you use for hosting the server by the way?
For file hosting, I use Google Drive.
For server hosting I use digital ocean.
the application I mean
I can also recommend linode, as I have hosted other stuff there.
If you want to host at either, I can give you a referral code so we can both get hosting credits :)
I'm thinking about switching ;)
If you want cheap, you can also look at Vultr, they offer a $2.50 tier.
That can be useful if you want to do a microservices kind of thing where you host the database and the application separately etc.
5:35 AM
@GiantCowFilms Thanks, I'll let you know
@GiantCowFilms interesting
TBH, its a much of a mutch. The one thing I do like about digital ocean is that they redesign their hosting panel on what feels like a weekly basis. That is quite refreshing because I've delt with sooo many hosting providers who are still rocking their original 2002 UI.
A fun example of is amazon's s3 pricing calculator: calculator.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html
also, linode's panel is pretty retro, but they have a useable beta of a modern one, and at least it loads super fast (which is actually what I care about).
TBH, the most annoying thing is slow panels. 1and1 and Godaddy both have this problem, despite their "modern" UIs. Fortunately most VPS providers don't have this issue (moral of the story, shared hosting sucks).
3 hours later…
8:38 AM
@gandalf3 Rouge "t" detected! Deploy the backspace!
much of a much?
I think that is an actual idiom.....
Or maybe its just a cow-ism.....
Apparently it sort of is a real thing: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/much_of_a_muchness
Huh, never seen it before
It doesn't seem very common.
5 hours later…
1:47 PM
watching one of those peertube videos in mexico is reeally slow right now, it's frozen more than it plays. so, once it finishes, i host sintel for whoever else in range watches it?
6 hours later…
7:20 PM
@David I have question
@Scalia I too have a question.
Where have you been all this time?
i died
im fine now tho
i hear my funeral was very touching
That's nice.
7:28 PM
hey, yeh hi. i have a question about while loops in python... they seem to be really picky
not like java while loops
@GiantCowFilms yes im quite pleased.
k so this is my loop
while kpres == ACTIVE and own['strength']<=100:
        own['strength'] = own['strength'] + 1
        speed = [0, -0.5, 0]
@Scalia My Eulogy For You: "Please stay dead :P"
it wouldnt let me do own['strength'] += 1
@GiantCowFilms SAD
kbye i guess
@Scalia I'm afraid of zombies. Nothing personal.
7:30 PM
@GiantCowFilms im a nice zombie
@Scalia I don't think python supports +=
no wonder
ok also, its running on a python controller, but it fires through the whole loop at the speed of my cpu, and not at the speed of the controller... the value strength fills too fast
like in less tahn one logic tic
Other sources do say it is support. Either way, just write the full one for now.
@Scalia Yeah.
To get it to increment at controller speed you will need to make the code run once per tick.
I can't remember how to do this, let me look it up
7:33 PM
ty son
I think you need to use an always sensor and set it to tap on each logic tick. Then you don't even need a loop.
k yeh but ive already got that and this loop is inside a method that i need to run some other things... should i just separate them?
if you make a class you can use the module running thingy
that way you can use different triggerings for different methods
ah, no need for classes
just define a function for the stuff you want to run on a tick, and then do module scriptname.functioname
this is just a #mess
7:46 PM
but i didnt want to do it that way
So what way did you want to do it?
Because I don't think a while loop can easily be synced up with logic ticks
@GiantCowFilms i dont even know at this point
i just confused myself thats all

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