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Does anyone have advice on how to east a lobster?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @David
Lobster eaten
I have never eaten a lobster, so no
My dad would literally die if he did, so I am a little cautious when it comes to seafood
@GiantCowFilms you gotta boil them
and then eat the tail
they aren't that great
you can also eat the legs
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Is he allergic?
@ARadish They came boiled
and I ate the tail
@ARadish agreed
@ARadish meh, skipped that.
lobster bisque can be really good...
@kimholder these were just strait up boiled
My mom doesn't cook fancy soups
in that case the liberal application of butter really helps :]
its either boiled, broiled, or steamed.
@kimholder I did that.
was this a special occasion or something? sounds like you've never come across it before.
@kimholder No
Good ones aren't easy to get.
These ones were specially flown in.
So we just bought 'em, since they were only there for one day.
yeah, it's like that. we are only 3 hours from the pacific and they still cost a lot.
Do lobsters live in those waters
I thought they were mainly a newengland thing
Acc. wikipeida, not just any ocean will do
well, they like rocky spots. other than that, i think you can find them anywhere.
maybe different species, but basically lobsters
we have seen them a couple of times while snorkeling, tucked in rocky crevices.
Oh okay
anyway, cya tomorrow, g2g
@GiantCowFilms I thought that was a joke until I read the rest of the transcript.
(yeah in New England lobster is very common)
as in every food store year round.
@GiantCowFilms you can eat nearly the whole thing (except for the stomach region). But the claw and tail meat is the best.
LOL 5 stars on the iKlsR is a scary mod message.
and @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ you never had lobster either? Up there is it harder to find? (I know the price would be stupid, but even once?)
PS @GiantCowFilms what was the price per pound for your lobster? (I'm expecting to be shocked again, like I was when talking gas prices)
@David you know whats shocking?
@iKlsR well you could ask Gwenn, he made it... I looked it over and I think would be good. (I dont really have a problem with it as it is, but whatever.)
@ARadish lighting
$95 an once for cannabis rn.
@ARadish ok, and why would you know that???
dont tell me you do drugs
@iKlsR I went ahead and renamed it. consider it done.
@David because i do...
@ARadish Really?
not really
I thought that they kill your brain
but still, the prices are really high]
@ARadish ok, thats good
alcohol kills the brain better than anything
@David they do, and quite honestly, itś really hard to smoke without choking
@ARadish I for on have no idea the street prices around here.
@David so hereś the difference, around here, there aren't "street prices"
because you don't sell in the street unless you have to
right, you just go to walmart
. . .
\that would be crazy
(actually that is a popular place around here walmart's parking lot)
don't your walmart parking lots have security cameras?
I dont know what it is like in your part of the world, but here the drug problem is crazy.
@ARadish sure, but that doesn't stop them
@David ...
you in chicago or something?
@ARadish nope, you know my state
the police logs are filled with "drug related incidents"
i do?
ok, if you forgot thats good.
@David well, they are here, too, but actually legalizing marijuana really helped with that.
(not that people stopeed doing drugs, but they started using legal ones)
19 mins ago, by David
(yeah in New England lobster is very common)
@David ok
as a person who lives in a country that exports a whole lotta drugs, let me say that legalization is good. really, really, really good.
and thus, i have very strong opinions about it. cuz people die around here. a lot.
@ARadish dont think that would help here, it is all heroin and fentanyl
@kimholder it great for the government, and for the lower classes, but it kinda screws up the middle and upper classes
@David yah, here is mostly crack and heroin
how so?
@kimholder bro, I have seen too many people die from drugs to make it OK to use them.
people die from addiction. not from drugs. alcoholism kills more than any illegal drug.
and if they were legal, they'd be a LOT safer, because there would be standards.
@kimholder well for the governments, they have a lot less "criminals" to deal with, but rich white kids who haven been exposed before start up...
making things illegal doesn't reduce addiction, it just makes it a whole lot more dangerous.
@kimholder I'll never buy that. But you have your opinion and I can have mine.
i have thought about it a lot. researched it too. i understand that people who feel differently feel that way because they think it is a health issue.
but you don't live in a place where cartels have so much power they can decide who gets elected. where they can do really whatever they please.
@kimholder idk kim
personally, iǘe used marijuana, which is legal here, but iǘe tried to stay away from illegal stuff.
i don't mean i read an article or two. i mean i have researched it extensively.
iǘe researched it personally. :D
the one time i tried something illegal was pretty bad
when you buy stuff sold by criminals, it can be pretty bad. crapshoot. cuz why should they care?
itś called keddamine. not sure how to spell that
it was really dank
i think they use it to tranquilze animals for vaccines and stuff
ketamine. that is strong stuff. it can be dangerous, and very hard to dose with correctly.
@kimholder ok, that was really hard. ok
so staying legal sounds dandy to me
beddy-bye for me. this is just a trigger issue for me, and i couldn't not say anything.
cheers ;)
@kimholder bye
@kimholder ok, I really tried not to get started but, why should laws change that? If they are criminals now, why should legalizing their product, and setting up a bunch of safe guards and licensing make any difference? If they break the laws now, why should we expect it to be any different, when there are more laws for them to break?
@David exactly
for the same reason alcohol was a lot more dangerous when it was illegal
because when it is legal, it is sold by responsible businesses with clients, who have to comply with laws
@kimholder there were a LOT less deaths because of alcohol then too.
moonshine can be dangerous
not to mention the people shot in the street
@kimholder sure that is true of the "good guys" but they are not the ones selling it now.
when did you last here about liquor stores shooting each other over territory?
if you make it legal, the bad guys have no more reason to sell it
but you have to go the whole 9 yards. you have to regulate production, dosage, labelling,
@kimholder when did you hear of a drunk driver causing a death during prohibition?
sales, taxes
@David lol
you seem to think people stopped drinking...
they did not
@kimholder I know, but this goes both ways.
@kimholder but there was less
no. there wasn't.
there was
i challenge you to prove that.
drugs are illegal now, and we have deaths. If this mirrors alcohol we will ahve MANY more deaths because it is not legal and open for everybody.
@kimholder iǘe been around before and after legalization of marijuana, so lets use that as an example.
specifically, that there was less addiction
casual use can be affected by laws. addiction is not.
@kimholder iḿ sure there are other people like me
use of marijuana is preferable to use of alcohol when we are talking about heavy use. by a long shot.
the only reason i ever smoked weed, was because is legal
well, there you go. perfect example.
believe me, you weren't harmed by that.
@kimholder OK, so then legalizing it wouldn't help anything! you just said that addiction is not affected by laws. So the only thing to be gained is the risk of many more people being exposed to drugs.
@kimholder no, i wasn't majorly harmed. but i wouldn have done it at all if it wasn't legal
being exposed to drugs is not a problem. at all. especially when you know what you are getting, and how to use it, and it is responsibly made.
see, this is the point. there is nothing more dangerous than heavy use of alcohol.
@kimholder thatś not what iḿ saying... >:|
@kimholder NOT true, I've been to drug awareness events and such that talks about "gateway drugs"

the war on drugs is based on a lot of distortion and bad science
by the way, i can't see the image.
and this is why I started out by saying "But you have your opinion and I can have mine."
I knew we could only get in to an argument
@kimholder no image, just white space
why are we even talking about this, guys?
i just want you to be aware that my opinion is based on extensive research. and i have strong feelings about it because i've seen a side of it you never have.
not a constructive argument
i don't see how it is a problem. it is an important thing to talk about. i have no less respect for david.
not that i know him very well..
@kimholder I got that, back at the start. Yet I think you under estimate what I do know about this, and are just rubing me off as another anti drug nut.
@kimholder you've got your studies, i have first hand experience
@kimholder same can be said from me to you.
no, i'm not. but i have done enough work on this that i can have an extensive argument about the main ways drug laws are usually defended.
trying a few drugs a little is anecdotal evidence. it has no real bearing.
ok, anyway I got to go
@kimholder there was less use, and less abuse before legalization here at least.
@David bye david
@ARadish when legalization comes in there tends to be a 'party period'. then things calm down.
@kimholder how long does party period last?
i need to sleep too. it just really is something important to me. people have been gunned down in broad daylight by cartel members in my town, who walked away and remain powerful.
seriously, there is a side to this that doesn't even get reported to the outside world
@ARadish you could look at the case of Portugal, or the Netherlands. they have stats on that.
anyway... goodnight :]
@kimholder ok, i got someone in portugal, iĺl ask him
@kimholder goodnight
1 hour later…
@David $11.99 per pound
6 hours later…
@David super expensive and my dad is deadly allergic and I have never tried it for myself because I don't want to die
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Allergic to what?
Shellfish as a whole
We used to go to Maine all the time too, could of had some great lobster there
@Matt yeah man, I just started to learn cycle, (I used modo bfore) and by far it's the most intuitive 3d software I ever tried. I just love it. The main reason I like internal is because the render result look somewhat "unrealistic" and it's fast ( I dont have CUDA :( )
4 hours later…
@someonewithpc maybe not a washing machine since it can not simulate itself , a 3d printer maybe lol
@David @root java is not that bad
@Cody that was an old message... you been gone for a while?
@Cody why are you telling me this ?
good afternoon folkses of the interwebs!
@root I agree with you on python and java being awful
although java isn't that bad from a writing standpoint, more of a what it takes to run standpoint
I find it hard to read....
the indents are confusing to me
Do you not indent normal code?!
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I do
the brackets just make it a little clearer
also, I just generally don't like the syntax
but its not that bad.
just not my favorite
few languages are genuinely awful.
(except for those made to be awful)
@GiantCowFilms no, on a scale of 1-10 I'd say 8.5-9
@GiantCowFilms absolutely agree
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I'd put it at about a 6
PHP at about an 8
c++ at about a 7
java about a 6 as well
javascript goes at 5
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ nothing
That is where a perfect language would go
why the unused portion of the scale? Adjust it to get more precision
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I only know few langauges, so I'm leaving room for better ones
@GiantCowFilms My scale is adjusted to current languages, so I think we pretty much agree
@GiantCowFilms ok
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I'd just add decimals if I need more precision
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Okay, re-adjusting
PHP is 10
C++ 8
Java 7
python 6.5
javascript, 5
(I didn't scale down
now, inorder to use the entire scale,
ah, 1/5 of 6 is .5 good to know
assembly 1
@Alex are you the same alex that lurks and had the creepy profile pic? Just want to make sure I know who I'm talking to
Guilty Silence has spoken!
@GiantCowFilms to me python is not a real programming language , and i'm ready to be hated for saying this X)
at least in blender all we do is import and use prexisting modules that import other modules.. at the end you will find a wrapper for an external low level language.
the indentation is also stup.., a bad idea, python is interpreted .. extra chars have to be skipped everytime it's evaluated
and i did say it's a bad "programming language" , for it to be picky about mixing tabs and spaces means it's meant for people who make art
I mean who cares if your code looks cute? yep,artists.
and it was just an opinion and i put that there to fill the blank space,not sure why david thinks i need help for having a different opinion than his
@root Yeah, it's a scripting language
@root lol, we appreciate differing opinions. It proves that not everyone is like me, which is a huge relief
haroo family
just hi
ok . .. I'm not family to you :P
i can't even call you that?
well you can say whatever you want
doesn't make it accurat
wow. calm down
just saying hi
lol, I am super calm
just setting here chillin'
Misinterpreted that I think
1 hour later…
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ 1/5 of 6 is 1.2..
Portugal just won the Euro Cup! :D
@someonewithpc yay!
Yay! :D
@ARadish (I didn't even watch most of the game :P)
"I don't like footbal, I only watch it for the ads! Bleeeeh"
i didn't watch any, but thats still great
@Edity Hello!
this chat is so quiet yet so welcoming and kind :]
@Edity Not that quiet
do you need to ping me every time
When there are enough people around
(i'm not mad at you)
@Edity No..?
@someonewithpc See how annoying pinging can be?
@someonewithpc When you abuse this feature?
I have the ping sounds on for all
what is blender?
art software?
3D software
And much more
Primarily for art, yeah
Why do you ask?
@Edity Pinging isn't annoying, it's just letting people know who you are talking to.
And what you're replying to
@someonewithpc right
@someonewithpc i never used blender
@Edity you should
@Edity always use blender, for everything
Need to order a cake? Make one in Blender instead! It's just as tasty! (YMMV)
Apr 9 at 1:13, by gandalf3
user image
whay does it say congrats david
I can't remember...
1 hour later…
@Edity he filled the review que for the 20th time....
i've gotten it... let me see. oh yes. ONCE.
he has gotten it (as of april) 20 times!
@David how many are you up to now?

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